Utilization of Mental Health Counseling Services Among Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Malaysia
Brooks M, Mukherjee T, Pillai V, Khoshnood K, Kim R, El-Bassel N. Utilization of Mental Health Counseling Services Among Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Malaysia. Administration And Policy In Mental Health And Mental Health Services Research 2024, 1-12. PMID: 39601928, DOI: 10.1007/s10488-024-01427-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAsylum-seekersCounseling servicesMental health counseling servicesCounseling utilizationHealth counseling servicesAndersen's model of health care utilizationCounseling attendanceModel of health care utilizationMultilevel logistic regressionPost-traumatic stress disorderHealth clinicsAdult refugeesRefugeesAndersen modelHealth care utilizationFrequency of post-traumatic stress disorderHealth facilitiesInterpreter servicesCare utilizationServicesUnderstanding factorsMalaysiaAttendanceLogistic regressionSignificant associationAccessing breast cancer care in a protracted conflict: Qualitative exploration of the perspectives of women with breast cancer in northwest Syria
Marzouk M, Hamze M, Debel J, Alshemali A, Alameen B, Bakkour M, Galal B, Chagpar A, Atassi B, Khoshnood K, Abbara A. Accessing breast cancer care in a protracted conflict: Qualitative exploration of the perspectives of women with breast cancer in northwest Syria. Social Science & Medicine 2024, 361: 117364. PMID: 39357306, DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117364.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSyrian American Medical SocietyBreast cancer carePerspective of womenSemi-structured interviewsCancer careExperiences of accessing careBreast cancerAmerican Medical SocietyBreast cancer diagnosisAvailability of radiotherapyThematic saturationAccessing careHealthcare staffOncology careNorthwest SyriaPeer supportSocial supportThematic analysisClinical careFinancial strainMultiple intersectional challengesCancer diagnosisCareAccess diagnosisHospital recordsA Scoping Review of Factors Associated with HIV Acquisition in the Context of Humanitarian Crises
Harsono D, Atre S, Peterson H, Nyhan K, Garmroudi D, Davis J, Ho W, Khoshnood K. A Scoping Review of Factors Associated with HIV Acquisition in the Context of Humanitarian Crises. AIDS And Behavior 2024, 28: 4224-4273. PMID: 39292318, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-024-04504-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFactors associated with HIV acquisitionHIV acquisitionContext of humanitarian crisesHumanitarian crisisHIV prevalenceUptake of HIV prevention strategiesJoanna Briggs Institute methodologyCulturally appropriate HIV prevention interventionsSexually transmitted infection diagnosisMeta-Analysis extensionHIV prevention interventionsSocial ecological modelHIV prevention strategiesNon-modifiable factorsRisk factorsVulnerability to HIV infectionPreferred Reporting ItemsExperience of rapeInternally displaced personsNon-government organizationsMultilevel barriersSingle-country studiesInstitute methodologyCommunity healthHealth servicesSharing Culture and Management of Sex Work Information on Mobile Phones by Female Sex Workers in Nepal: Implications for mHealth Practice and Research
Ranjit Y, Basnyat I, Joshi O, Khoshnood K, Fisher C. Sharing Culture and Management of Sex Work Information on Mobile Phones by Female Sex Workers in Nepal: Implications for mHealth Practice and Research. Health Communication 2024, ahead-of-print: 1-11. PMID: 38836353, PMCID: PMC11617964, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2024.2363617.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFemale sex workersSexually transmitted infectionsMobile phonesSex workersFemale sex workers' experiencesSex workMHealth interventionsMHealth practicesMobile healthHealth servicesHealth informationWork informationSharing cultureSharing personal informationPrivacy threatsManaging privacyHealthMHealthSharing devicesPrivacyPersonal informationCommunication privacy management theoryNegative social repercussionsInterventionSexSubstance Use in Humanitarian Settings: A Case from Yemen
Saleh E, Wazaify M, Khoshnood K. Substance Use in Humanitarian Settings: A Case from Yemen. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, And Policy 2024, 19: 28. PMID: 38789984, PMCID: PMC11127395, DOI: 10.1186/s13011-024-00606-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDamage to medical complexes in the Gaza Strip during the Israel–Hamas war: a geospatial analysis
Poole D, Andersen D, Raymond N, Grace R, Smith T, Khoshnood K, Mowafi H. Damage to medical complexes in the Gaza Strip during the Israel–Hamas war: a geospatial analysis. BMJ Global Health 2024, 9: e014768. PMID: 38346771, PMCID: PMC11002345, DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2023-014768.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRemote Assessment of Bombardment of Ukraine's Power Generation and Transmission Infrastructure, 1 October 2022 to 30 April 2023
