The Addiction Recovery Clinic
Holt SR, Segar N, Cavallo DA, Tetrault JM. The Addiction Recovery Clinic. Academic Medicine 2017, 92: 680-683. PMID: 28441678, DOI: 10.1097/acm.0000000000001480.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatient satisfaction surveyInternal medicine residentsRecovery clinicSubstance useMedicine residentsUse disordersAddiction medicine specialistsOpioid use disorderOutpatient clinical servicesPrimary care practicesUnhealthy substance useSubstance use disordersAddiction treatment facilitiesSatisfaction surveyDirect referralNew patientsMedicine specialistsPatientsCare practicesPatient encountersConsecutive weeksBehavioral treatmentAddiction medicineClinical servicesVisit numberInterpreting quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels in office-based clinical practice
Donroe JH, Holt SR, O’Connor P, Sukumar N, Tetrault JM. Interpreting quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels in office-based clinical practice. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2017, 180: 46-51. PMID: 28866369, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.07.040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderUrine buprenorphineNorbuprenorphine levelsUrine adulterationAddiction treatment clinicsTreatment clinicsBuprenorphine medicationSublingual buprenorphineBuprenorphine treatmentTreatment cohortsRetrospective studyUrine specimenBuprenorphineUse disordersPatientsClinical practiceUrine samplesUrineClinicTreatmentMedicationsLevelsNorBUPCohortSuspicion
Shared Medical Appointment: A Novel Model for Incorporating Group Visits Into Residency Training for Substance Use Disorders
Cavallo D, Salwan J, Doernberg M, Tetrault J, Holt S. Shared Medical Appointment: A Novel Model for Incorporating Group Visits Into Residency Training for Substance Use Disorders. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2024, 45: 466-472. PMID: 38494709, DOI: 10.1177/29767342241233363.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchShared medical appointmentsPrimary care residentsSubstance use disordersCare residentsPre- and post-intervention scoresImplementation of shared medical appointmentsSubstance use disorder carePost-intervention scoresLikert scaleThird-year residentsUse disorderTreated patientsWeb-based surveyRelapse of SUDIllicit drug useInterdisciplinary providersPost-interventionMedicine rotationPhysician empathyTraining modalitiesTeaching clinicMedical appointmentsResidency trainingSUD treatmentCounseling patientsPreparing Physicians to Treat Addiction: Inclusion of Dedicated Addiction Training During Internal Medicine Residency
Canver B, Liptak A, Clark K, Tetrault J, Holt S. Preparing Physicians to Treat Addiction: Inclusion of Dedicated Addiction Training During Internal Medicine Residency. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2024, 45: 408-414. PMID: 38254274, DOI: 10.1177/29767342231224978.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersAddiction medicine curriculaTreating substance use disordersMedicine residentsMedicine curriculumPrimary care residency programsStigmatizing languageResident primary care clinicResidency programsPrimary care trainingPrimary care clinicsManagement of substance use disordersInternal medicine residentsAddiction medicine trainingMedicine residency programsCare of patientsCare trainingSubstance use disorder pharmacotherapiesCare clinicsSubstance use treatmentMedicine trainingOutpatient addiction clinicAddiction curriculumQualitative interviewsFormal training
Leading a Substance Use Disorder Clinic
Chan C, Tetrault J, Holt S. Leading a Substance Use Disorder Clinic. 2023, 255-274. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-40273-9_17.ChaptersSubstance use disorder clinicsSubstance use disordersAcademic medical practiceAcademic medical centerRates of overdose deathsPublic health issueAddiction treatment servicesClinic logisticsTreatment servicesHealth issuesMedical CenterClinical goalsClinicOverdose deathsEducational initiativesMedical practicePractical stepsAcademic medicineInstitutional support
Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders in a Specialized Primary Care Practice: A Randomized Feasibility Trial to Address the RT Component of SBIRT.
