Domestic groundwater wells in Appalachia show evidence of low-dose, complex mixtures of legacy pollutants
Bugher N, Xiong B, Gentles R, Glist L, Siegel H, Johnson N, Clark C, Deziel N, Saiers J, Plata D. Domestic groundwater wells in Appalachia show evidence of low-dose, complex mixtures of legacy pollutants. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts 2024, 26: 2250-2263. PMID: 39501836, DOI: 10.1039/d4em00364k.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVolatile organic compoundsMaximum contaminant levelEnvironmental Protection AgencyDrinking water sourcesContaminated sitesVOC concentrationsIndustrial activitiesConcentrations of volatile organic compoundsVolatile organic compound contaminationVolatile organic compound concentrationsWater sourcesIndustrially contaminated sitesLack of water quality dataPotential groundwater contaminationU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyWater quality dataComplex geochemical processesLegacy pollutantsGroundwater contaminationSuperfund siteContaminant occurrenceWest VirginiaMultiple volatile organic compoundsContamination levelsExposure risk
1,4-Dioxane as an emerging water contaminant: State of the science and evaluation of research needs
Godri Pollitt K, Kim JH, Peccia J, Elimelech M, Zhang Y, Charkoftaki G, Hodges B, Zucker I, Huang H, Deziel N, Murphy K, Ishii M, Johnson CH, Boissevain A, O'Keefe E, Anastas P, Orlicky D, Thompson DC, Vasiliou V. 1,4-Dioxane as an emerging water contaminant: State of the science and evaluation of research needs. The Science Of The Total Environment 2019, 690: 853-866. PMID: 31302550, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.443.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAnalytical detectionHigh priority chemicalsChemical interactionWater contaminantsEnvironmental fateChlorinated solventsDioxanePriority chemicalsMaximum contaminant levelCommon adsorptionTreatment technologiesU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyContaminantsChemical characteristicsHuman health effectsContaminant levelsProbable human carcinogenEnvironmental Protection AgencyState maximum contaminant levelWidespread contaminationHealth effectsEffective public health policiesWater supplyRoute of exposureAdsorption
Unconventional oil and gas development and risk of childhood leukemia: Assessing the evidence
Elliott EG, Trinh P, Ma X, Leaderer BP, Ward MH, Deziel NC. Unconventional oil and gas development and risk of childhood leukemia: Assessing the evidence. The Science Of The Total Environment 2016, 576: 138-147. PMID: 27783932, PMCID: PMC6457992, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.072.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWater contaminantsPotential water contaminantsMajority of compoundsWater pollutantsPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsHydraulic fracturing fluidsPollutantsAromatic hydrocarbonsAir pollutantsU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyCompoundsEnvironmental Protection AgencyPotential air pollutantsPossible human carcinogenContaminantsChemicalsCarcinogenicity of compoundsLeukemia/lymphomaProtection AgencyChildhood leukemiaWaterButadieneBenzeneFracturing fluidOil