Research Associate 3
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Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Frequent collaborators of Libby DiDomizio's published research.
Publications Timeline
A big-picture view of Libby DiDomizio's research output by year.
Frederick Lewis Altice, MD, MA
Lynn Madden, PhD, MPA
Roman Shrestha, PhD, MPH
Merceditas Villanueva, MD
Jeffrey A. Wickersham, PhD
Xin Zhou, PhD
The cascade of care for commercially-insured persons with opioid use disorder and comorbid HIV and HCV infections
Ivasiy R, Madden L, DiDomizio E, Johnson K, Machavariani E, Ahmad B, Oliveros D, Ram A, Kil N, Altice F. The cascade of care for commercially-insured persons with opioid use disorder and comorbid HIV and HCV infections. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 263: 112410. PMID: 39159600, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.112410.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderXR-NTXUse disorderHCV infectionPrescribed MOUDOpioid use disorder cascadePrevalence of opioid use disorderRetrospective cohort studyHigher treatment retentionCascade of careConcurrent infectious diseasesSix-month retentionHCV/HIV coinfectionComorbid HIVCohort studyHospital-based settingPrescribed methadoneHCVMOUD initiationHIVHCV epidemicOpioidMethadoneMOUD prescriptionsTreatment retention
Challenges to Achieving HCV Micro-Elimination in People With HIV in the United States: Provider Perspectives and the Role of Implicit Bias
DiDomizio E, Chandra D, Nichols L, Villanueva M, Altice F. Challenges to Achieving HCV Micro-Elimination in People With HIV in the United States: Provider Perspectives and the Role of Implicit Bias. Health Promotion Practice 2023, 24: 998-1008. PMID: 37440258, DOI: 10.1177/15248399231169928.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsNominal group techniqueHealth care decisionsProvider perspectivesEligibility criteriaHIV/HCVEffective antiviral medicationsPatient eligibility criteriaFacilitators of treatmentMicro-EliminationHCV treatmentAntiviral medicationsOpioid epidemicProvider knowledgePatient involvementPatient engagementDifferent clinicsRelated stigmaHCVCare decisionsHIVPatientsTreatmentGroup sessionsMost barriersFocus group sessionsSocial and Emotional Learning and Early Literacy Skills: A Quasi-Experimental Study of RULER
Bailey C, Martinez O, DiDomizio E. Social and Emotional Learning and Early Literacy Skills: A Quasi-Experimental Study of RULER. Education Sciences 2023, 13: 397. DOI: 10.3390/educsci13040397.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEarly literacy skillsLiteracy skillsEmotional learningChildren’s early literacy skillsYoung children's early literacy skillsEarly Literacy IndicatorsQuasi-experimental studyPedagogical principlesAcademic yearLiteracy indicatorsDistrict staffEmotional skillsSkillsEmotion skillsLearningSystemic approachClassroomEducatorsCommunity-based centersStudentsPreschoolCurrent studyChildrenPreschoolersInverse probability weighting
Mobile Health Technology Use and the Acceptability of an mHealth Platform for HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Cross-sectional Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey
Shrestha R, Maviglia F, Altice FL, DiDomizio E, Khati A, Mistler C, Azwa I, Kamarulzaman A, Halim MAA, Wickersham JA. Mobile Health Technology Use and the Acceptability of an mHealth Platform for HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Cross-sectional Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey. Journal Of Medical Internet Research 2022, 24: e36917. PMID: 35877172, PMCID: PMC9361153, DOI: 10.2196/36917.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsHIV prevention informationHIV preventionDrug usePrevention informationMalaysian menMHealth platformHIV risk-related behaviorsHIV prevention toolHIV prevention servicesSexual activityReceptive anal sexMobile health interventionsHIV prevention effortsUse of mHealthIllicit drug useSexualized drug useCross-sectional surveyAcceptability of mHealthHealth technology useSelf-administered questionnaireRespondent-driven samplingHealth-related informationSuboptimal engagementDearth of evidencePrevention servicesStrengthening systems of care for people with or at risk for HIV, HCV and opioid use disorder: a call for enhanced data collection
Eller AJ, DiDomizio EE, Madden LM, Oliva JD, Altice FL, Johnson KA. Strengthening systems of care for people with or at risk for HIV, HCV and opioid use disorder: a call for enhanced data collection. Annals Of Medicine 2022, 54: 1714-1724. PMID: 35775786, PMCID: PMC9377256, DOI: 10.1080/07853890.2022.2084154.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsCascade of careHuman immunodeficiency virusOpioid use disorderHepatitis C virusPublic health planningUse disordersCo-occurring opioid use disorderHealth planningBurden of diseaseSystems of careQuality improvement activitiesOUD cascadeTreatment initiationImmunodeficiency virusC virusPatient outcomesTreatment accessPayer sourceTreatment retentionHealth systemHealthcare systemCareSyndemicDisordersVirusPerceptions Towards HCV Treatment with Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs): A Qualitative Analysis with Persons with HIV/HCV Co-infection Who Delay or Refuse Treatment
Brothers S, DiDomizio E, Nichols L, Brooks R, Villanueva M. Perceptions Towards HCV Treatment with Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs): A Qualitative Analysis with Persons with HIV/HCV Co-infection Who Delay or Refuse Treatment. AIDS And Behavior 2022, 27: 119-133. PMID: 35776253, PMCID: PMC9663279, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-022-03749-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsDirect acting antiviralsHIV/HCVDAA treatmentHCV treatmentHIV/HCV Co-infectionDAA treatment uptakeHCV Co-InfectionPatient-level barriersHCV diseaseAdherence supportHepatitis CActing antiviralsTreatment uptakeCo-InfectionTreatment barriersHCVTreatmentPWHAntiviralsQualitative interviewsHIVDiseaseDiagnosisPersonsUptakePregnant Women and Opioid Use Disorder: Examining the Legal Landscape for Controlling Women's Reproductive Health.
