Physician response to COVID-19-driven telehealth flexibility for opioid use disorder.
Beetham T, Fiellin DA, Busch SH. Physician response to COVID-19-driven telehealth flexibility for opioid use disorder. The American Journal Of Managed Care 2022, 28: 456-463. PMID: 36121359, DOI: 10.37765/ajmc.2022.89221.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorder treatmentCOVID-19 pandemicEarly COVID-19 eraOpioid use disorderUse disorder treatmentOUD treatmentTelehealth useUse disordersPhysician responsesTelehealth effectivenessDisorder treatmentTelehealth technologyPhysiciansTelehealthCOVID-19 eraTelehealth regulationsCOVID-19Administrative dataMost respondentsTreatmentRetrospective usePandemicSurvey participationPerceptions of effectivenessRespondents' use
Consumers’ Valuation of Primary Care–Based Treatment Options for Mental and Substance Use Disorders
Epstein AJ, Barry CL, Fiellin DA, Busch SH. Consumers’ Valuation of Primary Care–Based Treatment Options for Mental and Substance Use Disorders. Psychiatric Services 2015, 66: 772-774. PMID: 25930049, PMCID: PMC4523443, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201500077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUsual careSubstance use disordersUse disordersTreatment optionsSpecialty treatmentMental disordersPrimary care-based treatmentPrimary care settingAlcohol use disorderCare visitsTreatment visitsPrimary careCollaborative careCare settingsTreatment settingsTreatment ratesTreatment typeCareDisordersTreatmentVisitsMost individualsOptionsSettingIndividuals
Characteristics of Adults With Substance Use Disorders Expected to Be Eligible for Medicaid Under the ACA
Busch SH, Meara E, Huskamp HA, Barry CL. Characteristics of Adults With Substance Use Disorders Expected to Be Eligible for Medicaid Under the ACA. Psychiatric Services 2013, 64: 520-526. PMID: 23450343, PMCID: PMC3672321, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201200011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disorder treatmentUse disorder treatmentAffordable Care ActSubstance use disordersDisorder treatmentMedicaid enrolleesUse disordersUnmet needTreatment ratesSignificant unmet needFederal poverty levelCharacteristics of adultsTreatment needsMedicaid coverageDrug useHealth statusUninsured individualsInsurance expansionDemographic characteristicsCare ActDisordersTreatmentNational surveyLow-income individualsInformal care