Neighborhood Disadvantage in a Nationally Representative Sample of Community-Living Older US Adults
Gill T, Leo-Summers L, Vander Wyk B, Becher R, Liang J. Neighborhood Disadvantage in a Nationally Representative Sample of Community-Living Older US Adults. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2450332. PMID: 39666339, PMCID: PMC11638794, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.50332.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Health and Aging Trends StudyCommunity-living older adultsNationally representative sampleNon-Hispanic blacksNeighborhood disadvantageSocioeconomic deprivationOlder adultsIndividual-level socioeconomic characteristicsLong-term mortalityIndicators of socioeconomic deprivationNon-Hispanic White individualsNon-Hispanic white participantsRepresentative sampleCohort studySocioeconomic characteristicsCommunity-living personsNeighborhood socioeconomic disadvantageArea Deprivation IndexOlder US adultsGeriatric characteristicsPopulation-based estimatesAscertainment of mortalityHigher education levelCensus block levelHigh school diplomaIn-Hospital Delirium and Disability and Cognitive Impairment After COVID-19 Hospitalization
Kaushik R, McAvay G, Murphy T, Acampora D, Araujo K, Charpentier P, Chattopadhyay S, Geda M, Gill T, Kaminski T, Lee S, Li J, Cohen A, Hajduk A, Ferrante L. In-Hospital Delirium and Disability and Cognitive Impairment After COVID-19 Hospitalization. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2419640. PMID: 38954414, PMCID: PMC11220565, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.19640.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overCognitive DysfunctionCOVID-19DeliriumFemaleHospitalizationHumansMaleMiddle AgedProspective StudiesSARS-CoV-2ConceptsIn-hospital deliriumChart-Based Delirium Identification InstrumentOlder adultsFunctional disabilityCOVID-19 hospitalizationCognitive impairmentCohort studyAssociated with increased functional disabilityHospitalized older adultsIncreased functional disabilityAssociation of deliriumPostdischarge follow-upRisk of deliriumTertiary care systemFollow-upPresence of cognitive impairmentProspective cohort studyLogistic regression modelsOlder survivorsCare systemIncreasing cognitive impairmentMain OutcomesCOVID-19Hospital dischargePrimary outcomeSocial Determinants of Health and Delivery of Rehabilitation to Older Adults During ICU Hospitalization
Jain S, Murphy T, Falvey J, Leo-Summers L, O’Leary J, Zang E, Gill T, Krumholz H, Ferrante L. Social Determinants of Health and Delivery of Rehabilitation to Older Adults During ICU Hospitalization. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2410713. PMID: 38728030, PMCID: PMC11087837, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.10713.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSocial determinants of healthDeterminants of healthOccupational therapyPhysical therapyOlder adultsRural residentsIntensive care unit hospitalizationRehabilitation deliveryIntensive care unitSocial determinantsSocioeconomic disadvantageNational Health and Aging Trends StudyDelivery of physical therapyIllness hospitalizationFactors associated with lower oddsDelivery of rehabilitationIn-hospital rehabilitationMitigate functional declineMedicaid eligibilityBurden of disabilityHigh school educationDual MedicareTrends StudyMedicare claimsLength of stayAssociations of Social Support With Physical and Mental Health Symptom Burden After COVID-19 Hospitalization Among Older Adults
