Effectiveness of spatially targeted interventions for control of HIV, tuberculosis, leprosy and malaria: a systematic review
Khundi M, Carpenter JR, Nliwasa M, Cohen T, Corbett EL, MacPherson P. Effectiveness of spatially targeted interventions for control of HIV, tuberculosis, leprosy and malaria: a systematic review. BMJ Open 2021, 11: e044715. PMID: 34257091, PMCID: PMC8278879, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044715.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSystematic reviewCommunity public health interventionsGlobal elimination targetsCommunity-based screeningControl of HIVMass drug administrationPublic health interventionsData extraction toolIndoor residual sprayingEvidence of effectWeb of ScienceCochrane DatabaseElimination targetsCommunity screeningInclusion criteriaDrug AdministrationHIVComplex interventionsHealth interventionsInfectious diseasesTuberculosisIntensive interventionIntervention impactMalaria studiesResidual spraying
Smoking and HIV associated with subclinical tuberculosis: analysis of a population-based prevalence survey
Gunasekera K, Cohen T, Gao W, Ayles H, Godfrey-Faussett P, Claassens M. Smoking and HIV associated with subclinical tuberculosis: analysis of a population-based prevalence survey. The International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease 2020, 24: 340-346. PMID: 32228765, DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.19.0387.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsActive TBPrevalence surveyPopulation-based prevalence surveyCurrent tobacco smokingTypical symptomsHIV-positive statusTuberculosis prevalence surveyPrevalence survey dataSubclinical tuberculosisPositive TBCrude prevalenceTobacco smokingEpidemiological burdenPrevalent casesReduction TrialSubclinical TBMedical variablesSecondary analysisEstimate associationsSouth African communitySymptomsHIVSmokingTuberculosisDisease
Spatially targeted screening to reduce tuberculosis transmission in high-incidence settings
Cudahy PGT, Andrews JR, Bilinski A, Dowdy DW, Mathema B, Menzies NA, Salomon JA, Shrestha S, Cohen T. Spatially targeted screening to reduce tuberculosis transmission in high-incidence settings. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2018, 19: e89-e95. PMID: 30554997, PMCID: PMC6401264, DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(18)30443-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTuberculosis incidenceLow tuberculosis incidence settingsActive case-finding strategyHigh tuberculosis (TB) incidence countriesCase-finding strategyTuberculosis control strategiesHigh-incidence settingsInfectious causesIncidence settingsIncidence countriesTuberculosis transmissionTreatment outcomesActive screeningOnward transmissionSystematic reviewInfectious individualsInfectious periodTuberculosisIncidenceDeathCauseProximal causeHIVMixed resultsMortality
Using Chemical Reaction Kinetics to Predict Optimal Antibiotic Treatment Strategies
Wiesch P, Clarelli F, Cohen T. Using Chemical Reaction Kinetics to Predict Optimal Antibiotic Treatment Strategies. PLOS Computational Biology 2017, 13: e1005321. PMID: 28060813, PMCID: PMC5257006, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005321.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOptimal dosingTreatment strategiesOnset of actionAntibiotic treatment strategiesAntibiotic concentrationsOptimal therapyFrequent dosingHigh dosesBacterial infectionsDrug concentrationsDosingBacterial replicationAntibioticsPhysiological fluctuationsAntibiotic effectCellsHIVBacterial growthTherapyCancerInfectionMalariaDoses
Benefits of continuous isoniazid preventive therapy may outweigh resistance risks in a declining tuberculosis/HIV coepidemic
Kunkel A, Crawford FW, Shepherd J, Cohen T. Benefits of continuous isoniazid preventive therapy may outweigh resistance risks in a declining tuberculosis/HIV coepidemic. AIDS 2016, 30: 2715-2723. PMID: 27782966, PMCID: PMC5089846, DOI: 10.1097/qad.0000000000001235.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsContinuous isoniazid preventive therapyIsoniazid preventive therapyIsoniazid-resistant tuberculosisTB epidemicPreventive therapyEffective TB treatmentLatent TB infectionTB drug resistanceTransmission dynamic modelTB infectionMortality benefitTB treatmentHIV controlHIV incidenceTB incidenceTB transmissionCase findingDrug resistanceIncidenceTuberculosisInitial benefitPLHIVHIVTherapyEpidemicGenomic diversity in autopsy samples reveals within-host dissemination of HIV-associated Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Lieberman TD, Wilson D, Misra R, Xiong LL, Moodley P, Cohen T, Kishony R. Genomic diversity in autopsy samples reveals within-host dissemination of HIV-associated Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nature Medicine 2016, 22: 1470-1474. PMID: 27798613, PMCID: PMC5508070, DOI: 10.1038/nm.4205.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in high burden settings
