Cross-Sectional Associations between Prenatal Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances and Bioactive Lipids in Three Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Cohorts
Suthar H, Manea T, Pak D, Woodbury M, Eick S, Cathey A, Watkins D, Strakovsky R, Ryva B, Pennathur S, Zeng L, Weller D, Park J, Smith S, DeMicco E, Padula A, Fry R, Mukherjee B, Aguiar A, Geiger S, Ng S, Huerta-Montanez G, VeĢlez-Vega C, Rosario Z, Cordero J, Zimmerman E, Woodruff T, Morello-Frosch R, Schantz S, Meeker J, Alshawabkeh A, Aung M, Outcomes O. Cross-Sectional Associations between Prenatal Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances and Bioactive Lipids in Three Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Cohorts. Environmental Science And Technology 2024, 58: 8264-8277. PMID: 38691655, PMCID: PMC11097396, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c00094.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultChildChild HealthCohort StudiesCross-Sectional StudiesEnvironmental ExposureEnvironmental PollutantsFemaleFluorocarbonsHumansLipidsMaternal ExposurePregnancyConceptsPFAS mixtureLinear mixed modelsBioactive lipidsChild health outcomesCross-sectional associationsPrenatal PFAS exposureBioactive lipid levelsPoly-fluoroalkyl substancesQuantile g-computationMixed modelsGestational outcomesHealth outcomesPregnancy outcomesPregnant womenCombined cohortG-computationCohort analysisProgram cohortQuartile increaseLipid levelsCohortPositive associationMeta-analysisEnvironmental influencesPFAS exposure
Association of Surgical Resident Competency Ratings With Patient Outcomes
Kendrick D, Thelen A, Chen X, Gupta T, Yamazaki K, Krumm A, Bandeh-Ahmadi H, Clark M, Luckoscki J, Fan Z, Wnuk G, Ryan A, Mukherjee B, Hamstra S, Dimick J, Holmboe E, George B. Association of Surgical Resident Competency Ratings With Patient Outcomes. Academic Medicine 2023, 98: 813-820. PMID: 36724304, DOI: 10.1097/acm.0000000000005157.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatient outcomesGeneral surgery residentsMilestone ratingsSevere complicationsInpatient general surgical proceduresSurgery residentsGeneral surgical proceduresHigh-risk procedureCross-sectional studyCompetency ratingsGeneral surgical residentsRisk-adjusted ratesClinical outcomesIndex operationSurgical proceduresGeneral surgeonsMedicare populationComplicationsNational MedicareYears of practiceSecondary analysisClinical performanceSurgical residentsOutcomesMortality
Persistent organic pollutant exposure contributes to Black/White differences in leukocyte telomere length in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Roberts E, Boss J, Mukherjee B, Salerno S, Zota A, Needham B. Persistent organic pollutant exposure contributes to Black/White differences in leukocyte telomere length in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Scientific Reports 2022, 12: 19960. PMID: 36402910, PMCID: PMC9675834, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-24316-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultCross-Sectional StudiesEnvironmental PollutantsHumansLeukocytesNutrition SurveysPersistent Organic PollutantsPolychlorinated BiphenylsTelomereWhite PeopleConceptsNational Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyHealth and Nutrition Examination SurveyPersistent organic pollutantsLeukocyte telomere lengthNutrition Examination SurveyToxic equivalent quotientPolychlorinated biphenylsBlack/white differencesExamination SurveyCross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyNon-Hispanic Black AmericansExposure scoreNon-Hispanic white AmericansSurvey-weighted linear regression modelsIndirect effects of raceAssociated with longer leukocyte telomere lengthSingle-pollutant modelsIndividual persistent organic pollutantsExposure to polychlorinated biphenylsLonger leukocyte telomere lengthSelf-reported racePersistent organic pollutant exposuresBlack AmericansIndividual polychlorinated biphenylOrganic pollutant exposuresRace-specific associations of urinary phenols and parabens with adipokines in midlife women: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN)
Lee S, Karvonen-Gutierrez C, Mukherjee B, Herman W, Park S. Race-specific associations of urinary phenols and parabens with adipokines in midlife women: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN). Environmental Pollution 2022, 303: 119164. PMID: 35306088, PMCID: PMC9883839, DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119164.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdipokinesAdiponectinBayes TheoremCross-Sectional StudiesFemaleHumansLeptinMiddle AgedParabensPhenolsWomen's HealthConceptsStudy of Women's HealthBayesian kernel machine regressionWomen's HealthLeptin levelsBlack womenAssociated with lower leptinAssociated with favorable profilesAsian womenSoluble leptin receptorRacial differencesRace-specific associationsUrinary phenolCross-sectional associationsNo significant associationObesity-related metabolic diseasesLog-transformed levelsSOB-RKernel machine regressionSerum adipokinesMetabolic disease burdenEffect modificationNation Multi-Pollutant StudyLow leptinLeptin receptorLinear regression models
