Projecting the Potential Clinical and Economic Impact of HIV Prevention Resource Reallocation in Tennessee
Borre E, Ahonkhai A, Chi K, Osman A, Thayer K, Person A, Weddle A, Flanagan C, Pettit A, Closs D, Cotton M, Agwu A, Cespedes M, Ciaranello A, Gonsalves G, Hyle E, Paltiel A, Freedberg K, Neilan A. Projecting the Potential Clinical and Economic Impact of HIV Prevention Resource Reallocation in Tennessee. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2024, 79: 1458-1467. PMID: 38913762, PMCID: PMC11650892, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciae243.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCenters for Disease Control and PreventionIncrease HIV testingHuman immunodeficiency virus testingHuman immunodeficiency virusPriority populationsPrEP provisionCare linkageHIV testingPrevention fundingSurvivors of sex traffickingPregnant peopleTransgender womenLife yearsCondom useHIV prevention fundsUS Centers for Disease Control and PreventionDisease Control and PreventionBaseline condom useControl and PreventionReduced condom useHuman immunodeficiency virus transmissionHeterosexual Black womenPreexposure prophylaxisHIV transmissionBlack women
965. Projecting the Potential Clinical and Economic Impact of HIV Prevention Resource Reallocation in Tennessee
Borre E, Ahonkhai A, Chi K, Osman A, Thayer K, Person A, Weddle A, Flanagan C, Pettit A, Closs D, Cotton M, Agwu A, Cespedes M, Ciaranello A, Gonsalves G, Hyle E, Paltiel A, Freedberg K, Neilan A. 965. Projecting the Potential Clinical and Economic Impact of HIV Prevention Resource Reallocation in Tennessee. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2023, 10: ofad500.2460. PMCID: PMC10678140, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofad500.2460.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHIV testingHIV prevention fundingHIV transmissionDeath avertedTransgender womenPregnant peopleHIV careRisk groupsCondom usePrevention fundingHIV testing ratesPre-exposure prophylaxisHIV testing frequencyPriority risk groupBlack womenHeterosexual Black womenNumber of peoplePrEP provisionVirologic suppressionIncident HIVUndiagnosed HIVHIV deathsPrEP usePotential ClinicalClinical impactIncreased HIV Transmissions With Reduced Insurance Coverage for HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis: Potential Consequences of Braidwood Management v. Becerra
Paltiel A, Ahmed A, Jin E, McNamara M, Freedberg K, Neilan A, Gonsalves G. Increased HIV Transmissions With Reduced Insurance Coverage for HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis: Potential Consequences of Braidwood Management v. Becerra. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2023, 10: ofad139. PMID: 37008565, PMCID: PMC10061554, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofad139.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Cost-effectiveness of Frequent HIV Screening Among High-risk Young Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States
Neilan AM, Bulteel AJB, Hosek SG, Foote JHA, Freedberg KA, Landovitz RJ, Walensky RP, Resch SC, Kazemian P, Paltiel AD, Weinstein MC, Wilson CM, Ciaranello AL. Cost-effectiveness of Frequent HIV Screening Among High-risk Young Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2020, 73: e1927-e1935. PMID: 32730625, PMCID: PMC8492162, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1061.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsQuality-adjusted life expectancyHIV transmissionAge 15High-risk young menAdolescent Medicine Trials NetworkAntiretroviral therapy initiationIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioNew HIV infectionsLife expectancyYoung menCost-effectiveness ratioFrequent HIVCD4 countHIV screeningTherapy initiationHIV infectionClinical outcomesHIV incidenceClinical benefitFrequent screeningART costsHIVAge 30Trials NetworkYMSM
Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of immediate antiretroviral therapy initiation for treatment of HIV infection in Côte d’Ivoire: A model-based analysis
Ouattara EN, MacLean RL, Danel C, Borre ED, Gabillard D, Huang M, Moh R, Paltiel AD, Eholié SP, Walensky RP, Anglaret X, Freedberg KA. Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of immediate antiretroviral therapy initiation for treatment of HIV infection in Côte d’Ivoire: A model-based analysis. PLOS ONE 2019, 14: e0219068. PMID: 31247009, PMCID: PMC6597104, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219068.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioImmediate ARTImmediate ART initiationART initiationBudget impactLife expectancyImmediate antiretroviral therapy initiationDecrease HIV transmissionLate ART initiationModest budget impactAntiretroviral therapy initiationMedical resource useCost-effectiveness ratioCost-effectiveness analysisTherapy initiationHIV infectionHIV transmissionCôte d'IvoireART costsART efficacySTART trialCare budgetCD4CareOutcomes
The Clinical and Economic Impact of Attaining National HIV/AIDS Strategy Treatment Targets in the United States
Borre ED, Hyle EP, Paltiel AD, Neilan AM, Sax PE, Freedberg KA, Weinstein MC, Walensky RP. The Clinical and Economic Impact of Attaining National HIV/AIDS Strategy Treatment Targets in the United States. The Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2017, 216: 798-807. PMID: 29029344, PMCID: PMC5853503, DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jix349.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational HIV/AIDS StrategyIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioHuman immunodeficiency virusCost-effectiveness ratioUS National HIV/AIDS StrategyHIV/AIDS StrategyAntiretroviral therapy costsSubstantial clinical benefitHigh HIV prevalenceGeneral US populationYears of lifeVirologic suppressionViral suppressionClinical outcomesAdherence interventionsClinical benefitHIV prevalenceHIV transmissionImmunodeficiency virusMSM populationAIDS StrategyTherapy costsTreatment targetsUS populationBlack menDo Less Harm: Evaluating HIV Programmatic Alternatives in Response to Cutbacks in Foreign Aid.
