Variation in neutrophil levels and artemisinin-based combination therapy efficacy in West-Africa.
Djimde M, Kayentao K, Tshiongo J, Fofana B, Arama C, Sirima S, Ouedraogo J, Beavogui A, Sagara I, Dicko A, Mens P, Schallig H, Djimde A. Variation in neutrophil levels and artemisinin-based combination therapy efficacy in West-Africa. The Journal Of Infection In Developing Countries 2023, 17: 1337-1345. PMID: 37824364, DOI: 10.3855/jidc.17089.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsArtemisinin-based combination therapyNormal neutrophil countsPolymorphonuclear neutrophilsDay 28Neutropenia groupPyronaridine-ArtesunateNeutrophil countNeutrophil levelsDifferent artemisinin-based combination therapiesRole of PMNsCombination therapy efficacyP. falciparum parasitemiaPositive blood smearPlasmodium falciparum parasitemiaLevels of neutrophilsAL armASAQ armProspective longitudinalRecurrent parasitemiaCombination therapyNeutrophil rateNeutropenia patientsNormal ratePatientsPathogen clearanceThe impact of anti-malarial markets on artemisinin resistance: perspectives from Burkina Faso
Guissou R, Amaratunga C, de Haan F, Tou F, Cheah P, Yerbanga R, Moors E, Dhorda M, Tindana P, Boon W, Dondorp A, Ouédraogo J. The impact of anti-malarial markets on artemisinin resistance: perspectives from Burkina Faso. Malaria Journal 2023, 22: 269. PMID: 37705004, PMCID: PMC10498571, DOI: 10.1186/s12936-023-04705-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDepth interviewsGroup discussionsNational policy makersDrug marketBurkina FasoFocus group discussionsPolicy publicationsPublic policyCommunity membersFunding systemPolicy makersAfrican countriesPolicyAnti-malarial policyMarket characteristicsAnti-malarial marketInterviewsRepresentative sampleGrey literatureMarketFasoPerspectiveEmergenceTerms of availabilityDiscussionSeasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Drug Levels and Drug Resistance Markers in Children With or Without Malaria in Burkina Faso: A Case-Control Study
Roh M, Zongo I, Haro A, Huang L, Somé A, Yerbanga R, Conrad M, Wallender E, Legac J, Aweeka F, Ouédraogo J, Rosenthal P. Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Drug Levels and Drug Resistance Markers in Children With or Without Malaria in Burkina Faso: A Case-Control Study. The Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2023, 228: 926-935. PMID: 37221018, PMCID: PMC10547452, DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiad172.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSeasonal malaria chemopreventionDrug levelsMonths of ageOdds ratioHigh-level SP resistanceSP-AQCase-control studyConditional logistic regressionLow drug levelsPrevalence of mutationsDrug resistance markersCase-control designResistance markersIncident malariaParasitemic childrenMalaria chemopreventionAntimalarial resistanceChildren 6Health facilitiesSP resistanceChildren 3Malaria incidenceDrug resistanceMalariaLogistic regressionTracking antimalarial drug resistance using mosquito blood meals: a cross-sectional study
Ehrlich H, Somé A, Bazié T, Ebou C, Dembélé E, Balma R, Goodwin J, Wade M, Bei A, Ouédraogo J, Foy B, Dabiré R, Parikh S. Tracking antimalarial drug resistance using mosquito blood meals: a cross-sectional study. The Lancet Microbe 2023, 4: e461-e469. PMID: 37086737, PMCID: PMC10365133, DOI: 10.1016/s2666-5247(23)00063-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMosquito blood mealsAntimalarial drug resistanceSurvey 3Blood-fed mosquitoesBlood samplesSurvey 1Survey 2Blood mealDrug resistanceUltrasensitive quantitative PCRHuman blood samplesCross-sectional studyMargin of equivalenceStrong surveillance systemCross-sectional surveySupplementary Materials sectionMarker of clonalityPragmatic thresholdAntimalarial resistanceDrug susceptibilityInfectious diseasesPlasmodium falciparumNational InstituteTolerabilityMaterial section
Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum haplotypes associated with resistance to sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine and amodiaquine before and after upscaling of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in seven African countries: a genomic surveillance study
