Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial of integrated eHealth for PrEP and medications for opioid use disorders for women in the criminal legal system. The Athena study
Meyer J, Brunson S, Price C, Mulrain M, Nguyen J, Altice F, Kyriakides T, Cropsey K, Eaton E. Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial of integrated eHealth for PrEP and medications for opioid use disorders for women in the criminal legal system. The Athena study. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2025, 20: 4. PMID: 39825419, PMCID: PMC11742507, DOI: 10.1186/s13722-024-00534-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCriminal legal systemOpioid use disorderLegal systemStandard of careStructural barriersUse disorderEnhanced standard of careRates of opioid use disorderDelivery of PrEPPre-exposure prophylaxisWomen's abilityRandomized clinical trialsLife-saving interventionsRandomized controlled trialsHealth disparitiesImplementation outcomesPrEP initiationPreventive servicesClinical outcomesIntegrated deliveryFollow-upDelivery modelsClinical trialsDecision aidPrEP
Pre-exposure prophylaxis service among men who have sex with men in Malaysia: findings from a discrete choice experiment
Dubov A, Altice F, Gutierrez J, Wickersham J, Azwa I, Kamarulzaman A, Gautam K, Shrestha R. Pre-exposure prophylaxis service among men who have sex with men in Malaysia: findings from a discrete choice experiment. Scientific Reports 2023, 13: 14200. PMID: 37648731, PMCID: PMC10468492, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-41264-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjectable PrEPPre-exposure prophylaxis servicesDaily oral PrEPPre-exposure prophylaxisMalaysian MSMPrEP deliveryOral PrEPPrEP uptakeMSMPrEPLatent class analysisDiscrete choice experimentMenDelivery preferencesDelivery programsSexGroupClass analysisType of programPreference groupsOnline surveyProphylaxisInitiation rateHIVDosingBarriers and Facilitators to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis by Men Who Have Sex with Men and Community Stakeholders in Malaysia
Rosen A, Wickersham J, Altice F, Khati A, Azwa I, Tee V, Jeri-Wahrhaftig A, Luces J, Ni Z, Kamarulzaman A, Saifi R, Shrestha R. Barriers and Facilitators to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis by Men Who Have Sex with Men and Community Stakeholders in Malaysia. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2023, 20: 5669. PMID: 37174187, PMCID: PMC10177799, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20095669.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxisPrEP providersNominal group techniqueMalaysian MSMEvidence-based HIV prevention strategiesPatient-centered decision aidAwareness of PrEPHIV prevention strategiesPotential new strategyPrEP deliveryPrEP carePrEP initiationPrEP servicesPrEP uptakeDecision aidPrevention strategiesUnderstanding of barriersComplex clinical protocolsClinical protocolsMSMQualitative focus groupsCommunity stakeholdersPrEPProphylaxisMenClinic-Integrated Smartphone App (JomPrEP) to Improve Uptake of HIV Testing and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Mixed Methods Evaluation of Usability and Acceptability
Shrestha R, Altice F, Khati A, Azwa I, Gautam K, Gupta S, Sullivan P, Ni Z, Kamarulzaman A, Phiphatkunarnon P, Wickersham J. Clinic-Integrated Smartphone App (JomPrEP) to Improve Uptake of HIV Testing and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Malaysia: Mixed Methods Evaluation of Usability and Acceptability. JMIR MHealth And UHealth 2023, 11: e44468. PMID: 36795465, PMCID: PMC9982718, DOI: 10.2196/44468.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV prevention servicesINTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIERPrevention servicesMean ageHIV preventionPre-exposure prophylaxisHIV prevention outcomesHIV self-testing (HIVST) kitsParticipants' mean ageSelf-testing kitsHealth care settingsMobile health platformMalaysian MSMMixed-methods evaluationHIV testingCare settingsLocal clinicSystem Usability ScalePrevention outcomesDays of testingMSMSmartphone appPrEPHIVMean score
Using nominal group technique to identify barriers and facilitators to preventing HIV using combination same-day pre-exposure prophylaxis and medications for opioid use disorder
Eger WH, Altice FL, Lee J, Vlahov D, Khati A, Osborne S, Wickersham JA, Bohonnon T, Powell L, Shrestha R. Using nominal group technique to identify barriers and facilitators to preventing HIV using combination same-day pre-exposure prophylaxis and medications for opioid use disorder. Harm Reduction Journal 2022, 19: 120. PMID: 36307817, PMCID: PMC9616614, DOI: 10.1186/s12954-022-00703-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSame-day prescriptionPre-exposure prophylaxisOpioid use disorderHIV transmissionUse disordersClinical stakeholdersAvailability of providersSystems of careHealth care systemCoordinated careNew practice modelClinical careMedicationsPharmacy deliveryMOUDNominal group techniqueLocal prescribersPWIDSexual riskPrEPCare systemHealth benefitsCareMultiple visitsProphylaxisA PrEP Demonstration Project Using eHealth and Community Outreach to Justice-Involved Cisgender Women and Their Risk Networks
