Prevalence of and risk factors for vertebral fracture and low bone mineral density among Peruvian women aging with HIV
Cabrera D, Cornejo M, Slotkin R, Pinedo Y, Yu W, Guan W, Garcia P, Hsieh E. Prevalence of and risk factors for vertebral fracture and low bone mineral density among Peruvian women aging with HIV. Archives Of Osteoporosis 2023, 18: 64. PMID: 37160770, PMCID: PMC10170032, DOI: 10.1007/s11657-023-01250-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBone mineral densityLow bone mineral densityThoracolumbar X-rayVertebral fracturesFemoral neckRisk factorsLumbar spineOsteoporosis treatmentTotal hipTreatment gapMineral densityTotal hip bone mineral densityPresence of VFsPeruvian womenTH bone mineral densityHip bone mineral densityFN bone mineral densityLower FN BMDSubset of patientsGenant semiquantitative methodLower femoral neckImportant treatment gapsKey risk factorsAntiretroviral therapyFRAX scoreAssessment of regional body composition, physical function and sarcopenia among peruvian women aging with HIV: A cross-sectional study.
Cabrera D, Cornejo M, Pinedo Y, Garcia P, Hsieh E. Assessment of regional body composition, physical function and sarcopenia among peruvian women aging with HIV: A cross-sectional study. PLOS Global Public Health 2023, 3: e0000814. PMID: 37594923, PMCID: PMC10437949, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000814.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchShort Physical Performance BatteryActive antiretroviral therapyLimb lean massTrunk fat massCross-sectional studyFat massBody compositionSPPB scorePhysical functionPeruvian womenDual X-ray absorptiometryPhysical performancePhysical Performance BatteryGrip strength testChronic disease managementMultivariable regression analysisPopulation of womenX-ray absorptiometryCare of peopleLower SPPB scoresPhysical performance scoreRegional body compositionGlobal health concernEWGSOP criteriaAntiretroviral therapy
SARS–CoV‐2 Infection and COVID‐19 Outcomes in Rheumatic Diseases: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta‐Analysis
Conway R, Grimshaw AA, Konig MF, Putman M, Duarte‐García A, Tseng LY, Cabrera DM, Chock YPE, Degirmenci HB, Duff E, Egeli BH, Graef ER, Gupta A, Harkins P, Hoyer BF, Jayatilleke A, Jin S, Kasia C, Khilnani A, Kilian A, Kim AHJ, Lin CMA, Low C, Proulx L, Sattui SE, Singh N, Sparks JA, Tam H, Ugarte‐Gil M, Ung N, Wang K, Wise LM, Yang Z, Young KJ, Liew JW, Grainger R, Wallace ZS, Hsieh E, Alliance T. SARS–CoV‐2 Infection and COVID‐19 Outcomes in Rheumatic Diseases: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta‐Analysis. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2022, 74: 766-775. PMID: 34807517, PMCID: PMC9011807, DOI: 10.1002/art.42030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSARS-CoV-2 infectionMechanical ventilationRisk ratioOdds ratioMortality rateCOVID-19 disease severityJoanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal toolsCOVID-19Odds of hospitalizationNewcastle-Ottawa ScaleCOVID-19 outcomesRandom-effects modelCritical appraisal toolMantel-Haenszel formulaSystematic literature reviewAdjusted riskICU admissionRMD patientsClinical outcomesRheumatic diseasesMethodologic qualityRelative riskObservational studyGeneral populationLower riskHealth-related quality of life among women aging with and without HIV in Peru
Cabrera DM, Chen M, Cornejo MP, Pinedo Y, Garcia PJ, Hsieh E. Health-related quality of life among women aging with and without HIV in Peru. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0269000. PMID: 35679332, PMCID: PMC9182248, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269000.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHealth-related qualityMental componentPhysical activityCell countLower health-related qualityShort Form Health SurveyComponent scoresHRQoL of womenLarge HIV clinicMental component scorePhysical component scoreForm Health SurveyStatistical significanceSummary component scoresCross-sectional studyRegression analysisChronic comorbiditiesHIV clinicHIV severitySF-36Mean ageRole limitationsPhysical functioningClinical dataHealth Survey
Aging with HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean: a Systematic Review
Cabrera DM, Diaz MM, Grimshaw A, Salvatierra J, Garcia PJ, Hsieh E. Aging with HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean: a Systematic Review. Current HIV/AIDS Reports 2021, 18: 1-47. PMID: 33400168, PMCID: PMC8059362, DOI: 10.1007/s11904-020-00538-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-communicable diseasesSystematic reviewCommon non-communicable diseasesChronic non-communicable diseasesAntiretroviral treatment programLongitudinal studyPrevalence of illnessPurpose of ReviewWithAge-related findingsChronic comorbiditiesOlder PWHMiddle-income countriesHIVSummaryOur resultsScreening instrumentTreatment programPopulation 40Recent FindingsOfPWHAvailable evidencePeer-reviewed literatureSignificant predictorsComorbiditiesAgeBurdenKnowledge and Impact of COVID-19 on Middle-Aged and Older People Living with HIV in Lima, Peru
Diaz MM, Cabrera DM, Gil-Zacarias M, Ramirez V, Saavedra M, Cárcamo C, Hsieh E, Garcia PJ. Knowledge and Impact of COVID-19 on Middle-Aged and Older People Living with HIV in Lima, Peru. Journal Of The International Association Of Providers Of AIDS Care (JIAPAC) 2021, 20: 23259582211056760. PMID: 34870508, PMCID: PMC8655474, DOI: 10.1177/23259582211056760.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow educational levelCOVID-19Large HIV clinicMajority of PWHCross-sectional telephone surveyHealthcare systemCOVID-19 symptomsHealth impactsHigher COVID-19 case ratesEducational levelMental health impactCOVID-19 case ratesHIV clinicOlder PWHFemale sexRisk factorsPWHMedical careCase ratesNationwide quarantineOlder peopleVulnerable populationsTelephone surveySocioeconomic supportHIV