Beshir K, Muwanguzi J, Nader J, Mansukhani R, Traore A, Gamougam K, Ceesay S, Bazie T, Kolie F, Lamine M, Cairns M, Snell P, Scott S, Diallo A, Merle C, NDiaye J, Razafindralambo L, Moroso D, Ouedraogo J, Zongo I, Kessely H, Doumagoum D, Bojang K, Ceesay S, Loua K, Maiga H, Dicko A, Sagara I, Laminou I, Ogboi S, Eloike T, Milligan P, Sutherland C. Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum haplotypes associated with resistance to sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine and amodiaquine before and after upscaling of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in seven African countries: a genomic surveillance study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2022, 23: 361-370. PMID: 36328000, DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(22)00593-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSeasonal malaria chemopreventionMalaria chemopreventionResistance-associated variantsParasite carriageSurvey-weighted prevalenceMalaria transmission seasonQuantitative PCRPrevalence ratiosP falciparumGenomic surveillance studyChemoprevention drugsBlood samplesSurveillance studyTransmission seasonChemopreventionPlasmodium falciparumAmodiaquinePrevalenceMDR1Variant haplotypeSequencing of isolatesSignificant reductionChildrenPyrimethamineCommunity surveyEthical considerations in deploying triple artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria: An analysis of stakeholders’ perspectives in Burkina Faso and Nigeria
Tindana P, Guissou R, Bolarinwa O, Tou F, de Haan F, Dhorda M, Dondorp A, Amaratunga C, Mokuolu O, Ouedraogo J, Cheah P. Ethical considerations in deploying triple artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria: An analysis of stakeholders’ perspectives in Burkina Faso and Nigeria. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0273249. PMID: 36083995, PMCID: PMC9462557, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273249.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTriple artemisinin-based combination therapiesArtemisinin-based combination therapyCombination therapyArtemisinin resistanceUncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malariaDrug resistancePlasmodium falciparum malariaMalaria-endemic countriesPartner drug resistanceAdditional side effectsUncomplicated malariaFalciparum malariaTreatment optionsEndemic countriesPediatric diseasesSide effectsACT failureMalariaTherapyBurkina FasoFocus group discussionsEthical considerationsTreatmentQualitative studyStakeholder engagement activitiesTemporal distribution of Plasmodium falciparum recrudescence following artemisinin-based combination therapy: an individual participant data meta-analysis
Dahal P, Simpson J, Abdulla S, Achan J, Adam I, Agarwal A, Allan R, Anvikar A, Arinaitwe E, Ashley E, Awab G, Bassat Q, Björkman A, Borrmann S, Bousema T, Bukirwa H, Carrara V, Corsi M, Cot M, D’Alessandro U, Davis T, Deloron P, Desai M, Dimbu P, Djalle D, Djimde A, Dorsey G, Drakeley C, Duparc S, Edstein M, Espie E, Faiz A, Falade C, Fanello C, Faucher J, Faye B, de Jesus Fortes F, Gadalla N, Gaye O, Gil J, Gilayeneh J, Greenwood B, Grivoyannis A, Hien T, Hwang J, Janssens B, Juma E, Kamugisha E, Karema C, Karunajeewa H, Kiechel J, Kironde F, Kofoed P, Kremsner P, Lee S, Marsh K, Mårtensson A, Mayxay M, Menan H, Mens P, Mutabingwa T, Ndiaye J, Ngasala B, Noedl H, Nosten F, Offianan A, Ogutu B, Olliaro P, Ouedraogo J, Piola P, Plowe C, Plucinski M, Pratt O, Premji Z, Ramharter M, Rogier C, Rombo L, Rosenthal P, Sibley C, Sirima S, Smithuis F, Staedke S, Sutanto I, Talisuna A, Tarning J, Taylor W, Temu E, Thriemer K, Thuy-Nhien N, Udhayakumar V, Ursing J, van Herp M, van Lenthe M, van Vugt M, William Y, Winnips C, Zaloumis S, Zongo I, White N, Guerin P, Stepniewska K, Price R. Temporal distribution of Plasmodium falciparum recrudescence following artemisinin-based combination therapy: an individual participant data meta-analysis. Malaria Journal 2022, 21: 106. PMID: 35331243, PMCID: PMC8943927, DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-03980-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDihydroartemisinin-piperaquineDays follow-upFollow-upEfficacy trialsRecrudescent infectionsRisk