Incomplete Ascertainment of Mortality in a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study of Community-Living Older Americans
Gill T, Liang J, Vander Wyk B, Leo-Summers L, Wang Y, Becher R, Davis-Plourde K. Incomplete Ascertainment of Mortality in a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study of Community-Living Older Americans. The Journals Of Gerontology Series A 2025, glaf014. PMID: 39823281, DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glaf014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNational Health and Aging Trends StudyAscertainment of mortalityIncomplete ascertainmentLongitudinal studies of older personsStudy of older personsNationally representative longitudinal studyIncidence rate ratiosLoss to follow-upMortality incidence ratesYear of deathLongitudinal studyRepresentative longitudinal studyCommunity-livingTrends StudyOlder personsRecommended strategiesMedicare dataRate ratiosCumulative mortality rateIncidence rateResults of longitudinal analysesAscertainmentEvaluate mortalityLongitudinal analysisDecedents
National Estimates of Short- and Longer-Term Hospital Readmissions After Major Surgery Among Community-Living Older Adults
Wang Y, Leo-Summers L, Vander Wyk B, Davis-Plourde K, Gill T, Becher R. National Estimates of Short- and Longer-Term Hospital Readmissions After Major Surgery Among Community-Living Older Adults. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e240028. PMID: 38416499, PMCID: PMC10902728, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.0028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCenters for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesFee-for-serviceMedicare Advantage beneficiariesHospital readmissionUS residentsNational Health and Aging Trends Study dataCommunity-living older adultsProspective longitudinal cohort studyCommunity-living participantsRate of hospital readmissionLikelihood of hospital readmissionPopulation-based estimatesNationally representative estimatesSex-adjusted modelsCommunity-livingData linkageGeriatric conditionsMedicaid ServicesOlder personsOlder adultsMain OutcomesNational estimatesRepresentative estimatesData analysisCohort study
The Incidence and Cumulative Risk of Major Surgery in Older Persons in the United States
Becher RD, Vander Wyk B, Leo-Summers L, Desai MM, Gill TM. The Incidence and Cumulative Risk of Major Surgery in Older Persons in the United States. Annals Of Surgery 2021, 277: 87-92. PMID: 34261884, PMCID: PMC8758792, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000005077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryOlder personsCumulative riskNational HealthCommunity-living older personsHigh-quality surgical careNon-frail groupPopulation-based incidenceService Medicare beneficiariesMedicaid Services dataCumulative risk estimatesProspective longitudinal studyUnited States agesAging Trends StudyGeriatric characteristicsRepresentative incidenceFrail groupAdjusted incidenceGeriatric populationProbable dementiaSurgical carePersons 85Medicare beneficiariesSurgeryVulnerable subgroups