Stitching A Solution to the Addiction Epidemic: A Longitudinal Addiction Curricular Thread across Four Years of Medical Training
Muvvala SB, Schwartz ML, Petrakis I, O'Connor P, Tetrault JM. Stitching A Solution to the Addiction Epidemic: A Longitudinal Addiction Curricular Thread across Four Years of Medical Training. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2020, 41: 475-479. PMID: 31951809, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2019.1709606.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCurricular threadPractice-based learning activitiesMedical school curriculumComprehensive needs assessmentCurriculum goalsLearning activitiesSchool curriculumCurriculum developmentClerkship directorsDidactic activitiesEducational strategiesMedical schoolsKern modelClinical simulationMedical trainingCurriculumWorkshop exercisesNeeds assessmentWork forceClinical experienceSchoolsEducationPublic health impactImplementationInstitutionsComputerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders in a Specialized Primary Care Practice: A Randomized Feasibility Trial to Address the RT Component of SBIRT.
Tetrault JM, Holt SR, Cavallo DA, O'Connor PG, Gordon MA, Corvino JK, Nich C, Carroll KM. Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders in a Specialized Primary Care Practice: A Randomized Feasibility Trial to Address the RT Component of SBIRT. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2020, 14: e303-e309. PMID: 32371660, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000663.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersComputerized cognitive behavioral therapySubstance useCognitive behavioral therapySelf-reported substance useUse disordersTechnology-based treatmentsPrimary care settingSubstance use outcomesIntegrated addictions treatmentTechnology-based interventionsBehavioral therapyPrimary care practicesOverall positive outcomeSUD interventionsBrief interventionUnhealthy alcohol useDays abstinentPositive outcomesUse outcomesCare settingsAlcohol useStandard careAddiction treatmentTreatment settings
A randomized trial of decision support for tobacco dependence treatment in an inpatient electronic medical record: clinical results
Bernstein SL, Weiss J, DeWitt M, Tetrault JM, Hsiao AL, Dziura J, Sussman S, Miller T, Carpenter K, O’Connor P, Toll B. A randomized trial of decision support for tobacco dependence treatment in an inpatient electronic medical record: clinical results. Implementation Science 2019, 14: 8. PMID: 30670043, PMCID: PMC6343239, DOI: 10.1186/s13012-019-0856-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatient's primary care providerPrimary care providersTobacco treatment medicationsElectronic health recordsTobacco use disorderQuit ratesTreatment medicationsProblem listCare providersUse disordersOne-year quit ratesState tobacco quitlineTobacco quit ratesPrescription of medicationsTobacco dependence treatmentProcess of careSingle hospital systemElectronic medical recordsInpatient electronic medical recordPatient's problem listSustained quittingAdult patientsControl patientsCurrent smokingHospitalized smokers
Interpreting quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels in office-based clinical practice
Donroe JH, Holt SR, O’Connor P, Sukumar N, Tetrault JM. Interpreting quantitative urine buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine levels in office-based clinical practice. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2017, 180: 46-51. PMID: 28866369, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.07.040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderUrine buprenorphineNorbuprenorphine levelsUrine adulterationAddiction treatment clinicsTreatment clinicsBuprenorphine medicationSublingual buprenorphineBuprenorphine treatmentTreatment cohortsRetrospective studyUrine specimenBuprenorphineUse disordersPatientsClinical practiceUrine samplesUrineClinicTreatmentMedicationsLevelsNorBUPCohortSuspicionDesign and implementation of decision support for tobacco dependence treatment in an inpatient electronic medical record: a randomized trial
Bernstein SL, Rosner J, DeWitt M, Tetrault J, Hsiao AL, Dziura J, Sussman S, O'Connor P, Toll B. Design and implementation of decision support for tobacco dependence treatment in an inpatient electronic medical record: a randomized trial. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2017, 7: 185-195. PMID: 28194729, PMCID: PMC5526813, DOI: 10.1007/s13142-017-0470-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatient's primary care providerTobacco dependence treatmentTobacco treatment medicationsElectronic health recordsPrimary care providersState Smokers' QuitlineTobacco use disorderDependence treatmentTreatment medicationsIntervention physiciansProblem listUse disordersOrder setsState tobacco quitlineCluster-randomized trialLong-term cessationElectronic medical recordsInpatient electronic medical recordPatient's problem listSmokers resultsAdult patientsHospital dischargeHospitalized smokersElectronic alertsTobacco treatment
Brief versus extended counseling along with buprenorphine/naloxone for HIV-infected opioid dependent patients
Tetrault JM, Moore BA, Barry DT, O'Connor PG, Schottenfeld R, Fiellin DA, Fiellin LE. Brief versus extended counseling along with buprenorphine/naloxone for HIV-infected opioid dependent patients. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2012, 43: 433-439. PMID: 22938914, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2012.07.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultBuprenorphineBuprenorphine, Naloxone Drug CombinationCounselingDelivery of Health Care, IntegratedFeasibility StudiesFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHIV InfectionsHumansMaleMiddle AgedNaloxoneNarcotic AntagonistsOpioid-Related DisordersPsychotherapy, BriefSubstance Abuse DetectionTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeViral LoadConceptsEnhanced medical managementPhysician managementDetectable HIV viral loadHIV treatment settingsOpioid-negative urinesBuprenorphine/naloxoneHIV viral loadOpioid-dependent patientsPercentage of subjectsUntreated opioid dependenceExtended counselingHIV clinicHIV outcomesBuprenorphine/Medical managementOpioid dependenceViral loadDependent patientsExtensive counselingClinical trialsContinuous abstinenceNegative urineTreatment settingsGroup differencesCounselingScreening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for Alcohol and Other Drug Use among Adolescents: Evaluation of a Pediatric Residency Curriculum
