User preferences for an mHealth app to support HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among men who have sex with men in Malaysia
Palmer L, Wickersham J, Gautam K, Maviglia F, Bruno B, Azwa I, Khati A, Altice F, Paudel K, Pagoto S, Shrestha R. User preferences for an mHealth app to support HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake among men who have sex with men in Malaysia. PLOS Digital Health 2024, 3: e0000643. PMID: 39475851, PMCID: PMC11524455, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000643.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHIV prevention servicesHIV testingPreventive servicesPre-exposure prophylaxis uptakeHIV prevention appIncrease HIV testingMobile appsPrevalence of HIVHard-to-reach populationsStudy assessed attitudesOnline focus groupsMalaysian MSMCost of servicesPrEP uptakeDedoose softwareMHealth appsPrevention appsFocus groupsIntervention modalitiesMSMEngagement strategiesHIVConfidentiality risksThematic contentMenIntegrated Online-to-Offline Model of Care for HIV Prevention and Treatment Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Protocol for an Intervention Development and a Multiphase Trial
Khati A, Wickersham J, Gautam K, Paudel K, Phiphatkhunarnon P, Lim S, Puniamurthy K, Altice F, Phanuphak N, Azwa I, Shrestha R. Integrated Online-to-Offline Model of Care for HIV Prevention and Treatment Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Protocol for an Intervention Development and a Multiphase Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2024, 13: e60962. PMID: 39441624, PMCID: PMC11541154, DOI: 10.2196/60962.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHigher methadone dose at time of release from prison predicts linkage to maintenance treatment for people with HIV and opioid use disorder transitioning to the community in Malaysia
Ahmad A, Bromberg D, Shrestha R, Salleh N, Bazazi A, Kamarulzaman A, Shenoi S, Altice F. Higher methadone dose at time of release from prison predicts linkage to maintenance treatment for people with HIV and opioid use disorder transitioning to the community in Malaysia. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2024, 126: 104369. PMID: 38484531, PMCID: PMC11056294, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104369.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMethadone maintenance treatmentNational Institute of Drug AbuseMethadone dosePost-releaseOpioid dependenceMaintenance treatmentMethadone maintenance treatment doseHigher doses of methadoneProspective trialsHighest methadone dosagePost-release outcomesHigher methadone dosesMalaysia’s largest prison.Levels of depressionTreatment of opioid use disorderMonths of releaseDose of methadoneOpioid use disorderLargest prisonHigher dosageIncarcerated peopleIncarceration periodUse disorderMethadone dosageTime-to-event analysisTesting the Feasibility and Acceptability of Using an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot to Promote HIV Testing and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Malaysia: Mixed Methods Study.
Cheah M, Gan Y, Altice F, Wickersham J, Shrestha R, Salleh N, Ng K, Azwa I, Balakrishnan V, Kamarulzaman A, Ni Z. Testing the Feasibility and Acceptability of Using an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot to Promote HIV Testing and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in Malaysia: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Human Factors 2024, 11: e52055. PMID: 38277206, PMCID: PMC10858413, DOI: 10.2196/52055.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUptake of HIV testingHIV testingPre-exposure prophylaxisUnified Theory of AcceptanceFrequency of HIV testingTheory of AcceptanceAI chatbotsPromote HIV testingMental health supportHIV risk assessmentHIV prevention effortsHIV-related informationMixed methods studyPresence of stigmaUse of TechnologyConsequences of HIVEffort expectancySexually transmitted infectionsWeb-based surveyEngaging MSMArtificial intelligenceTranscribed verbatimPrEP uptakeHealth supportMental health
Pre-exposure prophylaxis service among men who have sex with men in Malaysia: findings from a discrete choice experiment
Dubov A, Altice F, Gutierrez J, Wickersham J, Azwa I, Kamarulzaman A, Gautam K, Shrestha R. Pre-exposure prophylaxis service among men who have sex with men in Malaysia: findings from a discrete choice experiment. Scientific Reports 2023, 13: 14200. PMID: 37648731, PMCID: PMC10468492, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-41264-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjectable PrEPPre-exposure prophylaxis servicesDaily oral PrEPPre-exposure prophylaxisMalaysian MSMPrEP deliveryOral PrEPPrEP uptakeMSMPrEPLatent class analysisDiscrete choice experimentMenDelivery preferencesDelivery programsSexGroupClass analysisType of programPreference groupsOnline surveyProphylaxisInitiation rateHIVDosingBarriers and Facilitators to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis by Men Who Have Sex with Men and Community Stakeholders in Malaysia