Cross-Sectional Estimation of Endogenous Biomarker Associations with Prenatal Phenols, Phthalates, Metals, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Single-Pollutant and Mixtures Analysis Approaches
Aung M, Yu Y, Ferguson K, Cantonwine D, Zeng L, McElrath T, Pennathur S, Mukherjee B, Meeker J. Cross-Sectional Estimation of Endogenous Biomarker Associations with Prenatal Phenols, Phthalates, Metals, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Single-Pollutant and Mixtures Analysis Approaches. Environmental Health Perspectives 2021, 129: 037007. PMID: 33761273, PMCID: PMC7990518, DOI: 10.1289/ehp7396.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBayes TheoremBiomarkersCross-Sectional StudiesEnvironmental PollutantsFemaleHumansPhenolsPhthalic AcidsPolycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsPregnancyConceptsExposure analytesToxicity classesMixtures of toxicantsSingle-pollutant modelsPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsHierarchical Bayesian kernel machine regressionBayesian kernel machine regressionKernel machine regressionPrenatal toxicant exposureAdaptive elastic net regressionClasses of toxicantsSingle-pollutantTrace metalsAromatic hydrocarbonsToxic mixturePair-wise associationsAdaptive elastic netToxicant exposurePhthalateMachine regressionEndogenous biomarkersBiomarkers indicativeMultiple linear regressionMetalToxicity
Urinary metal mixtures and longitudinal changes in glucose homeostasis: The Study of Womenās Health Across the Nation (SWAN)
Wang X, Mukherjee B, Karvonen-Gutierrez C, Herman W, Batterman S, Harlow S, Park S. Urinary metal mixtures and longitudinal changes in glucose homeostasis: The Study of Womenās Health Across the Nation (SWAN). Environment International 2020, 145: 106109. PMID: 32927284, PMCID: PMC7577932, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCross-Sectional StudiesFemaleGlucoseHomeostasisHumansInsulin ResistanceMetalsMiddle AgedWomen's HealthConceptsEnvironmental risk scoreStudy of Women's HealthWomen's HealthExposure to metal mixturesElevated diabetes riskAssociated with lower HOMA-IRUrinary metal mixtureLongitudinal changesMetal mixturesHOMA-BYears of follow-upRate of changeHOMA-IRAdaptive elastic-netStandard deviation increaseDiabetes riskLinear mixed effects modelsLower HOMA-IRRandom interceptMixed effects modelsRisk scoreAssociated with higher HOMA-IRMetal mixture effectsEpidemiological studiesDeviation increaseAssociations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances with Incident Natural Menopause: The Study of Womenās Health Across the Nation
Ding N, Harlow S, Randolph J, Calafat A, Mukherjee B, Batterman S, Gold E, Park S. Associations of Perfluoroalkyl Substances with Incident Natural Menopause: The Study of Womenās Health Across the Nation. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2020, 105: dgaa303. PMID: 32491182, PMCID: PMC7418447, DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa303.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStudy of Women's HealthNatural menopauseHazard ratioSerum concentrationsWomen's HealthCohort of midlife womenConfidence intervalsCalculate hazard ratiosAdverse health outcomesPFAS serum concentrationsMonths of amenorrheaAssociation of perfluoroalkyl substancesEarly natural menopauseBaseline serum concentrationsCox proportional hazards modelsAssociated with earlier natural menopauseIsotope dilution tandem mass spectrometryHealth outcomesProportional hazards modelReverse causationBleeding episodesMidlife womenLowest tertileMedian timeHormone use
Prediction and associations of preterm birth and its subtypes with eicosanoid enzymatic pathways and inflammatory markers
Aung M, Yu Y, Ferguson K, Cantonwine D, Zeng L, McElrath T, Pennathur S, Mukherjee B, Meeker J. Prediction and associations of preterm birth and its subtypes with eicosanoid enzymatic pathways and inflammatory markers. Scientific Reports 2019, 9: 17049. PMID: 31745121, PMCID: PMC6863859, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-53448-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpontaneous preterm birthPreterm birthMultiple logistic regressionCross-sectional study of pregnant womenAssociation of preterm birthCases of preterm birthStudy of pregnant womenOverall preterm birthPreterm birth casesPreterm birth outcomesCytochrome P450 metabolitesLogistic regressionOxidative stress markersAberrant placentationCross-sectional studyDelivered termCytochrome P450 productPredictive biomarkersPregnant womenPretermEicosanoid metabolitesImmune biomarkersLipoxygenase metabolitesBirth casesResolvin D1
