Exploration of the multi-level barriers to scaling up methadone for HIV prevention among people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan
Liberman A, Rozental Y, Ivasiy R, Kussainova A, Primbetova S, Madden L, Terlikbayeva A, Altice F. Exploration of the multi-level barriers to scaling up methadone for HIV prevention among people who inject drugs in Kazakhstan. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2025, 172: 209640. PMID: 39986387, DOI: 10.1016/j.josat.2025.209640.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNominal group techniqueHIV preventionCommunity health workersMulti-level barriersIn-depth interviewsHealth workersPWID clientsSocioecological modelCommunity stakeholdersOpioid use disorderFocus groupsHIV epidemicClinical directorsClinical sitesEducating clientsOpioid agonist therapyImprove implementationGroup techniqueResearch teamCHWsPolicy levelUse disorderCliniciansAlternative medicationsEligibility
Assessing mobile health feasibility and acceptability among HIV-infected cocaine users and their healthcare providers: guidance for implementing an intervention
Brown SE, Krishnan A, Ranjit YS, Marcus R, Altice FL. Assessing mobile health feasibility and acceptability among HIV-infected cocaine users and their healthcare providers: guidance for implementing an intervention. MHealth 2020, 6: 4-4. PMID: 32190615, PMCID: PMC7063267, DOI: 10.21037/mhealth.2019.09.12.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMedication adherenceHealthcare providersCocaine useFeasibility of mHealthHIV treatment outcomesCocaine usersCommunity health workersSelf-reported cocaine usePatient-provider relationshipPhone callsPharmacological treatmentText remindersTreatment outcomesHealth workersControl trialFocus groupsMHealth interventionsPatientsHIVMHealth pilotsCost-effective strategyCase managersHealth informationHealth purposesAdherence
Integration and co-location of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and drug treatment services
Sylla L, Bruce RD, Kamarulzaman A, Altice FL. Integration and co-location of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and drug treatment services. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2007, 18: 306-312. PMID: 17689379, PMCID: PMC2696234, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2007.03.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInjection drug useSubstance use treatmentDrug usersEffective substance use treatmentTraining Community Health WorkersActive injection drug useUse treatmentIntegrated care delivery systemSpecialist care providersAdverse drug eventsCommunity health workersComplex patient populationInjection drug usersAdverse side effectsDrug treatment servicesDrug-drug interactionsDetection of tuberculosisCare delivery systemHIV/AIDSAntiretroviral medicationsMedication adherencePatient populationDrug eventsHIV epidemicHealth workers