Biomarkers of Exposure to Phthalate Mixtures and Adverse Birth Outcomes in a Puerto Rico Birth Cohort
Cathey A, Watkins D, Rosario Z, VĂ©lez C, Mukherjee B, Alshawabkeh A, Cordero J, Meeker J. Biomarkers of Exposure to Phthalate Mixtures and Adverse Birth Outcomes in a Puerto Rico Birth Cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives 2022, 130: 037009. PMID: 35333099, PMCID: PMC8953418, DOI: 10.1289/ehp8990.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpontaneous preterm birthPreterm birthFetal sexGestational agePregnancy outcomesBirth outcomesBayesian kernel machine regressionPhthalate metabolitesRisk of early deliveryAssociated with increased odds of PTBOdds of preterm birthPhthalate mixtureReduced gestational ageIndividual phthalate metabolitesMeasures of birth weightAssociated with increased riskPhthalate metabolite mixturesAdverse birth outcomesAssociated with increased oddsPuerto Rico TestsiteEnvironmental risk scoreEarly deliveryBirth weightPregnancy cohortLongitudinal pregnancy cohort
Performance of urine, blood, and integrated metal biomarkers in relation to birth outcomes in a mixture setting
Ashrap P, Watkins D, Mukherjee B, Rosario-PabĂłn Z, VĂ©lez-Vega C, Alshawabkeh A, Cordero J, Meeker J. Performance of urine, blood, and integrated metal biomarkers in relation to birth outcomes in a mixture setting. Environmental Research 2021, 200: 111435. PMID: 34097892, PMCID: PMC8403638, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.111435.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEnvironmental risk scoreIntraclass correlation coefficientBirth outcomesBody mass indexWeighted quantile sumOdds ratio of preterm birthSecond-hand smoke exposurePre-pregnancy body mass indexOdds of preterm birthAssociated with birth outcomesIncreased odds of preterm birthPractice study designHealth effectsPreterm birthMaternal educationIncreased oddsOdds ratioSmoke exposureStudy designMaternal ageMass indexArea under the curveRisk scoreLogistic regressionConfidence intervals
Maternal blood metal and metalloid concentrations in association with birth outcomes in Northern Puerto Rico
Ashrap P, Watkins D, Mukherjee B, Boss J, Richards M, Rosario Z, VĂ©lez-Vega C, Alshawabkeh A, Cordero J, Meeker J. Maternal blood metal and metalloid concentrations in association with birth outcomes in Northern Puerto Rico. Environment International 2020, 138: 105606. PMID: 32179314, PMCID: PMC7198231, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105606.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBayesian kernel machine regressionShorter gestational agePreterm birthGestational ageEnvironmental risk scoreBirth outcomesMetal concentrationsNon-essential metal(loid)sHigher risk of preterm birthRisk of preterm birthLow-level prenatal lead exposureInterquartile rangeOdds of preterm birthAssociated with higher risk of preterm birthRisk scoreEffects of metalsPredictors of birth outcomesAssociated with birth outcomesBayesian kernel machine regression modelsBirthweight z-scoreAssociated with adverse birth outcomesAssociated with higher riskAdverse birth outcomesKernel machine regressionPuerto Rico Testsite
The associations between prenatal exposure to triclocarban, phenols and parabens with gestational age and birth weight in northern Puerto Rico
Aker A, Ferguson K, Rosario Z, Mukherjee B, Alshawabkeh A, Cordero J, Meeker J. The associations between prenatal exposure to triclocarban, phenols and parabens with gestational age and birth weight in northern Puerto Rico. Environmental Research 2018, 169: 41-51. PMID: 30412856, PMCID: PMC6347499, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2018.10.030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAssociated with gestational ageGestational ageOdds of SGAInfant sexBirth outcomesStudy visitsVisit 1Odds of preterm birthOdds of LGAAssociated with adverse birth outcomesBirthweight z-scoreBiomarker concentrationsAdverse birth outcomesPuerto Rico TestsitePreterm birthPregnant womenBirth weightUrinary biomarker concentrationsExposure biomarkersLogistic regression modelsVisit 3SGADecreased oddsZ-scoreCalculate oddsAssociations between mixtures of urinary phthalate metabolites with gestational age at delivery: a time to event analysis using summative phthalate risk scores
Boss J, Zhai J, Aung M, Ferguson K, Johns L, McElrath T, Meeker J, Mukherjee B. Associations between mixtures of urinary phthalate metabolites with gestational age at delivery: a time to event analysis using summative phthalate risk scores. Environmental Health 2018, 17: 56. PMID: 29925380, PMCID: PMC6011420, DOI: 10.1186/s12940-018-0400-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMono-2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl phthalateEnvironmental risk scoreGestational ageHazard ratioPreterm birthRisk scoreInterquartile rangeIncreased odds of preterm birthCases of preterm birthOdds of preterm birthUrinary phthalate metabolite concentrationsPhthalate metabolite concentrationsUrinary phthalate metabolitesPhthalate metabolite measurementsCox proportional hazards modelsInterquartile range changeTime to deliveryProportional hazards modelLongitudinal birth cohortSingle-pollutant analysesSignificant public health concernUrinary metabolite concentrationsBackgroundPreterm birthPregnant womenExposure to phthalates
Longitudinal Profiles of Thyroid Hormone Parameters in Pregnancy and Associations with Preterm Birth
Johns L, Ferguson K, McElrath T, Mukherjee B, Seely E, Meeker J. Longitudinal Profiles of Thyroid Hormone Parameters in Pregnancy and Associations with Preterm Birth. PLOS ONE 2017, 12: e0169542. PMID: 28060899, PMCID: PMC5217954, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169542.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk of preterm birthPreterm birthNested case-control study of preterm birthThyroid hormonesSubclinical alterationsPregnant womenCase-control study of preterm birthThyroid diseaseOdds of preterm birthOngoing birth cohort studyNested case-control studyStudy of preterm birthAssociated with preterm birthBirth cohort studyTime pointsMultivariate logistic regression modelOverall preterm birthSpontaneous preterm birthWeeks of gestationClinical thyroid diseaseOvert thyroid diseaseThyroid hormone parametersMaternal thyroid hormone concentrationsMaternal thyroid hormonesLogistic regression models
Variability in urinary phthalate metabolite levels across pregnancy and sensitive windows of exposure for the risk of preterm birth
Ferguson K, McElrath T, Ko Y, Mukherjee B, Meeker J. Variability in urinary phthalate metabolite levels across pregnancy and sensitive windows of exposure for the risk of preterm birth. Environment International 2014, 70: 118-124. PMID: 24934852, PMCID: PMC4104181, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2014.05.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdjusted odds ratiosUrinary phthalate metabolite levelsPreterm birthPhthalate metabolite levelsOdds ratioOdds of preterm birthAssociated with increased odds of preterm birthIncreased risk of delivering pretermCases of preterm birthWeeks of completed gestationRisk of delivering pretermAssociated with increased oddsMetabolite levelsPresentation of preeclampsiaSignificant public health problemSpontaneous preterm birthIntrauterine growth restrictionLongitudinal birth cohortPhthalate metabolite concentrationsPublic health problemBirth outcomesBirth cohortGrowth restrictionThird trimesterPregnant women