Public discourse narratives: from ‘Secret Aid Worker’ discontent to shifting power in humanitarian systems
Strohmeier H, Karunakara U, Panter‐Brick C. Public discourse narratives: from ‘Secret Aid Worker’ discontent to shifting power in humanitarian systems. Disasters 2024, 49: e12651. PMID: 39010640, PMCID: PMC11603526, DOI: 10.1111/disa.12651.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPublic discourseHumanitarian sectorHumanitarian structureHumanitarian systemCorpus of dataSexual abuseHumanitarian issuesWorker discontentSymbolic powerMainstream mediaGuardian newspaperDiscontentDiscourseDuty of carePersonal challengesHumanitarian lifeLife experiencesThematic analysisSectorSystem issuesResearch questionsRacismJusticeDissentNewspapersSyrian refugee young adults as community mental health workers implementing problem management plus: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial to measure the mechanisms of effect on their own wellbeing, stress and coping
Nakkash R, Ghandour L, Brown G, Panter-Brick C, Bomar H, Tleis M, Al Masri H, Fares M, Al Halabi F, Najjar Y, Louis B, Hodroj M, Chamoun Y, Zarzour M, Afifi R. Syrian refugee young adults as community mental health workers implementing problem management plus: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial to measure the mechanisms of effect on their own wellbeing, stress and coping. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2024, 40: 101325. PMID: 39045391, PMCID: PMC11263753, DOI: 10.1016/j.conctc.2024.101325.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCommunity mental health workersProblem Management PlusMental health workersHealth workersYoung adultsEvidence-based psychosocial interventionsRandomized controlled trial protocolEngagement of young adultsNational Institute of Mental HealthInstitute of Mental HealthMental health consequencesRandomized controlled trialsPsychosocial interventionsMental healthMechanisms of effectCoping outcomesHealth consequencesEnhance wellbeingReduce stressTrial protocolWellbeingPrimary analysisRefugee populationsAdultsSyrian refugeesVolunteer programs, empowerment, and life satisfaction in Jordan: mapping local knowledge and systems change to inform public policy and science diplomacy
Panter-Brick C, Qtaishat L, Eggerman J, Thomas H, Kumar P, Dajani R. Volunteer programs, empowerment, and life satisfaction in Jordan: mapping local knowledge and systems change to inform public policy and science diplomacy. Frontiers In Sociology 2024, 9: 1371760. PMID: 38873342, PMCID: PMC11170447, DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2024.1371760.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPublic policyVolunteer programsScience diplomacyLife satisfactionConcept of empowermentGlobal SouthSyrian refugeesCultural empowermentLocal communitiesDiverse narrativesEmpowermentLocal knowledgeLocal perspectiveParticipatory approachParticipatory methodologyIdentified several dimensionsReduce cultural biasTrained volunteersPolicyJordanian womenDiplomacyCatalyze changeCultural biasEmpirical evidenceProgram efficacyPhysiological and genomic signatures of war and displacement: A comprehensive literature review and future directions
Jankovic-Rankovic J, Panter-Brick C. Physiological and genomic signatures of war and displacement: A comprehensive literature review and future directions. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2024, 166: 107084. PMID: 38788460, DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2024.107084.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFather Involvement and Child Development: A Prospective Study of Syrian Refugee Families
Hadfield K, Al-Soleiti M, Dajani R, Mareschal I, Panter-Brick C. Father Involvement and Child Development: A Prospective Study of Syrian Refugee Families. Journal Of Child And Family Studies 2024, 33: 1029-1042. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-024-02809-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLevels of father involvementImpact of father involvementFather involvementSyrian refugee familiesRefugee familiesMental healthChildren’s social-emotional learningAssociated with relationship qualityMothers' mental healthChild mental healthSocial-emotional learningForced displacementChild outcomesRefugee contextEmotional learningMan-childRelationship qualityChild developmentYear old childrenEvidence baseCaregiver interactionsFathersFamily functioningHelping parentsMothers' reportsDoes volunteering impact refugee women's life satisfaction, empowerment, and wellbeing? Experimental evidence, local knowledge, and causal reasoning
Panter-Brick C, Eggerman J, Jefferies P, Qtaishat L, Dajani R, Kumar P. Does volunteering impact refugee women's life satisfaction, empowerment, and wellbeing? Experimental evidence, local knowledge, and causal reasoning. Social Science & Medicine 2024, 347: 116735. PMID: 38552338, DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.116735.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLife satisfactionMixed-methods program evaluationWomen's life satisfactionLocal knowledge systemsSyrian refugee womenGenerate social changePathways of influenceLevels of life satisfactionThematic analysisPoor householdsIndividual-level impactProgram evaluationPsychological wellbeingRefugee womenSocial changeVolunteer workLocal communitiesPanel dataEmpowermentLocal knowledgeLived experienceLocal conceptsVolunteer programsWomen's characteristicsMiddle East