Rosen A, Wickersham J, Altice F, Khati A, Azwa I, Tee V, Jeri-Wahrhaftig A, Luces J, Ni Z, Kamarulzaman A, Saifi R, Shrestha R. Barriers and Facilitators to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis by Men Who Have Sex with Men and Community Stakeholders in Malaysia. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2023, 20: 5669. PMID: 37174187, PMCID: PMC10177799, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20095669.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxisPrEP providersNominal group techniqueMalaysian MSMEvidence-based HIV prevention strategiesPatient-centered decision aidAwareness of PrEPHIV prevention strategiesPotential new strategyPrEP deliveryPrEP carePrEP initiationPrEP servicesPrEP uptakeDecision aidPrevention strategiesUnderstanding of barriersComplex clinical protocolsClinical protocolsMSMQualitative focus groupsCommunity stakeholdersPrEPProphylaxisMenClinic-Integrated Smartphone App (JomPrEP) to Improve Uptake of HIV Testing and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Mixed Methods Evaluation of Usability and Acceptability
Shrestha R, Altice F, Khati A, Azwa I, Gautam K, Gupta S, Sullivan P, Ni Z, Kamarulzaman A, Phiphatkunarnon P, Wickersham J. Clinic-Integrated Smartphone App (JomPrEP) to Improve Uptake of HIV Testing and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Mixed Methods Evaluation of Usability and Acceptability. JMIR MHealth And UHealth 2023, 11: e44468. PMID: 36795465, PMCID: PMC9982718, DOI: 10.2196/44468.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV prevention servicesINTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIERPrevention servicesMean ageHIV preventionPre-exposure prophylaxisHIV prevention outcomesHIV self-testing (HIVST) kitsParticipants' mean ageSelf-testing kitsHealth care settingsMobile health platformMalaysian MSMMixed-methods evaluationHIV testingCare settingsLocal clinicSystem Usability ScalePrevention outcomesDays of testingMSMSmartphone appPrEPHIVMean score
Clinic-Integrated Mobile Health Intervention (“JomPrEP” App) to Improve Uptake of HIV Testing and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Protocol for an Intervention Development and Multiphase Trial
Shrestha R, Wickersham J, Khati A, Azwa I, Ni Z, Kamarulzaman A, Sullivan P, Jadkarim L, Eger W, Gautam K, Altice F. Clinic-Integrated Mobile Health Intervention (“JomPrEP” App) to Improve Uptake of HIV Testing and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Protocol for an Intervention Development and Multiphase Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2022, 11: e43318. PMID: 36542425, PMCID: PMC9813821, DOI: 10.2196/43318.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchINTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIERPre-exposure prophylaxisHIV prevention servicesHIV testingMalaysian MSMPhase IHIV preventionPrevention servicesLarge-scale efficacy trialsHIV prevention resourcesMobile health interventionsHIV prevention effortsCare delivery servicesHealth care delivery servicesMultiphase trialPrEP servicesMiddle-income countriesHIV epidemicEfficacy trialsTrial designPrevention strategiesEntrenched stigmaHealth outcomesReal-world settingHealth interventionsUsing nominal group technique to identify barriers and facilitators to preventing HIV using combination same-day pre-exposure prophylaxis and medications for opioid use disorder
Eger WH, Altice FL, Lee J, Vlahov D, Khati A, Osborne S, Wickersham JA, Bohonnon T, Powell L, Shrestha R. Using nominal group technique to identify barriers and facilitators to preventing HIV using combination same-day pre-exposure prophylaxis and medications for opioid use disorder. Harm Reduction Journal 2022, 19: 120. PMID: 36307817, PMCID: PMC9616614, DOI: 10.1186/s12954-022-00703-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSame-day prescriptionPre-exposure prophylaxisOpioid use disorderHIV transmissionUse disordersClinical stakeholdersAvailability of providersSystems of careHealth care systemCoordinated careNew practice modelClinical careMedicationsPharmacy deliveryMOUDNominal group techniqueLocal prescribersPWIDSexual riskPrEPCare systemHealth benefitsCareMultiple visitsProphylaxisExploring Malaysian Physicians' Intention to Discriminate Against Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Patients
