Approaches for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Transmission Inference Based on Genomic Data
Cohen T, Colijn C, Warren J. Approaches for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Transmission Inference Based on Genomic Data. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2024, 210: 847-849. PMID: 39018565, PMCID: PMC11418890, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202404-0835rl.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEstimated Health and Economic Outcomes of Racial and Ethnic Tuberculosis Disparities in US-Born Persons
Swartwood N, Li Y, Regan M, Marks S, Barham T, Asay G, Cohen T, Hill A, Horsburgh C, Khan A, McCree D, Myles R, Salomon J, Self J, Menzies N. Estimated Health and Economic Outcomes of Racial and Ethnic Tuberculosis Disparities in US-Born Persons. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2431988. PMID: 39254977, PMCID: PMC11388029, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.31988.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUS-born personsEthnic disparitiesCase-fatality rateTB deathsTB casesTB incidenceSex-adjusted incidenceNational TB surveillance dataTB surveillance dataQuality-adjusted life yearsDistrict of ColumbiaTB disparitiesHealth outcomesEconomic outcomesFuture healthOutcome of TBUS-bornTB outcomesEstimate healthLife yearsSocietal costsTB burdenSocietal perspectiveGeneralized additive regression modelsGoal attainmentCost-effectiveness and health impact of screening and treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among formerly incarcerated individuals in Brazil: a Markov modelling study
van Lieshout Titan A, Klaassen F, Pelissari D, de Barros Silva J, Alves K, Alves L, Sanchez M, Bartholomay P, Johansen F, Croda J, Andrews J, Castro M, Cohen T, Vuik C, Menzies N. Cost-effectiveness and health impact of screening and treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among formerly incarcerated individuals in Brazil: a Markov modelling study. The Lancet Global Health 2024, 12: e1446-e1455. PMID: 39151980, PMCID: PMC11339731, DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(24)00221-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDisability-adjusted life yearsTuberculosis preventive treatmentTuberculosis deathsHealth impactsImpact of screeningIntervention cost-effectivenessInfection screeningCost-effectiveNational Institutes of HealthHealth outcomesHealth gainsInstitutes of HealthQuantify health effectsTuberculosis casesCost-effectiveness ratioTreatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infectionPotential health impactsLife yearsGreater health benefitsTuberculosis preventionTarget populationMonths of isoniazidMarkov modelling studiesHealth statesHealthProjected health and economic effects of a pan-tuberculosis treatment regimen: a modelling study
Ryckman T, McQuaid C, Cohen T, Menzies N, Kendall E. Projected health and economic effects of a pan-tuberculosis treatment regimen: a modelling study. The Lancet Global Health 2024, 12: e1629-e1637. PMID: 39159654, PMCID: PMC11413512, DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(24)00284-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStandard of careInitial treatment attemptNewly diagnosed tuberculosis patientsTuberculosis burdenTreatment attemptDrug susceptibility testingProportion of patientsMechanisms of benefitNon-drug costsRifampicin susceptibilityTreatment discontinuationIncremental curingSusceptibility testingDrug susceptibilityRegimen developmentTreatment regimenTuberculosis patientsRegimenRegimensTuberculosis treatmentInjection regimensTuberculosis diagnosisRegimen assignmentsNon-adherenceSimulated cohortPhylogeographic Analysis of Mycobacterium kansasii Isolates from Patients with M. kansasii Lung Disease in Industrialized City, Taiwan - Volume 30, Number 8—August 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC
Cudahy P, Liu P, Warren J, Sobkowiak B, Yang C, Ioerger T, Wu C, Lu P, Wang J, Chang H, Huang H, Cohen T, Lin H. Phylogeographic Analysis of Mycobacterium kansasii Isolates from Patients with M. kansasii Lung Disease in Industrialized City, Taiwan - Volume 30, Number 8—August 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2024, 30: 1562-1570. PMID: 39043390, PMCID: PMC11286038, DOI: 10.3201/eid3008.240021.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsM. kansasii lung diseaseM. kansasii pulmonary diseasePulmonary diseaseM. kansasii isolatesSputum mycobacterial cultureWhole-genome sequencingEvaluate risk factorsPhylogeographic analysisAge of participantsGenetic relatednessEnvironmental acquisitionLung diseaseMycobacterial cultureOdds ratioRisk factorsM. kansasiiPatientsDiseasePlantsEnvironmental transmissionIsolatesPark plantingsCDCRiskRisk factors underlying racial and ethnic disparities in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment outcomes, 2011–19: a multiple mediation analysis of national surveillance data
