Recent Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Risk and HIV-Related Worry: Examining the Mediating Effects of Sexual Autonomy
Willie T, Callands T, Phillips K, Flowers B, Kershaw T. Recent Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Risk and HIV-Related Worry: Examining the Mediating Effects of Sexual Autonomy. Sexuality Research And Social Policy 2025, 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s13178-024-01078-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntroductionIntimate partner violenceHIV-related worriesSexual autonomyPoor sexual and reproductive healthSexual riskSexual and reproductive healthPartner violenceRecent intimate partner violenceCondomless sexIntimate partner violenceTrauma-informed policiesReproductive healthSexually active womenHIV prevention programsIPV experiencesPolicy ImplicationsFindingsRomantic partnershipsMediation effectProgrammatic initiativesViolencePath analysisActive womenWorryIndirect effectsAutonomy
Determinants of HIV/AIDS Risk Behaviors in Expectant Fathers in Haiti
Magee EM, Small M, Frederic R, Joseph G, Kershaw T. Determinants of HIV/AIDS Risk Behaviors in Expectant Fathers in Haiti. Journal Of Urban Health 2006, 83: 625-636. PMID: 16845497, PMCID: PMC2430479, DOI: 10.1007/s11524-006-9063-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV/AIDS risk behaviorsAIDS risk behaviorsRisk behaviorsExpectant fathersLow HIV knowledgeHIV prevention programsMultiple sex partnersHIV/AIDS epidemicHIV infectionHIV transmissionHIV knowledgeHIV epidemicMale community membersHigher sexual communicationRelationship power imbalancesSex partnersPrevention programsPsychosocial variablesAIDS epidemicHigh stigmaYoung menHIVPersonal riskMenSaharan Africa