Elucidating the role of blood metabolites on pancreatic cancer risk using two‐sample Mendelian randomization analysis
Zhong H, Liu S, Zhu J, Xu T, Yu H, Wu L. Elucidating the role of blood metabolites on pancreatic cancer risk using two‐sample Mendelian randomization analysis. International Journal Of Cancer 2023, 154: 852-862. PMID: 37860916, PMCID: PMC10843029, DOI: 10.1002/ijc.34771.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaPDAC riskBlood metabolitesGenetic instrumentsTwo-sample Mendelian randomization studyPancreatic Cancer Case-Control ConsortiumEPIC-Norfolk cohortPancreatic cancer riskEuropean ancestryPancreatic Cancer Cohort ConsortiumPotential side effectsCanadian Longitudinal StudyAssociations of metabolitesMendelian randomization studyTwo-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysisGenome-wide association studiesMendelian randomization analysisFatal malignancyDuctal adenocarcinomaCancer riskPDAC casesSide effectsAging CohortMetabolite biomarkersRandomization studyNight shift work, sleep duration and endometrial cancer risk: A pooled analysis from the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium (E2C2)
Frias-Gomez J, Alemany L, Benavente Y, Clarke M, de Francisco J, De Vivo I, Du M, Goodman M, Lacey J, Liao L, Lipworth L, Lu L, Merritt M, Michels K, O'Connell K, Paytubi S, Pelegrina B, Peremiquel-Trillas P, Petruzella S, Ponce J, Risch H, Setiawan V, Schouten L, Shu X, Trabert B, Van den Brandt P, Wentzensen N, Wilkens L, Yu H, Costas L. Night shift work, sleep duration and endometrial cancer risk: A pooled analysis from the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium (E2C2). Sleep Medicine Reviews 2023, 72: 101848. PMID: 37716022, PMCID: PMC10840870, DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2023.101848.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNight shift workEndometrial Cancer ConsortiumEndometrial cancer riskEndometrial cancerSleep durationShift workPostmenopausal womenPooled analysisInverse associationOdds ratioCancer riskCancer ConsortiumNon-significant inverse associationStudy-specific odds ratiosEndometrial cancer casesStrong risk factorConfidence intervalsLong sleep durationDaily sleep durationObese womenRisk factorsCancer casesLogistic regressionIndividual dataCancerIdentification of blood protein biomarkers associated with prostate cancer risk using genetic prediction models: analysis of over 140,000 subjects
Zhong H, Zhu J, Liu S, Ghoneim D, Surendran P, Liu T, Fahle S, Butterworth A, Alam A, Deng H, Yu H, Wu C, Wu L. Identification of blood protein biomarkers associated with prostate cancer risk using genetic prediction models: analysis of over 140,000 subjects. Human Molecular Genetics 2023, 32: 3181-3193. PMID: 37622920, PMCID: PMC10630250, DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddad139.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPCa riskProstate cancerHuge public health burdenEtiology of PCaBlood protein biomarkersConventional epidemiologic studiesProstate cancer riskPublic health burdenConventional observational studiesCancer Genome AtlasPCa patientsHealth burdenProtein biomarker candidatesObservational studyEpidemiologic studiesCancer riskTherapeutic strategiesCancer-related pathwaysSignificant associationBiomarker candidatesGenome AtlasProtein levelsDrug repurposingRiskPositive associationGenetic Susceptibility to Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Risk for Pancreatic Cancer: Mendelian Randomization.
