Analysis of Powassan Virus Genome Sequences from Human Cases Reveals Substantial Genetic Diversity with Implications for Molecular Assay Development
Klontz E, Chowdhury N, Holbrook N, Solomon I, Telford S, Aliota M, Vogels C, Grubaugh N, Helgager J, Hughes H, Velez J, Piantadosi A, Chiu C, Lemieux J, Branda J. Analysis of Powassan Virus Genome Sequences from Human Cases Reveals Substantial Genetic Diversity with Implications for Molecular Assay Development. Viruses 2024, 16: 1653. PMID: 39599768, PMCID: PMC11599074, DOI: 10.3390/v16111653.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGenome sequenceDiversity of genomic sequencesHuman infectionsPCR assay designVirus genome sequencesAssay designIn silico analysisBiology of infectionViral genomic dataGenetic diversityGenomic dataSensitivity of PCRGenomeCladePCR assayHuman diseasesVirulent strainsPCR designPowassan virusSequenceImmunocompromised patientsPCRTick-borne virusesAssay developmentClinical diagnosticsEarly Release - Dengue Outbreak Caused by Multiple Virus Serotypes and Lineages, Colombia, 2023–2024 - Volume 30, Number 11—November 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC
Grubaugh N, Torres-Hernández D, Murillo-Ortiz M, Dávalos D, Lopez P, Hurtado I, Breban M, Bourgikos E, Hill V, López-Medina E. Early Release - Dengue Outbreak Caused by Multiple Virus Serotypes and Lineages, Colombia, 2023–2024 - Volume 30, Number 11—November 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2024, 30: 2391-2395. PMID: 39378873, PMCID: PMC11521178, DOI: 10.3201/eid3011.241031.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGenome-wide association study between SARS-CoV-2 single nucleotide polymorphisms and virus copies during infections
Li K, Chaguza C, Stamp J, Chew Y, Chen N, Ferguson D, Pandya S, Kerantzas N, Schulz W, Initiative Y, Hahn A, Ogbunugafor C, Pitzer V, Crawford L, Weinberger D, Grubaugh N. Genome-wide association study between SARS-CoV-2 single nucleotide polymorphisms and virus copies during infections. PLOS Computational Biology 2024, 20: e1012469. PMID: 39288189, PMCID: PMC11432881, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1012469.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesSingle-nucleotide polymorphismsAssociation studiesWhole-genome sequencingAmino acid changesSingle nucleotide polymorphismsPairs of substitutionsViral copiesEpistasis testsGenome sequenceGenetic variationSpike geneAcid changesViral genomeNucleotide polymorphismsSARS-CoV-2Detect interactionsHost factorsVirus copiesCopyInfection dynamicsRT-qPCRPolymorphismOmicron BASARS-CoV-2 infectionA new lineage nomenclature to aid genomic surveillance of dengue virus
Hill V, Cleemput S, Pereira J, Gifford R, Fonseca V, Tegally H, Brito A, Ribeiro G, de Souza V, Brcko I, Ribeiro I, De Lima I, Slavov S, Sampaio S, Elias M, Tran V, Kien D, Huynh T, Yacoub S, Dieng I, Salvato R, Wallau G, Gregianini T, Godinho F, Vogels C, Breban M, Leguia M, Jagtap S, Roy R, Hapuarachchi C, Mwanyika G, Giovanetti M, Alcantara L, Faria N, Carrington C, Hanley K, Holmes E, Dumon W, Lima A, de Oliveira T, Grubaugh N. A new lineage nomenclature to aid genomic surveillance of dengue virus. PLOS Biology 2024, 22: e3002834. PMID: 39283942, PMCID: PMC11426435, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002834.