Feasibility of In-Hospital Administration of a Tool to Predict Persistent Post-ICU Functional Impairment Among Older ICU Survivors A Pilot Study
Stevenson J, Murphy T, Tessier-Sherman B, Pisani M, Gill T, Ferrante L. Feasibility of In-Hospital Administration of a Tool to Predict Persistent Post-ICU Functional Impairment Among Older ICU Survivors A Pilot Study. CHEST Critical Care 2024, 2: 100093. DOI: 10.1016/j.chstcc.2024.100093.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRisk prediction toolsICU survivorsIn-hospital administrationOlder adultsFunctional impairmentPilot studyIn-hospital mobilityOlder ICU survivorsDevelopment of risk prediction modelsHospital-related factorsIn-hospital factorsPresence of deliriumRisk prediction modelModel discriminationPersistent functional impairmentStatistical significanceHospital settingStudy designFeasibility thresholdDaily activitiesIncreased riskInternational Consensus ConferenceConsensus conferenceSurvivorsCritical illnessIn-Hospital Delirium and Disability and Cognitive Impairment After COVID-19 Hospitalization
Kaushik R, McAvay G, Murphy T, Acampora D, Araujo K, Charpentier P, Chattopadhyay S, Geda M, Gill T, Kaminski T, Lee S, Li J, Cohen A, Hajduk A, Ferrante L. In-Hospital Delirium and Disability and Cognitive Impairment After COVID-19 Hospitalization. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2419640. PMID: 38954414, PMCID: PMC11220565, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.19640.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIn-hospital deliriumChart-Based Delirium Identification InstrumentOlder adultsFunctional disabilityCOVID-19 hospitalizationCognitive impairmentCohort studyAssociated with increased functional disabilityHospitalized older adultsIncreased functional disabilityAssociation of deliriumPostdischarge follow-upRisk of deliriumTertiary care systemFollow-upPresence of cognitive impairmentProspective cohort studyLogistic regression modelsOlder survivorsCare systemIncreasing cognitive impairmentMain OutcomesCOVID-19Hospital dischargePrimary outcomeSocial Determinants of Health and Delivery of Rehabilitation to Older Adults During ICU Hospitalization
Jain S, Murphy T, Falvey J, Leo-Summers L, O’Leary J, Zang E, Gill T, Krumholz H, Ferrante L. Social Determinants of Health and Delivery of Rehabilitation to Older Adults During ICU Hospitalization. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2410713. PMID: 38728030, PMCID: PMC11087837, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.10713.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSocial determinants of healthDeterminants of healthOccupational therapyPhysical therapyOlder adultsRural residentsIntensive care unit hospitalizationRehabilitation deliveryIntensive care unitSocial determinantsSocioeconomic disadvantageNational Health and Aging Trends StudyDelivery of physical therapyIllness hospitalizationFactors associated with lower oddsDelivery of rehabilitationIn-hospital rehabilitationMitigate functional declineMedicaid eligibilityBurden of disabilityHigh school educationDual MedicareTrends StudyMedicare claimsLength of stay
Dodson J, Hajduk A, Geda M, Krumholz H, Murphy T, Tsang S, Tinetti M, Nanna M, McNamara R, Gill T, Chaudhry S. MORTALITY PREDICTION FOR OLDER ADULTS WITH AMI: THE SILVER-AMI STUDY. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2019, 73: 102. DOI: 10.1016/s0735-1097(19)30710-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSPOUSAL ASSOCIATIONS IN MONTHLY REPORTS OF DISABILITY IN THE PRECIPITATING EVENTS PROJECT
Monin J, Laws H, Gahbauer E, Murphy T, Gill T. SPOUSAL ASSOCIATIONS IN MONTHLY REPORTS OF DISABILITY IN THE PRECIPITATING EVENTS PROJECT. Innovation In Aging 2019, 3: s672-s672. PMCID: PMC6845752, DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igz038.2484.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrecipitating Events ProjectDisability levelSubsequent disabilitySpousal associationsSelf-reported disabilityAdults age 70Actor-partner interdependence modelFunctional statusPrior disabilityDaily livingOngoing longitudinal studyAge 70Monthly reportsOlder adultsLongitudinal actor-partner interdependence modelMonthly assessmentsDisabilityLongitudinal studySpouse's levelAssociationPartner Interdependence ModelOutcomesSubsequent increasePartner influenceIntimate partners
