Mediation analysis in the presence of continuous exposure measurement error
Cheng C, Spiegelman D, Li F. Mediation analysis in the presence of continuous exposure measurement error. Statistics In Medicine 2023, 42: 1669-1686. PMID: 36869626, PMCID: PMC11320713, DOI: 10.1002/sim.9693.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexExposure measurement errorPhysical activityMediation proportionHealth Professionals FollowCardiovascular disease incidenceProfessionals FollowMediation analysisMass indexCardiovascular diseaseLower riskStudy designEffect estimatesValidation study designContinuous exposureBiased effect estimatesTrue exposureMediatorsExposureValidation studyBinary outcomesHealth science studiesOutcomesRiskDisease incidence
Is the Product Method More Efficient Than the Difference Method for Assessing Mediation?
Cheng C, Spiegelman D, Li F. Is the Product Method More Efficient Than the Difference Method for Assessing Mediation? American Journal Of Epidemiology 2022, 192: 84-92. PMID: 35921210, PMCID: PMC10144745, DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwac144.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A Bayesian approach for estimating the partial potential impact fraction with exposure measurement error under a main study/internal validation design
Chen X, Chang J, Spiegelman D, Li F. A Bayesian approach for estimating the partial potential impact fraction with exposure measurement error under a main study/internal validation design. Statistical Methods In Medical Research 2021, 31: 404-418. PMID: 34841964, DOI: 10.1177/09622802211060514.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPotential impact fractionImpact fractionExposure measurement errorHealth professionalsStudy designColorectal cancer incidenceValidation study designBurden of diseaseRisk factorsCancer incidenceHealth StudyDisease casesPublic health studiesRed meatContinuous exposureExposureProfessionalsIncidenceReclassification approachValidation designDiseaseIntakeEstimating the natural indirect effect and the mediation proportion via the product method
Cheng C, Spiegelman D, Li F. Estimating the natural indirect effect and the mediation proportion via the product method. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2021, 21: 253. PMID: 34800985, PMCID: PMC8606099, DOI: 10.1186/s12874-021-01425-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInterval estimatorsApproximate estimatorExact estimatorMultivariate delta methodFinite sample performanceProduct methodNon-negligible biasBinary outcomesRare outcome assumptionExact expressionDelta methodVariance estimationEmpirical performanceEstimatorCommon data typesBootstrap approachBinary mediatorNatural indirect effectSample sizeswdpwr: A SAS macro and an R package for power calculations in stepped wedge cluster randomized trials
Chen J, Zhou X, Li F, Spiegelman D. swdpwr: A SAS macro and an R package for power calculations in stepped wedge cluster randomized trials. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2021, 213: 106522. PMID: 34818620, PMCID: PMC8665077, DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106522.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWedge clusterIntracluster correlation coefficientContinuous outcomesCross-sectional cohortBinary outcomesExchangeable correlation structureWedge designPublic health intervention evaluationsHealth services researchClosed cohort designPower calculationCohort designClosed cohortStudy designIntracluster correlationIntervention evaluationNeeds of investigatorsOutcomesTrialsCohortServices researchInvestigatorsPrevious studiesSWD