Resilience in Context: A Brief and Culturally Grounded Measure for Syrian Refugee and Jordanian Host‐Community Adolescents
Panter‐Brick C, Hadfield K, Dajani R, Eggerman M, Ager A, Ungar M. Resilience in Context: A Brief and Culturally Grounded Measure for Syrian Refugee and Jordanian Host‐Community Adolescents. Child Development 2017, 89: 1803-1820. PMID: 28617937, PMCID: PMC6208286, DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12868.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSyrian refugeesCommunity-level dimensionsYouth Resilience MeasureLifetime trauma exposureMental health symptomsThree-factor structureConflict settingsConfirmatory factor analysisQualitative workSocial responsibilityResource accessTrauma exposureRefugeesResilience scoresHealth symptomsCYRM-12Convergent validityMeasurement equivalenceResilience measuresCYRMItem loadingsFactor analysisResilienceUseful measureMeasures
Comparing the validity of the self reporting questionnaire and the Afghan symptom checklist: dysphoria, aggression, and gender in transcultural assessment of mental health
Rasmussen A, Ventevogel P, Sancilio A, Eggerman M, Panter-Brick C. Comparing the validity of the self reporting questionnaire and the Afghan symptom checklist: dysphoria, aggression, and gender in transcultural assessment of mental health. BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14: 206. PMID: 25034331, PMCID: PMC4107970, DOI: 10.1186/1471-244x-14-206.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAfghan Symptom ChecklistSymptom ChecklistMental healthSRQ-20External validityTwo-factor structureThree-factor structureConfirmatory factor analysisEmotional numbingNegative affectTrauma exposureAggression subscaleLifetime traumaPsychosocial wellbeingResource-poor settingsValidity of instrumentsPsychosocial programmingMore salientWorld Health OrganizationGender interactionPsychosocial supportSubscalesTranscultural researchAggressionSubscale scores