Lee S, McAvay G, Geda M, Chattopadhyay S, Acampora D, Araujo K, Charpentier P, Gill T, Hajduk A, Cohen A, Ferrante L. Associations of Social Support With Physical and Mental Health Symptom Burden After COVID-19 Hospitalization Among Older Adults. The Journals Of Gerontology Series A 2024, 79: glae092. PMID: 38558166, PMCID: PMC11059296, DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glae092.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overCOVID-19FemaleHospitalizationHumansMaleMental HealthMiddle AgedProspective StudiesSARS-CoV-2Social SupportConceptsLow social supportMental health symptomsSocial supportSymptom burdenHealth symptomsFollow-up assessmentCOVID-19 hospitalizationMedical Outcomes Study Social Support SurveyPhysical symptomsAssociation of social supportEdmonton Symptom Assessment SystemPatient Health Questionnaire-4Burden of physical symptomsMental health symptom burdenModified Edmonton Symptom Assessment SystemSocial Support SurveyParticipants' mean ageAssociated with higher burdenSupport SurveyOlder survivorsSymptom managementOlder AdultsMental healthHispanic ethnicityLongitudinal associationsNational Estimates of Short- and Longer-Term Hospital Readmissions After Major Surgery Among Community-Living Older Adults
Wang Y, Leo-Summers L, Vander Wyk B, Davis-Plourde K, Gill T, Becher R. National Estimates of Short- and Longer-Term Hospital Readmissions After Major Surgery Among Community-Living Older Adults. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e240028. PMID: 38416499, PMCID: PMC10902728, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.0028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCenters for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesFee-for-serviceMedicare Advantage beneficiariesHospital readmissionUS residentsNational Health and Aging Trends Study dataCommunity-living older adultsProspective longitudinal cohort studyCommunity-living participantsRate of hospital readmissionLikelihood of hospital readmissionPopulation-based estimatesNationally representative estimatesSex-adjusted modelsCommunity-livingData linkageGeriatric conditionsMedicaid ServicesOlder personsOlder adultsMain OutcomesNational estimatesRepresentative estimatesData analysisCohort study
Relationship Between Distressing Symptoms and Changes in Disability After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons
Gill T, Han L, Feder S, Gahbauer E, Leo-Summers L, Becher R. Relationship Between Distressing Symptoms and Changes in Disability After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2023, 279: 65-70. PMID: 37389893, PMCID: PMC10761592, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000005984.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryDistressing symptomsElective surgeryFunctional outcomeOlder personsCommunity-living older personsMultiple distressing symptomsSocioeconomic disadvantageCommunity-living personsTiming of surgerySerious health eventsNumber of disabilitiesSurgerySignificant associationSymptomsHealth eventsRate ratioPotential targetDisabilityUnit increaseDeleterious effectsOutcomesPersonsMultimorbidityAdmissionTerminal Decline in Physical Function in Older Adults
Stolz E, Mayerl H, Muniz-Terrera G, Gill T. Terminal Decline in Physical Function in Older Adults. The Journals Of Gerontology Series A 2023, 79: glad119. PMID: 37148208, PMCID: PMC10733182, DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glad119.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDistressing symptoms after major surgery among community‐living older persons
Gill T, Han L, Murphy T, Feder S, Gahbauer E, Leo‐Summers L, Becher R. Distressing symptoms after major surgery among community‐living older persons. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2023, 71: 2430-2440. PMID: 37010784, PMCID: PMC10524276, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18357.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overFemaleHospitalizationHumansLongitudinal StudiesMalePatient DischargeProspective StudiesQuality of LifeConceptsCommunity-living older personsMajor surgeryDistressing symptomsArea Deprivation IndexOlder personsSocioeconomic disadvantageCommunity-living personsTiming of surgeryProspective longitudinal studyYears of ageQuality of lifeSymptom burdenNonelective surgeryPresurgery valuesElective surgeryMultivariable analysisFunctional outcomeNonelective proceduresChronic conditionsSurgerySymptomsProportional increaseMedicaid eligibilityDeprivation indexMonthsAssessing the contributions of modifiable risk factors to serious falls and fragility fractures among older persons living with HIV