Walensky RP, Borre ED, Bekker LG, Hyle EP, Gonsalves GS, Wood R, Eholié SP, Weinstein MC, Anglaret X, Freedberg KA, Paltiel AD. Do Less Harm: Evaluating HIV Programmatic Alternatives in Response to Cutbacks in Foreign Aid. Annals Of Internal Medicine 2017, 167: 618-629. PMID: 28847013, PMCID: PMC5675810, DOI: 10.7326/m17-1358.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYears of lifeHIV transmissionHIV programsFuture incident casesSecond-line ARTHIV care continuumViral load monitoringAdverse clinical consequencesResource-limited nationsBase-case analysisCurrent standardHIV deathsIncident casesCôte d'IvoireCare continuumART efficacyClinical consequencesHIV detectionLess HarmHIVSocietal perspectiveProductivity costsNational InstituteDeathYears
Cost-Effectiveness of Community-Based TB/HIV Screening and Linkage to Care in Rural South Africa
Gilbert JA, Shenoi SV, Moll AP, Friedland GH, Paltiel AD, Galvani AP. Cost-Effectiveness of Community-Based TB/HIV Screening and Linkage to Care in Rural South Africa. PLOS ONE 2016, 11: e0165614. PMID: 27906986, PMCID: PMC5131994, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165614.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTB/HIVTB/HIV controlHIV screeningHIV controlRural South AfricaLife yearsMonths of IPTMost life yearsHigh-incidence settingsWidespread prevalenceCost-effectiveness resultsProbabilistic sensitivity analysesHIV transmissionHigh burdenTreatment coverageUnknown patientsHIVHealthcare accessDrug resistanceActive casesMonthsLifetime usePatientsYearsScreeningThe Anticipated Clinical and Economic Effects of 90-90-90 in South Africa.
Walensky RP, Borre ED, Bekker LG, Resch SC, Hyle EP, Wood R, Weinstein MC, Ciaranello AL, Freedberg KA, Paltiel AD. The Anticipated Clinical and Economic Effects of 90-90-90 in South Africa. Annals Of Internal Medicine 2016, 165: 325-33. PMID: 27240120, PMCID: PMC5012932, DOI: 10.7326/m16-0799.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOverall virologic suppressionVirologic suppressionHIV transmissionYears of lifeMaternal orphansTarget strategyHIV/AIDS 90HIV case detectionIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioJoint United Nations ProgrammeHIV transmission ratesSouth African HIVCost of careCost-effectiveness ratioBase-case analysisAIDS 90Incident infectionsAfrican HIVUnited Nations ProgrammeCase detectionHIV detectionTreatment targetsSouth African survey dataRapid treatmentSocietal perspective
Routine HIV Screening in Portugal: Clinical Impact and Cost-Effectiveness
Yazdanpanah Y, Perelman J, DiLorenzo MA, Alves J, Barros H, Mateus C, Pereira J, Mansinho K, Robine M, Park JE, Ross EL, Losina E, Walensky RP, Noubary F, Freedberg KA, Paltiel AD. Routine HIV Screening in Portugal: Clinical Impact and Cost-Effectiveness. PLOS ONE 2013, 8: e84173. PMID: 24367639, PMCID: PMC3867470, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084173.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsQuality-adjusted life yearsIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioQuality-adjusted life monthsRoutine HIVHIV test acceptanceRoutine HIV screeningAge 43 yearsCells/μLSecondary HIV transmissionHigh-risk groupHigh-risk populationRoutine screening programQuality-adjusted survivalCost-effectiveness ratioCD4 countHIV screeningClinical outcomesHIV prevalenceHIV transmissionFrequent screeningClinical impactNational HIVScreening programHigh incidenceHIVCost-Effectiveness of HIV Treatment as Prevention in Serodiscordant Couples
Walensky RP, Ross EL, Kumarasamy N, Wood R, Noubary F, Paltiel AD, Nakamura YM, Godbole SV, Panchia R, Sanne I, Weinstein MC, Losina E, Mayer KH, Chen YQ, Wang L, McCauley M, Gamble T, Seage GR, Cohen MS, Freedberg KA. Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Treatment as Prevention in Serodiscordant Couples. New England Journal Of Medicine 2013, 369: 1715-1725. PMID: 24171517, PMCID: PMC3913536, DOI: 10.1056/nejmsa1214720.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEarly antiretroviral therapyHuman immunodeficiency virusAntiretroviral therapySerodiscordant couplesHIV transmissionHIV Prevention Trials Network 052 studyIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioCost-effectiveness ratioResource-limited settingsHIV infectionClinical benefitImmunodeficiency virusHIV treatmentLonger survivalOpportunistic diseasesEarly initiationFive yearsLifetime outcomesPublic healthSuch personsPatientsPeriodTherapyInfectionDisease