Madden L, Oliva J, Eller A, DiDomizio E, Roosa M, Blanchard L, Kil N, Altice F, Johnson K. Pregnant Women and Opioid Use Disorder: Examining the Legal Landscape for Controlling Women's Reproductive Health. American Journal Of Law & Medicine 2022, 48: 209-222. PMID: 36715261, DOI: 10.1017/amj.2022.26.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsOpioid use disorderReproductive healthPregnant womenUse disordersPregnant women's useEvidence-based treatmentsReproductive health outcomesWomen's reproductive healthIntersection of HIVSystems of careHealth care choicesPostpartum womenChild healthTreatment policyUnintentional pregnancyHealth outcomesLarger studyWomenTransactional sexCare choicesMinority womenOutcomesOUDWomen's useDisorders
Treatment of Hepatitis C virus among people who inject drugs at a syringe service program during the COVID-19 response: The potential role of telehealth, medications for opioid use disorder and minimal demands on patients
Sivakumar A, Madden L, DiDomizio E, Eller A, Villanueva M, Altice FL. Treatment of Hepatitis C virus among people who inject drugs at a syringe service program during the COVID-19 response: The potential role of telehealth, medications for opioid use disorder and minimal demands on patients. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2021, 101: 103570. PMID: 34954493, PMCID: PMC8685180, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103570.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsOpioid use disorderHepatitis C virusSyringe services programDifferentiated care modelPerson visitsC virusCare modelUse disordersInitiation of DAAChronic HCV infectionEvidence-based treatmentsCOVID-19Initial phlebotomyVirological responseHCV infectionHCV treatmentAdditional patientsElevated riskPatientsClient-centred approachPWIDHIVPerson contactTreatment demandLaboratory screeningPurposeful Fentanyl Use and Associated Factors among Opioid-Dependent People Who Inject Drugs
Chandra DK, Altice FL, Copenhaver MM, Zhou X, Didomizio E, Shrestha R. Purposeful Fentanyl Use and Associated Factors among Opioid-Dependent People Who Inject Drugs. Substance Use & Misuse 2021, 56: 979-987. PMID: 33769199, DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2021.1901931.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsOpioid-dependent PWIDFentanyl useOpioid-dependent peopleIndependent correlatesSevere depressionSex-related risk behaviorsMethadone-maintained patientsMultivariable logistic regressionOpioid-related mortalityRecent cocaine useCross-sectional surveySelf-reported drugMethadone dosageYoung PWIDDaily injectionsMethadone clinicsAssociated FactorsFentanyl exposureHigh prevalencePWIDSynthetic opioidsCocaine useYounger ageRisk behaviorsLogistic regressionUse of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among People Who Inject Drugs: Exploratory Findings of the Interaction Between Race, Homelessness, and Trust
Zhou X, Altice FL, Chandra D, Didomizio E, Copenhaver MM, Shrestha R. Use of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among People Who Inject Drugs: Exploratory Findings of the Interaction Between Race, Homelessness, and Trust. AIDS And Behavior 2021, 25: 3743-3753. PMID: 33751313, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-021-03227-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxisPrEP useProvider trustPatient-level factorsOpioid-dependent patientsLogistic regression analysisNon-homeless participantsHomeless participantsRace/ethnicityEligibility criteriaCross-sectional dataPrEPProphylaxisMethadoneRegression analysisDrugsExploratory findingsParticipantsPotential moderatorsPWIDPatientsSignificant moderator