of recrudescenceAnti-malarial efficacy studiesUncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malariaArtemisinin-based combination therapyDuration of follow-upPlasmodium falciparum malariaAnti-malarial treatmentMethodsIndividual patient dataFollow-up periodFollow-up time pointsCox regression modelsClinical efficacy trialsTreatment Efficacy TrialData meta-analysisTrial follow-upMalaria recrudescencePiperaquine dosingRecrudescent parasitaemiaFalciparum malariaOptimal follow-up periodDelivery of seasonal malaria chemoprevention with enhanced infection prevention and control measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Chad: a cross-sectional study
Ward C, Phillips A, Oresanya O, Olisenekwu G, Arogunade E, Moukénet A, Beakgoubé H, De Paul Allambademel V, Compaoré C, Traoré A, Ouedraogo J, Compaoré Y, Zongo I, Donovan L, Decola M, Smith H, Baker K. Delivery of seasonal malaria chemoprevention with enhanced infection prevention and control measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Chad: a cross-sectional study. Malaria Journal 2022, 21: 103. PMID: 35331248, PMCID: PMC8943494, DOI: 10.1186/s12936-022-04091-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCross-sectional studyIPC measuresMalaria chemopreventionInfection preventionMethodsA cross-sectional studyEnhanced infection preventionSeasonal malaria chemopreventionCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmissionHigh malaria transmissionOptimal hand hygiene practicesHand hygiene practicesProportion of indicationsCOVID-19 pandemicEarly community engagementFirst doseHand hygieneWHO guidanceMalaria transmissionBurkina FasoHand washingControl measuresHygiene practicesProtective equipmentAdherenceBlister packsHaematological consequences of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network pooled analysis of individual patient data
Mansoor R, Commons R, Douglas N, Abuaku B, Achan J, Adam I, Adjei G, Adjuik M, Alemayehu B, Allan R, Allen E, Anvikar A, Arinaitwe E, Ashley E, Ashurst H, Asih P, Bakyaita N, Barennes H, Barnes K, Basco L, Bassat Q, Baudin E, Bell D, Bethell D, Bjorkman A, Boulton C, Bousema T, Brasseur P, Bukirwa H, Burrow R, Carrara V, Cot M, D’Alessandro U, Das D, Das S, Davis T, Desai M, Djimde A, Dondorp A, Dorsey G, Drakeley C, Duparc S, Espié E, Etard J, Falade C, Faucher J, Filler S, Fogg C, Fukuda M, Gaye O, Genton B, Rahim A, Gilayeneh J, Gonzalez R, Grais R, Grandesso F, Greenwood B, Grivoyannis A, Hatz C, Hodel E, Humphreys G, Hwang J, Ishengoma D, Juma E, Kachur S, Kager P, Kamugisha E, Kamya M, Karema C, Kayentao K, Kazienga A, Kiechel J, Kofoed P, Koram K, Kremsner P, Lalloo D, Laman M, Lee S, Lell B, Maiga A, Mårtensson A, Mayxay M, Mbacham W, McGready R, Menan H, Ménard D, Mockenhaupt F, Moore B, Müller O, Nahum A, Ndiaye J, Newton P, Ngasala B, Nikiema F, Nji A, Noedl H, Nosten F, Ogutu B, Ojurongbe O, Osorio L, Ouédraogo J, Owusu-Agyei S, Pareek A, Penali L, Piola P, Plucinski M, Premji Z, Ramharter M, Richmond C, Rombo L, Roper C, Rosenthal P, Salman S, Same-Ekobo A, Sibley C, Sirima S, Smithuis F, Somé F, Staedke S, Starzengruber P, Strub-Wourgaft N, Sutanto I, Swarthout T, Syafruddin D, Talisuna A, Taylor W, Temu E, Thwing J, Tinto H, Tjitra E, Touré O, Tran T, Ursing J, Valea I, Valentini G, van Vugt M, von Seidlein L, Ward S, Were V, White N, Woodrow C, Yavo W, Yeka A, Zongo I, Simpson J, Guerin P, Stepniewska K, Price R. Haematological consequences of acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network pooled analysis of individual patient data. BMC Medicine 2022, 20: 85. PMID: 35249546, PMCID: PMC8900374, DOI: 10.1186/s12916-022-02265-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnemiaAntimalarialsChildHumansMalariaMalaria, FalciparumParasitemiaPlasmodium falciparumConceptsUncomplicated P. falciparum malariaSevere anemiaDay 7Nadir hemoglobinParasite clearanceTreatment of uncomplicated P. falciparum malariaDay 3Risk factorsHaematological responseRate of parasite clearanceWorldWide Antimalarial Resistance NetworkArtemisinin-based regimensBackgroundPlasmodium falciparum malariaDelayed parasite clearanceMethodsIndividual patient dataMedian hemoglobin concentrationIndependent risk factorRisk of anemiaArtemisinin-based treatmentsDay 2 post treatmentDay of nadirModerately severe anemiaIndividual patient dataPatient dataMalarial anemiaImpact of seasonal RTS,S/AS01E vaccination plus seasonal malaria chemoprevention on the nutritional status of children in Burkina Faso and Mali
