Sukanya Narasimhan, PhD
Associate ProfessorDownloadHi-Res Photo
Infectious Diseases
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Associate Professor
My research focus is on arthropod vector- host-pathogen interactions. I aim to understand at the molecular level how pathogen infection levels are sustained in arthropod vectors and what factors determine infection rates in arthropod vectors in endemic areas. Defining these factors might reveal ways to control vector-borne diseases.
Infectious Diseases
Associate Professor on TermPrimary
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Education & Training
- PhD
- Indian Institute of Science (1991)
- MSc
- Bangalore University, Biochemistry (1984)
Dr. Narasimhan studies the molecular biology of tick-pathogen interactions that facilitate pathogen colonization of the tick and ultimately pathogen transmission to the vertebrate host. She is also expanding her research to gain molecular insights into the impact of climate change on tick-Borrelia interactions and infection rates in endemic areas.
Medical Research Interests
Arthropod Vectors; Borrelia; Climate Change; Global Health; Infectious Disease Medicine; Lyme Disease; Ticks
Research at a Glance
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Research topics Sukanya Narasimhan is interested in exploring.
Erol Fikrig, MD
Nallakkandi Rajeevan, PhD
Sameet Mehta, PhD
Durland Fish, PhD
Anasuya Pal, PhD
Carmen Jane Booth, DVM, PhD
Lyme Disease
Arthropod Vectors
Laboratory Management of Mammalian Hosts for Ixodes scapularis -Host-Pathogen Interaction Studies.
Narasimhan S, Cibichakravarthy B, Wu M, Holter M, Walsh C, Goodrich J. Laboratory Management of Mammalian Hosts for Ixodes scapularis -Host-Pathogen Interaction Studies. Comparative Medicine 2024, 74: 235-245. PMID: 39289828, PMCID: PMC11373684, DOI: 10.30802/aalas-cm-24-036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsTick feedingHard-bodied ticksTick speciesArtificial membrane feedingHard ticksMammalian hostsAnimal healthHost-pathogen interaction studiesIxodes scapularisTicksManagement practicesNatural geographic rangePotential vectorsRabbit hostsFeedingHost healthGeographic rangePathogenic organismsInfectious prionsAnimal useRelevant speciesIxodesGuinea pigsLife cycleInteraction studiesBacterial reprogramming of tick metabolism impacts vector fitness and susceptibility to infection
Samaddar S, Rolandelli A, O’Neal A, Laukaitis-Yousey H, Marnin L, Singh N, Wang X, Butler L, Rangghran P, Kitsou C, Cabrera Paz F, Valencia L, R. Ferraz C, Munderloh U, Khoo B, Cull B, Rosche K, Shaw D, Oliver J, Narasimhan S, Fikrig E, Pal U, Fiskum G, Polster B, Pedra J. Bacterial reprogramming of tick metabolism impacts vector fitness and susceptibility to infection. Nature Microbiology 2024, 9: 2278-2291. PMID: 38997520, DOI: 10.1038/s41564-024-01756-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetabolic reprogrammingInfection of tick cellsInvestigate metabolic reprogrammingTick cellsLyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferiSusceptibility to infectionArthropod-borne pathogensMetabolomics approachRickettsia buchneriHuman pathogensMetabolite allocationDiminished survivalBacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilumSpirochete Borrelia burgdorferiAcid metabolismA. phagocytophilum infectionInterspecies relationshipsElevated levelsInfectionFeeding impairmentHuman granulocytic anaplasmosisMetabolic responseArthropod vectorsI. scapularisPathogens
A ticking time bomb hidden in plain sight
Narasimhan S, Fish D, Pedra J, Pal U, Fikrig E. A ticking time bomb hidden in plain sight. Science Translational Medicine 2023, 15: eadi7829. PMID: 37851823, DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adi7829.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH Keywords and ConceptsTick salivary glycans – a sugar-coated tick bite
Karim S, Leyva-Castillo J, Narasimhan S. Tick salivary glycans – a sugar-coated tick bite. Trends In Parasitology 2023, 39: 1100-1113. PMID: 37838514, DOI: 10.1016/ Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsCertain tick speciesDisease-causing pathogensNon-natural host speciesTick resistanceTick speciesTick feedingTick salivaPathogen transmissionTick bite siteMeat consumptionHematophagous arthropodsHost speciesTick biteRed meat consumptionMeat allergySuccessful feedingRed meat allergySpeciesTicksFeedingAllergic responsesImmune responseArthropodsCurrent knowledgePathogensSpecific mRNA lipid nanoparticles and acquired resistance to ticks
Matias J, Cui Y, Tang X, Sajid A, Arora G, Wu M, DePonte K, Muramatsu H, Tam Y, Narasimhan S, Pardi N, Weissman D, Fikrig E. Specific mRNA lipid nanoparticles and acquired resistance to ticks. Vaccine 2023, 41: 4996-5002. PMID: 37407406, PMCID: PMC10530371, DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.06.081.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCroquemort elicits activation of the immune deficiency pathway in ticks