Womack J, Murphy T, Leo‐Summers L, Bates J, Jarad S, Gill T, Hsieh E, Rodriguez‐Barradas M, Tien P, Yin M, Brandt C, Justice A. Assessing the contributions of modifiable risk factors to serious falls and fragility fractures among older persons living with HIV. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2023, 71: 1891-1901. PMID: 36912153, PMCID: PMC10258163, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.18304.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overAlcoholismCohort StudiesFractures, BoneFrailtyHIV InfectionsHumansRisk FactorsConceptsModifiable risk factorsFragility fracturesRisk factorsAlcohol use disorderSerious fallsPhysiologic frailtyAntiretroviral therapyOlder PWHUse disordersVeterans Aging Cohort StudyMeasures of multimorbidityAging Cohort StudyBody mass indexMultivariable logistic modelAverage attributable fractionSuccessful prevention programsKey risk factorsOpioid prescriptionsCohort studyMass indexModifiable factorsSixth decadeAttributable fractionElevated riskICD9 codes
Factors Associated With Days Away From Home in the Year After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons
Gill TM, Becher RD, Murphy TE, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Han L. Factors Associated With Days Away From Home in the Year After Major Surgery Among Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2022, 278: e13-e19. PMID: 35837967, PMCID: PMC9840715, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000005528.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overHospitalizationHospitalsHumansPatient DischargeQuality of LifeRisk FactorsConceptsHealth care facilitiesMajor surgeryAge 85 yearsCare facilitiesOlder personsRisk factorsNumber of daysLower peak expiratory flowCommunity-living older personsShort Physical Performance BatteryIndependent risk factorCommunity-living personsPhysical Performance BatteryPeak expiratory flowCandidate risk factorsQuality of lifeHospital dischargeMultivariable analysisExpiratory flowMedian numberPerformance BatteryMusculoskeletal surgerySurgeryMean differenceHospital
The Incidence and Cumulative Risk of Major Surgery in Older Persons in the United States
Becher RD, Vander Wyk B, Leo-Summers L, Desai MM, Gill TM. The Incidence and Cumulative Risk of Major Surgery in Older Persons in the United States. Annals Of Surgery 2021, 277: 87-92. PMID: 34261884, PMCID: PMC8758792, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000005077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overDementiaHumansIncidenceLongitudinal StudiesMedicareProspective StudiesUnited StatesConceptsMajor surgeryOlder personsCumulative riskNational HealthCommunity-living older personsHigh-quality surgical careNon-frail groupPopulation-based incidenceService Medicare beneficiariesMedicaid Services dataCumulative risk estimatesProspective longitudinal studyUnited States agesAging Trends StudyGeriatric characteristicsRepresentative incidenceFrail groupAdjusted incidenceGeriatric populationProbable dementiaSurgical carePersons 85Medicare beneficiariesSurgeryVulnerable subgroups
Functional Effects of Intervening Illnesses and Injuries After Hospitalization for Major Surgery in Community-living Older Persons
