Potential of Pan-Tuberculosis Treatment to Drive Emergence of Novel Resistance - Volume 30, Number 8—August 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC
McQuaid C, Ryckman T, Menzies N, White R, Cohen T, Kendall E. Potential of Pan-Tuberculosis Treatment to Drive Emergence of Novel Resistance - Volume 30, Number 8—August 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2024, 30: 1571-1579. PMID: 39043388, PMCID: PMC11286077, DOI: 10.3201/eid3008.240541.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsResistance to novel drugsStandard of careAntimicrobial resistanceIncreasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistancePrevalence of antimicrobial resistanceIncreased prevalenceDrug susceptibility testingCompare treatment outcomesFirst-line drugsNovel drugsTB patient cohortTreatment regimensPatient cohortNew tuberculosisRegimensTreatment outcomesComponent drugsDrugCohortTuberculosisCDCUniversal useClinicCarePrevalenceRisk factors underlying racial and ethnic disparities in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment outcomes, 2011–19: a multiple mediation analysis of national surveillance data
Regan M, Barham T, Li Y, Swartwood N, Beeler Asay G, Cohen T, Horsburgh C, Khan A, Marks S, Myles R, Salomon J, Self J, Winston C, Menzies N. Risk factors underlying racial and ethnic disparities in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment outcomes, 2011–19: a multiple mediation analysis of national surveillance data. The Lancet Public Health 2024, 9: e564-e572. PMID: 39095133, PMCID: PMC11587887, DOI: 10.1016/s2468-2667(24)00151-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUS-born individualsNon-US-born individualsHispanic individualsTract-level povertyTract-level measuresEthnic disparitiesCensus tract levelCensus tract-level povertyEconomic segregationEvidence of disparitiesAnalysis of national surveillance dataBlack individualsTuberculosis outcomesNeighborhood-level social vulnerabilityTract levelUS-bornSocial vulnerabilityUS National Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemNational Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemHigh riskCensusNational surveillance dataTuberculosis Surveillance SystemCase managementReduce disparitiesPredictors of unsuccessful tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Brazil: an analysis of 259,484 patient records
Ryuk D, Pelissari D, Alves K, Oliveira P, Castro M, Cohen T, Sanchez M, Menzies N. Predictors of unsuccessful tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Brazil: an analysis of 259,484 patient records. BMC Infectious Diseases 2024, 24: 531. PMID: 38802744, PMCID: PMC11129366, DOI: 10.1186/s12879-024-09417-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTreatment outcomesFactors associated with unsuccessful treatment outcomesHigher risk of poor treatment outcomeTB treatmentRisk of poor treatment outcomesUnsuccessful treatmentEffectiveness of TB treatmentAssociated with unsuccessful treatmentUnsuccessful treatment outcomesTuberculosis treatment outcomesDrug-susceptible TBHealth system levelMultivariate logistic regression modelService-related factorsTB drug resistanceComorbid health conditionsHealth-related behaviorsCategorizing treatment outcomesPatient-level factorsClinical examination resultsNational Disease Notification SystemPoor treatment outcomesDisease notification systemHIV infectionLogistic regression modelsRacial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment outcomes among US-born people diagnosed with tuberculosis, 2003–19: an analysis of national surveillance data
Regan M, Li Y, Swartwood N, Barham T, Asay G, Cohen T, Hill A, Horsburgh C, Khan A, Marks S, Myles R, Salomon J, Self J, Menzies N. Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment outcomes among US-born people diagnosed with tuberculosis, 2003–19: an analysis of national surveillance data. The Lancet Public Health 2024, 9: e47-e56. PMID: 38176842, PMCID: PMC11665086, DOI: 10.1016/s2468-2667(23)00276-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsEthnicityFemaleHealthcare DisparitiesHumansMaleRacial GroupsTreatment OutcomeTuberculosisUnited StatesConceptsNational surveillance dataNon-Hispanic White peopleTreatment outcomesEthnic disparitiesSurveillance dataTuberculosis diagnosisUS National Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemIndex of disparityLog-binomial regression modelsNational Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemNon-Hispanic black peopleOverall high riskTuberculosis Surveillance SystemAlaska Native peopleTuberculosis patientsDiagnostic delayAdverse outcomesTuberculosis diseaseTuberculosis incidence
