Quantifying gaps in the tuberculosis care cascade in Brazil: A mathematical model study using national program data
Emani S, Alves K, Alves L, da Silva D, Oliveira P, Castro M, Cohen T, de Macedo Couto R, Sanchez M, Menzies N. Quantifying gaps in the tuberculosis care cascade in Brazil: A mathematical model study using national program data. PLOS Medicine 2024, 21: e1004361. PMID: 38512968, PMCID: PMC10994550, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004361.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDisability-adjusted life yearsLoss to follow-upTreatment loss to follow-upCare cascadeHealth lossDelay to diagnosisTB diseaseTB diagnosisReduce delays to diagnosisHuman immunodeficiency virusContribution of social factorsTotal health system costsCare cascade outcomesTB care cascadeMortality Information SystemBurden of TB diseaseHealth system costsLifetime health outcomesNotifiable Diseases Information SystemBurden of diseaseIncident TB casesState of residenceNational program dataFollow-upHealth outcomes
Protective effects of household-based TB interventions are robust to neighbourhood-level variation in exposure risk in Lima, Peru: a model-based analysis
Zelner J, Murray M, Becerra M, Galea J, Lecca L, Calderon R, Yataco R, Zhang Z, Cohen T. Protective effects of household-based TB interventions are robust to neighbourhood-level variation in exposure risk in Lima, Peru: a model-based analysis. International Journal Of Epidemiology 2017, 47: 185-192. PMID: 29025111, DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyx171.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIsoniazid preventive therapyLatent TB infectionTB casesHousehold contactsHousehold exposureTB diseaseHealth centersPopulation-based prospective cohort studyHigh-risk household contactsMore casesBlanket screeningIncident pulmonary tuberculosisIncident TB diseasePositive household contactsProspective cohort studyTB screening programPublic Health CenterIncident tuberculosisTB infectionCohort studyPreventive therapyPulmonary tuberculosisTB incidenceSkin testTB risk
Assessing the utility of Xpert® MTB/RIF as a screening tool for patients admitted to medical wards in South Africa
Heidebrecht CL, Podewils LJ, Pym AS, Cohen T, Mthiyane T, Wilson D. Assessing the utility of Xpert® MTB/RIF as a screening tool for patients admitted to medical wards in South Africa. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 19391. PMID: 26786396, PMCID: PMC4726405, DOI: 10.1038/srep19391.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChest X-rayMTB/RIFMedical wardsScreening toolAdditional TB casesInfection control actionsUtility of GeneXpertTB/HIVConsecutive adult patientsProportion of patientsRifampicin-resistant tuberculosisDrug-resistant tuberculosisLarge public hospitalTB diseaseAdult patientsStandard careTB casesTB screeningMedical admissionsMedical chartsHospital inpatientsSputum specimensGeneXpertPatientsRifampicin resistance
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Protect Contacts of Patients with Tuberculosis
Zelner JL, Murray MB, Becerra MC, Galea J, Lecca L, Calderon R, Yataco R, Contreras C, Zhang Z, Grenfell BT, Cohen T. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Protect Contacts of Patients with Tuberculosis. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2014, 189: 853-859. PMID: 24592878, PMCID: PMC4225829, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201310-1896oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIsoniazid preventive therapyAge-specific efficacyLatent TB infectionIncident tuberculosisHousehold contactsTB diseaseTB infectionPulmonary tuberculosisRisk ratioUse of IPTObservational prospective cohort studyBacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccinationHigh TB burden settingsAdditional TB casesHIV-positive contactsIncident pulmonary tuberculosisHIV-negative childrenProspective cohort studyPublic Health CenterBacillus Calmette-GuérinYear-long followWorld Health OrganizationCohort studyPreventive therapyTB cases
Modelling the performance of isoniazid preventive therapy for reducing tuberculosis in HIV endemic settings: the effects of network structure
Mills HL, Cohen T, Colijn C. Modelling the performance of isoniazid preventive therapy for reducing tuberculosis in HIV endemic settings: the effects of network structure. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2011, 8: 1510-1520. PMID: 21508012, PMCID: PMC3163428, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2011.0160.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTB diseaseLatent M. tuberculosis infectionEffects of IptHIV-endemic settingsActive tuberculosis diseaseIsoniazid preventive therapyIntact immune systemM. tuberculosis infectionWorld Health OrganizationPreventive therapyTB casesTuberculosis infectionTuberculosis diseaseClinical trialsEndemic settingsIPT programHigh riskLatent infectionSingle drugCommunity-wide levelRespiratory contactHIVImmune systemPopulation-level impactUse of IPT
Exogenous re-infection and the dynamics of tuberculosis epidemics: local effects in a network model of transmission
Cohen T, Colijn C, Finklea B, Murray M. Exogenous re-infection and the dynamics of tuberculosis epidemics: local effects in a network model of transmission. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2006, 4: 523-531. PMID: 17251134, PMCID: PMC2373405, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2006.0193.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTB control strategiesPublic health policy makersType of TBMolecular epidemiologic toolsHealth policy makersTB diseasePrimary diseasePrimary progressionTB incidenceRecent infectionTB transmissionTuberculosis diseaseInfectious disease transmissionTuberculosis epidemicRecent transmissionEpidemiological dataForce of infectionInfectious casesLatent infectionEpidemiologic toolInfectionMycobacterium tuberculosisSpecific populationsDiseaseEpidemic trajectories