Social Vulnerability and Delivery of In-hospital Rehabilitation Services to Older Adults With Critical Illness
Jain S, Murphy T, O'Leary Jr J, Leo-Summers L, Zang E, Falvey J, Gill T, Krumholz H, Ferrante L. Social Vulnerability and Delivery of In-hospital Rehabilitation Services to Older Adults With Critical Illness. 2023, a2889-a2889. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2023.207.1_meetingabstracts.a2889.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPerformance of a modified fracture risk assessment tool for fragility fracture prediction among older veterans living with HIV
Womack J, Murphy T, Leo-Summers L, Kidwai-Khan F, Skanderson M, Gill T, Gulanski B, Rodriguez-Barradas M, Tien P, Yin M, Hsieh E. Performance of a modified fracture risk assessment tool for fragility fracture prediction among older veterans living with HIV. AIDS 2023, 37: 1399-1407. PMID: 37070536, PMCID: PMC10329997, DOI: 10.1097/qad.0000000000003566.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFracture Risk Assessment ToolMajor osteoporotic fractureRisk assessment toolCohort studyHip fractureOsteoporotic fracturesVeterans Aging Cohort StudyAging Cohort StudyMultivariable logistic regressionType of fractureRace/ethnicityAssessment toolGlucocorticoid useHIV cohortFragility fracturesPrevious fractureRheumatoid arthritisSmoking statusFracture riskModest discriminationOlder veteransLogistic regressionOccurrence of fracturesHIVAlcohol useDistressing symptoms after major surgery among community‐living older persons
Gill T, Han L, Murphy T, Feder S, Gahbauer E, Leo‐Summers L, Becher R. Distressing symptoms after major surgery among community‐living older persons. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2023, 71: 2430-2440. PMID: 37010784, PMCID: PMC10524276, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18357.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommunity-living older personsMajor surgeryDistressing symptomsArea Deprivation IndexOlder personsSocioeconomic disadvantageCommunity-living personsTiming of surgeryProspective longitudinal studyYears of ageQuality of lifeSymptom burdenNonelective surgeryPresurgery valuesElective surgeryMultivariable analysisFunctional outcomeNonelective proceduresChronic conditionsSurgerySymptomsProportional increaseMedicaid eligibilityDeprivation indexMonthsAssessing the contributions of modifiable risk factors to serious falls and fragility fractures among older persons living with HIV
Womack J, Murphy T, Leo‐Summers L, Bates J, Jarad S, Gill T, Hsieh E, Rodriguez‐Barradas M, Tien P, Yin M, Brandt C, Justice A. Assessing the contributions of modifiable risk factors to serious falls and fragility fractures among older persons living with HIV. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2023, 71: 1891-1901. PMID: 36912153, PMCID: PMC10258163, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18304.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsModifiable risk factorsFragility fracturesRisk factorsAlcohol use disorderSerious fallsPhysiologic frailtyAntiretroviral therapyOlder PWHUse disordersVeterans Aging Cohort StudyMeasures of multimorbidityAging Cohort StudyBody mass indexMultivariable logistic modelAverage attributable fractionSuccessful prevention programsKey risk factorsOpioid prescriptionsCohort studyMass indexModifiable factorsSixth decadeAttributable fractionElevated riskICD9 codes
Distressing Symptoms Before and After Critical Illness Among Community-Living Older Adults
