Featured Publications
Temporal patterns of adherence to medications and behavioral treatment and their relationship to patient characteristics and treatment response
Gueorguieva R, Wu R, Krystal JH, Donovan D, O'Malley SS. Temporal patterns of adherence to medications and behavioral treatment and their relationship to patient characteristics and treatment response. Addictive Behaviors 2013, 38: 2119-2127. PMID: 23435273, PMCID: PMC3595348, DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.01.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPercent heavy drinking daysAdherence trajectoriesExcellent adherersPercent days abstinentPatient characteristicsMedication adherenceTreatment outcomesMedication adherence trajectoriesPatterns of treatmentHeavy drinking daysPatterns of adherenceExcellent medication adherenceLack of benefitTrajectories of adherenceIntervention main effectsActive medicationAdverse eventsPharmacologic treatmentHigher percent days abstinentTreatment adherenceTreatment modalitiesWorse outcomesTreatment responseDays abstinentDrinking days
Randomized controlled trial of the glycine transporter 1 inhibitor PF-03463275 to enhance cognitive training and neuroplasticity in schizophrenia
Surti T, Ranganathan M, Johannesen J, Gueorguieva R, Deaso E, Kenney J, Krystal J, D'Souza D. Randomized controlled trial of the glycine transporter 1 inhibitor PF-03463275 to enhance cognitive training and neuroplasticity in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 2023, 256: 36-43. PMID: 37141764, PMCID: PMC10257994, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.04.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlycine transporter 1Cytochrome P450 2D6 extensive metabolizersGlyT1 inhibitorsWeeks of washoutWeeks of CTMedication adherenceReceptor hypofunctionImpaired neuroplasticityPharmacodynamic variabilityNMDAR functionExtensive metabolizersTreatment periodPsychotic symptomsStable outpatientsCognitive impairmentGlyT1 occupancyTransporter 1CTNeuroplasticityCognitive training strategiesSchizophreniaComputerized CTCognitive performanceAugmentation studiesGreater improvement
Effect of Varenicline Combined With Medical Management on Alcohol Use Disorder With Comorbid Cigarette Smoking: A Randomized Clinical Trial
O’Malley S, Zweben A, Fucito LM, Wu R, Piepmeier ME, Ockert DM, Bold KW, Petrakis I, Muvvala S, Jatlow P, Gueorguieva R. Effect of Varenicline Combined With Medical Management on Alcohol Use Disorder With Comorbid Cigarette Smoking: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry 2018, 75: 129-138. PMID: 29261824, PMCID: PMC5838706, DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.3544.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol use disorderMedical managementUse disordersCigarette smokingWeek 9Varenicline tartrateEfficacy of vareniclinePlacebo-controlled trialBehavioral health risksComorbid cigarette smokingRace/ethnicityAlcohol dependence criteriaSmoking 2Medication adherenceOutpatient clinicPlacebo pillsMean ageEligible participantsSmoking abstinenceClinical trialsParallel groupPlaceboMAIN OUTCOMEVareniclineWeek 13