Delineating Urbanicity and Rurality: Impact on Environmental Exposure Assessment
Song Y, Deziel N, Bell M. Delineating Urbanicity and Rurality: Impact on Environmental Exposure Assessment. Environmental Science And Technology 2024, 58: 19178-19188. PMID: 39412270, PMCID: PMC11627196, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c06942.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEnvironmental exposuresEnvironmental exposure assessmentExposure of particulate matterUrban/rural disparitiesDemographic compositionHealth StudyHealth researchPopulation-basedClassification systemExposure assessmentSpatial patternsHealth impactsRural areasHealthRuralParticulate matterLand surface temperatureWest VirginiaUnited StatesSurface temperatureUrbanizationResearch questionsAssessmentDisparitiesExposureWildfires increasingly threaten oil and gas wells in the western United States with disproportionate impacts on marginalized populations
González D, Morello-Frosch R, Liu Z, Willis M, Feng Y, McKenzie L, Steiger B, Wang J, Deziel N, Casey J. Wildfires increasingly threaten oil and gas wells in the western United States with disproportionate impacts on marginalized populations. One Earth 2024, 7: 1044-1055. PMID: 39036466, PMCID: PMC11259100, DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2024.05.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWildfire burned areaWestern United StatesBurned areaThreat of wildfireHigh wildfire riskExposure of human populationsWildfire riskWildfireHuman healthClimate changeNational oilHuman populationHistorical threatDisproportionate impactUnited StatesAreaExposureGas wellsClimateOilPopulationWellsGas productionGas
Health risks of heavy metals in food and their economic burden in Armenia
Pipoyan D, Stepanyan S, Beglaryan M, Stepanyan S, Mendelsohn R, Deziel N. Health risks of heavy metals in food and their economic burden in Armenia. Environment International 2023, 172: 107794. PMID: 36758298, DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2023.107794.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHeavy metal intakeBenchmark dose levelsBlood pressureLead exposureEconomic burdenDose levelsDietary exposureEuropean Food Safety AuthorityAdverse health impactsDiet surveyDaily intakeExcess exposureConsumer safety concernsFood Safety AuthorityHealth impactsHealth risksSafety concernsIntakeLower IQ levelsExposureSpecific pathwaysExposure valuesSafety AuthorityPopulationMetal intake
Challenging the concept of de novo acute myeloid leukemia: Environmental and occupational leukemogens hiding in our midst
Shallis RM, Weiss JJ, Deziel NC, Gore SD. Challenging the concept of de novo acute myeloid leukemia: Environmental and occupational leukemogens hiding in our midst. Blood Reviews 2020, 47: 100760. PMID: 32988660, DOI: 10.1016/j.blre.2020.100760.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute myeloid leukemiaDe novo acute myeloid leukemiaNovo acute myeloid leukemiaMyeloid leukemiaRisk of AMLTherapy-related acute myeloid leukemiaParticular chemotherapeutic agentsOccupational exposureIndividual patientsMyeloid neoplasmsGermline predispositionAccidental exposureLeukemogenChemotherapeutic agentsMarrow microenvironmentLeukemiaEnvironmental agentsAcceptable exposure limitsCell acquisitionPatientsExposure limitsExposureInescapable exposureAmbient exposureRiskEstimated Dietary Bisphenol-A Exposure and Adiposity in Samoan Mothers and Children
Heinsberg LW, Bui CNN, Hartle JC, Sereika SM, Choy CC, Wang D, Soti-Ulberg C, Naseri T, Reupena MS, Duckham RL, Park JJ, Hawley NL, Deziel NC. Estimated Dietary Bisphenol-A Exposure and Adiposity in Samoan Mothers and Children. Toxics 2020, 8: 67. PMID: 32887300, PMCID: PMC7560430, DOI: 10.3390/toxics8030067.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBody mass indexDietary BPA exposureAbdominal circumferenceBPA exposureModern dietary patternBisphenol A (BPA) exposureMother-child pairsDietary questionnaireMass indexPrevalent obesityFoods/beveragesDietary patternsSamoan mothersSignificant associationEndocrine disruptor bisphenolHigher incomeUnderstudied populationExposure indexMothersChildrenExposureFurther examinationAssociationHousehold-level characteristicsIndexA clandestine culprit with critical consequences: Benzene and acute myeloid leukemia
