An inverse probability weighted regression method that accounts for right‐censoring for causal inference with multiple treatments and a binary outcome
Yu Y, Zhang M, Mukherjee B. An inverse probability weighted regression method that accounts for right‐censoring for causal inference with multiple treatments and a binary outcome. Statistics In Medicine 2023, 42: 3699-3715. PMID: 37392070, DOI: 10.1002/sim.9826.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsComputer SimulationHumansMaleModels, StatisticalProbabilityPropensity ScoreProstatic NeoplasmsRegression AnalysisTreatment OutcomeConceptsRight censoringWeighted score functionCausal treatment effectsAverage treatment effectAsymptotic propertiesCensored componentPre-specified time windowEstimation consistencyRobustness propertiesSimulation studyBinary outcomesPresence of confoundersCensoringScoring functionInverse probabilityTreatment effectsEstimationSources of biasInferenceLetter CComparative effectiveness researchTreatment switchRegression methodLogistic regression modelsInsurance claims database
Depression, Anxiety, and Patterns of Mental Health Care Among Men With Prostate Cancer Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy
Tsao P, Ross R, Bohnert A, Mukherjee B, Caram M. Depression, Anxiety, and Patterns of Mental Health Care Among Men With Prostate Cancer Receiving Androgen Deprivation Therapy. The Oncologist 2022, 27: 314-322. PMID: 35298660, PMCID: PMC8982372, DOI: 10.1093/oncolo/oyab033.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAndrogen AntagonistsAndrogensAnxietyDepressionHumansMaleMental HealthProstatic NeoplasmsConceptsAndrogen deprivation therapyMental health careProstate cancerMental health treatmentDiagnosis of depressionHealth careOptum's de-identified Clinformatics Data Mart DatabaseProstate cancer treated with androgen deprivation therapyInitiation of androgen deprivation therapyHealth treatmentPatterns of mental health careClinformatics Data Mart DatabaseSerotonin reuptake inhibitorsAnxiety diagnosesPsychotropic medicationsSpecialty of providersData Mart DatabasePrimary care physiciansPrescribing of psychotropic medicationsIncidence of depressionProportion of menDeprivation therapyReuptake inhibitorsMedian timeProstate
Factors Associated With Use of Sipuleucel-T to Treat Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer
Caram M, Ross R, Lin P, Mukherjee B. Factors Associated With Use of Sipuleucel-T to Treat Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer. JAMA Network Open 2019, 2: e192589. PMID: 31002323, PMCID: PMC6481456, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.2589.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMinimally symptomatic metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancerSipuleucel-TProstate cancerSymptomatic metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancerDatabase of commercially insured patientsMetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancerCastration-resistant prostate cancerAge of patientsRetrospective cohort studyFactors associated with useAssociated with patientsCommercially insured patientsPatterns of treatmentConcurrent therapyTreated patientsCohort studyMultivariate analysisCancer therapyTherapyPatientsPhysician factorsCancerBarriers to treatmentBinomial logistic regressionLogistic regression
Elevated Risk of Prostate Cancer Among Men With Lynch Syndrome
Raymond V, Mukherjee B, Wang F, Huang S, Stoffel E, Kastrinos F, Syngal S, Cooney K, Gruber S. Elevated Risk of Prostate Cancer Among Men With Lynch Syndrome. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2013, 31: 1713-1718. PMID: 23530095, PMCID: PMC3641694, DOI: 10.1200/jco.2012.44.1238.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLynch syndromeCumulative lifetime riskRisk of prostate cancerAge-specific cumulative riskLifetime risk of prostate cancerFamilial cancer registryGeneral populationHazard ratioCumulative risk of prostate cancerModified segregation analysisProstate cancerFourth-degree relativesCumulative riskProstate cancer riskLS familiesCancer RegistryCancer riskLifetime riskCases of prostate cancerPopulation riskMismatch repair-deficient phenotypeWald-type CICancer diagnosisMutation carriersElevated risk
A Bayesian Semiparametric Approach for Incorporating Longitudinal Information on Exposure History for Inference in Case–Control Studies