Meyer JP, Price CR, Ye Y, Qin Y, Tracey D, Demidont AC, Melbourne K, Altice FL. A PrEP Demonstration Project Using eHealth and Community Outreach to Justice-Involved Cisgender Women and Their Risk Networks. AIDS And Behavior 2022, 26: 3807-3817. PMID: 35672552, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-022-03709-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTDF/FTCPrEP care continuumPre-exposure prophylaxisPrimary care providersPrEP demonstration projectRisk network membersNon-Hispanic whitesCisgender womenOutreach modelRespondent-driven samplingPrEP awarenessCommunity outreach modelEnrolled participantsMean ageClinical criteriaIndex participantsCare continuumHIV preventionSocial comorbiditiesCare providersKey populationsPrEPSubstance useMedical insuranceWomen
Use of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among People Who Inject Drugs: Exploratory Findings of the Interaction Between Race, Homelessness, and Trust
Zhou X, Altice FL, Chandra D, Didomizio E, Copenhaver MM, Shrestha R. Use of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among People Who Inject Drugs: Exploratory Findings of the Interaction Between Race, Homelessness, and Trust. AIDS And Behavior 2021, 25: 3743-3753. PMID: 33751313, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-021-03227-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxisPrEP useProvider trustPatient-level factorsOpioid-dependent patientsLogistic regression analysisNon-homeless participantsHomeless participantsRace/ethnicityEligibility criteriaCross-sectional dataPrEPProphylaxisMethadoneRegression analysisDrugsExploratory findingsParticipantsPotential moderatorsPWIDPatientsSignificant moderatorWillingness to initiate pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and its use among opioid-dependent individuals in drug treatment
Ni Z, Altice FL, Wickersham JA, Copenhaver MM, DiDomizio EE, Nelson LE, Shrestha R. Willingness to initiate pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and its use among opioid-dependent individuals in drug treatment. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2021, 219: 108477. PMID: 33422864, PMCID: PMC7946167, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108477.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid-dependent individualsPre-exposure prophylaxisPrEP useHIV riskHealthcare providersSex-related risk behaviorsMultivariable logistic regression analysisAwareness of PrEPUrban methadone clinicMultiple logistic regressionDisproportionate HIV burdenLogistic regression analysisCross-sectional surveyHIV burdenHIV infectionHIV testingIndependent correlatesMethadone clinicsDrug treatmentRisk behaviorsLogistic regressionPrEPPrevious useHigher likelihoodProphylaxis
Online HIV information seeking and pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness among people who use drugs
Ranjit YS, Shrestha R, Copenhaver M, Altice FL. Online HIV information seeking and pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness among people who use drugs. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2019, 111: 16-22. PMID: 32087834, PMCID: PMC7039922, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2019.12.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman immunodeficiency virusHIV informationMethadone treatmentPre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) awarenessPre-exposure prophylaxisNew HIV diagnosesHIV-negative PWUDBehavior change continuumCross-sectional surveyMethods of preventionAddiction treatment programsHIV diagnosisImmunodeficiency virusInjection drugsHIV preventionHigh riskGeneral populationSex partnersOverall healthTreatment programPrEPDrugsPWUDChange continuumRiskEstimated Impact of Targeted Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Strategies for Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States
Elion RA, Kabiri M, Mayer KH, Wohl DA, Cohen J, Beaubrun AC, Altice FL. Estimated Impact of Targeted Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Strategies for Men Who Have Sex with Men in the United States. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2019, 16: 1592. PMID: 31067679, PMCID: PMC6539923, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16091592.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYoung Latino MSMYoung Black MSMPre-exposure prophylaxisBlack MSMLatino MSMPrEP useHIV Incidence Risk IndexHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmissionUse of PrEPNon-PrEP usersLowest NNTHIV infectionNNT valuesHIV prevalenceHIV epidemicHIV preventionMSM populationSubsequent infectionInfection reductionMSMPrevalenceIncidenceVirus transmissionPrEPProphylaxis
Optimizing access to PrEP based on MSM preferences: results of a discrete choice experiment
Dubov A, Ogunbajo A, Altice FL, Fraenkel L. Optimizing access to PrEP based on MSM preferences: results of a discrete choice experiment. AIDS Care 2018, 31: 545-553. PMID: 30554519, PMCID: PMC6408226, DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1557590.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYoung MSMInjectable PrEPPrEP uptakeUptake of PrEPPre-exposure prophylaxisHigh HIV burdenMSM of colorMSM preferencesPrEP administrationDaily PrEPPrEP initiationHIV burdenDemand PrEPConsultation visitMSMPrEP programPrEPLatent class analysisDelivery programsMenGroupClass analysisStructural barriersLow levelsUptakeStigma and Shame Experiences by MSM Who Take PrEP for HIV Prevention: A Qualitative Study