Scaling Up Circumcision Programs in Southern Africa: The Potential Impact of Gender Disparities and Changes in Condom Use Behaviors on Heterosexual HIV Transmission
Andersson KM, Owens DK, Paltiel AD. Scaling Up Circumcision Programs in Southern Africa: The Potential Impact of Gender Disparities and Changes in Condom Use Behaviors on Heterosexual HIV Transmission. AIDS And Behavior 2010, 15: 938-948. PMID: 20924783, PMCID: PMC3112296, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-010-9784-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHeterosexual HIV transmissionCircumcision programsCondom useHIV infectionHIV transmissionRisk reduction counselingNew HIV infectionsMale condom useUncircumcised malesPrevention programsPopulation-level impactCondom use behaviorSexual partnershipsSafer sexCircumcisionMale transmissionInfectionCompartmental epidemic modelWomenSignificant benefitsGender disparitiesUse behaviorsYearsTest and Treat DC: Forecasting the Impact of a Comprehensive HIV Strategy in Washington DC
Walensky RP, Paltiel AD, Losina E, Morris BL, Scott CA, Rhode ER, Seage GR, Freedberg KA, Investigators F. Test and Treat DC: Forecasting the Impact of a Comprehensive HIV Strategy in Washington DC. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2010, 51: 392-400. PMID: 20617921, PMCID: PMC2906630, DOI: 10.1086/655130.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV RNA levelsAntiretroviral therapyLife expectancyAdministration of ARTHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemicART initiation strategiesHIV case detectionRNA levelsUndiagnosed HIV prevalenceCells/microLEarly case identificationInitial mean ageRegular screening programsHIV screeningHIV testAnnual incidenceAnnual screeningHIV prevalenceHIV transmissionHIV strategiesMean ageHIV epidemicCase detectionScreening programART efficacy
The Effect of Antiretroviral Therapy on Secondary Transmission of HIV among Men Who Have Sex with Men
McCormick AW, Walensky RP, Lipsitch M, Losina E, Hsu H, Weinstein MC, Paltiel AD, Freedberg KA, Seage GR. The Effect of Antiretroviral Therapy on Secondary Transmission of HIV among Men Who Have Sex with Men. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2007, 44: 1115-1122. PMID: 17366461, PMCID: PMC2365722, DOI: 10.1086/512816.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntiretroviral therapyCohort of individualsHuman immunodeficiency virus RNA loadEffect of ARTImpact of ARTFurther HIV transmissionUnprotected insertive anal intercourseHIV RNA levelsVirus RNA loadCohort of menSecondary transmissionYears of infectionInsertive anal intercourseRisk reduction interventionsHIV diseaseHIV infectionUntreated cohortHIV transmissionRNA loadVirologic courseSecondary casesAnal intercourseSecondary infectionHIVEffective HIV
Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Screening for Incarcerated Pregnant Women
Resch S, Altice FL, Paltiel AD. Cost-Effectiveness of HIV Screening for Incarcerated Pregnant Women. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2005, 38: 163-173. PMID: 15671801, DOI: 10.1097/01.qai.0000146598.40301.e6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPediatric HIV casesPregnant womenIncarcerated pregnant womenAntiretroviral therapyHIV casesPediatric HIV infectionChild HIV transmissionHIV voluntary counselingHigh-risk populationRate of infectionDecision analytic modelHealth care expendituresHIV screeningHIV infectionVoluntary counselingHIV statusNewborn testingHIV transmissionHIV preventionPrison entrantsNew infectionsHIVTreatment resourcesNewborn screeningCorrectional facilities
Nonrandom Mixing Models of HIV Transmission
Kaplan E, Cramton P, Paltiel A. Nonrandom Mixing Models of HIV Transmission. Lecture Notes In Biomathematics 1989, 83: 218-239. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-93454-4_10.Peer-Reviewed Original Research