Regan M, Barham T, Li Y, Swartwood N, Beeler Asay G, Cohen T, Horsburgh C, Khan A, Marks S, Myles R, Salomon J, Self J, Winston C, Menzies N. Risk factors underlying racial and ethnic disparities in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment outcomes, 2011–19: a multiple mediation analysis of national surveillance data. The Lancet Public Health 2024, 9: e564-e572. PMID: 39095133, PMCID: PMC11587887, DOI: 10.1016/s2468-2667(24)00151-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUS-born individualsNon-US-born individualsHispanic individualsTract-level povertyTract-level measuresEthnic disparitiesCensus tract levelCensus tract-level povertyEconomic segregationEvidence of disparitiesAnalysis of national surveillance dataBlack individualsTuberculosis outcomesNeighborhood-level social vulnerabilityTract levelUS-bornSocial vulnerabilityUS National Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemNational Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemHigh riskCensusNational surveillance dataTuberculosis Surveillance SystemCase managementReduce disparitiesThe long-term effects of domestic and international tuberculosis service improvements on tuberculosis trends within the USA: a mathematical modelling study
Menzies N, Swartwood N, Cohen T, Marks S, Maloney S, Chappelle C, Miller J, Asay G, Date A, Horsburgh C, Salomon J. The long-term effects of domestic and international tuberculosis service improvements on tuberculosis trends within the USA: a mathematical modelling study. The Lancet Public Health 2024, 9: e573-e582. PMID: 39095134, PMCID: PMC11344642, DOI: 10.1016/s2468-2667(24)00150-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTuberculosis servicesTuberculosis incidenceCenters for Disease Control and PreventionUS Centers for Disease Control and PreventionDisease Control and PreventionControl and PreventionCombination of interventionsTuberculosis eliminationCountry of originIntervention scenariosInternational interventionLow tuberculosis incidenceService improvementCurrent serviceTuberculosis ProgrammeTuberculosis deathsEconomic outcomesInterventionEpidemiological dataTuberculosis burdenLong-term effectsTotal populationSimulate healthTuberculosis trendsServicesPotential of Pan-Tuberculosis Treatment to Drive Emergence of Novel Resistance - Volume 30, Number 8—August 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC
McQuaid C, Ryckman T, Menzies N, White R, Cohen T, Kendall E. Potential of Pan-Tuberculosis Treatment to Drive Emergence of Novel Resistance - Volume 30, Number 8—August 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2024, 30: 1571-1579. PMID: 39043388, PMCID: PMC11286077, DOI: 10.3201/eid3008.240541.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsResistance to novel drugsStandard of careAntimicrobial resistanceIncreasing prevalence of antimicrobial resistancePrevalence of antimicrobial resistanceIncreased prevalenceDrug susceptibility testingCompare treatment outcomesFirst-line drugsNovel drugsTB patient cohortTreatment regimensPatient cohortNew tuberculosisRegimensTreatment outcomesComponent drugsDrugCohortTuberculosisCDCUniversal useClinicCarePrevalenceUncertainty in tuberculosis clinical decision-making: An umbrella review with systematic methods and thematic analysis
Basile F, Sweeney S, Singh M, Bijker E, Cohen T, Menzies N, Vassall A, Indravudh P. Uncertainty in tuberculosis clinical decision-making: An umbrella review with systematic methods and thematic analysis. PLOS Global Public Health 2024, 4: e0003429. PMID: 39042611, PMCID: PMC11265660, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0003429.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUmbrella reviewClinical decision-makingHealthcare system levelQualitative evidence synthesisBarriers to treatmentScarcity of healthcare resourcesTuberculosis knowledgeClinicians' attitudesCommon barriersResource-limited settingsHealth careHealthcare settingsClinical encountersEvidence synthesisInfluence clinical decisionsThematic analysisHealthcare resourcesDiagnostic test characteristicsStudy designSystematic reviewMeta-analysesNegative test resultsMulti-level modelProvidersDecision-makingThe impact of COVID-19 national lockdowns on drug-resistant tuberculosis in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A spatial analysis
Harrington K, Gandhi N, Shah N, Naidoo K, Auld S, Andrews J, Brust J, Lutchminarain K, Coe M, Willis F, Campbell A, Cohen T, Jenness S, Waller L, Investigators O. The impact of COVID-19 national lockdowns on drug-resistant tuberculosis in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A spatial analysis. Annals Of Epidemiology 2024, 97: 44-51. PMID: 39038747, PMCID: PMC11408097, DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2024.07.044.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchKwaZulu-Natal ProvinceTB diagnosisDrug resistanceBayesian conditional autoregressive modelProspective cohort studyKwaZulu-NatalCOVID-19 national lockdownDrug-resistant tuberculosisRate of diagnosisCOVID-19 mitigation strategiesStatistics South AfricaSpatial analysisSpatial distributionMunicipal characteristicsCohort studyDR-TBNotification ratesTB notificationsSouth AfricaSurface mappingRate of casesRelative-riskCOVID-19Conditional autoregressive modelSpatial correlationMolecular Epidemiology of Isoniazid-resistant M tuberculosis in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Walsh K, Lee M, Chaguza C, Pamphile W, Royal G, Escuyer V, Pape J, Fitzgerald D, Cohen T, Ocheretina O. Molecular Epidemiology of Isoniazid-resistant M tuberculosis in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2024, 11: ofae421. PMID: 39119477, PMCID: PMC11306977, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofae421.