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenomic surveillanceSub-genotype levelPartial genome sequencesDengue virusViral genomic diversityClade sizeGenome sequenceGenomic diversityPhylogenetic studiesPhylogenetic distanceSequence dataMinor lineageVirus classificationLineagesSurveillance of dengue virusDiversityAssignment toolComplex patternsVirusCladeSequenceGeographical areasGenotypesNomenclatureEndemic settingsNorth–south pathways, emerging variants, and high climate suitability characterize the recent spread of dengue virus serotypes 2 and 3 in the Dominican Republic
Miguel I, Feliz E, Agramonte R, Martinez P, Vergara C, Imbert Y, De la Cruz L, de Castro N, Cedano O, De la Paz Y, Fonseca V, Santiago G, Muñoz-Jordán J, Peguero A, Paulino-Ramírez R, Grubaugh N, de Filippis A, Alcantara L, Rico J, Lourenço J, Franco L, Giovanetti M. North–south pathways, emerging variants, and high climate suitability characterize the recent spread of dengue virus serotypes 2 and 3 in the Dominican Republic. BMC Infectious Diseases 2024, 24: 751. PMID: 39075335, PMCID: PMC11288047, DOI: 10.1186/s12879-024-09658-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome sequenceCombination of genome sequencingTrace transmission pathwaysDengue virusHistorical climatic patternsHigh climatic suitabilityCo-circulationDengue virus serotype 2Transmission pathwaysPhylogenetic analysisVirus transmission pathwaysBiodiversity hotspotHistorical climate dataVirus lineagesDominican RepublicImpacts of climate changeLineagesClimatic suitabilityClimate dataRising temperaturePathwaySerotype 2Subtropical regionsTransmission dynamicsImpact of climatic factorsSARS-CoV-2-related bat viruses evade human intrinsic immunity but lack efficient transmission capacity
Peña-Hernández M, Alfajaro M, Filler R, Moriyama M, Keeler E, Ranglin Z, Kong Y, Mao T, Menasche B, Mankowski M, Zhao Z, Vogels C, Hahn A, Kalinich C, Zhang S, Huston N, Wan H, Araujo-Tavares R, Lindenbach B, Homer R, Pyle A, Martinez D, Grubaugh N, Israelow B, Iwasaki A, Wilen C. SARS-CoV-2-related bat viruses evade human intrinsic immunity but lack efficient transmission capacity. Nature Microbiology 2024, 9: 2038-2050. PMID: 39075235, DOI: 10.1038/s41564-024-01765-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBat coronavirusesRelatives of SARS-CoV-2Upper airwayUpper airways of miceEpithelial cellsHuman nasal epithelial cellsAirways of miceMajor histocompatibility complex class I.SARS-CoV-2Nasal epithelial cellsHistocompatibility complex class I.Human bronchial epithelial cellsGenetic similarityBronchial epithelial cellsInnate immune restrictionCoronavirus replicationFunctional characterizationMolecular cloningReduced pathogenesisImpaired replicationBat virusCoronavirus pathogenesisPandemic potentialHigh-risk familiesImmune restrictionCombining genomic data and infection estimates to characterize the complex dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants in the US
Lopes R, Pham K, Klaassen F, Chitwood M, Hahn A, Redmond S, Swartwood N, Salomon J, Menzies N, Cohen T, Grubaugh N. Combining genomic data and infection estimates to characterize the complex dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants in the US. Cell Reports 2024, 43: 114451. PMID: 38970788, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114451.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDengueSeq: a pan-serotype whole genome amplicon sequencing protocol for dengue virus