King S, Veliginti S, Brouwers M, Ren Z, Zheng W, Setiawan V, Wilkens L, Shu X, Arslan A, Beane Freeman L, Bracci P, Canzian F, Du M, Gallinger S, Giles G, Goodman P, Haiman C, Kogevinas M, Kooperberg C, LeMarchand L, Neale R, Visvanathan K, White E, Albanes D, Andreotti G, Babic A, Berndt S, Brais L, Brennan P, Buring J, Rabe K, Bamlet W, Chanock S, Fuchs C, Gaziano J, Giovannucci E, Hackert T, Hassan M, Katzke V, Kurtz R, Lee I, Malats N, Murphy N, Oberg A, Orlow I, Porta M, Real F, Rothman N, Sesso H, Silverman D, Thompson I, Wactawski-Wende J, Wang X, Wentzensen N, Yu H, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Yu K, Wolpin B, Duell E, Li D, Hung R, Perdomo S, McCullough M, Freedman N, Patel A, Peters U, Riboli E, Sund M, Tjønneland A, Zhong J, Van Den Eeden S, Kraft P, Risch H, Amundadottir L, Klein A, Stolzenberg-Solomon R, Antwi S. Genetic Susceptibility to Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Risk for Pancreatic Cancer: Mendelian Randomization. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2023, 32: 1265-1269. PMID: 37351909, PMCID: PMC10529823, DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-23-0453.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNonalcoholic fatty liver diseasePancreatic cancer riskFatty liver diseasePancreatic cancerCancer riskLiver diseaseGenetic predispositionMendelian randomizationPancreatic Cancer Case-Control ConsortiumConfidence intervalsPancreatic Cancer Cohort ConsortiumPC risk factorsMR methodsRisk factorsGenome-wide association studiesGenetic susceptibilityLogistic regressionCancerMetabolic perturbationsMetabolic conditionsRiskDiseaseGenetic variantsAssociationPredispositionAssociation between use of antihypertensive drugs and the risk of cancer: a population-based cohort study in Shanghai
Wang S, Xie L, Zhuang J, Qian Y, Zhang G, Quan X, Li L, Yu H, Zhang W, Zhao W, Qian B. Association between use of antihypertensive drugs and the risk of cancer: a population-based cohort study in Shanghai. BMC Cancer 2023, 23: 425. PMID: 37165412, PMCID: PMC10173582, DOI: 10.1186/s12885-023-10849-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPopulation-based cohort studyTotal cancerAntihypertensive drugsHypertensive patientsCohort studyAntihypertensive medicinesThyroid cancerHigh riskPossible dose-response relationshipAntihypertensive drug administrationCommon antihypertensive drugsRisk of cancerCommunity healthcare centersDose-response relationshipMajor cancer typesAntihypertensive classesCancer casesMAIN OUTCOMECancer riskHealthcare centersDrug AdministrationPatientsSignificant associationCancerCancer types
Dietary omega-3 fatty acids and endometrial cancer risk in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium: An individual-participant meta-analysis
Brasky T, Hade E, Cohn D, Newton A, Petruzella S, O'Connell K, Bertrand K, Cook L, De Vivo I, Du M, Freudenheim J, Friedenreich C, Goodman M, Gorzelitz J, Ibiebele T, Krogh V, Liao L, Lipworth L, Lu L, McCann S, O'Mara T, Palmer J, Ponte J, Prizment A, Risch H, Sandin S, Schouten L, Setiawan V, Shu X, Trabert B, van den Brandt P, Webb P, Wentzensen N, Wilkens L, Wolk A, Yu H, Neuhouser M. Dietary omega-3 fatty acids and endometrial cancer risk in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium: An individual-participant meta-analysis. Gynecologic Oncology 2022, 169: 137-146. PMID: 36934308, PMCID: PMC10025515, DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2022.10.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndometrial cancer riskEndometrial Cancer ConsortiumHigh dietary intakeCancer riskDietary intakeObese womenOdds ratioCancer ConsortiumDietary omega-3 fatty acidsOmega-3 fatty acidsEnergy-adjusted quartilesEndometrial cancer casesEndometrial cancer incidenceProspective cohort studyFood frequency questionnaireNormal-weight womenFatty acid intakeAdjusted odds ratioBody mass indexLong-chain omega-3Anti-inflammatory propertiesSubgroup of womenConfidence intervalsCase-control studyTwo-stage individual participant data
P76 Prospective investigation of pre-diagnostic urinary bisphenol a and phthalates in relation to endometrial cancer risk in the multiethnic cohort (MEC) study