Dubov A, Galbo P, Altice FL, Fraenkel L. Stigma and Shame Experiences by MSM Who Take PrEP for HIV Prevention: A Qualitative Study. American Journal Of Men's Health 2018, 12: 1843-1854. PMID: 30160195, PMCID: PMC6199453, DOI: 10.1177/1557988318797437.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrEP stigmaPre-exposure prophylaxis uptakeExperiences of MSMHIV-negative menPrEP-related stigmaHealth care professionalsPrEP useHIV preventionHIV stigmaMSM communityExperiences of stigmaCondom usePrEP programConstant comparison techniquesPrEPSemistructured interviewsMSMStigmaLack of literatureMenQualitative studyMedicationsChemsexIntegrated Bio-behavioral Approach to Improve Adherence to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and Reduce HIV Risk in People Who Use Drugs: A Pilot Feasibility Study
Shrestha R, Altice FL, Karki P, Copenhaver MM. Integrated Bio-behavioral Approach to Improve Adherence to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and Reduce HIV Risk in People Who Use Drugs: A Pilot Feasibility Study. AIDS And Behavior 2018, 22: 2640-2649. PMID: 29582199, PMCID: PMC6051885, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-018-2099-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAnalgesics, OpioidBiobehavioral SciencesCondomsFeasibility StudiesFemaleHIV InfectionsHumansMaleMedication AdherenceMethadoneMiddle AgedMotivationOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersPatient Acceptance of Health CarePilot ProjectsPre-Exposure ProphylaxisProspective StudiesRisk Reduction BehaviorSexual BehaviorSexual PartnersSubstance Abuse, IntravenousConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxis adherenceSelf-reported PrEP adherenceSex-related risk behaviorsHIV risk reduction behaviorsBio-behavioral interventionPre-exposure prophylaxisProspective clinical trialsHigh-risk peopleHIV prevention interventionsHIV risk behaviorsPilot feasibility studyPost-intervention assessmentPrEP adherenceProphylaxis adherencePreliminary efficacyClinical trialsIntervention groupHIV riskPrevention interventionsRisk behaviorsBio-behavioral approachAdherenceInterventionHigh acceptabilityPrEP
Strategies to Implement Pre-exposure Prophylaxis with Men Who Have Sex with Men in Ukraine
Dubov A, Fraenkel L, Yorick R, Ogunbajo A, Altice FL. Strategies to Implement Pre-exposure Prophylaxis with Men Who Have Sex with Men in Ukraine. AIDS And Behavior 2017, 22: 1100-1112. PMID: 29214409, PMCID: PMC10866617, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-017-1996-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxisLow self-perceived riskSelf-perceived riskInjectable PrEPMSM preferencesPrEP administrationPrEP initiationDaily PrEPHIV prevalencePatient preferencesRisk groupsRisk populationsMedical carePrEPLatent class analysisProphylaxisMenDelivery programsMSMUkrainian menProgram deliverySexGroupClass analysisSuccessful deliveryMeasuring Acceptability and Preferences for Implementation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Using Conjoint Analysis: An Application to Primary HIV Prevention Among High Risk Drug Users
Shrestha R, Karki P, Altice FL, Dubov O, Fraenkel L, Huedo-Medina T, Copenhaver M. Measuring Acceptability and Preferences for Implementation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Using Conjoint Analysis: An Application to Primary HIV Prevention Among High Risk Drug Users. AIDS And Behavior 2017, 22: 1228-1238. PMID: 28695388, PMCID: PMC5762432, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-017-1851-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxisSex-related risk behaviorsHigh-risk drug usersAcceptability of PrEPHigh-risk PWUDPrimary HIV preventionHIV prevention approachesDrug treatment settingsKey risk populationsHIV-negative PWUDHigh acceptabilityHIV clinicPrEP acceptabilityHIV testingPrEP uptakeMethadone clinicsHIV preventionRisk populationsSide effectsTreatment settingsDrug usersPrEP attributesRisk behaviorsPrEPUnderserved populations
Willingness to Use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): An Empirical Test of the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) Model among High-Risk Drug Users in Treatment
Shrestha R, Altice FL, Huedo-Medina TB, Karki P, Copenhaver M. Willingness to Use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): An Empirical Test of the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) Model among High-Risk Drug Users in Treatment. AIDS And Behavior 2016, 21: 1299-1308. PMID: 27990587, PMCID: PMC5380590, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-016-1650-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-risk PWUDBehavioral skills modelCommunity-based methadone maintenance treatmentPre-exposure prophylaxis trialsSex-related HIV risk behaviorsHigh-risk drug usersPre-exposure prophylaxisIMB modelMethadone maintenance treatmentEfficacy of PrEPUse of PrEPHIV risk behaviorsKey risk populationsHealth behavior changeHIV acquisitionProphylaxis trialsHIV infectionMaintenance treatmentHIV preventionRisk populationsDrug usersRisk behaviorsPrEPPWUDIntervention development