Risk factors for recurrent tuberculosis after successful treatment in a high burden setting: a cohort study
Cudahy PGT, Wilson D, Cohen T. Risk factors for recurrent tuberculosis after successful treatment in a high burden setting: a cohort study. BMC Infectious Diseases 2020, 20: 789. PMID: 33097000, PMCID: PMC7585300, DOI: 10.1186/s12879-020-05515-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsM. tuberculosis infectionRecurrent tuberculosisSuccessful treatmentTuberculosis recurrenceHazard ratioSmear gradeTuberculosis infectionRisk factorsSmear-positive pulmonary tuberculosisCox proportional hazards modelSputum smear gradeRepetitive unit-variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typingHigh-burden settingsRisk of recurrenceProportional hazards modelSuccessful treatment completionRecurrent diseaseCohort studyPulmonary tuberculosisBurden settingsClinical presentationRecurrent episodesInitial episodeNumber tandem repeat typingTreatment completionAdaptive guidelines for the treatment of gonorrhea to increase the effective life span of antibiotics among men who have sex with men in the United States: A mathematical modeling study
Yaesoubi R, Cohen T, Hsu K, Gift TL, Chesson H, Salomon JA, Grad YH. Adaptive guidelines for the treatment of gonorrhea to increase the effective life span of antibiotics among men who have sex with men in the United States: A mathematical modeling study. PLOS Medicine 2020, 17: e1003077. PMID: 32243443, PMCID: PMC7122693, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFirst-line antibioticsPrevalence of resistanceMSM populationGonorrhea casesPrevalence of gonorrheaTreatment of gonorrheaTransmission of gonorrheaIncidence of gonorrhoeaGonococcal antimicrobial resistanceProportion of casesAlternative surveillance strategiesBurden of gonorrheaEffective surveillance systemTreatment guidelinesGonorrhea treatmentGonorrhoea transmissionClinical effectivenessOverall burdenSurveillance estimatesLife spanGonorrheaDrug susceptibilitySurveillance findingsSurveillance strategiesSurveillance program
Trends in C-Reactive Protein, D-Dimer, and Fibrinogen during Therapy for HIV-Associated Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis.
Cudahy PGT, Warren JL, Cohen T, Wilson D. Trends in C-Reactive Protein, D-Dimer, and Fibrinogen during Therapy for HIV-Associated Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis. American Journal Of Tropical Medicine And Hygiene 2018, 99: 1336-1341. PMID: 30226135, PMCID: PMC6221241, DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0322.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsC-reactive proteinMulti-drug resistant tuberculosisD-dimerMedian C-reactive proteinSerum C-reactive proteinHigher baseline fibrinogenMDR-TB therapyHIV-positive adultsDrug-resistant tuberculosisHIV-positive participantsHigher CRP concentrationsEarly treatment modificationBaseline fibrinogenTreatment initiationResistant tuberculosisCRP concentrationsTreatment modificationTreatment outcomesTreatment responseHigh riskHigh mortalityNormal levelsOlder ageEarly responseFibrinogenTuberculosis control interventions targeted to previously treated people in a high-incidence setting: a modelling study
Marx FM, Yaesoubi R, Menzies NA, Salomon JA, Bilinski A, Beyers N, Cohen T. Tuberculosis control interventions targeted to previously treated people in a high-incidence setting: a modelling study. The Lancet Global Health 2018, 6: e426-e435. PMID: 29472018, PMCID: PMC5849574, DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(18)30022-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-incidence settingsIsoniazid preventive therapyPreventive therapyTuberculosis treatmentActive casesHIV prevalenceTuberculosis controlControl interventionsIncident tuberculosis casesPrevious tuberculosis treatmentTuberculosis control interventionsTB case notificationHigh-risk groupTransmission dynamic modelTuberculosis deathsHigh tuberculosisRecurrent diseasePrevalent tuberculosisTuberculosis casesTuberculosis incidenceCase notificationTreatment outcomesTuberculosis morbidityTuberculosis epidemicAdditional interventionsThe impact of digital health technologies on tuberculosis treatment: a systematic review