Coparenting, mental health, and the pursuit of dignity: A systems-level analysis of refugee father-mother narratives
Khraisha Q, Sawalha L, Hadfield K, Al-Soleiti M, Dajani R, Panter-Brick C. Coparenting, mental health, and the pursuit of dignity: A systems-level analysis of refugee father-mother narratives. Social Science & Medicine 2023, 340: 116452. PMID: 38171170, DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116452.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchContext of precarityThematic analysisPursuits of dignitySemi-structured interviewsSocial changeRefugee parentsRefugee literatureFamily's dignityIntergenerational experiencesSyrian refugeesAgentic modelFamily unityIntergenerational changesFamily togethernessParenting approachesFamily systemDignityOrdinary parentsRefugeesDyadic understandingFamily cohesionMental healthCoparentingIntergenerational responsesSocial networks, empowerment, and wellbeing among Syrian refugee and Jordanian women: Implications for development and social inclusion
Eggerman J, Dajani R, Kumar P, Chui S, Qtaishat L, Kharouf A, Panter-Brick C. Social networks, empowerment, and wellbeing among Syrian refugee and Jordanian women: Implications for development and social inclusion. World Development 2023, 170: 106324. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106324.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSocial inclusionSyrian refugeesPoor householdsSocial tiesSocial networksParticipatory network mappingCommunity leadership rolesUrban poor womenProductive research agendaCommunity-based workSocial networks matterSense of empowermentJordanian womenRefugee crisisDevelopment assistanceSocial actorsLocal meaningsSocial changeWomen's empowermentHost communitiesPoor womenDevelopment initiativesVolunteer workNetworks matterResearch agendaPathways to resilience and pathways to flourishing: Examining the added-value of multisystem research and intervention in contexts of war and forced displacement
Panter-Brick C. Pathways to resilience and pathways to flourishing: Examining the added-value of multisystem research and intervention in contexts of war and forced displacement. Development And Psychopathology 2023, 35: 2214-2225. PMID: 37766475, DOI: 10.1017/s095457942300113x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchContext of warHumanitarian crisesHumanitarian workSyrian refugeesHumanitarian researchRefugee populationsFamily contextSocial networksDistributive modelProfessional assistancePolicyNew mindsetWarSystems-based researchContextHuman experienceProgram evaluationResilienceResearch skillsPracticeHumanitarianismRefugeesResearchEmpowermentAfghanistanMental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings: research priorities for 2021–30
Tol W, Le P, Harrison S, Galappatti A, Annan J, Baingana F, Betancourt T, Bizouerne C, Eaton J, Engels M, Hijazi Z, Horn R, Jordans M, Kohrt B, Koyiet P, Panter-Brick C, Pluess M, Rahman A, Silove D, Tomlinson M, Uribe-Restrepo J, Ventevogel P, Weissbecker I, Ager A, van Ommeren M. Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings: research priorities for 2021–30. The Lancet Global Health 2023, 11: e969-e975. PMID: 37116530, PMCID: PMC10188364, DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(23)00128-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHumanitarian settingsResearch agendaResearch questionsHumanitarian agenciesHumanitarian crisesImproved partnershipConsensus-based research agendaPolicy makersQualitative studyImproved equityAgendaResearch prioritiesPrevious decadesMental healthMiddle-income countriesPsychosocial support interventionsImplementation researchQuestionsPriorityPsychosocial supportPartnershipResearchCrisisSupport interventionsAgenciesStrategies for Sustainable Peacebuilding: Implementation and Policy
Alexander P, Echavarría Alvarez J, Brett R, Holt VK, Lombard L, McWilliams M, Panter-Brick C, Picco E, Thomas H, Thurston A, Quinn J, Williams BPublications for non-academic audiences
Maternal distress, DNA methylation, and fetal programing of stress physiology in Brazilian mother–infant pairs
Wiley K, Camilo C, Gouveia G, Euclydes V, Panter‐Brick C, Matijasevich A, Ferraro A, Fracolli L, Chiesa A, Miguel E, Polanczyk G, Brentani H. Maternal distress, DNA methylation, and fetal programing of stress physiology in Brazilian mother–infant pairs. Developmental Psychobiology 2022, 65: e22352. PMID: 36567654, PMCID: PMC9792831, DOI: 10.1002/dev.22352.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrenatal psychological distressLate pregnancyMaternal prenatal psychosocial stressMaternal hair cortisolMaternal prenatal psychological distressPrenatal psychosocial stressPsychological distressAdrenal axis functionInfants of mothersEvening salivary cortisolMother-infant pairsInfant DNA methylationMultivariable linear regressionHair cortisol concentrationsElevated anxiety symptomsAxis functionFetal programingEvening cortisolPregnant adolescentsMaternal distressPsychosocial stressCortisol concentrationsPregnancyHair cortisolSalivary cortisolChapter 16 Sustainable Development and Health From Global to Local Agenda