Gill TM, Han L, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Murphy TE, Becher RD. Functional Effects of Intervening Illnesses and Injuries After Hospitalization for Major Surgery in Community-living Older Persons. Annals Of Surgery 2020, 273: 834-841. PMID: 33074902, PMCID: PMC8370041, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000004438.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryED visitsRestricted activityFunctional statusFunctional declineOlder personsCommunity-living older personsAdjusted hazard ratioAdverse functional outcomesCommunity-living personsEmergency department visitsTraditional risk factorsCorresponding odds ratiosFunctional effectsIllness/injuryHazard ratioDepartment visitsFunctional recoveryFunctional outcomeRisk factorsOdds ratioHospitalizationSurgeryInjuryVisitsA Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Strategy to Prevent Serious Fall Injuries
Bhasin S, Gill TM, Reuben DB, Latham NK, Ganz DA, Greene EJ, Dziura J, Basaria S, Gurwitz JH, Dykes PC, McMahon S, Storer TW, Gazarian P, Miller ME, Travison TG, Esserman D, Carnie MB, Goehring L, Fagan M, Greenspan SL, Alexander N, Wiggins J, Ko F, Siu AL, Volpi E, Wu AW, Rich J, Waring SC, Wallace RB, Casteel C, Resnick NM, Magaziner J, Charpentier P, Lu C, Araujo K, Rajeevan H, Meng C, Allore H, Brawley BF, Eder R, McGloin JM, Skokos EA, Duncan PW, Baker D, Boult C, Correa-de-Araujo R, Peduzzi P. A Randomized Trial of a Multifactorial Strategy to Prevent Serious Fall Injuries. New England Journal Of Medicine 2020, 383: 129-140. PMID: 32640131, PMCID: PMC7421468, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa2002183.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerious fall injuriesFall injuriesIntervention groupControl groupUsual careMultifactorial interventionRate of hospitalizationPrimary care practicesCluster-randomized trialCommunity-dwelling adultsFirst-event analysisYears of ageHealth care systemRate of fallElectronic health recordsBaseline characteristicsPrimary outcomeRandomized trialsMean ageEfficacy trialsIndividualized planCare practicesInjuryMultifactorial strategyEvent ratesCohort Profile: The Precipitating Events Project (PEP Study)
Gill T, Han L, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Murphy TE. Cohort Profile: The Precipitating Events Project (PEP Study). The Journal Of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2020, 24: 438-444. PMID: 32242212, PMCID: PMC7322244, DOI: 10.1007/s12603-020-1341-4.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH KeywordsActivities of Daily LivingAgedAged, 80 and overFemaleHumansLongitudinal StudiesMaleProspective StudiesConceptsPrecipitating Events ProjectPEP studyComprehensive home-based assessmentsEpidemiology of disabilityAge 70 yearsHealth care utilizationGreater New HavenLarge health planParticipant-level dataHome-based assessmentEnd of lifeCare utilizationDeath certificatesMedicare claimsDepressive symptomsOngoing longitudinal studyDisabling processEligible membersOlder personsHealth plansLongitudinal studyMethodologic researchCompletion ratesOriginal reportQualified investigators
Short-Term Disability Fluctuations in Late Life
Stolz E, Gill T, Mayerl H, Freidl W. Short-Term Disability Fluctuations in Late Life. The Journals Of Gerontology Series B 2019, 74: e135-e140. PMID: 31298701, PMCID: PMC6777769, DOI: 10.1093/geronb/gbz089.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Functional Trajectories Before and After Major Surgery in Older Adults
Stabenau HF, Becher RD, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Allore HG, Gill TM. Functional Trajectories Before and After Major Surgery in Older Adults. Annals Of Surgery 2018, 268: 911-917. PMID: 29356710, PMCID: PMC6521949, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000002659.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor surgeryNonelective surgeryFunctional trajectoriesSevere disabilityOlder adultsCourse of disabilityFirst major surgeryPersons 70 yearsProspective cohort studyCohort studyFunctional prognosisModerate disabilityPartial improvementSurgeryPremorbid functionOlder personsStudy periodAnalytic sampleLittle improvementRapid improvementTrajectory groupsMild disabilityMost participantsDisabilityGradual improvementDays Spent at Home in the Last Six Months of Life Among Community-Living Older Persons