Jain S, Murphy T, Gahbauer E, Leo-Summers L, Ferrante L, Gill T. Distressing Symptoms Before and After Critical Illness Among Community-Living Older Adults. 2022, a2289-a2289. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2022.205.1_meetingabstracts.a2289.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFactors Associated with Disability Over the 6 Months After a COVID Hospitalization Among Older Adults: The VALIANT (CO V ID-19 in Older A dults: A L ong i tudinal A ssessme nt ) Study
Ferrante L, Hajduk A, Cohen A, McAvay G, Geda M, Chattopadhyay S, Lee S, Acampora D, Gill T, Murphy T. Factors Associated with Disability Over the 6 Months After a COVID Hospitalization Among Older Adults: The VALIANT (CO V ID-19 in Older A dults: A L ong i tudinal A ssessme nt ) Study. 2022, a3696-a3696. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2022.205.1_meetingabstracts.a3696.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
380-P: Hypoglycemia among Nursing Home Residents with Diabetes Detected by Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)
LIPSKA K, DOYLE M, CENGIZ E, DROZDOWICZ B, GILL T, MURPHY T, INZUCCHI S. 380-P: Hypoglycemia among Nursing Home Residents with Diabetes Detected by Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM). Diabetes 2020, 69 DOI: 10.2337/db20-380-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchContinuous glucose monitoringNursing home residentsHome residentsNursing homesConsecutive blood glucose levelsFlash continuous glucose monitoringPatients 65 yearsChronic kidney diseaseFrequency of hypoglycemiaLexicon PharmaceuticalsType 2 diabetesBlood glucose levelsWilcoxon rank sum testRank sum testMannKind CorporationAdvisory PanelConnecticut nursing homesADL disabilityMedian ageKidney diseaseNovo Nordisk A/SCGM periodGlucose levelsHypoglycemiaLong-term residents55: FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH HOME HEALTH REHABILITATION UTILIZATION AMONG OLDER ICU SURVIVORS
Falvey J, Murphy T, Gill T, Stevens-Lapsley J, Ferrante L. 55: FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH HOME HEALTH REHABILITATION UTILIZATION AMONG OLDER ICU SURVIVORS. Critical Care Medicine 2020, 48: 28-28. DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000618720.61285.a5.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Predictors of Discharge Home Among MICU Patients Receiving Early Mobilization
Kim R, Pisani M, Connors G, Murphy T, Tsang S, Wicker D, Gill T, Ferrante L. Predictors of Discharge Home Among MICU Patients Receiving Early Mobilization. CHEST Journal 2017, 152: a337. DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2017.08.363.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchASSOCIATIONS WITH POST-DISCHARGE FUNCTION OF OLDER ICU SURVIVORS: SENSITIVITY TO DEATH
Murphy T, Pisani M, Ferrante L, Gill T. ASSOCIATIONS WITH POST-DISCHARGE FUNCTION OF OLDER ICU SURVIVORS: SENSITIVITY TO DEATH. Innovation In Aging 2017, 1: 19-19. PMCID: PMC6241429, DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.070.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAge 70 yearsPrecipitating Events ProjectOccurrence of deathSkilled nursing facilitiesICU admissionICU survivorsFunctional recoveryRisk factorsNursing facilitiesSelf-reported dependenceNon-disabled personsDeathFrailtyPrimary associationIADLsAssociationMobility measuresSurvivorsFocused examinationTotal countAdmissionYearsADLADLsDecedents
Ferrante L, Pisani M, Murphy T, Gahbauer E, Leo-Summers L, Gill T. 44. Critical Care Medicine 2016, 44: 97. DOI: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000508762.61546.56.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPRESENTATION AND TREATMENT OF THE “OLDEST-OLD” HOSPITALIZED WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: THE SILVER AMI STUDY
Gupta A, Geda M, Murphy T, Tsang S, Gill T, McNamara R, Dodson J, Chaudhry S. PRESENTATION AND TREATMENT OF THE “OLDEST-OLD” HOSPITALIZED WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: THE SILVER AMI STUDY. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2016, 67: 557. DOI: 10.1016/s0735-1097(16)30558-7.Peer-Reviewed Original Research