Ni Z, Shrestha R, Earnshaw VA, Tee YC, Altice FL, Azwa I, Kamarulzaman A, Zhou X, Wickersham JA. Exploring Malaysian Physicians' Intention to Discriminate Against Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Patients. LGBT Health 2022, 10: 169-175. PMID: 36251945, PMCID: PMC9986015, DOI: 10.1089/lgbt.2021.0452.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNurse Practitioner–Led Integrated Rapid Access to HIV Prevention for People Who Inject Drugs (iRaPID): Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Khati A, Altice FL, Vlahov D, Eger WH, Lee J, Bohonnon T, Wickersham JA, Maviglia F, Copenhaver N, Shrestha R. Nurse Practitioner–Led Integrated Rapid Access to HIV Prevention for People Who Inject Drugs (iRaPID): Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2022, 11: e42585. PMID: 36222826, PMCID: PMC9597427, DOI: 10.2196/42585.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchINTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIERSame-day PrEPHIV prevention programsPreliminary efficacyTrial designReal-world settingPrevention programsPre-exposure prophylaxis uptakePilot studyProspective pilot studySignificant public health concernOpioid use disorderHIV prevention strategiesHepatitis C virusOutbreak of HIVEvidence-based preventionPublic health concernInstitutional review boardMOUD initiationControlled TrialsPilot RCTC virusOpioid epidemicHIV preventionNurse practitionersFormative Evaluation of the Acceptance of HIV Prevention Artificial Intelligence Chatbots By Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Focus Group Study
Peng ML, Wickersham JA, Altice FL, Shrestha R, Azwa I, Zhou X, Halim MAA, Ikhtiaruddin WM, Tee V, Kamarulzaman A, Ni Z. Formative Evaluation of the Acceptance of HIV Prevention Artificial Intelligence Chatbots By Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Focus Group Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022, 6: e42055. PMID: 36201390, PMCID: PMC9585446, DOI: 10.2196/42055.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHIV testingMobile health interventionsMobile health strategiesHealth care professionalsStigmatized health conditionsElevated riskHealth strategiesCare professionalsKey populationsHealth interventionsDigital health toolsFocus group studyHealth awarenessHIVHealth toolsHealth conditionsPervasive stigmaGroup studyPreventionImplementation strategiesPotential implementation strategiesSexual behaviorMenPublic healthTechnical errorsMobile Health Technology Use and the Acceptability of an mHealth Platform for HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Cross-sectional Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey
Shrestha R, Maviglia F, Altice FL, DiDomizio E, Khati A, Mistler C, Azwa I, Kamarulzaman A, Halim MAA, Wickersham JA. Mobile Health Technology Use and the Acceptability of an mHealth Platform for HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Cross-sectional Respondent-Driven Sampling Survey. Journal Of Medical Internet Research 2022, 24: e36917. PMID: 35877172, PMCID: PMC9361153, DOI: 10.2196/36917.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV prevention informationHIV preventionDrug usePrevention informationMalaysian menMHealth platformHIV risk-related behaviorsHIV prevention toolHIV prevention servicesSexual activityReceptive anal sexMobile health interventionsHIV prevention effortsUse of mHealthIllicit drug useSexualized drug useCross-sectional surveyAcceptability of mHealthHealth technology useSelf-administered questionnaireRespondent-driven samplingHealth-related informationSuboptimal engagementDearth of evidencePrevention servicesWillingness to Be Vaccinated Against COVID-19 Among People With HIV in the United States: Results From a National Survey
Wickersham JA, Meyer JP, Shenoi S, Altice FL, Barakat LA, Virata M, Olivares M, Maviglia F, Khati A, Shrestha R. Willingness to Be Vaccinated Against COVID-19 Among People With HIV in the United States: Results From a National Survey. Frontiers In Medicine 2022, 9: 886936. PMID: 35847816, PMCID: PMC9280331, DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2022.886936.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCOVID-19 infectionCOVID-19 vaccineCOVID-19Undetectable HIV viral loadCOVID-19 vaccination uptakeAnnual influenza vaccinationHIV viral loadVaccine-related concernsNational surveyHIV careInfluenza vaccinationVaccination uptakeViral loadVaccination programSevere diseasePWHVaccineHIVInfectionIntensive outreach effortsTotal populationUnited StatesParticipantsAnnual incomeVast majorityMobile Technology Use and Acceptability of mHealth for HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia
Maviglia F, Shrestha R, Altice F, DiDomizio L, Khati A, Mistler C, Azwa I, Kamarulzaman A, Halim M, Wickersham J. Mobile Technology Use and Acceptability of mHealth for HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia. Iproceedings 2022, 8: e39303. DOI: 10.2196/39303.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcceptability of mHealthHIV preventionMalaysian MSMHIV risk-related behaviorsHIV prevention needsHIV prevention servicesHIV prevention informationHIV prevention effortsCross-sectional surveyRespondent-driven samplingHealth-related informationSuboptimal engagementPrevention needsDearth of evidencePrevention servicesMHealth interventionsDrug useKey populationsMHealth strategiesRisk-related behaviorsDrug cravingPrevention informationPrevention effortsParticipant demographicsPreventionPrevalence and Correlates of Active Amphetamine-Type Stimulant Use Among Female Sex Workers in Malaysia
