Robin Masheb, PhD
Professor of PsychiatryCards
W81XWH2110794 Masheb (PI) 09/30/2021-09/29/2025
Department of Defense (DoD)
Building an Equitable and Accessible System of Eating Disorder care for VA, DoD, and Underrepresented Americans with Eating Disorders (EASED) Study
The overall objective is to test and improve access to evidence-based eating disorder treatment for active-duty Service members and Veterans. The two-part project will include a comparative effectiveness trial of virtual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TeleCBT) for binge eating disorders. This will be followed by qualitative methods for implementation to inform DoD and VA Clinical Practice Guidelines for eating disorders.
IIR TBD (R01 equivalent) Mitchell (PI) 01/01/2019-03/31/2022
VA Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D)
Eating Disorders in Veterans: Risk, Resilience, and Service Use
The specific aims of this project are to: 1) examine the prevalence of male and female Veterans reporting full and subthreshold eating disorders 2) identify service use and needs among male and female Veterans with eating disorders; 3) examine models of risk and protective factors for eating disorders and examine gender similarities and differences in these models; and 4) validate a screening measure of eating disorders.
Role: Co-Investigator
IIR 17-223-2 (R01 equivalent) Masheb; Maguen (Multi-PIs) 12/01/2018-11/30/2022
VA Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D)
Eating Disorder Screening and Diagnostic Tools for the Veterans Healthcare System
The objective of this study is to develop an evidence-based clinical pathway to address eating disorders in the VA that will aid in standardizing care and improving outcomes for Veterans. This multi-site study aims to develop and validate screening and diagnostic tools for DSM-5 eating disorders, and to determine how to best implement these tools for treatment referral.
Role: PI
W81XWH1810697 Mitchell; Cooper (Multi-PIs) 09/30/2018-9/29/2021
Department of Defense (DoD)
Eating Disorders in Veterans: Prevalence, Comorbidity, Risk, and Healthcare Use
This project will establish apost-9/11 cohort of Veterans to: 1) examine the prevalence of full/subthreshold eating disorders by gender and other subgroups, 2) examine temporal associations with comorbid disorders, 3) document treatment patterns and healthcare preferences, and 4) identify barriers to care.
Role: Subaward PI
CIN 13-407, LIP 96-028 Masheb (PI) 06/01/2017-9/30/2018
VA Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D)
Virtual Treatment for Healthy Eating and Stress Management in Veteran Cancer Survivors
This study aims to test the feasibility, acceptability and initial efficacy of a virtual, patient-centered treatment for healthy eating and stress management/resiliency for Veteran cancer survivors.
Role: PI
IIR 15-349 Masheb (PI) 08/01/2017-07/30/2022
VA Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D)
Weight Loss Treatment and CBT for Veterans with Binge Eating
This multisite randomized controlled trial aims to reduce binge eating, improve mental health, and enhance weight loss response in Veterans who are overweight/obese. The project leverages the VA’s national weight management program by combining it with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the best-established treatment for binge eating.
Role: PI
QUE 15-286 Lowery (PI) 10/01/2015-09/30/2020
VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI)
PrOVE: Personalizing Options through Veteran Engagement
The goal of this project is to rapidly implement effective clinical practices into the existing VA national weight management program. Practices emphasize personalized care, shared decision-making, self-management, and patient-centered performance systems.
Role: Co-Investigator
CIN 13-407 Bastian (PI) 10/01/2013-09/30/2018
VA Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D)
Pain Research, Informatics, Multimorbidities, and Education (PRIME) Center of Innovation
The PRIME Center is one of VA’s 19 national Health Services Research & Delivery Centers of Innovation (COINs). As Director of Education, I lead the national mentoring, dissemination and educational initiatives. The Center aims to enhance local and national capacities for a broad research and education agenda focused on pain and related comorbidities, particularly obesity.
Role: Director of Education
1R01CA180030-01 deAraujo; Small (Multi-PIs) 09/01/2013-06/30/2017
The Gut-Brain Axis: A Novel Target for Treating Behavioral Alterations in Obesity
The overall aim of the project is to determine whether gut N-Acylethanolamines precursors rescue striatal function and reduce impulsivity scores in a series of basic and translational trials of subjects with altered diets and weight. As subaward PI I oversee the weight loss and weight maintenance trial used in the translational study of humans for this project.
Role: Sub-award PI
Medical Research Interests
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
- January 31, 2025
Yale, VA, UCSF Researchers Develop First Eating Disorder Screener for U.S. Veterans
- July 18, 2024
Yale, VA, UCSF Researchers Seek Veteran Perspectives on Eating Disorder Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment
- July 10, 2023Source: Connecticut Public Radio
The American Medical Association Acknowledges BMI's Weighty Problems, Including Racism
- April 18, 2023Source: Yale Daily News
Yale Researchers Develop Holistic Metric for Measuring Weight Loss
Get In Touch
VA Connecticut Healthcare System, 950 Campbell Avenue
West Haven, CT 06516
United States
VA PRIME Center of Innovation (COIN)
VA Connecticut Healthcare
950 Campbell Avenue
West Haven, CT 06516
Veterans Initiative for Eating and Weight (The VIEW)
VA Connecticut Healthcare
950 Campbell Avenue
West Haven, CT 06516