Shallis RM, Weiss JJ, Deziel NC, Gore SD. A clandestine culprit with critical consequences: Benzene and acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Reviews 2020, 47: 100736. PMID: 32771228, DOI: 10.1016/j.blre.2020.100736.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute myeloid leukemiaMyeloid leukemiaAdult acute myeloid leukemiaTherapy-related leukemiaCytotoxic chemotherapyMost cliniciansHigh riskGermline predispositionLeukemiaEnvironmental benzeneAgricultural workersAvailable literatureAmbient exposureAmbient benzeneExposureSafe levelChemotherapyChronicClinicians
Exposure Science: Ingestion☆
Deziel N, Freeman N, Hartle J. Exposure Science: Ingestion☆. 2019, 823-832. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-409548-9.10916-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNondietary ingestion exposurePersistent organic pollutantsOrganic pollutantsIngestion exposureImportance of ingestionIngestion of chemicalsSusceptible populationIngestion exposure pathwayChemical agentsAgents of concernRoute of exposureChemicalsConsumption of foodRoutePathogenic microbial agentsIngestionExposureExposure pathwaysPrimary routeBiological agentsMicrobial agentsPollutantsAgentsMetalsFurther research
Occupational exposure to pesticides and other biocides and risk of thyroid cancer
Zeng F, Lerro C, Lavoué J, Huang H, Siemiatycki J, Zhao N, Ma S, Deziel NC, Friesen MC, Udelsman R, Zhang Y. Occupational exposure to pesticides and other biocides and risk of thyroid cancer. Occupational And Environmental Medicine 2017, 74: 502. PMID: 28202579, PMCID: PMC5572578, DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2016-103931.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThyroid cancerOccupational exposurePopulation-based case-control studyIncident thyroid cancer casesUnconditional logistic regression modelsCase-control studyPapillary thyroid cancerThyroid cancer casesJob-exposure matrixLogistic regression modelsHigher cumulative probabilityPotential confoundersThyroid microcarcinomaCancer casesHigh riskSignificant associationCancerObserved associationsCumulative probabilityStrong associationRiskAssociationExposureFurther investigationRegression models
A multi-day environmental study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure in a high-risk region for esophageal cancer in China
Deziel NC, Wei WQ, Abnet CC, Qiao YL, Sunderland D, Ren JS, Schantz MM, Zhang Y, Strickland PT, Abubaker S, Dawsey SM, Friesen MC, Roth MJ. A multi-day environmental study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure in a high-risk region for esophageal cancer in China. Journal Of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2012, 23: 52-59. PMID: 22805987, PMCID: PMC3504638, DOI: 10.1038/jes.2012.73.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEsophageal cancerEsophageal squamous cell carcinomaSquamous cell carcinomaMixed effects modelsDaily urine samplesDuplicate diet samplesPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposureAromatic hydrocarbon exposureCell carcinomaUnique polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonUrinary PAH biomarkersPAH biomarkersConsecutive daysFurther evaluationHigh-risk regionsPmol/Urine samplesPAH exposureHydrocarbon exposureHigh rateCancerElevated ratesExposureDaysDiet samples
Comparison of Standard Methods for Assessing Dietary Intake of Benzo[a]pyrene
Deziel NC, Strickland PT, Platz EA, Abubaker S, Buckley TJ. Comparison of Standard Methods for Assessing Dietary Intake of Benzo[a]pyrene. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2011, 20: 962-970. PMID: 21430297, PMCID: PMC4618457, DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-10-1344.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFood frequency questionnaireBaP intakeExposure assessment methodsDiet diariesMeat intakeResidue databaseFrequency questionnaireStrength of associationDietary intakeNondietary exposureConsiderable unexplained variabilityBiomarker measurementsIntakeLimited correlationSpearman correlationCancerInconsistent presenceBaselineExposureInterpersonal variabilityStandard methodsDiaryNonsmokersUnexplained variabilityAssessment methods