Risk Factors During Pregnancy and Early Childhood in Rural West Bengal, India: A Feasibility Study Implemented via Trained Community Health Workers Using Mobile Data Collection Devices
Wagner A, Xia L, Pandey P, Datta S, Chattopadhyay S, Mazumder T, Santra S, Nandi U, Pal J, Joshi S, Mukherjee B. Risk Factors During Pregnancy and Early Childhood in Rural West Bengal, India: A Feasibility Study Implemented via Trained Community Health Workers Using Mobile Data Collection Devices. Maternal And Child Health Journal 2018, 22: 1286-1296. PMID: 29500782, DOI: 10.1007/s10995-018-2509-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultChildChild, PreschoolCommunity Health WorkersCross-Sectional StudiesFeasibility StudiesFemaleHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHealth Services AccessibilityHumansIndiaInfantPregnancyPregnant WomenReferral and ConsultationRural Health ServicesRural PopulationSmartphoneYoung AdultConceptsCommunity health workersHealth workersFeasibility of community health workersRisk factorsPregnant womenTrained community health workersPrevalence of risk factorsRural communitiesHealth care servicesCross-sectional studyCare servicesBlood pressureAbnormal blood pressureAnthropometric measurementsYoung childrenAbnormal anthropometric measurementsVulnerable populationsRural West BengalStudy implementationHealth concernLower scoresStages QuestionnaireLower blood pressureWomenHealth
Perceptions of measles, pneumonia, and meningitis vaccines among caregivers in Shanghai, China, and the health belief model: a cross-sectional study
Wagner A, Boulton M, Sun X, Mukherjee B, Huang Z, Harmsen I, Ren J, Zikmund-Fisher B. Perceptions of measles, pneumonia, and meningitis vaccines among caregivers in Shanghai, China, and the health belief model: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatrics 2017, 17: 143. PMID: 28606106, PMCID: PMC5468991, DOI: 10.1186/s12887-017-0900-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPneumococcal vaccine uptakeHealth Belief ModelBelief ModelHealth Belief Model constructsVaccine uptakeModels of health behaviorVaccine necessityHealth care workersCross-sectional studyLogistic regression modelsChinese caregiversCaregiver perceptionsHealth behaviorsCaregiversCare workersYears of agePneumococcal vaccineWritten surveyBackgroundIn ChinaHealthPerceived safetyRegression modelsYoung childrenChildrenMeasles vaccine
Utilizing Longitudinal Measures of Fetal Growth to Create a Standard Method to Assess the Impacts of Maternal Disease and Environmental Exposure
Cantonwine D, Ferguson K, Mukherjee B, Chen Y, Smith N, Robinson J, Doubilet P, Meeker J, McElrath T. Utilizing Longitudinal Measures of Fetal Growth to Create a Standard Method to Assess the Impacts of Maternal Disease and Environmental Exposure. PLOS ONE 2016, 11: e0146532. PMID: 26731406, PMCID: PMC4701464, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146532.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFetal growthCohort study populationContemporary obstetric practiceZ-scoreNon-anomalous pregnanciesFetal sizeAssociated with increased fetal sizeClinical dataIncreased risk of perinatal morbidityMixed modelsRisk of perinatal morbidityStandard populationAssociated with fetal growthMeasures of fetal growthPrenatal careAssociated with factorsLinear mixed modelsMaternal BMIObstetric practiceEpidemiological researchMaternal smokingTrimester ultrasound evaluationSuboptimal fetal growthUS populationImpact fetal growth
Statistical methods for modeling repeated measures of maternal environmental exposure biomarkers during pregnancy in association with preterm birth
Chen Y, Ferguson K, Meeker J, McElrath T, Mukherjee B. Statistical methods for modeling repeated measures of maternal environmental exposure biomarkers during pregnancy in association with preterm birth. Environmental Health 2015, 14: 9. PMID: 25619201, PMCID: PMC4417225, DOI: 10.1186/1476-069x-14-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAge FactorsBiomarkersBostonCase-Control StudiesCross-Sectional StudiesData Interpretation, StatisticalEnvironmental ExposureFemaleHazardous SubstancesHumansInfant, NewbornMaternal ExposureMiddle AgedModels, StatisticalPhthalic AcidsPregnancyPremature BirthSocioeconomic FactorsYoung AdultConceptsPreterm birthEnvironmental chemical exposuresMeasures of urinary phthalate metabolitesNested case-control studyCross-sectional analysisAverage exposureMeasures of exposureCase-control studyUrinary phthalate metabolitesModel repeated measuresEpidemiological research projectsLongitudinal exposureRepeated measuresPremature birthPretermEnvironmental exposure biomarkersExposure measurementsUrinary metabolitesMaternal factorsPhthalate metabolitesPregnancyStudy of phthalatesLongitudinal predictorsChemical exposureBirth