Sarink D, Le Marchand L, Cheng I, Wu A, Franke A, Wilkens L, White K, Yu H, Merritt M. P76 Prospective investigation of pre-diagnostic urinary bisphenol a and phthalates in relation to endometrial cancer risk in the multiethnic cohort (MEC) study. International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer 2019, 29: a101. DOI: 10.1136/ijgc-2019-esgo.138.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEndometrial cancer riskEndometrial cancer risk factorsCancer risk factorsMultiethnic Cohort StudyCancer riskCohort studyEndometrial cancerUrinary BPARisk factorsEndometrial cancer incidence ratesHigher body mass indexRole of BPAEndometrial cancer casesPostmenopausal hormone useAge-adjusted incidenceBody mass indexCase-control studyCancer incidence ratesConditional logistic regressionNative Hawaiian womenFrequency of casesRace/ethnicityUrinary bisphenolHormone useOral contraceptives
Effects of Physical Activity on DNA Methylation and Associations with Breast Cancer
Yu H, Irwin M. Effects of Physical Activity on DNA Methylation and Associations with Breast Cancer. Energy Balance And Cancer 2016, 11: 251-264. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41610-6_11.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDNA methylationTumor suppressor genePhysical activityEpigenetic regulationSuppressor geneCancer riskGenome-wide methylationBetter patient survivalBreast cancer patientsPro-inflammatory cytokinesBreast cancer riskSex steroid hormonesLower cancer riskMitogenic growth factorsEntire genomeMolecular mechanismsInsulin resistancePatient survivalCancer patientsMethylationMore profound impactsCancer preventionBreast cancerDisease outcomeHealthy individuals
The KRAS-Variant and miRNA Expression in RTOG Endometrial Cancer Clinical Trials 9708 and 9905
Lee LJ, Ratner E, Uduman M, Winter K, Boeke M, Greven KM, King S, Burke TW, Underhill K, Kim H, Boulware RJ, Yu H, Parkash V, Lu L, Gaffney D, Dicker AP, Weidhaas J. The KRAS-Variant and miRNA Expression in RTOG Endometrial Cancer Clinical Trials 9708 and 9905. PLOS ONE 2014, 9: e94167. PMID: 24732316, PMCID: PMC3986055, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094167.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndometrial cancer riskType 2 endometrial cancerEndometrial cancerKRAS-variantCancer riskLymphovascular invasionSurvival outcomesTumor biologyType 1 endometrial cancerEndometrial cancer trialsOverall survival rateMiRNA expressionAge-matched controlsCase-control analysisFunctional germline variantsClinical characteristicsPatient ageTumor characteristicsCancer trialsTumor specimensSurvival rateType 1Germline variantsMiRNA expression levelsCancer
Meta-Analysis of the Association between Mir-196a-2 Polymorphism and Cancer Susceptibility
Zhang H, Su Y, Yu H, Qian B. Meta-Analysis of the Association between Mir-196a-2 Polymorphism and Cancer Susceptibility. Cancer Biology & Medicine 2012, 9: 63-72. PMID: 23691458, PMCID: PMC3643645, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3941.2012.01.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchColorectal cancerSubgroup analysisCancer riskCancer susceptibilityMiR-196aRs11614913 polymorphismRisk of lungCase-control studyIndependent case-control studiesRisk of cancerDifferent tumor typesMiR-196a-2Esophageal cancerLung cancerBreast cancerTumor typesCaucasian subgroupMeta-AnalysisSignificant associationC alleleOverall associationCancerGenetic modelsAsian populationsMicroRNA dysregulation
Genotypes and phenotypes of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in breast tumors among Chinese women
Qian B, Zheng H, Yu H, Chen K. Genotypes and phenotypes of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in breast tumors among Chinese women. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment 2011, 130: 217. PMID: 21562710, DOI: 10.1007/s10549-011-1552-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancer riskIGFBP-3 genotypesIGFBP-3 single nucleotide polymorphismsCancer riskChinese womenIGFBP-3Single nucleotide polymorphismsBreast cancerBreast tumorsTumor samplesLocal breast tissuesBreast cancer patientsIGF-I activityER-negative tumorsUnconditional logistic regressionCase-control studyFresh tumor samplesAge-matched controlsWilcoxon rank sum testRank sum testHigher peptide levelsIGFBP-3 geneIGF-I geneNegative tumorsCancer patients
Association of genetic polymorphisms in DNA repair pathway genes with non-small cell lung cancer risk