Ngwatu B, Nsengiyumva N, Oxlade O, Mappin-Kasirer B, Nguyen N, Jaramillo E, Falzon D, Schwartzman K, Abubakar I, Alipanah N, Bastos M, Boccia D, Chin D, Cohen T, Davis J, Denkinger C, Falzon D, Fielding K, Fox G, Free C, Garfein R, Hayward A, Jaramillo E, Lester R, Lewis J, Mappin-Kasirer B, Marx F, Menzies D, Migliori G, Nahid P, Ngwatu B, Nsengiyumva N, Nguyen N, Oxlade O, Schwartzman K, Siddiqi K, Story A, Thomas B, Trajman A, Yassin M. The impact of digital health technologies on tuberculosis treatment: a systematic review. European Respiratory Journal 2018, 51: 1701596. PMID: 29326332, PMCID: PMC5764088, DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01596-2017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVideo-observed therapyMedication monitorsStandard careObservational studyTreatment completion ratesTB treatment adherenceProbability of cureTreatment of personsPerson DOTActive tuberculosisTB careClinical outcomesTreatment adherenceTuberculosis treatmentPatient outcomesTreatment completionControl groupTreatment dosesSystematic reviewDigital health technologiesShort message serviceEffect estimatesTuberculosisDigital interventionsCare
Second line drug susceptibility testing to inform the treatment of rifampin-resistant tuberculosis: a quantitative perspective
Kendall EA, Cohen T, Mitnick CD, Dowdy DW. Second line drug susceptibility testing to inform the treatment of rifampin-resistant tuberculosis: a quantitative perspective. International Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2016, 56: 185-189. PMID: 28007660, PMCID: PMC5576040, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2016.12.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSecond-line drug susceptibility testingRifampin-resistant tuberculosisDrug susceptibility testingSecond-line drug resistanceDrug resistanceSusceptibility testingHigh-burden settingsSecond-line drugsDrug-resistant tuberculosisEffective regimensTreatment failureTreatment outcomesSmall incremental costEpidemiologic benefitsResistance amplificationPatientsTuberculosisIncremental costMost settingsWidespread implementationSettingRegimensPrevalence
Evaluating the potential impact of enhancing HIV treatment and tuberculosis control programmes on the burden of tuberculosis
Chindelevitch L, Menzies NA, Pretorius C, Stover J, Salomon JA, Cohen T. Evaluating the potential impact of enhancing HIV treatment and tuberculosis control programmes on the burden of tuberculosis. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015, 12: 20150146. PMID: 25878131, PMCID: PMC4424692, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2015.0146.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntiretroviral therapyTB incidenceTB burdenBurden of tuberculosisTuberculosis Control ProgrammePotential epidemiological impactART eligibilityMortality benefitTB programsHIV treatmentTB prevalenceTuberculosis incidenceEpidemiological impactART useProgram improvementHIVTreatment effectivenessIncidenceMortalityGreater reductionBurdenTBSaharan AfricaControl programsEligibility
The Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy on Mortality in HIV Positive People during Tuberculosis Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Odone A, Amadasi S, White RG, Cohen T, Grant AD, Houben RM. The Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy on Mortality in HIV Positive People during Tuberculosis Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLOS ONE 2014, 9: e112017. PMID: 25391135, PMCID: PMC4229142, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV-positive peopleAntiretroviral therapyTB treatmentTuberculosis treatmentSystematic reviewHIV-positive TB casesCoverage of ARTRisk of deathMain outcome measuresOutcomes of interestTB casesDual epidemicsTB therapyRelative riskOutcome measuresPooled estimatesStudy populationProportion of individualsFatality ratioPositive peopleMeta-AnalysisART statusClinical settingManual searchMortalityHow can mathematical models advance tuberculosis control in high HIV prevalence settings?
