Everyone (Public)YSPH/EHS Seminar: "Reducing the Prevalence of Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies in the United States: A Simulation Modeling Study"60 College StreetAdd event to CalendarSpeakerReza Yaesoubi, PhDAssociate Professor of Public Health (Health Policy); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Foundations of Data ScienceContactYing Chen, MD, PhDAdmissionFreeTagLectures and SeminarsFoodLunch providedSep 202129Wednesday12:00 PM1:00 PMDownload FlyerDr.Yaesoubi-2021 flyer_final.docx-YCDr.Yaesoubi-2021 flyer_final.docx-YC[2822]Edit This Event