Vogels C, Hill V, Breban M, Chaguza C, Paul L, Sodeinde A, Taylor-Salmon E, Ott I, Petrone M, Dijk D, Jonges M, Welkers M, Locksmith T, Dong Y, Tarigopula N, Tekin O, Schmedes S, Bunch S, Cano N, Jaber R, Panzera C, Stryker I, Vergara J, Zimler R, Kopp E, Heberlein L, Herzog K, Fauver J, Morrison A, Michael S, Grubaugh N. DengueSeq: a pan-serotype whole genome amplicon sequencing protocol for dengue virus. BMC Genomics 2024, 25: 433. PMID: 38693476, PMCID: PMC11062901, DOI: 10.1186/s12864-024-10350-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmplicon sequencing protocolsPrimer schemeSequencing protocolGenomic surveillanceDengue virus serotypesAmplicon sequencing workflowClinical specimensHigh genome coverageWhole-genome sequencingDengue virusVirus serotypesGenome coverageVirus stocksGenetic diversitySequencing instrumentsSequencing workflowGenotype VIDiverse serotypesSequence of samplesGenotype IVPrimersSurveillance of dengue virusSerotypesVirus copiesSerotype-specificTravel surveillance uncovers dengue virus dynamics and introductions in the Caribbean
Taylor-Salmon E, Hill V, Paul L, Koch R, Breban M, Chaguza C, Sodeinde A, Warren J, Bunch S, Cano N, Cone M, Eysoldt S, Garcia A, Gilles N, Hagy A, Heberlein L, Jaber R, Kassens E, Colarusso P, Davis A, Baudin S, Rico E, Mejía-Echeverri Á, Scott B, Stanek D, Zimler R, Muñoz-Jordán J, Santiago G, Adams L, Paz-Bailey G, Spillane M, Katebi V, Paulino-Ramírez R, Mueses S, Peguero A, Sánchez N, Norman F, Galán J, Huits R, Hamer D, Vogels C, Morrison A, Michael S, Grubaugh N. Travel surveillance uncovers dengue virus dynamics and introductions in the Caribbean. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 3508. PMID: 38664380, PMCID: PMC11045810, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47774-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDengue virusDENV-3Rates of severe diseaseMosquito-borne viral diseasePublic health threatPattern of spreadSevere diseaseLocal surveillanceGenomic epidemiologyEpidemiological patternsVirus surveillanceSurveillanceHealth threatSerotypesDiseaseIncreased rateDengueViral diseasesVirusInfected travelersFrequent outbreaksResurgence of Dengue in the Era of Genomic Surveillance and Vaccines.
Huits R, Grubaugh N, Libman M, Hamer D. Resurgence of Dengue in the Era of Genomic Surveillance and Vaccines. Annals Of Internal Medicine 2024, 177: 670-671. PMID: 38498879, DOI: 10.7326/m24-0496.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow antibody levels associated with significantly increased rate of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in a highly vaccinated population from the US National Basketball Association
Tai C, Haviland M, Kissler S, Lucia R, Merson M, Maragakis L, Ho D, Anderson D, DiFiori J, Grubaugh N, Grad Y, Mack C. Low antibody levels associated with significantly increased rate of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in a highly vaccinated population from the US National Basketball Association. Journal Of Medical Virology 2024, 96: e29505. PMID: 38465748, DOI: 10.1002/jmv.29505.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntibody levelsSARS-CoV-2 infectionSARS-CoV-2 antibody levelsPfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccineHistory of SARS-CoV-2 infectionCox proportional hazards modelsLow antibody levelsProportional hazards modelRisk of infectionMRNA vaccinesRates of SARS-CoV-2 infectionAnalytic cohortPrimary seriesPfizer-BioNTechVaccine doseIncreased rate of SARS-CoV-2 infectionInterquartile rangeBooster schedulesHazards modelSerological testsInfectionSARS-CoV-2Vaccinated individualsAntibodiesAntibody testContribution of climate change to the spatial expansion of West Nile virus in Europe