Tetrault JM, Holt SR, Cavallo DA, O'Connor PG, Gordon MA, Corvino JK, Nich C, Carroll KM. Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders in a Specialized Primary Care Practice: A Randomized Feasibility Trial to Address the RT Component of SBIRT. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2020, 14: e303-e309. PMID: 32371660, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000663.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersComputerized cognitive behavioral therapySubstance useCognitive behavioral therapySelf-reported substance useUse disordersTechnology-based treatmentsPrimary care settingSubstance use outcomesIntegrated addictions treatmentTechnology-based interventionsBehavioral therapyPrimary care practicesOverall positive outcomeSUD interventionsBrief interventionUnhealthy alcohol useDays abstinentPositive outcomesUse outcomesCare settingsAlcohol useStandard careAddiction treatmentTreatment settings
Addressing discordant quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels: Case examples in opioid use disorder
Holt SR, Donroe JH, Cavallo DA, Tetrault JM. Addressing discordant quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels: Case examples in opioid use disorder. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2018, 186: 171-174. PMID: 29579725, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.12.040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOngoing illicit drug usePatient-provider relationshipOpioid use disorderIllicit drug useUse disordersUrine adulterationTreatment planDrug useQuantitative urine testingMethadone treatment programsSubstance use disordersNorbuprenorphine levelsUrine buprenorphineUrine testingPatientsTreatment programNonjudgmental approachUrine samplesTherapeutic allianceDiscordant levelsBuprenorphineDisordersUrineNorbuprenorphineLevels
Caring for patients with opioid use disorder in the hospitalCaring for patients with opioid use disorder in the hospital
Donroe JH, Holt SR, Tetrault JM. Caring for patients with opioid use disorder in the hospitalCaring for patients with opioid use disorder in the hospital. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2016, 188: cmaj.160290. PMID: 27647616, PMCID: PMC5135493, DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.160290.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUnhealthy Alcohol Use
Holt S, Tetrault J. Unhealthy Alcohol Use. Clinics In Liver Disease 2016, 20: 429-444. PMID: 27373607, DOI: 10.1016/j.cld.2016.02.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUnhealthy alcohol useAlcohol useSymptom-triggered approachAlcohol use disorderAlcohol withdrawalAppropriate treatmentRoutine screeningPatient motivationUse disordersBrief interventionHazardous drinkingBehavioral therapyHeavy drinkingPatientsRobust dataBehavioral changesDrinkingTwelve-step programsMedicationsTherapyBenzodiazepinesAbstinence
Physician Detection of Unhealthy Substance Use on Inpatient Teaching and Hospitalist Medical Services
Holt SR, Ramos J, Harma M, Cabrera F, Louis-Ashby C, Dinh A, Fiellin DA, Tetrault JM. Physician Detection of Unhealthy Substance Use on Inpatient Teaching and Hospitalist Medical Services. The American Journal Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse 2012, 39: 121-129. PMID: 22992028, DOI: 10.3109/00952990.2012.715703.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUnhealthy substance useAlcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-ConsumptionDrug Abuse Screening TestHospitalist serviceSubstance useScreening testSubstance Involvement Screening TestPhysicians' detection ratesUnhealthy drug useMedical record reviewTeaching serviceCommunity teaching hospitalMedical servicesCross-sectional studyICD-9 codingRate of detectionAbuse Screening TestEligible patientsMedicine admissionsCurrent smokersRecord reviewDetection ratePhysician detectionTeaching hospitalPhysician documentationPrevalence of Unhealthy Substance Use on Teaching and Hospitalist Medical Services: Implications for Education
Holt SR, Ramos J, Harma MA, Cabrera F, Louis‐Ashby C, Dinh A, Tetrault JM, Fiellin DA. Prevalence of Unhealthy Substance Use on Teaching and Hospitalist Medical Services: Implications for Education. American Journal On Addictions 2012, 21: 111-119. PMID: 22332853, DOI: 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2011.00207.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUnhealthy substance useAlcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-ConsumptionInternal medicine admissionsSubstance useHours of admissionTeaching serviceCommunity teaching hospitalCross-sectional studyDrug Abuse Screening TestMedical teaching serviceAbuse Screening TestMedicine admissionsChart reviewCurrent smokersMedical inpatientsPatient admissionsTeaching hospitalHospitalist serviceCase findingPatientsAdmissionDiagnostic InterviewScreening testMedical resident trainingT patients