Alejandro Marín López
Associate Research ScientistCards
Associate Research Scientist
I got my Bachelor degree in Biology (concentration in Biotechnology) at Universidad Complutense of Madrid and my Master degree in Biotechnology (Molecular Biosciences Program), at Universidad Autonoma of Madrid. During my PhD in the BSL-3 at the Center of Animal Health Research (CISA-INIA), I was mainly focused in the development of new generation vaccines (viral vetors and microspheres) against vector-borne viruses of veterinary importance, as bluetongue virus and African Horsesickness virus, and also relevant zoonotic viruses as Rift Valley Fever virus. Here at Yale University, I am focused in the generation of mosquito vector-based vaccines against flaviviruses as dengue or zika and in the study of mosquito-virus-host interactions.
Infectious Diseases
Associate Research ScientistPrimary