Wendy DeBenedettoSenior Administrative Assistant in Cell BiologyDownloadHi-Res PhotoCardsContact Infowendy.debenedetto@yale.eduLearn moreabout Contact InfoAboutGet In TouchWendy DeBenedettoAboutCopy LinkTitlesSenior Administrative Assistant in Cell BiologyGet In TouchCopy LinkContactsEmailwendy.debenedetto@yale.eduSupported FacultyYongli Zhang, PhD, MSProfessor of Cell BiologyJoerg Bewersdorf, PhDHarvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Cell Biology, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, and Professor of Physics; Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Cell BiologyEventsMar 202527Thursday1:00 PM2:00 PMYale OnlyNeil L. Kelleher, PhDYale Cell Biology Seminar Series: "Digitizing Proteoform Biology with Single Molecule & Single-cell Mass Spectrometry"Sterling Hall of Medicine, C-WingAdd event to CalendarApr 20258Tuesday1:00 PM2:00 PMYale OnlyRoberto Zoncu, PhDYale Cell Biology Seminar Series: "The Lysosome in Nutrient Sensing and Cellular Growth Control"Sterling Hall of Medicine, C-WingAdd event to Calendar
1:00 PM2:00 PMYale OnlyNeil L. Kelleher, PhDYale Cell Biology Seminar Series: "Digitizing Proteoform Biology with Single Molecule & Single-cell Mass Spectrometry"Sterling Hall of Medicine, C-WingAdd event to Calendar
1:00 PM2:00 PMYale OnlyRoberto Zoncu, PhDYale Cell Biology Seminar Series: "The Lysosome in Nutrient Sensing and Cellular Growth Control"Sterling Hall of Medicine, C-WingAdd event to Calendar