Domestic groundwater wells in Appalachia show evidence of low-dose, complex mixtures of legacy pollutants
Bugher N, Xiong B, Gentles R, Glist L, Siegel H, Johnson N, Clark C, Deziel N, Saiers J, Plata D. Domestic groundwater wells in Appalachia show evidence of low-dose, complex mixtures of legacy pollutants. Environmental Science Processes & Impacts 2024, 26: 2250-2263. PMID: 39501836, DOI: 10.1039/d4em00364k.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVolatile organic compoundsMaximum contaminant levelEnvironmental Protection AgencyDrinking water sourcesContaminated sitesVOC concentrationsIndustrial activitiesConcentrations of volatile organic compoundsVolatile organic compound contaminationVolatile organic compound concentrationsWater sourcesIndustrially contaminated sitesLack of water quality dataPotential groundwater contaminationU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyWater quality dataComplex geochemical processesLegacy pollutantsGroundwater contaminationSuperfund siteContaminant occurrenceWest VirginiaMultiple volatile organic compoundsContamination levelsExposure risk
Evaluating Domestic Well Vulnerability to Contamination From Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Sites
Soriano M, Siegel H, Gutchess K, Clark C, Li Y, Xiong B, Plata D, Deziel N, Saiers J. Evaluating Domestic Well Vulnerability to Contamination From Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Sites. Water Resources Research 2020, 56 DOI: 10.1029/2020wr028005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPhase contaminationUnconventional oilSingle calibrated modelAqueous phase contaminantsWell vulnerabilityGas developmentGas development sitesCapture zoneMatrix hydraulic conductivitySetback distanceProbabilistic capture zonesHydraulic fracturingRatio of fractureMatrix conductivityHorizontal drillingSurface spillsFlow pathsCalibrated modelHydraulic conductivityPad locationsTransport timescalesDomestic groundwater wellsConductivityGroundwater contaminationModel parameters