Erazo D, Grant L, Ghisbain G, Marini G, Colón-González F, Wint W, Rizzoli A, Van Bortel W, Vogels C, Grubaugh N, Mengel M, Frieler K, Thiery W, Dellicour S. Contribution of climate change to the spatial expansion of West Nile virus in Europe. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 1196. PMID: 38331945, PMCID: PMC10853512, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45290-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWest Nile virusEcological niche modelsExpansion of West Nile virusClimate changeWNV circulationNiche modelsNile virusMosquito-borne pathogensEffects of climate changeHuman population changeSpatial expansionContributions of climate changeWest Nile virus circulationEnvironmental changesPublic health threatHuman populationLand-useHuman influencePotential driversRisk of exposureLong-term trendsPopulation densityPopulation changeHealth threatClimatePersistent SARS-CoV-2 infection: significance and implications
Machkovech H, Hahn A, Garonzik Wang J, Grubaugh N, Halfmann P, Johnson M, Lemieux J, O'Connor D, Piantadosi A, Wei W, Friedrich T. Persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection: significance and implications. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2024, 24: e453-e462. PMID: 38340735, DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(23)00815-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPersistent SARS-CoV-2 infectionSARS-CoV-2 infectionSuboptimal immune responsesPre-existing immunityPersistent virus replicationMonitoring viral evolutionPublic health problemTissue reservoirsImmunocompromised individualsTreatment strategiesPersistent infectionPublic health priorityImmune responseSARS-CoV-2 replicationSARS-CoV-2Virus replicationInfectionVirus variantsViral evolutionHealth priorityHealth problemsTreatmentPathophysiologyPatientsDiagnosisEarly Release - Introduction and Spread of Dengue Virus 3, Florida, USA, May 2022–April 2023 - Volume 30, Number 2—February 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC
Jones F, Morrison A, Santiago G, Rysava K, Zimler R, Heberlein L, Kopp E, , Saunders K, Baudin S, Rico E, Mejía-Echeverri Á, Taylor-Salmon E, Hill V, Breban M, Vogels C, Grubaugh N, Paul L, Michael S, Johansson M, Adams L, Munoz-Jordan J, Paz-Bailey G, Stanek D. Early Release - Introduction and Spread of Dengue Virus 3, Florida, USA, May 2022–April 2023 - Volume 30, Number 2—February 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2024, 30: 376-379. PMID: 38232709, PMCID: PMC10826764, DOI: 10.3201/eid3002.231615.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIgM N-glycosylation correlates with COVID-19 severity and rate of complement deposition