Houben RM, Dowdy DW, Vassall A, Cohen T, Nicol MP, Granich RM, Shea JE, Eckhoff P, Dye C, Kimerling ME, White RG, . How can mathematical models advance tuberculosis control in high HIV prevalence settings? The International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2014, 18: 509-514. PMID: 24903784, PMCID: PMC4436821, DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.13.0773.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh HIV prevalence settingsHIV prevalence settingsTB-HIVTuberculosis controlPrevalence settingsHigh human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalenceHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalenceTB ModellingHealth policy makersDifficult diagnosisDisease progressionHigh riskHigh mortalityHealth systemNatural progressionVirus prevalencePublic healthProgressionMortalityPrevalenceSettingAnalysis ConsortiumDiagnosisExpert discussionBacillus Calmette-Guérin and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Protect Contacts of Patients with Tuberculosis
Zelner JL, Murray MB, Becerra MC, Galea J, Lecca L, Calderon R, Yataco R, Contreras C, Zhang Z, Grenfell BT, Cohen T. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Protect Contacts of Patients with Tuberculosis. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2014, 189: 853-859. PMID: 24592878, PMCID: PMC4225829, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201310-1896oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAge FactorsAgedAged, 80 and overAntitubercular AgentsBCG VaccineChildChild, PreschoolContact TracingFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansInfantIsoniazidMaleMiddle AgedModels, StatisticalModels, TheoreticalMultivariate AnalysisOdds RatioPeruProspective StudiesTreatment OutcomeTuberculosis, PulmonaryYoung AdultConceptsIsoniazid preventive therapyAge-specific efficacyLatent TB infectionIncident tuberculosisHousehold contactsTB diseaseTB infectionPulmonary tuberculosisRisk ratioUse of IPTObservational prospective cohort studyBacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccinationHigh TB burden settingsAdditional TB casesHIV-positive contactsIncident pulmonary tuberculosisHIV-negative childrenProspective cohort studyPublic Health CenterBacillus Calmette-GuérinYear-long followWorld Health OrganizationCohort studyPreventive therapyTB casesHigh risk and rapid appearance of multidrug resistance during tuberculosis treatment in Moldova.
Jenkins HE, Crudu V, Soltan V, Ciobanu A, Domente L, Cohen T. High risk and rapid appearance of multidrug resistance during tuberculosis treatment in Moldova. European Respiratory Journal 2014, 43: 1132-41. PMID: 24558181, PMCID: PMC4005038, DOI: 10.1183/09031936.00203613.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisMDR-TB diagnosisMDR-TB casesTB treatmentFirst-line TB drugsAmbulatory TB treatmentMDR-TB riskDrug susceptibility testingNosocomial transmissionInitial diagnosisPercentage of individualsTB drugsTuberculosis treatmentEarly treatmentHigh riskSputum specimensSurveillance databasePrevious incarcerationDrug resistanceMultidrug resistanceDiagnosisTreatmentBaseline resistanceRapid appearanceRiskThe potential effects of changing HIV treatment policy on tuberculosis outcomes in South Africa
Pretorius C, Menzies NA, Chindelevitch L, Cohen T, Cori A, Eaton JW, Fraser C, Gopalappa C, Hallett TB, Salomon JA, Stover J, White RG, Dodd PJ. The potential effects of changing HIV treatment policy on tuberculosis outcomes in South Africa. AIDS 2014, 28: s25-s34. PMID: 24468944, DOI: 10.1097/qad.0000000000000085.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntiretroviral therapyTB incidenceART expansionHIV treatment policyHIV-positive individualsART eligibility criteriaTuberculosis outcomesART eligibilitySurvival benefitTB burdenTB casesHIV transmissionART coverageHIV treatmentHIV epidemicMortality reductionPositive individualsEligibility criteriaTreatment policyART servicesTuberculosisIncidenceCurrent eligibilityIndependent mathematical modelsRecent findings
Treatment outcome of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in the United Kingdom: retrospective-prospective cohort study from 2004 to 2007.