Citation | Hathaway, Oona A., Caitlin N. Howarth, Kaveh Khoshnood, Nathaniel A. Raymond et al., “Remote Assessment of Bombardment of Ukraine’s Power Generation and Transmission Infrastructure, 1 October 2022 to 30 April 2023.” 29 February 2024. Humanitarian Research Lab at Yale School of Public Health and Ukraine Digital Verification Lab: New Haven.Publications for non-academic audiencesCurricula and resources related to social entrepreneurship and public health innovation within schools of public health in the United States
Hyde I, Khoshnood K, Chahine T, Basrai F. Curricula and resources related to social entrepreneurship and public health innovation within schools of public health in the United States. Frontiers In Public Health 2024, 12: 1354787. PMID: 38406499, PMCID: PMC10884220, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1354787.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSchool of Public HealthPublic healthPublic health innovationsPublic health schoolsCross-sectional surveyHealth schoolsHealth innovationsUnited StatesSocial innovationHealthKey areasSurvey data analysisStructured programInsufficient fundingSocial entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship programsData analysisSurveyFaculty engagementProgramHuman resourcesFaculty membersEntrepreneurshipSchoolInnovationSocial support as a mediator between mental health and stigma among newly HIV-positive men who have sex with men
Zhao Y, Khoshnood K, Sheng Y. Social support as a mediator between mental health and stigma among newly HIV-positive men who have sex with men. International Journal Of STD & AIDS 2024, 35: 477-486. PMID: 38314565, DOI: 10.1177/09564624241227653.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHIV-related stigmaEffect of social supportMental health of MSMHealth of MSMMental healthSocial supportExperiences of HIV-related stigmaHigher level of stigmaLevel of stigmaLow mental healthPoor psychological well-beingPublic health campaignsCross-sectional studyPsychological well-beingFamily stigmaHIV-positive menSame-sex behaviorDecrease stigmatizationHealth campaignsMSMStigmaCultural context of ChinaNegative emotional reactionsHealthWell-beingGender inequality and burden of orofacial clefts in the Eastern Mediterranean region: findings from global burden of disease study 1990–2019
Nabavizadeh S, Mootz J, Nadjmi N, Massenburg B, Khoshnood K, Shojaeefard E, Vardanjani H. Gender inequality and burden of orofacial clefts in the Eastern Mediterranean region: findings from global burden of disease study 1990–2019. BMC Pediatrics 2024, 24: 76. PMID: 38262976, PMCID: PMC10804627, DOI: 10.1186/s12887-024-04569-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBurden of orofacial cleftsDisability-adjusted life yearsEstimated annual percentage changeEastern Mediterranean RegionSocio-demographic indexGender Inequality IndexGlobal burdenAssociated with disability-adjusted life yearsGlobal Burden of Disease StudyOrofacial cleftsDisability-adjusted life year ratesBurden of Disease StudyGlobal Burden of Disease databaseAnnual percentage changeAge-specific prevalence ratesMiddle-income countriesGender inequalityHuman Development IndexHealthcare servicesOrofacial cleft prevalencePotential confoundersSocio-demographicResultsIn 2019Life yearsBackgroundGender inequalitySubstance use and substance use disorders in relation to COVID-19: qualitative experiences of people who use drugs in Jordan
Wazaify M, AlZyoud S, Shahin D, Scott J, Kumar N, Pates R, Khoshnood K. Substance use and substance use disorders in relation to COVID-19: qualitative experiences of people who use drugs in Jordan. Journal Of Substance Use 2024, ahead-of-print: 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/14659891.2024.2302188.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersSubstance useFace-to-face semi-structured interviewsImpact of COVID-19Negative effects of substance useExperiences of peopleDesign of interventionsEffects of substance useSemi-structured interviewsAddiction treatment centersData saturationFace-to-faceThematic analysisQualitative studyTobacco smokeSUD patientsAvailability of substancesUse disorderMonitor substance useCOVID-19Social complicationsTreatment centersNarrative analysisPatterns of useInterviewsA survey of ethical sensitivity among nursing students and its influencing factors
Hu J, Chen X, Khoshnood K, Luo E, Muramatsu T, Yang M. A survey of ethical sensitivity among nursing students and its influencing factors. Nursing Ethics 2024, 31: 1467-1480. PMID: 38207220, DOI: 10.1177/09697330231225399.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHumanistic care abilityChinese nursing studentsCaring Ability InventoryNursing studentsCare abilityNursing undergraduatesChinese versionGeneral information questionnaireUndergraduate nursing studentsToday's healthcare environmentEthical sensitivityInstitutional review boardArea of practiceCross-sectional studyInformation of participantsInformation questionnaireNursing ethicsPearson correlation coefficient testNursesEthical issuesHealthcare environmentMean scoreJapanese versionCorrelation coefficient testLevel of ethical sensitivity