Qian B, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhou X, Yu H, Chen K. Association of genetic polymorphisms in DNA repair pathway genes with non-small cell lung cancer risk. Lung Cancer 2010, 73: 138-146. PMID: 21195504, DOI: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2010.11.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungDNA RepairDNA Repair EnzymesDNA-Binding ProteinsFemaleGenetic Association StudiesGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMiddle AgedPolymorphism, GeneticRisk FactorsSmokingXeroderma Pigmentosum Group A ProteinXeroderma Pigmentosum Group D ProteinYoung AdultConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerLung cancer riskSquamous cell carcinomaLung cancerCancer riskCell carcinomaSingle nucleotide polymorphismsHigh riskGenetic polymorphismsNon-small cell lung cancer riskRisk of NSCLCCell lung cancer riskHigher lung cancer riskCell lung cancerVariant AA genotypeDominant risk factorNumerous epidemiological studiesLogistic regression modelsDNA repair pathway genesYoung smokersNSCLC casesSubgroup analysisRisk factorsHealthy controlsStratified analysisA KRAS-Variant in Ovarian Cancer Acts as a Genetic Marker of Cancer Risk
Ratner E, Lu L, Boeke M, Barnett R, Nallur S, Chin LJ, Pelletier C, Blitzblau R, Tassi R, Paranjape T, Hui P, Godwin AK, Yu H, Risch H, Rutherford T, Schwartz P, Santin A, Matloff E, Zelterman D, Slack FJ, Weidhaas JB. A KRAS-Variant in Ovarian Cancer Acts as a Genetic Marker of Cancer Risk. Cancer Research 2010, 70: 6509-6515. PMID: 20647319, PMCID: PMC2923587, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.can-10-0689.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOvarian cancerKRAS-variantOC patientsCancer riskRisk of OCIndependent case-control analysesCase-control studyOvarian cancer syndromeCase-control analysisFamily membersAdvanced diseaseWomen's cancersRisk factorsBRCA2 mutationsHBOC patientsOC casesIndependent cohortHBOC familiesHereditary breastSolid tumorsCancer syndromesKRAS oncogeneVariant allelesPatientsCancerABO Blood Group, Helicobacter pylori Seropositivity, and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: A Case–Control Study
Risch HA, Yu H, Lu L, Kidd MS. ABO Blood Group, Helicobacter pylori Seropositivity, and Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: A Case–Control Study. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute 2010, 102: 502-505. PMID: 20181960, PMCID: PMC2902822, DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djq007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsABO Blood-Group SystemAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntibodies, BacterialAntigens, BacterialBacterial ProteinsCase-Control StudiesConfounding Factors, EpidemiologicConnecticutEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayFemaleHelicobacter InfectionsHelicobacter pyloriHumansIncidenceMaleMiddle AgedOdds RatioPancreatic NeoplasmsConceptsNon-O blood typeH pylori seropositivityCase-control studyPancreatic cancerPylori seropositivityABO blood groupEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assayBlood typeBlood groupPopulation-based case-control studyNon-O blood groupControl subjects frequencyH pylori colonizationVirulence protein CagAHelicobacter pylori seropositivityPancreatic cancer riskO blood typeRandom digit dialingCagA seropositivityCase patientsH pyloriControl subjectsRisk factorsPylori colonizationCancer riskRacial differences in the association between body mass index and serum IGF1, IGF2, and IGFBP3
Fowke JH, Matthews CE, Yu H, Cai Q, Cohen S, Buchowski MS, Zheng W, Blot WJ. Racial differences in the association between body mass index and serum IGF1, IGF2, and IGFBP3. Endocrine Related Cancer 2010, 17: 51-60. PMID: 19786462, PMCID: PMC2814999, DOI: 10.1677/erc-09-0023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAge of OnsetAgedBlack or African AmericanBody Mass IndexBreast NeoplasmsCross-Sectional StudiesFemaleFollow-Up StudiesGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseHumansInsulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding ProteinsInsulin-Like Growth Factor IInsulin-Like Growth Factor IIMiddle AgedPostmenopausePremenopauseProspective StudiesSoutheastern United StatesWhite PeopleYoung AdultConceptsBody mass indexAge 21 yearsBreast cancer riskIGF1 levelsRace/ethnicityIGFBP3 levelsMass indexWhite womenAA womenCancer riskRacial differencesPremenopausal breast cancer riskAfrican American race/ethnicityLower body mass indexEffect of obesityHigher IGF1 levelsCross-sectional analysisFree IGF1Serum IGF1IGF levelsBMI rangeAge 40Wide BMI rangeProtein 3Women
Randomized Controlled Trial of Aerobic Exercise on Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factors in Breast Cancer Survivors: The Yale Exercise and Survivorship Study