Grant J, Sagara I, Zongo I, Cairns M, Yerbanga R, Diarra M, Zoungrana C, Issiaka D, Nikièma F, Sompougdou F, Tapily A, Kaya M, Haro A, Sanogo K, Sienou A, Traore S, Thera I, Yalcouye H, Kuepfer I, Snell P, Milligan P, Ockenhouse C, Ofori-Anyinam O, Tinto H, Djimde A, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B, Dicko A, Ouédraogo J. Impact of seasonal RTS,S/AS01E vaccination plus seasonal malaria chemoprevention on the nutritional status of children in Burkina Faso and Mali. Malaria Journal 2022, 21: 59. PMID: 35193608, PMCID: PMC8864823, DOI: 10.1186/s12936-022-04077-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSeasonal malaria chemopreventionMalaria chemopreventionSevere wastingHigh burdenTransmission seasonCombined groupNutritional statusMalaria transmission seasonNutritional status indicatorsPrevalence of stuntingIncidence of malariaCross-sectional surveyMalaria vaccinationSevere malariaRecent trialsStudy populationAS01ELow prevalenceAnthropometric measurementsChronic malnutritionTreatment groupsChance findingStudy childrenResultsIn 2017Prevalence
Impact of mass administration of azithromycin as a preventive treatment on the prevalence and resistance of nasopharyngeal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus
Hema-Ouangraoua S, Tranchot-Diallo J, Zongo I, Kabore N, Nikièma F, Yerbanga R, Tinto H, Chandramohan D, Ouedraogo G, Greenwood B, Ouedraogo J. Impact of mass administration of azithromycin as a preventive treatment on the prevalence and resistance of nasopharyngeal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus. PLOS ONE 2021, 16: e0257190. PMID: 34644317, PMCID: PMC8513893, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257190.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdministration of azithromycinSerious illnessS. aureusEffectiveness of azithromycinMalaria transmission seasonVulnerable pediatric populationS. aureus isolatesImpact of azithromycinNasal carriageRespiratory infectionsSulfadoxine-pyrimethaminePediatric populationClinical trialsAzithromycin resistanceNasal swabsAureus isolatesTransmission seasonAzithromycinPrevalent strainsMajor causeAdministrationPlaceboStaphylococcus aureusChildrenIllnessEffectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) treatments when SMC is implemented at scale: Case–control studies in 5 countries
Cairns M, Ceesay S, Sagara I, Zongo I, Kessely H, Gamougam K, Diallo A, Ogboi J, Moroso D, Van Hulle S, Eloike T, Snell P, Scott S, Merle C, Bojang K, Ouedraogo J, Dicko A, Ndiaye J, Milligan P. Effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) treatments when SMC is implemented at scale: Case–control studies in 5 countries. PLOS Medicine 2021, 18: e1003727. PMID: 34495978, PMCID: PMC8457484, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003727.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAfrica, WesternAge FactorsAmodiaquineAntimalarialsCase-Control StudiesChild, PreschoolCommunicable Disease ControlDrug CombinationsFemaleHumansIncidenceInfantMalaria, FalciparumMaleParasite LoadPlasmodium falciparumProgram EvaluationPyrimethamineRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSeasonsSulfadoxineTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeConceptsSeasonal malaria chemopreventionCase-control studyClinical malariaOdds ratioClinical trialsNational Malaria Control ProgrammeClinical malaria incidenceIndividual case-control studiesIncidence rate ratiosHigh protective efficacyConditional logistic regressionMalaria control activitiesMalaria control programmesPersonal protectionCase-control designChemoprevention treatmentMalaria chemopreventionSevere malariaSMC treatmentMean agePrimary exposureProtective efficacyResidual confoundingHealth facilitiesParasite densityTo what extent are the antimalarial markets in African countries ready for a transition to triple artemisinin-based combination therapies?