Ozonoff A, Ehrlich L, Melamed E, Sesma A, Simon V, Pulendran B, Nadeau K, Davis M, McCoey G, Sekaly R, Baden L, Levy O, Schaenman J, Reed E, Shaw A, Hafler D, Montgomery R, Kleinstein S, Becker P, Augustine A, Calfee C, Erle D, DeBakey M, Corry D, Kheradmand F, Atkinson M, Brakenridge S, Higuita N, Metcalf J, Hough C, Messer W, Kraft M, Bime C, Peters B, Milliren C, Syphurs C, McEnaney K, Barton B, Lentucci C, Saluvan M, Chang A, Hoch A, Albert M, Shaheen T, Kho A, Liu S, Thomas S, Chen J, Murphy M, Cooney M, Hayati A, Bryant R, Abraham J, Jayavelu N, Presnell S, Jancsyk T, Maguire C, Qi J, Lee B, Fourati S, Esserman D, Guan L, Gygi J, Pawar S, Brito A, Fragiadakis G, Patel R, Overton J, Vita R, Westendorf K, Shannon C, Tebbutt S, Thyagarajan R, Rousseau J, Wylie D, Triplett T, Kojic E, Chinthrajah S, Ahuja N, Rogers A, Artandi M, Geng L, Yendewa G, Powell D, Kim J, Simmons B, Goonewardene I, Smith C, Martens M, Sherman A, Walsh S, Issa N, Salehi-Rad R, Dela Cruz C, Farhadian S, Iwasaki A, Ko A, Anderson E, Mehta A, Sevransky J, Seyfert-Margolis V, Leligdowicz A, Matthay M, Singer J, Kangelaris K, Hendrickson C, Krummel M, Langelier C, Woodruff P, Corry D, Kheradmand F, Anderson M, Guirgis F, Drevets D, Brown B, Siegel S, Lu Z, Mosier J, Kimura H, Khor B, van Bakel H, Rahman A, Stadlbauer D, Dutta J, Xie H, Kim-Schulze S, Gonzalez-Reiche A, van de Guchte A, Carreño J, Singh G, Raskin A, Tcheou J, Bielak D, Kawabata H, Kelly G, Patel M, Nie K, Yellin T, Fried M, Sullivan L, Morris S, Sieg S, Steen H, van Zalm P, Fatou B, Mendez K, Lasky-Su J, Hutton S, Michelotti G, Wong K, Jha M, Viode A, Kanarek N, Petrova B, Zhao Y, Bosinger S, Boddapati A, Tharp G, Pellegrini K, Beagle E, Cowan D, Hamilton S, Ribeiro S, Hodder T, Rosen L, Lee S, Wilson M, Dandekar R, Alvarenga B, Rajan J, Eckalbar W, Schroeder A, Tsitsiklis A, Mick E, Guerrero Y, Love C, Maliskova L, Adkisson M, Siles N, Geltman J, Hurley K, Saksena M, Altman D, Srivastava K, Eaker L, Bermúdez-González M, Beach K, Sominsky L, Azad A, Mulder L, Kleiner G, Lee A, Do E, Fernandes A, Manohar M, Hagan T, Blish C, Din H, Roque J, Yang S, Sigal N, Chang I, Tribout H, Harris P, Consolo M, Edwards C, Lee E, Lin E, Croen B, Semenza N, Rogowski B, Melnyk N, Bell M, Furukawa S, McLin R, Schearer P, Sheidy J, Tegos G, Nagle C, Smolen K, Desjardins M, van Haren S, Mitre X, Cauley J, Li X, Tong A, Evans B, Montesano C, Licona J, Krauss J, Chang J, Izaguirre N, Rooks R, Elashoff D, Brook J, Ramires-Sanchez E, Llamas M, Rivera A, Perdomo C, Ward D, Magyar C, Fulcher J, Pickering H, Sen S, Chaudhary O, Coppi A, Fournier J, Mohanty S, Muenker C, Nelson A, Raddassi K, Rainone M, Ruff W, Salahuddin S, Schulz W, Vijayakumar P, Wang H, Wunder E, Young H, Rothman J, Konstorum A, Chen E, Cotsapas C, Grubaugh N, Wang X, Xu L, Asashima H, Bristow L, Hussaini L, Hellmeister K, Samaha H, Wimalasena S, Cheng A, Spainhour C, Scherer E, Johnson B, Bechnak A, Ciric C, Hewitt L, Carter E, Mcnair N, Panganiban B, Huerta C, Usher J, Vaysman T, Holland S, Abe-Jones Y, Asthana S, Beagle A, Bhide S, Carrillo S, Chak S, Ghale R, Gonzalez A, Jauregui A, Jones N, Lea T, Lee D, Lota R, Milush J, Nguyen V, Pierce L, Prasad P, Rao A, Samad B, Shaw C, Sigman A, Sinha P, Ward A, Willmore A, Zhan J, Rashid S, Rodriguez N, Tang K, Altamirano L, Betancourt L, Curiel C, Sutter N, Paz M, Tietje-Ulrich G, Leroux C, Thakur N, Vasquez J, Santhosh L, Song L, Nelson E, Moldawer L, Borresen B, Roth-Manning B, Ungaro R, Oberhaus J, Booth J, Sinko L, Brunton A, Sullivan P, Strnad M, Lyski Z, Coulter F, Micheleti C, Conway M, Francisco D, Molzahn A, Erickson H, Wilson C, Schunk R, Sierra B, Hughes T. IgM N-glycosylation correlates with COVID-19 severity and rate of complement deposition. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 404. PMID: 38195739, PMCID: PMC10776791, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-44211-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFeatures of acute COVID-19 associated with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 phenotypes: results from the IMPACC study