Irwin ML, Varma K, Alvarez-Reeves M, Cadmus L, Wiley A, Chung GG, DiPietro L, Mayne ST, Yu H. Randomized Controlled Trial of Aerobic Exercise on Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factors in Breast Cancer Survivors: The Yale Exercise and Survivorship Study. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2009, 18: 306-313. PMID: 19124513, PMCID: PMC2841479, DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-08-0531.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancer survivorsPostmenopausal breast cancer survivorsModerate-intensity aerobic exerciseUsual care groupBreast cancer riskAerobic exerciseIGFBP-3Cancer survivorsUsual careCare groupCancer riskYale-New Haven Hospital Tumor RegistryCurrent physical activity levelsInsulin-like growth factorHospital tumor registryUsual care participantsAerobic exercise interventionExercise-induced decreasePhysical activity levelsInsulin-like growthExercise groupExercise interventionControlled TrialsTumor RegistryBrisk walking
Adipokine genes and prostate cancer risk
Moore SC, Leitzmann MF, Albanes D, Weinstein SJ, Snyder K, Virtamo J, Ahn J, Mayne ST, Yu H, Peters U, Gunter MJ. Adipokine genes and prostate cancer risk. International Journal Of Cancer 2008, 124: 869-876. PMID: 19035456, PMCID: PMC2879625, DOI: 10.1002/ijc.24043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProstate cancer riskProstate cancerCancer riskOdds ratioIGF-1Prostate carcinogenesisADIPOQ geneBaseline blood drawCase-control studyAdipocyte-derived cytokineIGFBP-3Serum insulinLEP geneBlood drawFinnish menIntervention groupLarge cohortGG genotypeRelative oddsAdipokine genesAA genotypeCancerVariant allelesA alleleLogistic regression
Energy balance, insulin resistance biomarkers, and breast cancer risk
Fair A, Dai Q, Shu X, Matthews C, Yu H, Jin F, Gao Y, Zheng W. Energy balance, insulin resistance biomarkers, and breast cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiology 2007, 31: 214-219. PMID: 17646056, PMCID: PMC1994998, DOI: 10.1016/j.cdp.2007.04.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAsian PeopleBiomarkersBody Mass IndexBreast NeoplasmsCase-Control StudiesChinaC-PeptideEnergy IntakeEnergy MetabolismExerciseFemaleHumansInsulin ResistanceInsulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3Insulin-Like Growth Factor IInsulin-Like Growth Factor IIMiddle AgedMotor ActivityRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsWaist-Hip RatioConceptsInsulin-like growth factorBreast cancer riskExercise/sports activitiesShanghai Breast Cancer StudyBody mass indexInsulin resistance biomarkersC-peptideCancer riskIGFBP-3Breast cancerLevels of IGFEnergy intakeInsulin growth factor binding protein 3Growth factor binding protein 3Chinese womenResistance biomarkersInsulin-like growth factor-1C-peptide levelsBreast cancer preventionPhysical activity statusSports activitiesTotal energy intakeBody fat distributionCase-control studyBreast cancer cases
Insulin‐like growth factor‐I gene polymorphism and breast cancer risk in Chinese women
Wen W, Gao Y, Shu X, Yu H, Cai Q, Smith J, Zheng W. Insulin‐like growth factor‐I gene polymorphism and breast cancer risk in Chinese women. International Journal Of Cancer 2004, 113: 307-311. PMID: 15386404, DOI: 10.1002/ijc.20571.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancer riskBreast cancerPremenopausal womenCancer riskPopulation-based case-control studyAge frequency-matched controlsChinese womenIncident breast cancer casesPlasma IGF-I levelsInsulin-like growth factorIGF-I levelsFrequency-matched controlsCase-control studyBreast cancer casesAssociation of IGFDose-response mannerMeta-analysis resultsBreast cancer susceptibilityIGF-I geneSignificant genetic factorInsulin-like growth factor-I gene polymorphismPlasma IGFCancer casesGeneral populationGene polymorphismsReports: Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, Soy Protein Intake, and Breast Cancer Risk
Sanderson M, Shu X, Yu H, Dai Q, Malin A, Gao Y, Zheng W. Reports: Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, Soy Protein Intake, and Breast Cancer Risk. Nutrition And Cancer 2004, 50: 8-15. PMID: 15572292, DOI: 10.1207/s15327914nc5001_2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIGF-I levelsShanghai Breast Cancer StudyIGFBP-3 levelsSoy protein intakeBreast cancer riskCancer riskProtein intakeBreast cancerInsulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 levelsPopulation-based case-control studyIncident breast cancer casesPremenopausal breast cancer riskPopulation-based cancer registriesBreast cancer cell growthInsulin-like growth factorPremenopausal breast cancerProtein-3 levelsEffects of IGFCase-control studyBreast cancer casesInsulin-like growthCancer cell growthBreast Cancer StudyPostmenopausal womenCancer Registry