Douglas Rothman, PhD
Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging and of Biomedical EngineeringCards
Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging and of Biomedical Engineering
Co-Director MRI Research Center, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dr. Rothman is director of the Magnetic Resonance Research Center (MRRC) at the Yale School of Medicine. The MRRC presently supports the NIH- funded work of more than 70 Principal Investigators, as well as 13 program project grants and center grants. Dr. Rothman has an international reputation as a leader in the development of novel MR methods for the study of brain, liver, and muscle metabolism and function. Among the many MR 'firsts' of his team of bioimaging scientists have been the development of MR methods for imaging glutamate and GABA neurotransmission, brain energy metabolism, and liver and muscle glycogen and glucose metabolism and metabolic control. He is presently supported by two R01 grants, and has served as the primary mentor of six postdoctoral fellows and two students. His postdoctoral fellows have all gone on to faculty positions at major research institutions in the US and abroad. He is a named mentor on five K awards at different levels and is an informal mentor to many other junior and mid-level faculty members in the use of MR technology in their research.
Radiology & Biomedical Imaging
ProfessorFully Joint
Other Departments & Organizations
- Bioimaging Sciences
- Dean's Workshops
- Deuterium Metabolic Imaging (DMI)
- Diabetes Research Center
- Fellowship Training
- Magnetic Resonance Research Center
- Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- MR Core
- Neuroscience Research Training Program (NRTP)
- Quantitative Neuroscience with Magnetic Resonance
- Radiology & Biomedical Imaging
- Radiology Diversity Program
- Yale Biomedical Imaging Institute
- Yale Ventures
Education & Training
- PhD
- Yale University (1987)
Resting-state functional MRI of the nose as a novel investigational window into the nervous system
Ponticorvo S, Paasonen J, Stenroos P, Salo R, Tanila H, Filip P, Rothman D, Eberly L, Garwood M, Metzger G, Gröhn O, Michaeli S, Mangia S. Resting-state functional MRI of the nose as a novel investigational window into the nervous system. Scientific Reports 2024, 14: 26352. PMID: 39487180, PMCID: PMC11530622, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-77615-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional MRICentral nervous system integrityAutonomic nervous system innervationNervous system innervationAir-tissue interfaceNervous system integrityNervous system activityAutonomic nervous system activityAwake miceResting-state functional MRIAir intakeAbundant vasculatureCSF spacesNervous systemHeart rateSystem activityMRIBrain vesselsClearance sitesResting-stateSystem integrationHealthy participantsNoseSignal lossBreathing rate12241 Association Between Brain Glucose And Circulating Glucagon Levels In Response To Acute Hyperglycemia
Matson B, Gunawan F, Coppoli A, Jiang L, Rangel E, De Aguiar R, Rothman D, Mason G, Hwang J. 12241 Association Between Brain Glucose And Circulating Glucagon Levels In Response To Acute Hyperglycemia. Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2024, 8: bvae163.674. PMCID: PMC11454728, DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvae163.674.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCentral nervous systemBrain glucose levelsPlasma glucagon levelsHyperglycemic clampType 2 diabetesGlucagon levelsGlucagon secretionGlucose levelsResponse to hyperglycemiaAcute hyperglycemiaOral glucose tolerance testBrain glucose metabolismResponse to central nervous systemPathophysiology of type 2 diabetesResponse to hypoglycemiaBrain glucoseIndices of insulin sensitivityEffect of obesityRegulation of glucagon secretionGlucose tolerance testConsequences of obesityModulating glucagon secretionOvert metabolic abnormalitiesBrain glucose uptakeCirculating glucagon levelsMedial prefrontal cortex neurotransmitter abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder with and without comorbidity to major depression
Swanberg K, Prinsen H, Averill C, Campos L, Kurada A, Krystal J, Petrakis I, Averill L, Rothman D, Abdallah C, Juchem C. Medial prefrontal cortex neurotransmitter abnormalities in posttraumatic stress disorder with and without comorbidity to major depression. NMR In Biomedicine 2024, 37: e5220. PMID: 39054694, DOI: 10.1002/nbm.5220.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosttraumatic stress disorderMedial prefrontal cortexStress disorderPosttraumatic stress disorder patientsPosttraumatic stress disorder diagnosisChronic psychiatric conditionImpact of psychiatric comorbiditiesComorbid MDDPrefrontal cortexDepressive disorderTraumatic stressorsPsychiatric conditionsMDDPsychiatric comorbiditiesNeurotransmitter abnormalitiesConcentrations of glutamateMetabolite abnormalitiesHealthy controlsDisordersPattern of abnormalitiesParticipantsGlutamateIn vivo protonMetabolic abnormalitiesDepressionDeficits in brain glucose transport among younger adults with obesity