McEnaney K, Barton B, Lentucci C, Saluvan M, Chang A, Hoch A, Albert M, Shaheen T, Kho A, Thomas S, Chen J, Murphy M, Cooney M, Hayati A, Bryant R, Abraham J, Presnell S, Jancsyk T, Maguire C, Lee B, Fourati S, Esserman D, Guan L, Gygi J, Pawar S, Brito A, Fragiadakis G, Patel R, Tebbutt S, Overton J, Vita R, Westendorf K, Thyagarajan R, Rousseau J, Wylie D, Triplett T, Kojic E, Chinthrajah S, Ahuja N, Rogers A, Artandi M, Yendewa G, Powell D, Kim J, Simmons B, Goonewardene I, Smith C, Martens M, Sherman A, Walsh S, Issa N, Salehi-Rad R, Dela Cruz C, Farhadian S, Iwasaki A, Ko A, Anderson E, Mehta A, Sevransky J, Leligdowicz A, Matthay M, Singer J, Kangelaris K, Hendrickson C, Krummel M, Woodruff P, Anderson M, Guirgis F, Drevets D, Brown B, Siegel S, Lu Z, Mosier J, Kimura H, Khor B, Rahman A, Stadlbauer D, Dutta J, Gonzalez-Reiche A, van de Guchte A, Carreño J, Singh G, Raskin A, Tcheou J, Bielak D, Kawabata H, Xie H, Kelly G, Patel M, Nie K, Yellin T, Fried M, Sullivan L, Morris S, Sieg S, van Zalm P, Fatou B, Mendez K, Lasky-Su J, Hutton S, Michelotti G, Wong K, Jha M, Viode A, Kanarek N, Petrova B, Zhao Y, Boddapati A, Tharp G, Pellegrini K, Beagle E, Cowan D, Hamilton S, Ribeiro S, Hodder T, Lee S, Wilson M, Alvarenga B, Rajan J, Schroeder A, Tsitsiklis A, Mick E, Guerrero Y, Love C, Maliskova L, Adkisson M, Siles N, Geltman J, Hurley K, Saksena M, Altman D, Srivastava K, Eaker L, Bermúdez-González M, Beach K, Sominsky L, Azad A, Mulder L, Kleiner G, Lee A, Do E, Fernandes A, Manohar M, Hagan T, Blish C, Din H, Roque J, Yang S, Sigal N, Chang I, Tribout H, Harris P, Consolo M, Connors J, Bernui M, Kutzler M, Edwards C, Lee E, Lin E, Croen B, Semenza N, Rogowski B, Melnyk N, Woloszczuk K, Cusimano G, Bell M, Furukawa S, McLin R, Schearer P, Sheidy J, Tegos G, Nagle C, Smolen K, Desjardins M, van Haren S, Mitre X, Cauley J, Li X, Tong A, Evans B, Montesano C, Licona J, Krauss J, Chang J, Izaguirre N, Rooks R, Elashoff D, Brook J, Ramires-Sanchez E, Llamas M, Rivera A, Perdomo C, Ward D, Magyar C, Fulcher J, Pickering H, Sen S, Chaudhary O, Coppi A, Fournier J, Mohanty S, Muenker M, Nelson A, Raddassi K, Rainone M, Ruff W, Salahuddin S, Schulz W, Vijayakumar P, Wang H, Wunder E, Young H, Rothman J, Konstorum A, Chen E, Cotsapas C, Grubaugh N, Wang X, Xu L, Asashima H, Bristow L, Hussaini L, Hellmeister K, Wimalasena S, Cheng A, Spainhour C, Scherer E, Johnson B, Bechnak A, Ciric C, Hewitt L, Carter E, Mcnair N, Panganiban B, Huerta C, Usher J, Vaysman T, Holland S, Abe-Jones Y, Asthana S, Beagle A, Bhide S, Carrillo S, Chak S, Ghale R, Gonzalez A, Jauregui A, Jones N, Lea T, Lee D, Lota R, Milush J, Nguyen V, Pierce L, Prasad P, Rao A, Samad B, Shaw C, Sigman A, Sinha P, Ward A, Willmore A, Zhan J, Rashid S, Rodriguez N, Tang K, Altamirano L, Betancourt L, Curiel C, Sutter N, Paz M, Tietje-Ulrich G, Leroux C, Thakur N, Vasquez J, Santhosh L, Song L, Nelson E, Moldawer L, Borresen B, Roth-Manning B, Ungaro R, Oberhaus J, Booth J, Sinko L, Brunton A, Sullivan P, Strnad M, Lyski Z, Coulter F, Micheleti C, Conway M, Francisco D, Molzahn A, Erickson H, Wilson C, Schunk R, Sierra B, Hughes T. Features of acute COVID-19 associated with post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 phenotypes: results from the IMPACC study. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 216. PMID: 38172101, PMCID: PMC10764789, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-44090-5.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Genomic epidemiology of West Nile virus in Europe
Koch R, Erazo D, Folly A, Johnson N, Dellicour S, Grubaugh N, Vogels C. Genomic epidemiology of West Nile virus in Europe. One Health 2023, 18: 100664. PMID: 38193029, PMCID: PMC10772404, DOI: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2023.100664.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSurvey of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in Connecticut, USA reveals low SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and infection with divergent betacoronaviruses
Earnest R, Hahn A, Feriancek N, Brandt M, Filler R, Zhao Z, Breban M, Vogels C, Chen N, Koch R, Porzucek A, Sodeinde A, Garbiel A, Keanna C, Litwak H, Stuber H, Cantoni J, Pitzer V, Olarte Castillo X, Goodman L, Wilen C, Linske M, Williams S, Grubaugh N. Survey of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in Connecticut, USA reveals low SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and infection with divergent betacoronaviruses. Npj Viruses 2023, 1: 10. DOI: 10.1038/s44298-023-00010-4.Peer-Reviewed Original Research1802. Reconstructing Twelve Years of Dengue Outbreaks in the Caribbean Using Travel Surveillance
Taylor-Salmon E, Morrison A, Grubaugh N. 1802. Reconstructing Twelve Years of Dengue Outbreaks in the Caribbean Using Travel Surveillance. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2023, 10: ofad500.1631. PMCID: PMC10678418, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofad500.1631.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPan American Health OrganizationSurveillance dataIncidence rateInfected travelersDengue casesDifferent dengue virus serotypesDengue virus infectionLocal outbreaksResource-limited countriesDengue incidenceDengue virus serotypesLocal incidence ratesPublic health policyDisease surveillance systemsCommon arboviral diseaseInfectious disease surveillanceFebrile illnessVirus infectionResource-limited areasLocal surveillanceIncidenceArboviral diseasesHealth policyVirus serotypesHealth Organization2301. Viral Kinetics of Sequential SARS-CoV-2 Infections
Kissler S, Hay J, Fauver J, Mack C, Tai C, Anderson D, Ho D, Grubaugh N, Grad Y. 2301. Viral Kinetics of Sequential SARS-CoV-2 Infections. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2023, 10: ofad500.1923. PMCID: PMC10677142, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofad500.1923.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSARS-CoV-2 infectionFaster clearance timesViral clearance timeSecond infectionVaccination statusClearance timeViral kineticsFirst infectionAcute SARS-CoV-2 infectionPrior SARS-CoV-2 infectionVaccine doseDisease coursePatient characteristicsPrior infectionOropharyngeal swabsImmune responseInfection historySubsequent infectionSequential infectionUS populationViral variantsInfectionHost factorsConvenience sampleConflicting results