Association Between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Functional Well-being in Community-Living Older Persons
Gill TM, Zang EX, Murphy TE, Leo-Summers L, Gahbauer EA, Festa N, Falvey JR, Han L. Association Between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Functional Well-being in Community-Living Older Persons. JAMA Internal Medicine 2021, 181: 1297-1304. PMID: 34424276, PMCID: PMC8383163, DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2021.4260.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsActivities of Daily LivingAgedFemaleFunctional StatusHealthy Life ExpectancyHousing QualityHumansIndependent LivingLongitudinal StudiesMaleMental HealthNeighborhood CharacteristicsPrognosisPsychosocial FunctioningQuality of LifeSocial Determinants of HealthSocioeconomic FactorsUnited StatesConceptsProspective longitudinal cohort studyCommunity-living older personsAge 70 yearsActive life expectancyLongitudinal cohort studyOlder personsCohort studyPrognostic factorsLife expectancyArea deprivation index scoreCommunity-living personsPrecipitating Events ProjectDeprivation index scoreDisabled life expectancyAge 90 yearsArea Deprivation IndexPublic health initiativesPublic health interventionsNeighborhood disadvantageGreater percentageResource-poor environmentsIndividual-level socioeconomic characteristicsMean ageMAIN OUTCOMEDaily living
Association Between Restricting Symptoms and Disability After Critical Illness Among Older Adults.
Jain S, Han L, Gahbauer E, Leo-Summers L, Feder S, Ferrante L, Gill T. Association Between Restricting Symptoms and Disability After Critical Illness Among Older Adults. Critical Care Medicine 2024, 52: 1816-1827. PMID: 39298623, DOI: 10.1097/ccm.0000000000006427.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchActivities of daily livingAssociated with increased disabilityDaily livingOlder adultsRestricting symptomsInstrumental activities of daily livingCommunity-living older adultsICU hospitalizationMultivariable Poisson regression modelsCommunity-living adultsOlder ICU survivorsAge of participantsPoisson regression modelsSurvive critical illnessCritical illnessQuality of lifeInstrumental activitiesICU survivorsProspective longitudinal studyLength of stayPost-ICUIncreased disabilityMonthly interviewsICU length of stayPre-ICU
Changes in Restricting Symptoms after Critical Illness among Community-Living Older Adults.
Jain S, Han L, Gahbauer E, Leo-Summers L, Feder S, Ferrante L, Gill T. Changes in Restricting Symptoms after Critical Illness among Community-Living Older Adults. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2023, 208: 1206-1215. PMID: 37769149, PMCID: PMC10868351, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202304-0693oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeighborhood-level socioeconomic disadvantageCritical illnessIntensive care unitHospital dischargeCommunity-living older adultsOlder adultsOlder ICU survivorsPost-ICU careSocioeconomic disadvantageProspective longitudinal studyQuality of lifeICU admissionICU survivorsCare unitFunctional recoverySymptom managementMultiple symptomsThird monthThree monthsSymptomsIllnessRestricted activityVulnerable subgroupsFirst monthMonthsRelationship Between Distressing Symptoms and Changes in Disability After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons
Gill T, Han L, Feder S, Gahbauer E, Leo-Summers L, Becher R. Relationship Between Distressing Symptoms and Changes in Disability After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2023, 279: 65-70. PMID: 37389893, PMCID: PMC10761592, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000005984.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryDistressing symptomsElective surgeryFunctional outcomeOlder personsCommunity-living older personsMultiple distressing symptomsSocioeconomic disadvantageCommunity-living personsTiming of surgerySerious health eventsNumber of disabilitiesSurgerySignificant associationSymptomsHealth eventsRate ratioPotential targetDisabilityUnit increaseDeleterious effectsOutcomesPersonsMultimorbidityAdmissionDistressing symptoms after major surgery among community‐living older persons
Gill T, Han L, Murphy T, Feder S, Gahbauer E, Leo‐Summers L, Becher R. Distressing symptoms after major surgery among community‐living older persons. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2023, 71: 2430-2440. PMID: 37010784, PMCID: PMC10524276, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18357.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommunity-living older personsMajor surgeryDistressing symptomsArea Deprivation IndexOlder personsSocioeconomic disadvantageCommunity-living personsTiming of surgeryProspective longitudinal studyYears of ageQuality of lifeSymptom burdenNonelective surgeryPresurgery valuesElective surgeryMultivariable analysisFunctional outcomeNonelective proceduresChronic conditionsSurgerySymptomsProportional increaseMedicaid eligibilityDeprivation indexMonths
Factors Associated With Days Away From Home in the Year After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons
Gill TM, Becher RD, Murphy TE, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Han L. Factors Associated With Days Away From Home in the Year After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2022, 278: e13-e19. PMID: 35837967, PMCID: PMC9840715, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000005528.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHealth care facilitiesMajor surgeryAge 85 yearsCare facilitiesOlder personsRisk factorsNumber of daysLower peak expiratory flowCommunity-living older personsShort Physical Performance BatteryIndependent risk factorCommunity-living personsPhysical Performance BatteryPeak expiratory flowCandidate risk factorsQuality of lifeHospital dischargeMultivariable analysisExpiratory flowMedian numberPerformance BatteryMusculoskeletal surgerySurgeryMean differenceHospital
Functional Effects of Intervening Illnesses and Injuries After Hospitalization for Major Surgery in Community-living Older Persons