Gill TM, Gahbauer EA, Leo-Summers L, Murphy TE, Han L. Days Spent at Home in the Last Six Months of Life Among Community-Living Older Persons. The American Journal Of Medicine 2018, 132: 234-239. PMID: 30447203, PMCID: PMC6349467, DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2018.10.029.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overAgingCohort StudiesDeathFemaleHumansIndependent LivingMaleRetrospective StudiesTerminal CareConceptsCommunity-living older personsMonths of lifeOrgan failureOlder personsRace/ethnicityEnd of lifeImportant patient-centered outcomesCommunity-living personsPatient-centered outcomesOngoing cohort studyCohort studyAdvanced dementiaHospice facilityMedian numberDeath certificatesSudden deathNursing homesAnalytic sampleNumber of daysDeathDecedentsDaysMonthsAgeSex
Association of Accelerometry‐Measured Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Events in Mobility‐Limited Older Adults: The LIFE (Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders) Study
Cochrane S, Chen S, Fitzgerald J, Dodson J, Fielding R, King A, McDermott M, Manini T, Marsh A, Newman A, Pahor M, Tudor‐Locke C, Ambrosius W, Buford T, Espeland M, Applegate W, Beavers D, Byington R, Cook D, Furberg C, Harvin L, Henkin L, Hepler J, Hsu F, Lovato L, Roberson W, Rushing J, Rushing S, Stowe C, Walkup M, Hire D, Rejeski W, Katula J, Brubaker P, Mihalko S, Jennings J, Pierce J, Romashkan S, Patel K, Bonds D, Spring B, Hauser J, Kerwin D, Domanchuk K, Graff R, Rego A, Blair S, Myers V, Monce R, Britt N, Harris M, McGucken A, Rodarte R, Millet H, Butitta B, Donatto S, Cocreham S, Castro C, Haskell W, Stafford R, Pruitt L, Berra K, Yank V, Anton S, Nayfield S, Marsiske M, Sandesara B, Knaggs J, Lorow M, Marena W, Korytov I, Morris H, Fitch M, Singletary F, Causer J, Radcliff K, Studenski S, Goodpaster B, Glynn N, Lopez O, Nadkarni N, Williams K, Newman M, Grove G, Bonk J, Rush J, Kost P, Ives D, Brinkley T, Demons J, Sink K, Kennedy K, Shertzer‐Skinner R, Wrights A, Fries R, Barr D, Axtell R, Kashaf S, de Rekeneire N, McGloin J, Wu K, Shepard D, Fennelly B, Iannone L, Mautner R, Barnett T, Halpin S, Brennan M, Bugaj J, Zenoni M, Mignosa B, Sink K, Hendrie H, Rapp S, Verghese J, Woolard N, Espeland M, Jennings J, Wilson V, Handberg E, Flynn G, Gill T, Hankinson J, Fragoso C, Kaplan R. Association of Accelerometry‐Measured Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Events in Mobility‐Limited Older Adults: The LIFE (Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders) Study. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2017, 6: e007215. PMID: 29197830, PMCID: PMC5779035, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.117.007215.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsActigraphyAge FactorsAgedAged, 80 and overAgingCardiovascular DiseasesExerciseExercise TherapyFemaleFitness TrackersGeriatric AssessmentHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeHumansIncidenceMaleMobility LimitationPatient Education as TopicPredictive Value of TestsPrognosisProtective FactorsRisk FactorsRisk Reduction BehaviorTime FactorsUnited StatesConceptsCardiovascular eventsPhysical activityOlder adultsLower incidenceLower cardiovascular event ratesCardiovascular event ratesCardiovascular risk factorsSubsequent cardiovascular eventsMedical record reviewHealth education interventionHip-worn accelerometersPhysical activity surveillanceLife Study participantsMonths postrandomizationLife studiesRecord reviewRisk factorsDaily PAStudy participantsEvent ratesMobility limitationsEducation interventionLongitudinal associationsBaselineActivity surveillanceThe effect of intervening hospitalizations on the benefit of structured physical activity in promoting independent mobility among community-living