Anderson LF, Tamne S, Watson JP, Cohen T, Mitnick C, Brown T, Drobniewski F, Abubakar I. Treatment outcome of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in the United Kingdom: retrospective-prospective cohort study from 2004 to 2007. Eurosurveillance 2013, 18 PMID: 24128699, DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.es2013.18.40.20601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAntibiotics, AntitubercularAntitubercular AgentsChildChild, PreschoolDrug Resistance, Multiple, BacterialFemaleFluoroquinolonesHumansInfantInfant, NewbornMaleMicrobial Sensitivity TestsMiddle AgedMycobacterium tuberculosisPatient ComplianceProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesSurveys and QuestionnairesTreatment OutcomeTuberculosis, Multidrug-ResistantUnited KingdomYoung AdultConceptsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisTreatment outcomesRetrospective-prospective cohort studyWorld Health Organization targetMulti-drug resistant tuberculosisMDR-TB patientsMDR-TB treatmentMDR-TB casesFurther drug resistanceTreatment completion ratesSuccessful treatment outcomeUnited Kingdom guidelinesIndividualised regimensCohort studyMonths treatmentResistant tuberculosisTreatment completionInfectious casesDrug resistanceDrug sensitivitySuccessful outcomeOrganization targetBacteriostatic drugsOutcomesTreatmentRisk factors and timing of default from treatment for non-multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Moldova
Jenkins HE, Ciobanu A, Plesca V, Crudu V, Galusca I, Soltan V, Cohen T. Risk factors and timing of default from treatment for non-multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Moldova. The International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2013, 17: 373-380. PMID: 23407226, PMCID: PMC3710709, DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.12.0464.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAntitubercular AgentsContinuity of Patient CareFemaleHumansInstitutionalizationLeast-Squares AnalysisLinear ModelsMaleMedication AdherenceMoldovaMultivariate AnalysisPatient DischargePrisonersProportional Hazards ModelsRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsSocioeconomic FactorsTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeTuberculosisConceptsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisMDR-TB patientsRisk factorsHighest MDR-TB ratesDrug resistanceGreater lung pathologyMDR-TB ratesAnti-tuberculosis treatmentIndependent risk factorHuman immunodeficiency virusTB drug resistanceContinuity of careRoutine surveillance dataTuberculosis patientsResistant tuberculosisImmunodeficiency virusLung pathologyTreatment adherenceRetrospective analysisHigh riskPatientsSociodemographic factorsCommunity careSurveillance dataStudy period
Outcomes among tuberculosis patients with isoniazid resistance in Georgia, 2007-2009.
Gegia M, Cohen T, Kalandadze I, Vashakidze L, Furin J. Outcomes among tuberculosis patients with isoniazid resistance in Georgia, 2007-2009. The International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2012, 16: 812-6. PMID: 22507372, PMCID: PMC3786434, DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.11.0637.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAntitubercular AgentsChi-Square DistributionDrug Resistance, BacterialDrug Therapy, CombinationEthambutolFemaleGeorgia (Republic)HumansIsoniazidLogistic ModelsMaleMicrobial Sensitivity TestsMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisMycobacterium tuberculosisPredictive Value of TestsPyrazinamideRetrospective StudiesRifampinRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSputumTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeTuberculosisConceptsPulmonary tuberculosisPrevious treatmentOutcomes of patientsPulmonary TB patientsSubset of patientsRetrospective record reviewForms of tuberculosisFirst-line drugsHigh TB ratesDrug-resistant formsLower ratesLow tuberculosisTB patientsTuberculosis patientsOptimal management strategyTreatment regimenRecord reviewTB ratesTreatment successTreatment outcomesCountry of GeorgiaPatientsIsoniazid resistanceTuberculosisDrug resistance
Quantifying the Burden and Trends of Isoniazid Resistant Tuberculosis, 1994–2009
Jenkins HE, Zignol M, Cohen T. Quantifying the Burden and Trends of Isoniazid Resistant Tuberculosis, 1994–2009. PLOS ONE 2011, 6: e22927. PMID: 21829557, PMCID: PMC3146514, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022927.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIsoniazid preventive therapyIncident TB casesTB casesHIV prevalence countriesHigh HIV prevalence countriesPrevalence countriesHigh HIV prevalence areasRetreatment TB casesHIV prevalence areasIsoniazid-resistant tuberculosisControl of tuberculosisEffect of INHObserved time trendsWorld Health OrganizationPreventive therapyResistant tuberculosisIncident casesTreatment successPrevalence areasIsoniazid resistanceMultidrug resistanceHealth OrganizationTuberculosisINHNational data