Riva M, Panter-Brick C, Eggerman M. Chapter 16 Sustainable Development and Health From Global to Local Agenda. 2022, 391-416. DOI: 10.1515/9781782383727-019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchResilience of people with chronic medical conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 1-year longitudinal prospective survey
Tarsitani L, Pinucci I, Tedeschi F, Patanè M, Papola D, Palantza C, Acarturk C, Björkenstam E, Bryant R, Burchert S, Davisse-Paturet C, Díaz-García A, Farrel R, Fuhr D, Hall B, Huizink A, Lam A, Kurt G, Leijen I, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Morina N, Panter-Brick C, Purba F, Quero S, Seedat S, Setyowibowo H, van der Waerden J, Pasquini M, Sijbrandij M, Barbui C. Resilience of people with chronic medical conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a 1-year longitudinal prospective survey. BMC Psychiatry 2022, 22: 633. PMID: 36183067, PMCID: PMC9525930, DOI: 10.1186/s12888-022-04265-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic medical conditionsMedical conditionsMental disordersOslo Social Support ScaleOlder male individualsPatient Health QuestionnaireGeneralized Anxiety Disorder ScalePrevious mental disorderAnxiety Disorder ScaleLongitudinal prospective surveyLongitudinal online surveySocio-demographic characteristicsChronic conditionsProspective surveyChronic diseasesHealth QuestionnaireResilience-building interventionsCOVID-19 contaminationTotal participantsSocial Support ScaleIll peopleDisorder ScaleCOVID-19 pandemicDSM-5Predictors of resilience9. Fieldwork as Research Process and Community Engagement: Experiences from the Gambia and Afghanistan
Eggerman M, Panter-Brick C. 9. Fieldwork as Research Process and Community Engagement: Experiences from the Gambia and Afghanistan. 2022, 137-155. DOI: 10.1515/9781845458515-011.Peer-Reviewed Original Research7. Responses to a Food Crisis and Child Malnutrition in the Nigerien Sahel
Casiday R, Hampshire K, Panter-Brick C, Kilpatrick K. 7. Responses to a Food Crisis and Child Malnutrition in the Nigerien Sahel. 2022, 152-170. DOI: 10.1515/9781845459819-011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEnergizing partnerships in research‐to‐policy projects
Panter‐Brick C. Energizing partnerships in research‐to‐policy projects. American Anthropologist 2022, 124: 751-766. DOI: 10.1111/aman.13776.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNovel GxE effects and resilience: A case:control longitudinal study of psychosocial stress with war-affected youth
Mulligan CJ, Clukay CJ, Matarazzo A, Hadfield K, Nevell L, Dajani R, Panter-Brick C. Novel GxE effects and resilience: A case:control longitudinal study of psychosocial stress with war-affected youth. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0266509. PMID: 35377919, PMCID: PMC8979449, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0266509.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProtective effectTrauma exposureHealth-focused interventionsGenetic variantsDirect protective effectAltered stress reactivityLifetime trauma exposureEarly life adversityPost-traumatic stress symptomsHigh expression variantsOutcome measuresControl studyPsychosocial stressGene x environment interactionsHealth trajectoriesLife adversityMental healthTime pointsWar-related traumaStress reactivityTraumaHigh levelsLongitudinal studyEffects of geneticsPsychosocial environment
Love and peace across generations: Biobehavioral systems and global partnerships
Leckman JF, Ponguta LA, Pavarini G, Hein SD, McCarthy MF, Staiti H, Hanöz-Penney S, Rubinstein J, Pruett KD, Yazgan MY, Fallon NS, Hartl FJ, Ziv M, Salah R, Britto PR, Fitzpatrick S, Panter-Brick C. Love and peace across generations: Biobehavioral systems and global partnerships. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology 2021, 8: 100092. PMID: 35757671, PMCID: PMC9216554, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpnec.2021.100092.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEarly childhood developmentGlobal partnershipECD servicesEquitable societyRacial equityGovernment leadersChild development programPeaceful wayLeadership effortsECD programsSustainable worldScholarly paradigmsTimely programsProgrammatic changesStructural interventionsPeaceDevelopment programsPartnershipChild developmentScholarsDevastating impactChildhood developmentCommunityRelated issuesChild's environmentLiving with transience in high‐risk humanitarian spaces: the gendered experiences of international staff and policy implications for building resilience
Strohmeier H, Panter‐Brick C. Living with transience in high‐risk humanitarian spaces: the gendered experiences of international staff and policy implications for building resilience. Disasters 2021, 46: 119-140. PMID: 32779209, DOI: 10.1111/disa.12460.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHumanitarian spaceSense of placeInterpretative phenomenological analysisHumanitarian systemHumanitarian workersAid workersPolicy measuresDangerous countriesInternational staffCrisis zonesSouth SudanBuilding resilienceHumanitarian staffPolicy implicationsExpatriate staffCrisis managementSocial relationshipsOrganisational effectivenessPhenomenological analysisPerilous undertakingPhysical hardshipSubjectivityHigh-risk environmentsProfessional goalsWorkers