Transmissibility and potential for disease progression of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: prospective cohort study
Becerra MC, Huang CC, Lecca L, Bayona J, Contreras C, Calderon R, Yataco R, Galea J, Zhang Z, Atwood S, Cohen T, Mitnick CD, Farmer P, Murray M. Transmissibility and potential for disease progression of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis: prospective cohort study. The BMJ 2019, 367: l5894. PMID: 31649017, PMCID: PMC6812583, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.l5894.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDrug-sensitive tuberculosisMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisHousehold contactsProspective cohort studySensitive tuberculosisTuberculosis infectionResistant tuberculosisCohort studyTuberculosis diseaseHigh riskDrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosisIncident tuberculosis diseasePhenotypic drug resistanceDistrict Health CenterResistant Mycobacterium tuberculosisDrug-susceptible strainsDrug resistance profilesActive diseasePulmonary tuberculosisDisease progressionGuideline producersHealth centersIndex patientsEffective treatmentPatients
Catastrophic costs potentially averted by tuberculosis control in India and South Africa: a modelling study
Verguet S, Riumallo-Herl C, Gomez GB, Menzies NA, Houben RMGJ, Sumner T, Lalli M, White RG, Salomon JA, Cohen T, Foster N, Chatterjee S, Sweeney S, Baena IG, Lönnroth K, Weil DE, Vassall A. Catastrophic costs potentially averted by tuberculosis control in India and South Africa: a modelling study. The Lancet Global Health 2017, 5: e1123-e1132. PMID: 29025634, PMCID: PMC5640802, DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(17)30341-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisEnd TB StrategyTuberculosis servicesCatastrophic costsTB StrategyDrug-sensitive tuberculosisCatastrophic financial burdenAnnual household incomeTuberculosis careTuberculosis controlEconomic burdenTuberculosisIntervention effectsMelinda Gates FoundationHousehold incomeIndirect costsFinancial burdenExpansion of accessPatientsTotal annual household incomeTreatmentCareGates FoundationBurdenIntervention scenarios
The Effect of HIV-Related Immunosuppression on the Risk of Tuberculosis Transmission to Household Contacts
Huang CC, Tchetgen ET, Becerra MC, Cohen T, Hughes KC, Zhang Z, Calderon R, Yataco R, Contreras C, Galea J, Lecca L, Murray M. The Effect of HIV-Related Immunosuppression on the Risk of Tuberculosis Transmission to Household Contacts. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2013, 58: 765-774. PMID: 24368620, PMCID: PMC3935504, DOI: 10.1093/cid/cit948.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman immunodeficiency virusHousehold contactsIndex patientsCD4 countTuberculosis patientsTuberculosis transmissionHIV-negative tuberculosis patientsHIV-negative patientsHIV-positive patientsDrug-sensitive tuberculosisTuberculin skin testingTuberculosis infection statusRisk of infectionCoinfected PatientsActive tuberculosisTuberculosis infectionHIV statusSkin testingImmunodeficiency virusRisk factorsRelative riskPatientsTuberculosisInfection statusInfectionResponse to Comment on “Community-Wide Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Drives Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Model-Based Analysis”
Mills HL, Cohen T, Colijn C. Response to Comment on “Community-Wide Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Drives Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Model-Based Analysis”. Science Translational Medicine 2013, 5: 204lr4. PMID: 24068734, DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3007442.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIsoniazid preventive therapyDrug-sensitive tuberculosisDrug-resistant diseasePreventive therapyResistant tuberculosisRapid treatmentTuberculosisTherapyDisease
Models to understand the population-level impact of mixed strain M. tuberculosis infections
Sergeev R, Colijn C, Cohen T. Models to understand the population-level impact of mixed strain M. tuberculosis infections. Journal Of Theoretical Biology 2011, 280: 88-100. PMID: 21514304, PMCID: PMC3111980, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.04.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDrug-resistant strainsMixed strain infectionsStrain infectionDrug-sensitive tuberculosisDrug-resistant tuberculosisM. tuberculosis infectionLower basic reproductive numberDrug-resistant infectionsTuberculosis patientsTuberculosis infectionTreatment successDrug-resistant bacteriaFuture burdenLong-term effectsStrain-specific differencesDrug resistanceInfectionPopulation-level impactTuberculosisM. tuberculosisMixed infectionsMycobacterium tuberculosisBasic reproductive numberCo-infected hostsSmall subpopulation
Assessing spatiotemporal patterns of multidrug-resistant and drug-sensitive tuberculosis in a South American setting
LIN H, SHIN S, BLAYA JA, ZHANG Z, CEGIELSKI P, CONTRERAS C, ASENCIOS L, BONILLA C, BAYONA J, PACIOREK CJ, COHEN T. Assessing spatiotemporal patterns of multidrug-resistant and drug-sensitive tuberculosis in a South American setting. Epidemiology And Infection 2010, 139: 1784-1793. PMID: 21205434, PMCID: PMC3153578, DOI: 10.1017/s0950268810002797.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTB casesMDR diseaseMultidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) casesDrug-sensitive tuberculosisDrug-resistant diseaseDrug susceptibility testingMDR-TBMDR casesTuberculosis casesIncident casesSubgroup analysisInfection controlK statisticInfectious durationAppearance of resistanceDistricts of LimaSusceptibility testingDiseasePatientsTBUrban settingsCasesTuberculosisSettingMDR