Belarus' Collaboration with Russia in the Systematic Deportation of Ukraine's Children
Citation | Khoshnood, Kaveh, Nathaniel A. Raymond and Caitlin N. Howarth et al., “Belarus› Collaboration with Russia in the Systematic Deportation of Ukraine’s Children” 16 November 2023. Humanitarian Research Lab at Yale School of Public Health: New Haven.Publications for non-academic audiencesBreast Cancer Stigma in Iraq
Ahmed H, Khoshnood K. Breast Cancer Stigma in Iraq. Current Breast Cancer Reports 2023, 15: 345-349. DOI: 10.1007/s12609-023-00513-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEpidemiology of substance use and mental health disorders among forced migrants displaced from the MENAT region: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
Kazemitabar M, Nyhan K, Makableh N, Minahan-Rowley R, Ali M, Wazaify M, Tetrault J, Khoshnood K. Epidemiology of substance use and mental health disorders among forced migrants displaced from the MENAT region: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. PLOS ONE 2023, 18: e0292535. PMID: 37797050, PMCID: PMC10553213, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292535.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health disordersSubstance use disordersSystematic reviewRegistration IDHealth disordersJoanna Briggs Institute checklistBias 2 toolRisk of biasInternational Prospective RegisterDatabases of EmbaseMeta-analysis protocolJoanna Briggs InstituteComprehensive systematic reviewRandom-effects modelSystematic review protocolCochrane riskMEDLINE search strategySubgroup analysisProspective RegisterRisk factorsObservational studyUse disordersHealth providersIntervention studiesExperiences of stigma, mental health, and coping strategies in Lebanon among Lebanese and displaced Syrian men who have sex with men: A qualitative study
Abboud S, Seal D, Pachankis J, Khoshnood K, Khouri D, Fouad F, Heimer R. Experiences of stigma, mental health, and coping strategies in Lebanon among Lebanese and displaced Syrian men who have sex with men: A qualitative study. Social Science & Medicine 2023, 335: 116248. PMID: 37742387, DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116248.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMental healthAvailable mental health servicesMental health servicesSexual health risksMental health resourcesMental health risksHealth risksAdverse childhood experiencesSocial support interventionsQualitative studyExperiences of stigmaHealth servicesRecent exposureSupport interventionsLarger studyHealth resourcesMSMCommon stigmaSocial isolationMenHigh rateSexSyrian menChildhood experiencesHealthForced Passportization in Russia-Occupied Areas of Ukraine
Citation | Khoshnood, Kaveh, Nathaniel A. Raymond, and Caitlin N. Howarth et al., Forced Passportization in Russia-Occupied areas of Ukraine.” 02 August 2023. Humanitarian Research Lab at Yale School of Public Health: New Haven.Publications for non-academic audiencesInformed consent in cancer clinical drug trials in China: a narrative literature review of the past 20 years
Liu X, Lu X, Zhou W, Hahne J, Khoshnood K, Shi X, Zhong Y, Wang X. Informed consent in cancer clinical drug trials in China: a narrative literature review of the past 20 years. Trials 2023, 24: 445. PMID: 37415240, PMCID: PMC10327323, DOI: 10.1186/s13063-023-07482-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchKnowledge and attitudes of Chinese medical postgraduates toward research ethics and research ethics committees: a cross-sectional study
Liu X, Wang X, Wu Y, Yu H, Yang M, Khoshnood K, Luo E, Wang X. Knowledge and attitudes of Chinese medical postgraduates toward research ethics and research ethics committees: a cross-sectional study. BMC Medical Education 2023, 23: 482. PMID: 37380977, PMCID: PMC10303304, DOI: 10.1186/s12909-023-04459-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsResearch ethicsResearch ethics educationMedical ethics curriculumMedical postgraduatesResearch Ethics CommitteeEthics educationEthics curriculumEthical guidelinesEthical challengesEthical standardsResearch integrityEthicsEthics CommitteeLittle empirical researchMedical researchSafe researchReview proceduresEmpirical researchDiverse approachesAttitudesHuman subjectsCourse syllabiRECProper knowledgeChinaYale Report: Hospitals, Schools, Farmland Impacted by Destruction of Ukraine Dam
Citation | Khoshnood, Kaveh, Nathaniel A. Raymond, and Caitlin N. Howarth et al., “Rapid Assessment: Impact of the Kakhovka Dam Destruction.” 9 June 2023. Humanitarian Research Lab at Yale School of Public Health: New Haven.Publications for non-academic audiences