de Haan F, Bolarinwa O, Guissou R, Tou F, Tindana P, Boon W, Moors E, Cheah P, Dhorda M, Dondorp A, Ouedraogo J, Mokuolu O, Amaratunga C. To what extent are the antimalarial markets in African countries ready for a transition to triple artemisinin-based combination therapies? PLOS ONE 2021, 16: e0256567. PMID: 34464398, PMCID: PMC8407563, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256567.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAfrican countriesTriple artemisinin-based combination therapiesKey actor groupsMarket prospectsBurkina FasoActor groupsInnovation systemRegulatory arrangementsDepth interviewsInternational fundersArtemisinin-based combination therapyProfit motivesQualitative studySoutheast AsiaGroup discussionsCountry levelAfrican countiesCurrent artemisinin-based combination therapiesLarger communityCountriesDrug marketAcceptability issuesBroad implicationsWorld Health OrganizationMarket readinessSeasonal Malaria Vaccination with or without Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention
Chandramohan D, Zongo I, Sagara I, Cairns M, Yerbanga R, Diarra M, Nikièma F, Tapily A, Sompougdou F, Issiaka D, Zoungrana C, Sanogo K, Haro A, Kaya M, Sienou A, Traore S, Mahamar A, Thera I, Diarra K, Dolo A, Kuepfer I, Snell P, Milligan P, Ockenhouse C, Ofori-Anyinam O, Tinto H, Djimde A, Ouédraogo J, Dicko A, Greenwood B. Seasonal Malaria Vaccination with or without Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention. New England Journal Of Medicine 2021, 385: 1005-1017. PMID: 34432975, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa2026330.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUncomplicated malariaProtective efficacyClinical malariaSevere malariaMalaria-related outcomesSeasonal malaria chemopreventionUncomplicated clinical malariaVaccine-alone groupWorld Health Organization definitionPrespecified noninferiority marginMonths of ageMalaria chemopreventionSeasonal vaccinationFirst doseHazard ratioMalaria vaccinationFebrile seizuresHospital admissionCombination groupNoninferiority marginLower incidenceAS01ChemopreventionChildren 5Organization definitionEffect of seasonal malaria chemoprevention plus azithromycin on Plasmodium falciparum transmission: gametocyte infectivity and mosquito fitness
Yaméogo K, Yerbanga R, Ouattara S, Yao F, Lefèvre T, Zongo I, Nikièma F, Compaoré Y, Tinto H, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B, Belem A, Cohuet A, Ouédraogo J. Effect of seasonal malaria chemoprevention plus azithromycin on Plasmodium falciparum transmission: gametocyte infectivity and mosquito fitness. Malaria Journal 2021, 20: 326. PMID: 34315475, PMCID: PMC8314489, DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-03855-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAddition of azithromycinMalaria chemopreventionSulfadoxine-pyrimethamineGametocyte infectivityAsexual Plasmodium falciparumDirect membrane feeding assaysSeasonal malaria chemopreventionPlacebo-controlled trialPlasmodium falciparum transmissionMembrane feeding assaysInfectivity of gametocytesControl of malariaPresence of malariaMalaria transmission periodDays post treatmentAnopheles gambiae mosquitoesGametocyte prevalenceMethodsThe studyConclusionThis studyMalaria transmissionP. falciparumControl childrenMosquito transmissionAppropriate interventionsChemopreventionPersistent Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum Parasitemia 72 Hours after Treatment with Artemether-Lumefantrine Predicts 42-Day Treatment Failure in Mali and Burkina Faso
