Eric PaulsonDirector of Chemical and Biophysical Instrumentation CenterCardsContact Infoeric.paulson@yale.eduLearn moreabout Contact InfoAboutNewsGet In TouchEric PaulsonAboutCopy LinkTitlesDirector of Chemical and Biophysical Instrumentation CenterDepartments & OrganizationsChemistryNewsCopy LinkNewsApril 20, 2020Scaling-up a Potential COVID-19 Therapy, One Molecule at a TimeSource: YaleNewsRead moreabout Scaling-up a Potential COVID-19 Therapy, One Molecule at a TimeFebruary 28, 2016Understanding the cancer-killing properties of a chemical commandoRead moreabout Understanding the cancer-killing properties of a chemical commandoGet In TouchCopy
April 20, 2020Scaling-up a Potential COVID-19 Therapy, One Molecule at a TimeSource: YaleNewsRead moreabout Scaling-up a Potential COVID-19 Therapy, One Molecule at a Time
February 28, 2016Understanding the cancer-killing properties of a chemical commandoRead moreabout Understanding the cancer-killing properties of a chemical commando