Exploration of the multi-level barriers to scaling up methadone for HIV prevention among people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan
Liberman A, Rozental Y, Ivasiy R, Kussainova A, Primbetova S, Madden L, Terlikbayeva A, Altice F. Exploration of the multi-level barriers to scaling up methadone for HIV prevention among people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2025, 172: 209640. PMID: 39986387, DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2025.209640.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNominal group techniqueHIV preventionCommunity health workersMulti-level barriersIn-depth interviewsHealth workersPWID clientsSocioecological modelCommunity stakeholdersOpioid use disorderFocus groupsHIV epidemicClinical directorsClinical sitesEducating clientsOpioid agonist therapyImprove implementationGroup techniqueResearch teamCHWsPolicy levelUse disorderCliniciansAlternative medicationsEligibility
Using nominal group technique to identify perceived barriers and facilitators to improving uptake of the Prison Needle Exchange Program in Canadian federal prisons by correctional officers and healthcare workers
Kronfli N, Lafferty L, Leone F, Stoové M, Hajarizadeh B, Lloyd A, Altice F. Using nominal group technique to identify perceived barriers and facilitators to improving uptake of the Prison Needle Exchange Program in Canadian federal prisons by correctional officers and healthcare workers. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2024, 130: 104540. PMID: 39079352, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2024.104540.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCorrectional officersCanadian federal prisonsFederal prisonsFear of beingNeedle exchange programsWrap-around servicesComplex application processCorrectional employeesFocus groupsPrisonNominal group techniquePerceived barriersAutomatic approvalFear of repercussionsHealthcare workersLack of confidentialityExchange programsSyringe programsOfficeDrug useCoverage of evidence-based interventionsCanadian effortsBloodborne virusesEvidence-based interventionsGroup technique
Improving HIV and HCV Testing in Substance Use Disorder Programs (SUDs) That Provide Medications for Opiate Use Disorder (MOUD): Role of Addressing Barriers and Implementing Universal and Site-Specific Approaches
Brooks R, Wegener M, Freeman B, Fowles C, Madden L, Tetrault J, Nichols L, Altice F, Villanueva M. Improving HIV and HCV Testing in Substance Use Disorder Programs (SUDs) That Provide Medications for Opiate Use Disorder (MOUD): Role of Addressing Barriers and Implementing Universal and Site-Specific Approaches. Health Promotion Practice 2023, 24: 1018-1028. PMID: 37439759, DOI: 10.1177/15248399231169791.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV/HCV coinfectionSubstance use disorder programsHCV testingOpiate use disorderHCV coinfectionUse disordersNominal group techniqueSubstance use disorder treatment centersCascade of careRates of HIVDisorder treatment centersQuality improvement effortsRate of testingHCV acquisitionHCV cureImproving HIVSUD clinicsHepatitis CHIV testingPrior diagnosisSubsequent referralReferral ratesHIV epidemicHIVTreatment centersChallenges to Achieving HCV Micro-Elimination in People With HIV in the United States: Provider Perspectives and the Role of Implicit Bias
DiDomizio E, Chandra D, Nichols L, Villanueva M, Altice F. Challenges to Achieving HCV Micro-Elimination in People With HIV in the United States: Provider Perspectives and the Role of Implicit Bias. Health Promotion Practice 2023, 24: 998-1008. PMID: 37440258, DOI: 10.1177/15248399231169928.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNominal group techniqueHealth care decisionsProvider perspectivesEligibility criteriaHIV/HCVEffective antiviral medicationsPatient eligibility criteriaFacilitators of treatmentMicro-EliminationHCV treatmentAntiviral medicationsOpioid epidemicProvider knowledgePatient involvementPatient engagementDifferent clinicsRelated stigmaHCVCare decisionsHIVPatientsTreatmentGroup sessionsMost barriersFocus group sessionsBarriers and Facilitators to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis by Men Who Have Sex with Men and Community Stakeholders in Malaysia
Rosen A, Wickersham J, Altice F, Khati A, Azwa I, Tee V, Jeri-Wahrhaftig A, Luces J, Ni Z, Kamarulzaman A, Saifi R, Shrestha R. Barriers and Facilitators to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis by Men Who Have Sex with Men and Community Stakeholders in Malaysia. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2023, 20: 5669. PMID: 37174187, PMCID: PMC10177799, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20095669.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPre-exposure prophylaxisPrEP providersNominal group techniqueMalaysian MSMEvidence-based HIV prevention strategiesPatient-centered decision aidAwareness of PrEPHIV prevention strategiesPotential new strategyPrEP deliveryPrEP carePrEP initiationPrEP servicesPrEP uptakeDecision aidPrevention strategiesUnderstanding of barriersComplex clinical protocolsClinical protocolsMSMQualitative focus groupsCommunity stakeholdersPrEPProphylaxisMen
Using nominal group technique to identify barriers and facilitators to preventing HIV using combination same-day pre-exposure prophylaxis and medications for opioid use disorder
Eger WH, Altice FL, Lee J, Vlahov D, Khati A, Osborne S, Wickersham JA, Bohonnon T, Powell L, Shrestha R. Using nominal group technique to identify barriers and facilitators to preventing HIV using combination same-day pre-exposure prophylaxis and medications for opioid use disorder. Harm Reduction Journal 2022, 19: 120. PMID: 36307817, PMCID: PMC9616614, DOI: 10.1186/s12954-022-00703-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSame-day prescriptionPre-exposure prophylaxisOpioid use disorderHIV transmissionUse disordersClinical stakeholdersAvailability of providersSystems of careHealth care systemCoordinated careNew practice modelClinical careMedicationsPharmacy deliveryMOUDNominal group techniqueLocal prescribersPWIDSexual riskPrEPCare systemHealth benefitsCareMultiple visitsProphylaxis
Using nominal group technique to identify barriers, facilitators, and preferences among patients seeking treatment for opioid use disorder: A needs assessment for decision making support
Muthulingam D, Bia J, Madden LM, Farnum SO, Barry DT, Altice FL. Using nominal group technique to identify barriers, facilitators, and preferences among patients seeking treatment for opioid use disorder: A needs assessment for decision making support. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2019, 100: 18-28. PMID: 30898324, PMCID: PMC6432946, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2019.01.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderNominal group techniquePharmacologic therapyUse disordersSyringe exchange programsIndividual-level barriersEvidence-based interventionsAddiction treatment centersEvidence-based strategiesOUD treatmentPharmacologic treatmentSpecific medicationsTreatment optionsPharmacologic propertiesMedicationsDecision aidPatient considerationsSide effectsTreatment centersOpioid crisisSpecific knowledge gapsGroup techniqueDecision aid developmentTreatmentTherapy
Using nominal group technique among clinical providers to identify barriers and prioritize solutions to scaling up opioid agonist therapies in Ukraine
Madden L, Bojko MJ, Farnum S, Mazhnaya A, Fomenko T, Marcus R, Barry D, Ivanchuk I, Kolomiets V, Filippovych S, Dvoryak S, Altice FL. Using nominal group technique among clinical providers to identify barriers and prioritize solutions to scaling up opioid agonist therapies in Ukraine. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2017, 49: 48-53. PMID: 28957756, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.07.025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyNominal group techniqueAgonist therapyBuprenorphine maintenance treatmentAddiction treatment approachesImplementation science strategiesOAT servicesMaintenance treatmentClinical providersTreatment approachesTreatment servicesNGT discussionRegional controlTherapyCliniciansGroup techniqueStructural barriers