Gill TM, Han L, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Murphy TE, Becher RD. Functional Effects of Intervening Illnesses and Injuries After Hospitalization for Major Surgery in Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2020, 273: 834-841. PMID: 33074902, PMCID: PMC8370041, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000004438.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryED visitsRestricted activityFunctional statusFunctional declineOlder personsCommunity-living older personsAdjusted hazard ratioAdverse functional outcomesCommunity-living personsEmergency department visitsTraditional risk factorsCorresponding odds ratiosFunctional effectsIllness/injuryHazard ratioDepartment visitsFunctional recoveryFunctional outcomeRisk factorsOdds ratioHospitalizationSurgeryInjuryVisitsCohort Profile: The Precipitating Events Project (PEP Study)
Gill T, Han L, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Murphy TE. Cohort Profile: The Precipitating Events Project (PEP Study). The Journal Of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2020, 24: 438-444. PMID: 32242212, PMCID: PMC7322244, DOI: 10.1007/s12603-020-1341-4.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsPrecipitating Events ProjectPEP studyComprehensive home-based assessmentsEpidemiology of disabilityAge 70 yearsHealth care utilizationGreater New HavenLarge health planParticipant-level dataHome-based assessmentEnd of lifeCare utilizationDeath certificatesMedicare claimsDepressive symptomsOngoing longitudinal studyDisabling processEligible membersOlder personsHealth plansLongitudinal studyMethodologic researchCompletion ratesOriginal reportQualified investigators
Days Spent at Home in the Last Six Months of Life Among Community-Living Older Persons
Gill TM, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Murphy TE, Han L. Days Spent at Home in the Last Six Months of Life Among Community-Living Older Persons. The American Journal Of Medicine 2018, 132: 234-239. PMID: 30447203, PMCID: PMC6349467, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2018.10.029.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommunity-living older personsMonths of lifeOrgan failureOlder personsRace/ethnicityEnd of lifeImportant patient-centered outcomesCommunity-living personsPatient-centered outcomesOngoing cohort studyCohort studyAdvanced dementiaHospice facilityMedian numberDeath certificatesSudden deathNursing homesAnalytic sampleNumber of daysDeathDecedentsDaysMonthsAgeSex
Miner B, Redeker N, Yaggi H, Van Ness P, Han L, Gill T, Fragoso C. 0755 LONGITUDINAL ASSOCIATIONS OF RISK FACTORS WITH INSOMNIA SEVERITY IN OLDER PERSONS. Sleep 2017, 40: a280-a280. DOI: 10.1093/sleepj/zsx050.754.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrimary sleep disordersCommunity-dwelling personsMean ISI scorePrecipitating Events ProjectRisk factorsInsomnia severityRace/ethnicityMedication useSmoking statusCardiorespiratory diseaseFemale sexSleep disordersISI scoresDepressive symptomsCognitive impairmentOlder personsLongitudinal associationsNumber of medicationsInsomnia Severity IndexCardiorespiratory conditionsInsomnia managementTherapeutic priorityNeuropsychologic impairmentSociodemographic factorsSignificant association
The role of intervening hospital admissions on trajectories of disability in the last year of life: prospective cohort study of older people
Gill TM, Gahbauer EA, Han L, Allore HG. The role of intervening hospital admissions on trajectories of disability in the last year of life: prospective cohort study of older people. The BMJ 2015, 350: h2361. PMID: 25995357, PMCID: PMC4443433, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.h2361.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsActivities of Daily LivingAgedCohort StudiesConnecticutDementiaDisability EvaluationDisabled PersonsDisease ProgressionFemaleFrail ElderlyGeriatric AssessmentHospitalizationHumansMaleMultiple Organ FailureNeoplasmsPrognosisProspective StudiesSeverity of Illness IndexTerminal CareUnited StatesConceptsCourse of disabilityProspective cohort studyHospital admissionTrajectories of disabilitySeverity of disabilityCatastrophic disabilitySevere disabilityCohort studyAcute hospital admissionPalliative care approachMultiple hospital admissionsAdvance care planningPersonal care needsEnd of lifeDisability scoresOlder patientsPotential confoundersOccurrence of admissionMultivariable modelCare planningMAIN OUTCOMECare approachDaily livingCare needsAdmission
Risk factors and precipitants of long-term disability in community mobility: a cohort study of older persons.
Gill TM, Gahbauer EA, Murphy TE, Han L, Allore HG. Risk factors and precipitants of long-term disability in community mobility: a cohort study of older persons. Annals Of Internal Medicine 2012, 156: 131-40. PMID: 22250144, PMCID: PMC3278794, DOI: 10.7326/0003-4819-156-2-201201170-00009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term disabilityRisk factorsOlder personsCohort studyCommunity mobilityShort Physical Performance BatteryMultivariate hazard ratiosProspective cohort studyPhysical Performance BatteryMultiple risk factorsCandidate risk factorsSpecific risk factorsNational InstituteLong-term mobility disabilityHazard ratioAbsolute riskPerformance BatteryPotential precipitantsMobility disabilityRestricted activityOlder ageObserved associationsInitial onsetStrong associationQuarter mile
Trajectories of Disability in the Last Year of Life
Gill TM, Gahbauer EA, Han L, Allore HG. Trajectories of Disability in the Last Year of Life. New England Journal Of Medicine 2010, 362: 1173-1180. PMID: 20357280, PMCID: PMC2877372, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa0909087.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCourse of disabilityDisability trajectoriesOrgan failureAdvanced dementiaSudden deathOlder personsSevere disabilityCommunity-dwelling older personsTrajectories of disabilityLevel of disabilityCatastrophic disabilityEnd of lifeProgressive disabilityFunctional statusDeath certificatesCommon conditionBaseline assessmentPredominant trajectoriesMonthly interviewsDeathDisabilityLongitudinal studyDementiaFrailtyDecedents