O’Neal A, Singh N, Rolandelli A, Laukaitis H, Wang X, Shaw D, Young B, Narasimhan S, Dutta S, Snyder G, Samaddar S, Marnin L, Butler L, Mendes M, Paz F, Valencia L, Sundberg E, Fikrig E, Pal U, Weber D, Pedra J. Croquemort elicits activation of the immune deficiency pathway in ticks. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2023, 120: e2208673120. PMID: 37155900, PMCID: PMC10193931, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2208673120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsImmune deficiency (IMD) pathwayIMD pathwayNon-insect arthropodsPeptidoglycan recognition proteinsJun N-terminal kinaseN-terminal kinaseArthropod immunityMembrane localizationRecognition proteinsLyme disease spirocheteEcdysteroid synthesisMicrobial moietiesDistinct mechanismsProteinArthropodsPathwayHost defenseElicit activationCroquemortPancrustaceaHomologInsectsActivationCrustaceansKinaseRepeated Tick Infestations Impair Borrelia burgdorferi Transmission in a Non-Human Primate Model of Tick Feeding
Narasimhan S, Booth C, Philipp M, Fikrig E, Embers M. Repeated Tick Infestations Impair Borrelia burgdorferi Transmission in a Non-Human Primate Model of Tick Feeding. Pathogens 2023, 12: 132. PMID: 36678479, PMCID: PMC9861725, DOI: 10.3390/pathogens12010132.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-human primatesImmune responseLyme diseaseTick transmissionAnimal modelsGuinea pigsNon-human primate modelProtective immune responseTick feedingTick infestationRobust immune responseTick salivary antigensElicit immune responsesHuman Lyme diseaseClinical manifestationsHuman pathogensPrimate modelSalivary antigensNon-natural hostsVaccine targetsDiseaseVaccine discoveryTick resistanceBorreliaNatural hostDome1–JAK–STAT signaling between parasite and host integrates vector immunity and development
Rana V, Kitsou C, Dutta S, Ronzetti M, Zhang M, Bernard Q, Smith A, Tomás-Cortázar J, Yang X, Wu M, Kepple O, Li W, Dwyer J, Matias J, Baljinnyam B, Oliver J, Rajeevan N, Pedra J, Narasimhan S, Wang Y, Munderloh U, Fikrig E, Simeonov A, Anguita J, Pal U. Dome1–JAK–STAT signaling between parasite and host integrates vector immunity and development. Science 2023, 379: eabl3837. PMID: 36634189, PMCID: PMC10122270, DOI: 10.1126/science.abl3837.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsBlood meal acquisitionMetazoan developmentTick receptorArthropod immunityMammalian hostsSignaling pathwaysReceptor motifEvolutionary dependenceVectorial competenceStem cellsCommunication pathwaysPathwayCritical roleVector immunityHostHigh affinityGenomeAntimicrobial componentsHedgehogJAKMotifMetamorphosisImmunityParasitesPhysiology
Identification of novel conserved Ixodes vaccine candidates; a promising role for non-secreted salivary gland proteins
Trentelman J, de Vogel F, Colstrup E, Sima R, Coumou J, Koetsveld J, Klouwens M, Nayak A, Ersoz J, Barriales D, Tomás-Cortázar J, Narasimhan S, Hajdusek O, Anguita J, Hovius J. Identification of novel conserved Ixodes vaccine candidates; a promising role for non-secreted salivary gland proteins. Vaccine 2022, 40: 7593-7603. PMID: 36357287, DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.10.032.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsTick salivary gland proteinsAnti-tick vaccinesTick immunityVaccine candidatesSalivary gland proteinsLyme borreliosisNymphal I. ricinusExperimental Lyme borreliosisImmune animalsVaccination studiesTick feedingI. ricinusTick attachmentNymphal ticksPathogen transmissionGuinea pigsIxodes scapularisI. scapularisGland proteinsVaccineCausative agentImmunityMain vectorIdentification of novelPromising roleThe environment, the tick, and the pathogen – It is an ensemble
Couret J, Schofield S, Narasimhan S. The environment, the tick, and the pathogen – It is an ensemble. Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology 2022, 12: 1049646. PMID: 36405964, PMCID: PMC9666722, DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2022.1049646.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsTick-pathogen interactionsCritical environmental factorsBiotic factorsAbiotic factorsMammalian hostsEnvironmental microbiotaTick biologyEnsemble of interactionsMolecular understandingMolecular studiesGeographic distributionNorthcentral USAPathogen acquisitionTick-borne diseasesBiologyNew insightsEnvironmental factorsPredominant vectorLyme diseaseTicksInfection prevalenceInteractionPublic health problemPathogensHost
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
activity Nature Communications
Journal ServiceReviewerDetails2018 - Presentactivity Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal ServiceReviewerDetails2016 - Presentactivity Frontiers in Microbial Immunology
Journal ServiceGuest EditorDetails2012 - Presentactivity PLoS
Journal ServiceReviewerDetails2005 - Presentactivity Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases
Journal ServiceReviewerDetails2010 - Present
Teaching & Mentoring
Victoria Borio
Graduate student2024 - 2025Romina Coppolecchia
High School student2024 - 2025Yuri Mahmoud
Masters student2023 - 2024Emily Mesquita Da Silva
Graduate student2022 - 2023
News & Links
- Ticks encounter microbes in multiple ways (in soil, leaf litter, host skin and host bloodmeal) . How some microbes colonize ,and some are cleared by the tick is an active area of research that could reveal new insights to control infection prevalence in ticks in endemic areas .
- May 27, 2024
Tick-Borne Diseases in the United States: An Escalating Challenge
- October 18, 2023Source: YaleNews
Racing to Defuse a ‘Ticking’ Public Health Time Bomb
- July 24, 2023Source: The Atlantic
The Ticks are Winning
- December 16, 2020
Discoveries & Impact (December 2020)
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