older persons: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Gill TM, Beavers DP, Guralnik JM, Pahor M, Fielding RA, Hauser M, Manini TM, Marsh AP, McDermott MM, Newman AB, Allore HG, Miller ME, for the LIFE Study Investigators. The effect of intervening hospitalizations on the benefit of structured physical activity in promoting independent mobility among community-living older persons: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Medicine 2017, 15: 65. PMID: 28347337, PMCID: PMC5368996, DOI: 10.1186/s12916-017-0824-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor mobility disabilityPhysical activity programPhysical activity interventionsPhysical activityActivity programOlder personsHazard ratioActivity interventionsFunctional limitationsModerate-intensity physical activity programCommunity-living older personsStructured physical activity programHealth education groupStructured physical activityHealth education programsIndependent mobilityAcute illnessLifestyle interventionHospital exposureElders StudyParallel groupSedentary personsUS CentersHospitalizationSustained benefit
Dynapenia and Metabolic Health in Obese and Nonobese Adults Aged 70 Years and Older: The LIFE Study
Aubertin-Leheudre M, Anton S, Beavers D, Manini T, Fielding R, Newman A, Church T, Kritchevsky S, Conroy D, McDermott M, Botoseneanu A, Hauser M, Pahor M, Gill T, Fragoso C, Fielding R, Hauser M, Pahor M, Guralnik J, Leeuwenburgh C, Caudle C, Crump L, Holmes L, Lee J, Lu C, Miller M, Espeland M, Ambrosius W, Applegate W, Beavers D, Byington R, Cook D, Furberg C, Harvin L, Henkin L, Hepler M, Hsu F, Lovato L, Roberson W, Rushing J, Rushing S, Stowe C, Walkup M, Hire D, Rejeski W, Katula J, Brubaker P, Mihalko S, Jennings J, Hadley E, Romashkan S, Patel K, Bonds D, McDermott M, Spring B, Hauser J, Kerwin D, Domanchuk K, Graff R, Rego A, Church T, Blair S, Myers V, Monce R, Britt N, Harris M, McGucken A, Rodarte R, Millet H, Tudor-Locke C, Butitta B, Donatto S, Cocreham S, King A, Castro C, Haskell W, Stafford R, Pruitt L, Berra K, Yank V, Fielding R, Nelson M, Folta S, Phillips E, Liu C, McDavitt E, Reid K, Kirn D, Pasha E, Kim W, Beard V, Tsiroyannis E, Hau C, Manini T, Pahor M, Anton S, Nayfield S, Buford T, Marsiske M, Sandesara B, Knaggs J, Lorow M, Marena W, Korytov I, Morris H, Fitch M, Singletary F, Causer J, Radcliff K, Newman A, Studenski S, Goodpaster B, Glynn N, Lopez O, Nadkarni N, Williams K, Newman M, Grove G, Bonk J, Rush J, Kost P, Ives D, Kritchevsky S, Marsh A, Brinkley T, Demons J, Sink K, Kennedy K, Shertzer-Skinner R, Wrights A, Fries R, Barr D, Gill T, Axtell R, Kashaf S, de Rekeneire N, McGloin J, Wu K, Shepard D, Fennelly B, Iannone L, Mautner R, Barnett T, Halpin S, Brennan M, Bugaj J, Zenoni M, Mignosa B, Williamson J, Sink K, Hendrie H, Rapp S, Verghese J, Woolard N, Espeland M, Jennings J, Wilson V, Pepine C, Ariet M, Handberg E, Deluca D, Hill J, Szady A, Chupp G, Flynn G, Gill T, Hankinson J, Fragoso C, Groessl E, Kaplan R. Dynapenia and Metabolic Health in Obese and Nonobese Adults Aged 70 Years and Older: The LIFE Study. Journal Of The American Medical Directors Association 2016, 18: 312-319. PMID: 27914851, PMCID: PMC5366275, DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2016.10.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAgedAged, 80 and overBody Mass IndexFemaleHumansMaleMetabolic SyndromeMuscle StrengthObesityRisk FactorsWaist CircumferenceConceptsDiastolic blood pressureBlood pressureOlder adultsWaist circumferenceRisk factorsMetabolic disease risk factorsHigher diastolic blood pressureAbdominal obesity criteriaObese older adultsMetabolic risk factorsMetabolic syndrome criteriaDisease risk factorsBody mass indexCardiometabolic disease riskPresence of dynapeniaAged 70Obesity criteriaSyndrome criteriaLifestyle interventionMetS criteriaBlood lipidsObese groupMass indexObesity statusMetabolic health