Bhadra D, Daniels M, Kim S, Ghosh M, Mukherjee B. A Bayesian Semiparametric Approach for Incorporating Longitudinal Information on Exposure History for Inference in Case–Control Studies. Biometrics 2012, 68: 361-370. PMID: 22313248, PMCID: PMC3935236, DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01686.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBayesian semiparametric approachSemiparametric approachCase-control studyReversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithmMarkov chain Monte Carlo algorithmMeasures of cumulative exposureLongitudinal biomarker informationMonte Carlo algorithmClinically meaningful estimatesSmooth functionsCase-control study of prostate cancerWeighted integralsCumulative exposureInfluence functionJoint likelihoodLikelihood formulationExposure historyStudy of prostate cancerDisease risk modelsHierarchical Bayesian frameworkDisease statusBayesian frameworkCase-controlRisk modelCohort study
Bayesian inference for the stereotype regression model: Application to a case–control study of prostate cancer
Ahn J, Mukherjee B, Banerjee M, Cooney K. Bayesian inference for the stereotype regression model: Application to a case–control study of prostate cancer. Statistics In Medicine 2009, 28: 3139-3157. PMID: 19731262, PMCID: PMC3103066, DOI: 10.1002/sim.3693.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBayes TheoremCase-Control StudiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedNeoplasm StagingProstatic NeoplasmsRegression AnalysisConceptsStereotype regression modelProportional odds modelLog-odds-ratioStereotype modelMaximum likelihood estimationOdds modelBayesian inferenceAdjacent category logit modelCase-control study of prostate cancerLack of identifiabilityModel comparison procedureLikelihood estimationProduct representationValid inferenceFrequentist approachUnordered outcomesCategorical responsesOrdered outcomesCategory-specific scoresOdd structuresComparison procedureCategorical outcomesLatent variablesInferenceCase-control study
Semiparametric Bayesian modeling of random genetic effects in family‐based association studies
Zhang L, Mukherjee B, Hu B, Moreno V, Cooney K. Semiparametric Bayesian modeling of random genetic effects in family‐based association studies. Statistics In Medicine 2008, 28: 113-139. PMID: 18792083, PMCID: PMC2684653, DOI: 10.1002/sim.3413.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRandom effects distributionRandom effects parametersBayesian approachProblem of estimating covarianceSensitive to parametric specificationSemiparametric Bayesian modelNonparametric Bayesian approachFixed covariate effectsFlexible Bayesian approachEffective distributionIntegrated likelihoodDirichlet processCovariate effectsNonparametric modelBayesian paradigmParametric specificationHierarchical Bayesian paradigmBayes methodologyInference problemSimulation studyRandom genetic effectsComputational advantagesCorrelation structureNumerical integration schemeTheoretical sense
Prostate-specific membrane antigen: a novel folate hydrolase in human prostatic carcinoma cells.
Pinto J, Suffoletto B, Berzin T, Qiao C, Lin S, Tong W, May F, Mukherjee B, Heston W. Prostate-specific membrane antigen: a novel folate hydrolase in human prostatic carcinoma cells. Clinical Cancer Research 1996, 2: 1445-51. PMID: 9816319.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAntigens, SurfaceCarboxypeptidasesCell FractionationCell MembraneFolic Acidgamma-Glutamyl HydrolaseGlutamate Carboxypeptidase IIHumansHydrogen-Ion ConcentrationHydrolasesImmunohistochemistryMaleMethotrexatePolyglutamic AcidProstatic NeoplasmsPteroylpolyglutamic AcidsSubstrate SpecificityTumor Cells, CulturedConceptsFolate hydrolase activityProtein prostate-specific membrane antigenHuman prostate cancerPC-3 cellsProstate cancerMembrane-bound enzymeHydrolase activityMonoclonal antibodiesLNCaP cellsTransfection of PC-3 cellsResistance to methotrexate therapyClass II membrane proteinHuman prostate cancer cell linesTreatment of prostate cancerMembrane fractionProstate cancer cell linesHuman prostate carcinoma cellsLNCaP cell membranesProstate-specific membraneHuman prostate adenocarcinoma cellsPhase 3 trialProstate carcinoma cellsProstate adenocarcinoma cellsAbsence of thiol reagentsEukaryotic expression vector