Ryan SA, Martel S, Pantalon M, Martino S, Tetrault J, Thung SF, Bernstein SL, Auinger P, Green ML, Fiellin DA, O'Connor P, D'Onofrio G. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for Alcohol and Other Drug Use among Adolescents: Evaluation of a Pediatric Residency Curriculum. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2012, 33: 251-260. PMID: 22738002, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2011.640182.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBrief Negotiation InterviewBrief interventionPediatric residency programsDrug useKnowledge scorePost-training improvementPost-training knowledge scoresMain outcome measuresUrban teaching hospitalAdolescent medicine rotationPediatric residency curriculumMedicine/pediatric residentsResidency programsTraining satisfactionAdherence ScaleSBIRT curriculumTeaching hospitalOutcome measuresSignificant preTreatment curriculumClinical practiceClinical settingPediatric residentsResidents' knowledgeResidency curriculumDeveloping and Implementing a Multispecialty Graduate Medical Education Curriculum on Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
Tetrault JM, Green ML, Martino S, Thung SF, Degutis LC, Ryan SA, Martel S, Pantalon MV, Bernstein SL, O'Connor P, Fiellin DA, D'Onofrio G. Developing and Implementing a Multispecialty Graduate Medical Education Curriculum on Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2012, 33: 168-181. PMID: 22489589, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2011.640220.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBrief interventionInternal medicineEmergency medicineMean satisfaction scoreMultiple residency programsStandardized patient sessionSBIRT curriculumClinical practicePediatric programsSBIRTSatisfaction scoresClinical encountersPatient sessionsPediatric residentsProject facultyTraining Web siteStandardized patientsReferralGynecologyObstetricsNumber of residentsResidency programsSatisfaction surveyGraduate medical education curriculumFaculty supervision
Opioids, Chronic Pain, and Addiction in Primary Care
Barry DT, Irwin KS, Jones ES, Becker WC, Tetrault JM, Sullivan LE, Hansen H, O'Connor PG, Schottenfeld RS, Fiellin DA. Opioids, Chronic Pain, and Addiction in Primary Care. Journal Of Pain 2010, 11: 1442-1450. PMID: 20627817, PMCID: PMC2955997, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2010.04.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic noncancer painOffice-based physiciansNoncancer painOpioid analgesicsPain managementPain patientsPain treatmentChronic painPain reportsPhysicians' attitudesMedical providersChronic noncancer pain patientsPatients' pain reportsNoncancer pain patientsPain management servicesPatient-related barriersChronic pain patientsAppropriate pain managementOffice-based programLimited insurance coverageOpioid agreementQualitative study designReferral optionsPhysician barriersPhysician responsiveness
Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment into Office-based Practice: a Qualitative Study
Barry DT, Irwin KS, Jones ES, Becker WC, Tetrault JM, Sullivan LE, Hansen H, O’Connor P, Schottenfeld RS, Fiellin DA. Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment into Office-based Practice: a Qualitative Study. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2008, 24: 218-225. PMID: 19089500, PMCID: PMC2628993, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-008-0881-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBuprenorphine maintenance treatmentOffice-based practicePhysicians' perceptionsPatient-related barriersOffice-based physiciansLack of remunerationBuprenorphine treatmentOpioid dependenceMaintenance treatmentPhysician barriersMethadone maintenancePrimary careResultsEighty percentLow prevalenceClinical practiceMedical providersMultidisciplinary teamPatient careInternal medicinePhysician facilitatorsInfectious diseasesAddiction medicinePhysiciansQualitative software programDesignQualitative studySubstance Abuse and Withdrawal in the Critical Care Setting
Tetrault JM, O'Connor PG. Substance Abuse and Withdrawal in the Critical Care Setting. Critical Care Clinics 2008, 24: 767-788. PMID: 18929942, DOI: 10.1016/j.ccc.2008.05.005.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersConceptsCritical care settingWithdrawal syndromeCare settingsOverall treatment protocolSubstance useSubstance withdrawal syndromeSymptom-triggered approachCritical care teamTapering doseAcute presentationResuscitative measuresCare teamTreatment protocolHigh indexSubstance intoxicationSubstance abuseAbused drugsSyndromeTreatmentWithdrawalEpidemiologySettingSuspicionDoseIntoxication
A Trial of Integrated Buprenorphine/Naloxone and HIV Clinical Care
Sullivan LE, Barry D, Moore BA, Chawarski MC, Tetrault JM, Pantalon MV, O'Connor PG, Schottenfeld RS, Fiellin DA. A Trial of Integrated Buprenorphine/Naloxone and HIV Clinical Care. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2006, 43: s184-s190. PMID: 17109305, DOI: 10.1086/508182.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdministration, SublingualAdultAntiretroviral Therapy, Highly ActiveBuprenorphineDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug Administration ScheduleFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHIV InfectionsHumansMaleMiddle AgedNaloxoneNarcotic AntagonistsOpioid-Related DisordersPilot ProjectsProbabilityReference ValuesRisk FactorsTreatment OutcomeConceptsHIV clinical careHIV-1 RNA copies/mLBuprenorphine/naloxone treatmentRNA copies/mLCopies/mLOpioid dependenceClinical careOpioid useNaloxone treatmentPhysician managementTreatment retentionHIV type 1 RNA levelsHIV-1 RNA levelsDose of buprenorphinePartial opioid agonistRNA levelsCD4 lymphocyte countBuprenorphine/naloxoneOpioid-dependent patientsUrine toxicology testsWeeks of treatmentHuman immunodeficiency virusUrine test resultsBetter treatment retentionUntreated opioid dependence