Beshir K, Diallo N, Somé F, Sombie S, Zongo I, Fofana B, Traore A, Dama S, Bamadio A, Traore O, Coulibaly S, Maurice O, Diarra A, Kaboré J, Kodio A, Togo A, Dara N, Coulibaly M, Dao F, Nikiema F, Compaore Y, Kabore N, Barry N, Soulama I, Sagara I, Sirima S, Ouédraogo J, Djimde A, Sutherland C. Persistent Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum Parasitemia 72 Hours after Treatment with Artemether-Lumefantrine Predicts 42-Day Treatment Failure in Mali and Burkina Faso. Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy 2021, 65: 10.1128/aac.00873-21. PMID: 34060901, PMCID: PMC8284475, DOI: 10.1128/aac.00873-21.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsArtemether-lumefantrineClinical episodesFirst treatment episodeComplete parasite clearanceDrug treatment groupPlasmodium falciparum parasitemiaQuantitative PCRMalaria transmission intensityEvaluable patientsParasitological efficacyParasite clearanceTreatment failureSubmicroscopic parasitemiaTreatment episodesTreatment outcomesTreatment groupsBetter efficacyDay 42Short intervalsH posttreatmentParasitemiaRegimensPatientsBurkina FasoTransmission intensityNutritional status in young children prior to the malaria transmission season in Burkina Faso and Mali, and its impact on the incidence of clinical malaria
de Wit M, Cairns M, Compaoré Y, Sagara I, Kuepfer I, Zongo I, Barry A, Diarra M, Tapily A, Coumare S, Thera I, Nikiema F, Yerbanga R, Guissou R, Tinto H, Dicko A, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B, Ouedraogo J. Nutritional status in young children prior to the malaria transmission season in Burkina Faso and Mali, and its impact on the incidence of clinical malaria. Malaria Journal 2021, 20: 274. PMID: 34158054, PMCID: PMC8220741, DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-03802-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClinical malaria incidenceSeasonal malaria chemopreventionMalaria transmission seasonClinical malariaNutritional statusMalaria incidenceMalaria chemopreventionSubsequent incidenceTransmission seasonMalaria seasonNutritional indicatorsEffects of malnutritionYoung childrenSymptomatic malariaScreening visitArm circumferenceLower incidenceModerate wastingHigh incidenceRandom effects Poisson modelBurkina FasoInsecticidal netsMalaria controlMalnutritionMalariaHepatic safety of repeated treatment with pyronaridine‐artesunate versus artemether–lumefantrine in patients with uncomplicated malaria: a secondary analysis of the WANECAM 1 data from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Compaoré Y, Zongo I, Somé A, Barry N, Nikiéma F, Kaboré T, Ouattara A, Kabré Z, Wermi K, Zongo M, Yerbanga R, Sagara I, Djimdé A, Ouédraogo J. Hepatic safety of repeated treatment with pyronaridine‐artesunate versus artemether–lumefantrine in patients with uncomplicated malaria: a secondary analysis of the WANECAM 1 data from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Malaria Journal 2021, 20: 64. PMID: 33514368, PMCID: PMC7847156, DOI: 10.1186/s12936-021-03593-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHepatic adverse eventsArtemether-lumefantrineAL armAdverse eventsElevated ALTMalaria episodesUncomplicated malariaHepatic safetyDirect bilirubinPA armFirst-line anti-malarial drugHepatic safety profileUncomplicated malaria episodesElevated total bilirubinBobo-DioulassoLogistic regression modelsAnti-malarial drugsAlkaline phosphataseSubsequent malariaUnscheduled daysStudy armsSafety profileResultsA totalClinical trialsTotal bilirubinThe Duration of Protection from Azithromycin Against Malaria, Acute Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, and Skin Infections When Given Alongside Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention: Secondary Analyses of Data from a Clinical Trial in Houndé, Burkina Faso, and Bougouni, Mali