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCulture-positive pulmonary tuberculosisIsoniazid-resistant isolatesHR-TBIsoniazid-resistant M. tuberculosisPulmonary tuberculosisIsoniazid resistanceMutations associated with INH resistanceTransmission clustersGenoType MTBDRplus assayINH-resistant isolatesIsoniazid-susceptible isolatesPhenotypic isoniazid resistanceRifampin-susceptible tuberculosisSingle nucleotide polymorphism distancesMolecular epidemiologyAssociated with poor treatment outcomesWhole-genome sequencingM. tuberculosisPutative transmission clustersPoor treatment outcomesMTBDRplus assayGenoType MTBDRplusCulture-based testsINH resistanceTuberculosis clinicCombining genomic data and infection estimates to characterize the complex dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants in the US
Lopes R, Pham K, Klaassen F, Chitwood M, Hahn A, Redmond S, Swartwood N, Salomon J, Menzies N, Cohen T, Grubaugh N. Combining genomic data and infection estimates to characterize the complex dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants in the US. Cell Reports 2024, 43: 114451. PMID: 38970788, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114451.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCorrigendum to—“Identifying local foci of tuberculosis transmission in Moldova using a spatial multinomial logistic regression model” [eBioMedicine 102(2024) 105085]
Lan Y, Crudu V, Ciobanu N, Codreanu A, Chitwood M, Sobkowiak B, Warren J, Cohen T. Corrigendum to—“Identifying local foci of tuberculosis transmission in Moldova using a spatial multinomial logistic regression model” [eBioMedicine 102(2024) 105085]. EBioMedicine 2024, 105: 105225. PMID: 38943727, PMCID: PMC11260588, DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2024.105225.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPredictors of unsuccessful tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Brazil: an analysis of 259,484 patient records
Ryuk D, Pelissari D, Alves K, Oliveira P, Castro M, Cohen T, Sanchez M, Menzies N. Predictors of unsuccessful tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Brazil: an analysis of 259,484 patient records. BMC Infectious Diseases 2024, 24: 531. PMID: 38802744, PMCID: PMC11129366, DOI: 10.1186/s12879-024-09417-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTreatment outcomesFactors associated with unsuccessful treatment outcomesHigher risk of poor treatment outcomeTB treatmentRisk of poor treatment outcomesUnsuccessful treatmentEffectiveness of TB treatmentAssociated with unsuccessful treatmentUnsuccessful treatment outcomesTuberculosis treatment outcomesDrug-susceptible TBHealth system levelMultivariate logistic regression modelService-related factorsTB drug resistanceComorbid health conditionsHealth-related behaviorsCategorizing treatment outcomesPatient-level factorsClinical examination resultsNational Disease Notification SystemPoor treatment outcomesDisease notification systemHIV infectionLogistic regression modelsImpact and cost-effectiveness of the 6-month BPaLM regimen for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Moldova: A mathematical modeling analysis.
James L, Klaassen F, Sweeney S, Furin J, Franke M, Yaesoubi R, Chesov D, Ciobanu N, Codreanu A, Crudu V, Cohen T, Menzies N. Impact and cost-effectiveness of the 6-month BPaLM regimen for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Moldova: A mathematical modeling analysis. PLOS Medicine 2024, 21: e1004401. PMID: 38701084, PMCID: PMC11101189, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004401.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchQuality-adjusted life yearsStandard of careDrug susceptibility testingRifampicin-resistant tuberculosisRR-TBEnd-of-treatmentLonger regimensTreatment strategiesTreatment outcomesBurden of drug-resistant TBCost-effective treatment strategyResistance to amikacinDrug-resistant TBSevere adverse eventsHistory of TBResistance to delamanidTB drug resistanceAnti-TB drugsLifetime costsAssociated treatment outcomesFQ-R.Average timeNatural history of TBFluoroquinolone resistanceFQ-RThe recent rapid expansion of multidrug resistant Ural lineage Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Moldova
Chitwood M, Colijn C, Yang C, Crudu V, Ciobanu N, Codreanu A, Kim J, Rancu I, Rhee K, Cohen T, Sobkowiak B. The recent rapid expansion of multidrug resistant Ural lineage Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Moldova. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 2962. PMID: 38580642, PMCID: PMC10997638, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47282-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMDR M. tuberculosisGenome sequenceResistance-conferring mutationsBeijing sublineageMDR strainsReproductive fitnessBeijing strainsCulture-positive casesLineagesMtb strainsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisMDRMtbStrainMDR-TBMutationsResistant tuberculosisMDR-MTBSubstantial riskSublineagesTuberculosisSequenceDisparities in Tuberculosis Incidence by Race and Ethnicity Among the U.S.-Born Population in the United States, 2011 to 2021 : An Analysis of National Disease Registry Data.
