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Anthony Pinto

Director, Northwell Health OCD Center

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Anthony Pinto


Anthony Pinto, Ph.D. is Director of the Northwell Health OCD Center, a specialized treatment program for OCD and related disorders, at the Zucker Hillside Hospital in Queens, NY, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine. In addition to providing evidence-based care for those affected by obsessive compulsive disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and obsessive compulsive personality disorder, the Center is a training site for doctoral-level clinicians in exposure and response prevention treatment. Dr. Pinto’s extensive publication record in the area of OCD includes studies on the symptom subtypes and course of the disorder, novel treatment approaches, and the relationship between OCD and OCPD. Prior to his current position, Dr. Pinto was a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University and was involved in several NIMH-funded studies of OCD. Dr. Pinto received a 5-year National Institute of Mental Health Career Award to study OCPD, including its phenomenology and neurocognition, and develop treatments for the disorder. He also studies the responses of family members to OCD symptoms and specifically how they may accommodate or maintain the symptoms.

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