Endogenous sex steroid hormones and glucose in a SouthāAsian population without diabetes: the Metabolic Syndrome and Atherosclerosis in SouthāAsians Living in America pilot study
Needham B, Kim C, Mukherjee B, Bagchi P, Stanczyk F, Kanaya A. Endogenous sex steroid hormones and glucose in a SouthāAsian population without diabetes: the Metabolic Syndrome and Atherosclerosis in SouthāAsians Living in America pilot study. Diabetic Medicine 2014, 32: 1193-1200. PMID: 25443798, PMCID: PMC4449322, DOI: 10.1111/dme.12642.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndogenous sex steroid hormonesLevels of sex hormone-binding globulinAssociated with elevated fasting glucose levelsSex steroid hormonesSex hormone-binding globulinElevated fasting glucose levelsHormone-binding globulinSex steroid hormone levelsFasting glucose levelsSteroid hormone levelsGlucose levelsHepatic adipositySteroid hormonesWaist circumferenceMetabolic syndromeHigher levels of free testosteroneHormone levelsInsulin resistanceLevels of total testosteroneSouth Asian populationLevels of free testosteroneExogenous sex steroidsSouth AsiansAge-adjusted modelsAsian Indian origin
Where science meets policy: comparing longitudinal and cross-sectional designs to address diarrhoeal disease burden in the developing world
Markovitz A, Goldstick J, Levy K, Cevallos W, Mukherjee B, Trostle J, Eisenberg J. Where science meets policy: comparing longitudinal and cross-sectional designs to address diarrhoeal disease burden in the developing world. International Journal Of Epidemiology 2012, 41: 504-513. PMID: 22253314, PMCID: PMC3324455, DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyr194.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCross-sectional studyCross-sectional designEffect estimatesLongitudinal studyRisk factorsDisease risk factorsRisk factor distributionInforming public health policyPublic health policiesPublic health communityRisk factor effectsHousehold risk factorsDiarrhoeal disease burdenFactor effect estimatesHealth policyDiarrhoeal disease surveillanceEcuadorian villageNational policy decisionsHealth communityDisease burdenCross-sectionDisease surveillanceFactor distributionRiskGeographic regions
Lead exposure and visual-motor abilities in children from Chennai, India
Palaniappan K, Roy A, Balakrishnan K, Gopalakrishnan L, Mukherjee B, Hu H, Bellinger D. Lead exposure and visual-motor abilities in children from Chennai, India. NeuroToxicology 2011, 32: 465-470. PMID: 21510976, PMCID: PMC3115626, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuro.2011.03.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAge FactorsBiomarkersChildChild BehaviorChild DevelopmentChild, PreschoolCross-Sectional StudiesDeveloping CountriesEnvironmental ExposureEnvironmental PollutantsFemaleHumansIndiaLeadLead Poisoning, Nervous System, ChildhoodLinear ModelsMaleNeuropsychological TestsPsychomotor PerformanceRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSocioeconomic FactorsConceptsHigher blood lead levelsBlood lead levelsEducation levelMotor Ability TestUrban Indian childrenVisual-motor abilitiesCross-sectional studyMother's education levelFather's education levelAverage monthly incomeIndian childrenVisuo-motor developmentLead levelsMotor composite scoresMean blood lead levelLead exposureVisual-motorMonthly incomeDose-effect relationshipVisual-motor integrationComposite scoreSchool children
Variability in prescription drug expenditures explained by adjusted clinical groups (ACG) case-mix: A cross-sectional study of patient electronic records in primary care
Aguado A, GuinĆ³ E, Mukherjee B, Sicras A, Serrat J, Acedo M, Ferro J, Moreno V. Variability in prescription drug expenditures explained by adjusted clinical groups (ACG) case-mix: A cross-sectional study of patient electronic records in primary care. BMC Health Services Research 2008, 8: 53. PMID: 18318912, PMCID: PMC2292169, DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-8-53.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrescription quality indexPatient electronic recordsCase-mixPhysician-centeredElectronic recordsPharmacy costsPrimary care centersEpisode of careCase-mix adjustmentQuality of prescriptionsCost of prescriptionsCross-sectional studyQuality IndexIncreased prescription costsTwo-part modelDrug expendituresFamily physiciansProfile physiciansLinear mixed modelsPrescription costsProportion of variancePrescription drug expendituresPhysician expendituresLogistic regressionMultilevel structure of data