Gunawan F, Matson B, Coppoli A, Jiang L, Ding Y, Perry R, Sanchez‐Rangel E, DeAguiar R, Behar K, Rothman D, Mason G, Hwang J. Deficits in brain glucose transport among younger adults with obesity. Obesity 2024, 32: 1329-1338. PMID: 38764181, DOI: 10.1002/oby.24034.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBrain glucose transportLean participantsMarkers of insulin resistanceMagnetic resonance spectroscopy scansEffect of obesityAssociated with alterationsLong-term brain functionCerebral glucose metabolic rateGlucose transportGlucose metabolic rateCardiometabolic comorbiditiesBrain energy utilizationPeripheral markersHyperglycemic clampInsulin resistanceObesityBrain glucose uptakeHuman findingsEating behaviorsYounger ageYoung healthy participantsNeurocognitive functionGlucose transport capacityBrain functionNonesterified fatty acidsBrain maps of pCO2, pO2 and pH in aging via homeostatic modeling of neuroimaging data across the lifespan
Mangia S, DiNuzzo M, Dienel G, Behar K, Benveniste H, Giove F, Herculano S, Wolf M, Li X, Filip P, Michaeli S, Rothman D. Brain maps of pCO2, pO2 and pH in aging via homeostatic modeling of neuroimaging data across the lifespan. Proceedings Of The International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine ... Scientific Meeting And Exhibition. 2024 DOI: 10.58530/2024/3889.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFunctional MRI of the nose
Ponticorvo S, Paasonen J, Stenroos P, Paasonen E, Filip P, Rothman D, Auerbach E, Garwood M, Metzger G, Gröhn O, Michaeli S, Mangia S. Functional MRI of the nose. Proceedings Of The International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine ... Scientific Meeting And Exhibition. 2024 DOI: 10.58530/2024/1296.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIn vivo neuropil density from anatomical MRI and machine learning
Akif A, Staib L, Herman P, Rothman D, Yu Y, Hyder F. In vivo neuropil density from anatomical MRI and machine learning. Cerebral Cortex 2024, 34: bhae200. PMID: 38771239, PMCID: PMC11107380, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhae200.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMagnetic resonance imagingSynaptic densityNeuropil densityCellular densityArtificial neural networkNeural networkPositron emission tomographyAnatomical magnetic resonance imagingHealthy subjectsSynaptic activityMRI scansMachine learning algorithmsBrain's energy budgetEmission tomographyIn vivo MRI scansResonance imagingTissue cellularityLearning algorithmsDiffusion magnetic resonance imagingMachine learningMicroscopic interpretationInterpretation of functional neuroimaging dataIndividual predictionsSubjectsBrain energy metabolism: A roadmap for future research
Rae C, Baur J, Borges K, Dienel G, Díaz‐García C, Douglass S, Drew K, Duarte J, Duran J, Kann O, Kristian T, Lee‐Liu D, Lindquist B, McNay E, Robinson M, Rothman D, Rowlands B, Ryan T, Scafidi J, Scafidi S, Shuttleworth C, Swanson R, Uruk G, Vardjan N, Zorec R, McKenna M. Brain energy metabolism: A roadmap for future research. Journal Of Neurochemistry 2024, 168: 910-954. PMID: 38183680, PMCID: PMC11102343, DOI: 10.1111/jnc.16032.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Imaging metabolism of deuterated glucose in patients with primary brain tumors
Corbin Z, Liu Y, Fulbright R, Thaw-Poon S, Baehring J, Blondin N, Kim P, Omuro A, Chiang V, Moliterno J, Omay S, Piepmeier J, Rothman D, de Graaf R, De Feyter H. Imaging metabolism of deuterated glucose in patients with primary brain tumors. Proceedings Of The International Society For Magnetic Resonance In Medicine ... Scientific Meeting And Exhibition. 2023 DOI: 10.58530/2023/0142.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A 3D atlas of functional human brain energetic connectome based on neuropil distribution
Yu Y, Akif A, Herman P, Cao M, Rothman D, Carson R, Agarwal D, Evans A, Hyder F. A 3D atlas of functional human brain energetic connectome based on neuropil distribution. Cerebral Cortex 2022, 33: 3996-4012. PMID: 36104858, PMCID: PMC10068297, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhac322.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSynaptic densityCortical regionsHigher synapse densityHuman cortical circuitsFunctional imaging studiesCortical activity mapsVivo PET imagingNeuropil distributionGlucose oxidationSynapse densityCortical circuitsMetabolic rateSynaptic connectionsCortical energeticsImaging studiesHuman cortexPET imagingHistological stainingRecent evidenceCortexHuman brainBrainVoxel levelActivity ratesAtlas
Clinical Trials
Current Trials
Impact of Hypoglycemia on Brain Ketone and Neurotransmitter Metabolism in Type 1 DM
HIC ID1208010648RoleSub InvestigatorPrimary Completion Date09/29/2022Recruiting ParticipantsGenderBothAge18+ years
- November 27, 2024
Heavy metal to illuminate human disease
- April 14, 2022
Small Amounts of Liver Fat Lead to Insulin Resistance and Increased Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
- May 18, 2021
ISMRM awards a Gold Medal at its annual meeting to Dr. Douglas Rothman
- December 16, 2020
Discoveries & Impact (December 2020)