Pedersen CJ, Wickersham JA, Altice FL, Kamarulzaman A, Khoshnood K, Gibson BA, Khati A, Maviglia F, Shrestha R. Prevalence and Correlates of Active Amphetamine-Type Stimulant Use Among Female Sex Workers in Malaysia. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2022, 13: 879479. PMID: 35774093, PMCID: PMC9237260, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.879479.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFemale sex workersATS useSubstance use disordersAmphetamine-type stimulantsUse disordersSevere substance use disordersAmphetamine-type stimulant useSex workersAdverse health outcomesLogistic regression analysisAdverse health consequencesSexual risk behaviorsBehavioral health issuesUse of drugsHarm reduction strategiesSex work clientsRespondent-driven samplingHIV transmissionMultivariable modelHigh prevalenceHealth outcomesDrug useSex workTransgender womenRisk behaviorsCOVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Associated Factors among People with HIV in the United States: Findings from a National Survey
Shrestha R, Meyer JP, Shenoi S, Khati A, Altice FL, Mistler C, Aoun-Barakat L, Virata M, Olivares M, Wickersham JA. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Associated Factors among People with HIV in the United States: Findings from a National Survey. Vaccines 2022, 10: 424. PMID: 35335054, PMCID: PMC8949562, DOI: 10.3390/vaccines10030424.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCOVID-19 vaccine hesitancyVaccine hesitancySevere COVID-19 diseaseMean timeSample of PWHCells/mm3COVID-19 historyVaccine-related concernsGreater vaccine hesitancyCOVID-19 vaccineCOVID-19COVID-19 diseaseLower vaccine hesitancyCross-sectional online surveyCD4 countAssociated FactorsSide effectsHIVKey populationsPWHMultivariate linear regressionVaccineCOVID-19 epidemicHesitancyMost participants
Methadone within prison and linkage to and retention in treatment upon community release for people with opioid use disorder in Kyrgyzstan: Evaluation of a national program
Bachireddy C, Shrestha R, Bromberg DJ, Azbel L, Kurmanalieva A, Wegman M, Shumskaya N, Rozanova J, Meyer JP, Altice FL. Methadone within prison and linkage to and retention in treatment upon community release for people with opioid use disorder in Kyrgyzstan: Evaluation of a national program. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2021, 101: 103558. PMID: 34915426, PMCID: PMC9998103, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103558.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV statusMean treatment durationOpioid use disorderPositive HIV statusDuration of treatmentMethadone doseHIV incidenceMethadone servicesMethadone treatmentIndependent correlatesHIV preventionUse disordersTreatment durationMethadoneNational programTreatmentHIVAdministrative dataCommunity releaseMonthsKyrgyz prisonsFirst evaluationIncarcerated peopleDurationReleasePurposeful Fentanyl Use and Associated Factors among Opioid-Dependent People Who Inject Drugs
Chandra DK, Altice FL, Copenhaver MM, Zhou X, Didomizio E, Shrestha R. Purposeful Fentanyl Use and Associated Factors among Opioid-Dependent People Who Inject Drugs. Substance Use & Misuse 2021, 56: 979-987. PMID: 33769199, DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2021.1901931.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid-dependent PWIDFentanyl useOpioid-dependent peopleIndependent correlatesSevere depressionSex-related risk behaviorsMethadone-maintained patientsMultivariable logistic regressionOpioid-related mortalityRecent cocaine useCross-sectional surveySelf-reported drugMethadone dosageYoung PWIDDaily injectionsMethadone clinicsAssociated FactorsFentanyl exposureHigh prevalencePWIDSynthetic opioidsCocaine useYounger ageRisk behaviorsLogistic regressionUse of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among People Who Inject Drugs: Exploratory Findings of the Interaction Between Race, Homelessness, and Trust
Zhou X, Altice FL, Chandra D, Didomizio E, Copenhaver MM, Shrestha R. Use of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among People Who Inject Drugs: Exploratory Findings of the Interaction Between Race, Homelessness, and Trust. AIDS And Behavior 2021, 25: 3743-3753. PMID: 33751313, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-021-03227-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxisPrEP useProvider trustPatient-level factorsOpioid-dependent patientsLogistic regression analysisNon-homeless participantsHomeless participantsRace/ethnicityEligibility criteriaCross-sectional dataPrEPProphylaxisMethadoneRegression analysisDrugsExploratory findingsParticipantsPotential moderatorsPWIDPatientsSignificant moderator