Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial of integrated eHealth for PrEP and medications for opioid use disorders for women in the criminal legal system. The Athena study
Meyer J, Brunson S, Price C, Mulrain M, Nguyen J, Altice F, Kyriakides T, Cropsey K, Eaton E. Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial of integrated eHealth for PrEP and medications for opioid use disorders for women in the criminal legal system. The Athena study. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2025, 20: 4. PMID: 39825419, PMCID: PMC11742507, DOI: 10.1186/s13722-024-00534-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCriminal legal systemOpioid use disorderLegal systemStandard of careStructural barriersUse disorderEnhanced standard of careRates of opioid use disorderDelivery of PrEPPre-exposure prophylaxisWomen's abilityRandomized clinical trialsLife-saving interventionsRandomized controlled trialsHealth disparitiesImplementation outcomesPrEP initiationPreventive servicesClinical outcomesIntegrated deliveryFollow-upDelivery modelsClinical trialsDecision aidPrEP
The cascade of care for commercially-insured persons with opioid use disorder and comorbid HIV and HCV infections
Ivasiy R, Madden L, DiDomizio E, Johnson K, Machavariani E, Ahmad B, Oliveros D, Ram A, Kil N, Altice F. The cascade of care for commercially-insured persons with opioid use disorder and comorbid HIV and HCV infections. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2024, 263: 112410. PMID: 39159600, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2024.112410.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid use disorderXR-NTXUse disorderHCV infectionPrescribed MOUDOpioid use disorder cascadePrevalence of opioid use disorderRetrospective cohort studyHigher treatment retentionCascade of careConcurrent infectious diseasesSix-month retentionHCV/HIV coinfectionComorbid HIVCohort studyHospital-based settingPrescribed methadoneHCVMOUD initiationHIVHCV epidemicOpioidMethadoneMOUD prescriptionsTreatment retentionPrevalence and Correlates of Depression and Bipolar Disorder Among Patients Maintained on Methadone and Buprenorphine in Ukraine
Morozova O, Dvoriak V, Dumchev K, Machavariani E, Bromberg D, Dvoriak S, Altice F. Prevalence and Correlates of Depression and Bipolar Disorder Among Patients Maintained on Methadone and Buprenorphine in Ukraine. International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction 2024, 1-18. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-024-01353-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCorrelates of depressionBipolar disorderUse disorderPrevalence of psychiatric disordersBurden of mental health disordersCo-occurring disordersAlcohol use disorderSubstance use disordersMental health disordersIntegrated care strategiesCluster randomized trialAnalyzed baseline dataOpioid use disorderPsychiatric disordersMethadone dosageDepression diagnosisStigma levelsPHQ-9Moderate/severe depressionHealth disordersDepressionCare strategiesPhysical healthDrug injectionDisordersAlcohol Use Disorder and HIV Risk in a National Survey of Men Who Have Sex with Men in Ukraine
Gabriel W, Sazonova Y, Kulchynska R, LaMonaca K, Salyuk T, Smyrnov P, Altice F. Alcohol Use Disorder and HIV Risk in a National Survey of Men Who Have Sex with Men in Ukraine. International Journal Of Behavioral Medicine 2024, 1-17. PMID: 38914921, DOI: 10.1007/s12529-024-10272-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHIV transmission riskAssociated with HIV transmissionAlcohol use disorderHIV transmissionAlcohol consumptionTargeted HIV prevention strategiesPotential alcohol use disordersBehaviors associated with HIV transmissionRisk behaviors associated with HIV transmissionUnknown HIV statusHIV prevention strategiesPrevalent HIV infectionAssociated with increased likelihoodLikelihood of HIV acquisitionPre-exposure prophylaxisMultivariate regressionProblematic alcohol consumptionUse disorderConclusionThe high prevalenceMSM participantsHIV testingProblematic alcohol useHIV incidenceHIV statusHIV riskHigher methadone dose at time of release from prison predicts linkage to maintenance treatment for people with HIV and opioid use disorder transitioning to the community in Malaysia
Ahmad A, Bromberg D, Shrestha R, Salleh N, Bazazi A, Kamarulzaman A, Shenoi S, Altice F. Higher methadone dose at time of release from prison predicts linkage to maintenance treatment for people with HIV and opioid use disorder transitioning to the community in Malaysia. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2024, 126: 104369. PMID: 38484531, PMCID: PMC11056294, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104369.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMethadone maintenance treatmentNational Institute of Drug AbuseMethadone dosePost-releaseOpioid dependenceMaintenance treatmentMethadone maintenance treatment doseHigher doses of methadoneProspective trialsHighest methadone dosagePost-release outcomesHigher methadone dosesMalaysia’s largest prison.Levels of depressionTreatment of opioid use disorderMonths of releaseDose of methadoneOpioid use disorderLargest prisonHigher dosageIncarcerated peopleIncarceration periodUse disorderMethadone dosageTime-to-event analysisPreferences and decisional considerations relating to opioid agonist therapy among Ukrainian people who use drugs: A conjoint analysis survey.
Bromberg D, Madden L, Fraenkel L, Muthulingam D, Rhoades D, Dvoriak S, Dumchev K, Pykalo I, Altice F. Preferences and decisional considerations relating to opioid agonist therapy among Ukrainian people who use drugs: A conjoint analysis survey. PLOS Global Public Health 2024, 4: e0002725. PMID: 38277422, PMCID: PMC10817130, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0002725.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid agonist therapyWithdrawal symptomsAdverse side effectsAgonist therapySide effectsOpioid use disorderQuality-of-life improvementUse disorderCombined HIVHIV incidenceClinical decision-makingDosing frequencyRespondent-driven samplingOpioidOpioid epidemicAssess preferencesClinical concernPatient preferencesPatientsDelivery strategiesTherapyDisordersHIVPatient concernsWithdrawal
Qualitative exploration of the early experiences of opioid use disorder patients from private clinics after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in five major cities in Ukraine
Mazhnaya A, Meteliuk A, Pykalo I, Altice F. Qualitative exploration of the early experiences of opioid use disorder patients from private clinics after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in five major cities in Ukraine. Frontiers In Public Health 2023, 11: 1238188. PMID: 38162610, PMCID: PMC10756895, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1238188.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrivate clinicsOpioid use disorder patientsInvasion of UkraineOpioid use disorderDosage reductionTreatment optionsFull-scale invasion of UkraineHealth system navigationQualitative explorationExperiences of patientsQualitative semi-structured interviewsMOUD treatmentUse disorderPatientsRussia's invasion of UkraineFull-scale invasionDisorder patientsClinicState-funded clinicsSemi-structured interviewsMOUDMOUD deliveryMedication availabilityState-funded facilitiesPatient experience