Phiri M, Cairns M, Zongo I, Nikiema F, Diarra M, Yerbanga R, Barry A, Tapily A, Coumare S, Thera I, Kuepfer I, Milligan P, Tinto H, Dicko A, Ouédraogo J, Greenwood B, Chandramohan D, Sagara I. The Duration of Protection from Azithromycin Against Malaria, Acute Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, and Skin Infections When Given Alongside Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention: Secondary Analyses of Data from a Clinical Trial in Houndé, Burkina Faso, and Bougouni, Mali. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2021, 73: e2379-e2386. PMID: 33417683, PMCID: PMC8492219, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1905.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAntimalarialsAzithromycinBurkina FasoChemopreventionChild, PreschoolDrug CombinationsHumansInfantMalariaMaliSeasonsConceptsSeasonal malaria chemopreventionMass drug administrationMalaria chemopreventionPlacebo-controlled trialEvidence of protectionDuration of protectionHospital admissionAcute respiratoryIllness episodesWeeks postadministrationClinical trialsSkin infectionsSkin conditionsDrug AdministrationProfile of protectionAzithromycinPoisson regressionChild survivalSecondary analysisBurkina FasoDifferent causesExtent of protectionChemopreventionMalariaAdministration
Effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention at scale in west and central Africa: an observational study
Partnership A, Baba E, Hamade P, Kivumbi H, Marasciulo M, Maxwell K, Moroso D, Roca-Feltrer A, Sanogo A, Johansson J, Tibenderana J, Abdoulaye R, Coulibaly P, Hubbard E, Jah H, Lama E, Razafindralambo L, Van Hulle S, Jagoe G, Tchouatieu A, Collins D, Gilmartin C, Tetteh G, Djibo Y, Ndiaye F, Kalleh M, Kandeh B, Audu B, Ntadom G, Kiba A, Savodogo Y, Boulotigam K, Sougoudi D, Guilavogui T, Keita M, Kone D, Jackou H, Ouba I, Ouedraogo E, Messan H, Jah F, Kaira M, Sano M, Traore M, Ngarnaye N, Elagbaje A, Halleux C, Merle C, Iessa N, Pal S, Sefiani H, Souleymani R, Laminou I, Doumagoum D, Kesseley H, Coldiron M, Grais R, Kana M, Ouedraogo J, Zongo I, Eloike T, Ogboi S, Achan J, Bojang K, Ceesay S, Dicko A, Djimde A, Sagara I, Diallo A, NdDiaye J, Loua K, Beshir K, Cairns M, Fernandez Y, Lal S, Mansukhani R, Muwanguzi J, Scott S, Snell P, Sutherland C, Tuta R, Milligan P. Effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention at scale in west and central Africa: an observational study. The Lancet 2020, 396: 1829-1840. PMID: 33278936, PMCID: PMC7718580, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(20)32227-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAfrica, CentralAfrica, WesternAmodiaquineAntimalarialsCase-Control StudiesChemopreventionChildCost-Benefit AnalysisDrug CombinationsDrug ResistanceFeasibility StudiesHumansIncidenceMalariaProgram EvaluationPyrimethamineSafetySeasonsSulfadoxineSurveys and QuestionnairesYoung AdultConceptsSeasonal malaria chemopreventionCase-control studyHigh transmission periodMalaria chemopreventionObservational studyHealth-care staff timeHigh malaria transmission seasonDrug resistanceSerious adverse drug reactionsMalaria transmission seasonSerious adverse reactionsSevere skin reactionsCommunity health workersNational health management information systemAdverse drug reactionsCost-effectiveness ratioHealth Management Information SystemIndividual case safetyTarget populationMarker of resistanceSMC treatmentHospital admissionOutpatient clinicDrug reactionsSkin reactions