Recent Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Risk and HIV-Related Worry: Examining the Mediating Effects of Sexual Autonomy
Willie T, Callands T, Phillips K, Flowers B, Kershaw T. Recent Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Risk and HIV-Related Worry: Examining the Mediating Effects of Sexual Autonomy. Sexuality Research And Social Policy 2025, 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s13178-024-01078-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntroductionIntimate partner violenceHIV-related worriesSexual autonomyPoor sexual and reproductive healthSexual riskSexual and reproductive healthPartner violenceRecent intimate partner violenceCondomless sexIntimate partner violenceTrauma-informed policiesReproductive healthSexually active womenHIV prevention programsIPV experiencesPolicy ImplicationsFindingsRomantic partnershipsMediation effectProgrammatic initiativesViolencePath analysisActive womenWorryIndirect effectsAutonomy
Avoidance, Anxiety, and Sex: The Influence of Romantic Attachment on HIV-Risk among Pregnant Women
Kershaw TS, Milan S, Westdahl C, Lewis J, Rising SS, Fletcher R, Ickovics J. Avoidance, Anxiety, and Sex: The Influence of Romantic Attachment on HIV-Risk among Pregnant Women. AIDS And Behavior 2006, 11: 299-311. PMID: 16865541, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-006-9153-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSexual beliefsAttachment anxietyRelational factorsAttachment avoidanceAttachment orientationsRomantic attachmentAttachment theoryAnxietyWorking modelDemographic variablesUnprotected sexCurrent relationshipBeliefsSexual riskSexual behaviorAvoidanceUrban prenatal clinicRisky partnersRelationshipCondom useAttachmentBehaviorPartnersMultiple partnersClose relationship
Sexual Risk Following a Sexually Transmitted Disease Diagnosis: The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same
Kershaw TS, Ickovics JR, Lewis JB, Niccolai LM, Milan S, Ethier KA. Sexual Risk Following a Sexually Transmitted Disease Diagnosis: The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same. Journal Of Behavioral Medicine 2004, 27: 445-461. PMID: 15675634, DOI: 10.1023/b:jobm.0000047609.75395.62.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Misperceived Risk Among Female Adolescents: Social and Psychological Factors Associated With Sexual Risk Accuracy
Kershaw TS, Ethier KA, Niccolai LM, Lewis JB, Ickovics JR. Misperceived Risk Among Female Adolescents: Social and Psychological Factors Associated With Sexual Risk Accuracy. Health Psychology 2003, 22: 523-532. PMID: 14570536, DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.22.5.523.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFemale adolescentsRisk perceptionUrban female adolescentsPsychological factorsSexual risk perceptionsMaintenance variablesPerceiversSexual behaviorActual sexual behaviorContext variablesRisk knowledgeSexual risk behaviorsAdolescentsRisk behaviorsPerceptionSexual riskParticipantsRisk accuracyUnprotected sexBehaviorVariablesDifferent levelsPartnership durationKnowledge