Li Y, Regan M, Swartwood N, Barham T, Beeler Asay G, Cohen T, Hill A, Horsburgh C, Khan A, Marks S, Myles R, Salomon J, Self J, Menzies N. Disparities in Tuberculosis Incidence by Race and Ethnicity Among the U.S.-Born Population in the United States, 2011 to 2021 : An Analysis of National Disease Registry Data. Annals Of Internal Medicine 2024, 177: 418-427. PMID: 38560914, DOI: 10.7326/m23-2975.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIncidence rate ratiosNon-Hispanic white personsTB incidence rateRate ratiosIncidence rateTB incidenceSocial determinants of healthRelated disparitiesWhite personsHealth equity goalsU.S.-born populationAbsolute disparityDeterminants of healthTB registry dataRacial/ethnic minority populationsCenters for Disease Control and PreventionDisease Control and PreventionIncidence rate differenceTB casesYoung personControl and PreventionState of residenceAI/AN personsSocial determinantsRacial/ethnic disparitiesIdentifying local foci of tuberculosis transmission in Moldova using a spatial multinomial logistic regression model
Lan Y, Crudu V, Ciobanu N, Codreanu A, Chitwood M, Sobkowiak B, Warren J, Cohen T. Identifying local foci of tuberculosis transmission in Moldova using a spatial multinomial logistic regression model. EBioMedicine 2024, 102: 105085. PMID: 38531172, PMCID: PMC10987885, DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2024.105085.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPatterns of spatial aggregationMtb strainsMDR-TBLogistic regression modelsGenome Epidemiology StudySpecific strainsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisTreated TB casesNational Institute of AllergyMDR phenotypeRegression modelsM. tuberculosisInstitute of AllergyMultinomial logistic regression modelUS National Institutes of HealthNational Institutes of HealthMDR diseasePublic health concernAssociated with local transmissionIncident TBInstitutes of HealthMtbResistant tuberculosisStrainDiagnosing TBQuantifying gaps in the tuberculosis care cascade in Brazil: A mathematical model study using national program data
Emani S, Alves K, Alves L, da Silva D, Oliveira P, Castro M, Cohen T, de Macedo Couto R, Sanchez M, Menzies N. Quantifying gaps in the tuberculosis care cascade in Brazil: A mathematical model study using national program data. PLOS Medicine 2024, 21: e1004361. PMID: 38512968, PMCID: PMC10994550, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004361.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDisability-adjusted life yearsLoss to follow-upTreatment loss to follow-upCare cascadeHealth lossDelay to diagnosisTB diseaseTB diagnosisReduce delays to diagnosisHuman immunodeficiency virusContribution of social factorsTotal health system costsCare cascade outcomesTB care cascadeMortality Information SystemBurden of TB diseaseHealth system costsLifetime health outcomesNotifiable Diseases Information SystemBurden of diseaseIncident TB casesState of residenceNational program dataFollow-upHealth outcomesRacial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment outcomes among US-born people diagnosed with tuberculosis, 2003–19: an analysis of national surveillance data
Regan M, Li Y, Swartwood N, Barham T, Asay G, Cohen T, Hill A, Horsburgh C, Khan A, Marks S, Myles R, Salomon J, Self J, Menzies N. Racial and ethnic disparities in diagnosis and treatment outcomes among US-born people diagnosed with tuberculosis, 2003–19: an analysis of national surveillance data. The Lancet Public Health 2024, 9: e47-e56. PMID: 38176842, PMCID: PMC11665086, DOI: 10.1016/s2468-2667(23)00276-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational surveillance dataNon-Hispanic White peopleTreatment outcomesEthnic disparitiesSurveillance dataTuberculosis diagnosisUS National Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemIndex of disparityLog-binomial regression modelsNational Tuberculosis Surveillance SystemNon-Hispanic black peopleOverall high riskTuberculosis Surveillance SystemAlaska Native peopleTuberculosis patientsDiagnostic delayAdverse outcomesTuberculosis diseaseTuberculosis incidence