Yates TA, Khan PY, Knight GM, Taylor JG, McHugh TD, Lipman M, White RG, Cohen T, Cobelens FG, Wood R, Moore DA, Abubakar I. The transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in high burden settings. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2016, 16: 227-238. PMID: 26867464, DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(15)00499-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-burden settingsBurden settingsTuberculosis infection controlMycobacterium tuberculosis transmissionEffects of HIVHealth care workersDrug-resistant strainsAntiretroviral therapyPerson transmissionTuberculosis transmissionInfection controlTransmission riskAirborne transmissionMycobacterium tuberculosisWells-Riley equationPresent research prioritiesTransmission dynamicsResearch prioritiesHIVEffective strategyTherapyTuberculosisSettingTrials
HIV burden in men who have sex with men: a prospective cohort study 2007–2012
Jia Z, Huang X, Wu H, Zhang T, Li N, Ding P, Sun Y, Liu Z, Wei F, Zhang H, Jiao Y, Ji Y, Zhang Y, Guo C, Li W, Mou D, Xia W, Li Z, Chen D, Yan H, Chen X, Zhao J, Meyers K, Cohen T, Mayer K, Salomon JA, Lu Z, Dye C. HIV burden in men who have sex with men: a prospective cohort study 2007–2012. Scientific Reports 2015, 5: 11205. PMID: 26135810, PMCID: PMC5393284, DOI: 10.1038/srep11205.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV infectionHIV-negative MSMProspective cohort studyHIV incidence ratesIntensive preventive interventionIncident HIVCohort studyHIV burdenHIV incidenceIncident casesRisk factorsIncidence rateEarly treatmentPrevalent casesChinese MSMHIVPreventive interventionsInfectionMSMFollowPerfect complianceMenEnrollmentSyphilisCohortHow could preventive therapy affect the prevalence of drug resistance? Causes and consequences
Kunkel A, Colijn C, Lipsitch M, Cohen T. How could preventive therapy affect the prevalence of drug resistance? Causes and consequences. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences 2015, 370: 20140306. PMID: 25918446, PMCID: PMC4424438, DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0306.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreventative therapyDrug resistanceDrug-sensitive pathogensProphylactic antimicrobial therapyLong-term prevalenceSmall pilot studyActive diseaseOverall prevalenceAntimicrobial therapyPrevalencePilot studyTherapyPopulation-level changesPotential population-level effectsDirect effectLevel of coveragePopulation-level effectsHIVTuberculosisMalariaDiseaseCareEvaluating the potential impact of enhancing HIV treatment and tuberculosis control programmes on the burden of tuberculosis
Chindelevitch L, Menzies NA, Pretorius C, Stover J, Salomon JA, Cohen T. Evaluating the potential impact of enhancing HIV treatment and tuberculosis control programmes on the burden of tuberculosis. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015, 12: 20150146. PMID: 25878131, PMCID: PMC4424692, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2015.0146.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntiretroviral therapyTB incidenceTB burdenBurden of tuberculosisTuberculosis Control ProgrammePotential epidemiological impactART eligibilityMortality benefitTB programsHIV treatmentTB prevalenceTuberculosis incidenceEpidemiological impactART useProgram improvementHIVTreatment effectivenessIncidenceMortalityGreater reductionBurdenTBSaharan AfricaControl programsEligibility
Modelling the performance of isoniazid preventive therapy for reducing tuberculosis in HIV endemic settings: the effects of network structure
Mills HL, Cohen T, Colijn C. Modelling the performance of isoniazid preventive therapy for reducing tuberculosis in HIV endemic settings: the effects of network structure. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2011, 8: 1510-1520. PMID: 21508012, PMCID: PMC3163428, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2011.0160.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTB diseaseLatent M. tuberculosis infectionEffects of IptHIV-endemic settingsActive tuberculosis diseaseIsoniazid preventive therapyIntact immune systemM. tuberculosis infectionWorld Health OrganizationPreventive therapyTB casesTuberculosis infectionTuberculosis diseaseClinical trialsEndemic settingsIPT programHigh riskLatent infectionSingle drugCommunity-wide levelRespiratory contactHIVImmune systemPopulation-level impactUse of IPT
Extensively Drug‐Resistant Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS
Murray M, Cohen T. Extensively Drug‐Resistant Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. 2009, 253-275. DOI: 10.1002/9783527627905.ch10.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Beneficial and perverse effects of isoniazid preventive therapy for latent tuberculosis infection in HIV–tuberculosis coinfected populations
Cohen T, Lipsitch M, Walensky RP, Murray M. Beneficial and perverse effects of isoniazid preventive therapy for latent tuberculosis infection in HIV–tuberculosis coinfected populations. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2006, 103: 7042-7047. PMID: 16632605, PMCID: PMC1459015, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0600349103.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIsoniazid preventive therapyDrug-resistant TBCommunity-wide isoniazid preventive therapyPreventive therapyTuberculosis infectionTB controlLatent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infectionLatent tuberculosis infectionProportion of patientsMycobacterium tuberculosis infectionIncidence of TBTuberculosis case notificationCommunity-wide implementationEmergence of HIVCommunity-wide strategiesHIV-tuberculosisTB-HIVCoinfected individualsTB epidemicCase notificationTreatment policyHIVTherapyInfectionTB