Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia miyamotoi seroprevalence in California blood donors
Brummitt SI, Kjemtrup AM, Harvey DJ, Petersen JM, Sexton C, Replogle A, Packham AE, Bloch EM, Barbour AG, Krause PJ, Green V, Smith WA. Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia miyamotoi seroprevalence in California blood donors. PLOS ONE 2020, 15: e0243950. PMID: 33370341, PMCID: PMC7769429, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0243950.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLyme diseaseBlood donorsB. miyamotoiB. burgdorferiEndemic countiesWestern blotBorrelia miyamotoiB. burgdorferi antibodiesAdult blood donorsBorrelia burgdorferiIgG Western blotBlood donor seraRisk of infectionELISA test systemBurgdorferi antibodiesDonor seraC6 ELISAClinical casesEquivocal samplesHuman casesDiseaseAntibodiesI. pacificus ticksMiyamotoiBurgdorferiParasite burden and red blood cell exchange transfusion for babesiosis
O'Bryan J, Gokhale A, Hendrickson JE, Krause PJ. Parasite burden and red blood cell exchange transfusion for babesiosis. Journal Of Clinical Apheresis 2020, 36: 127-134. PMID: 33179803, PMCID: PMC9517950, DOI: 10.1002/jca.21853.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEnd-organ dysfunctionPeak parasitemia levelsRed blood cell exchange transfusionParasitemia levelsExchange transfusionPeak parasitemiaDisease severityParasite burdenYale-New Haven HospitalBabesia microti parasitemiaHigh-grade parasitemiaRetrospective chart reviewBabesia microti infectionNew Haven HospitalAntimicrobial agentsChart reviewHepatic dysfunctionPatient demographicsClinical statusMedian lengthLaboratory indicatorsMicroti infectionDegree of hemolysisNineteen subjectsDysfunction
Repeat exchange transfusion for treatment of severe babesiosis
Radcliffe C, Krause PJ, Grant M. Repeat exchange transfusion for treatment of severe babesiosis. Transfusion And Apheresis Science 2019, 58: 638-640. PMID: 31526674, DOI: 10.1016/j.transci.2019.07.010.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesConceptsRepeat exchange transfusionExchange transfusionSevere babesiosisHospital day 5Second exchange transfusionBabesia microti infectionHigh feverRheumatoid arthritisMicroti infectionTransfusionDay 5Literature searchDearth of informationParasitemiaInfectionBabesiosisEtanerceptArthritisFeverClindamycinHypoxiaCasesWeeksWomen
Human Babesiosis Caused by a Babesia crassa–Like Pathogen: A Case Series
Jia N, Zheng YC, Jiang JF, Jiang RR, Jiang BG, Wei R, Liu HB, Huo QB, Sun Y, Chu YL, Fan H, Chang QC, Yao NN, Zhang WH, Wang H, Guo DH, Fu X, Wang YW, Krause PJ, Song JL, Cao WC. Human Babesiosis Caused by a Babesia crassa–Like Pathogen: A Case Series. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2018, 67: 1110-1119. PMID: 29538646, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciy212.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPolymerase chain reactionAsymptomatic infectionTick biteHuman babesiosisInfection 9 monthsRecent tick biteViral-like illnessCommon clinical manifestationsHaemaphysalis concinna ticksCase seriesInitial diagnosisClinical manifestationsOvarian tumorsModerate symptomsUS CentersBlood supplySevere diseaseHealthy residentsHealth problemsDisease controlInfectionChain reactionGenetic sequencingPatientsFurther investigation
Case report of the patient source of the Babesia microti R1 reference strain and implications for travelers
Stahl P, Poinsignon Y, Pouedras P, Ciubotaru V, Berry L, Emu B, Krause PJ, Mamoun C, Cornillot E. Case report of the patient source of the Babesia microti R1 reference strain and implications for travelers. Journal Of Travel Medicine 2017, 25: tax073. PMID: 29394381, PMCID: PMC6927858, DOI: 10.1093/jtm/tax073.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIndirect immunofluorescence antibody testingBabesiosis casesB. microti antibodiesB. microtiTreatment of babesiosisImmunofluorescence antibody testingB. microti infectionNon-endemic areasDiagnosis of babesiosisMicroti antibodiesFebrile illnessImmunocompetent patientsRed blood cellsAntibody testingB. microti DNAPhysical examinationCase reportMedical historyMicroti infectionTick biteClinical informationEndemic areasPatient sourcePatientsBlood smears
Persistent and Relapsing Babesiosis in Immunocompromised Patients
Krause PJ, Gewurz BE, Hill D, Marty FM, Vannier E, Foppa IM, Furman RR, Neuhaus E, Skowron G, Gupta S, McCalla C, Pesanti EL, Young M, Heiman D, Hsue G, Gelfand JA, Wormser GP, Dickason J, Bia FJ, Hartman B, Telford SR, Christianson D, Dardick K, Coleman M, Girotto JE, Spielman A. Persistent and Relapsing Babesiosis in Immunocompromised Patients. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2008, 46: 370-376. PMID: 18181735, DOI: 10.1086/525852.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCase patientsAntibabesial treatmentClinical courseControl subjectsBlood smearsRetrospective case-control studyOptimal treatment regimenStandard antimicrobial therapyMalaria-like illnessBabesia microti infectionMost cases patientsCase-control studyCourse of therapyB-cell lymphomaAdministration of atovaquoneImmunologic statusStandard therapyAntimicrobial regimenSuch patientsTreatment regimenMicroti infectionAntimicrobial therapyPersistent infectionCell lymphomaAcute babesiosis
Serum Reactivity against Borrelia burgdorferi OspA in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritisâ–¿
Hsieh YF, Liu HW, Hsu TC, Wei J, Shih CM, Krause PJ, Tsay GJ. Serum Reactivity against Borrelia burgdorferi OspA in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritisâ–¿. MSphere 2007, 14: 1437-1441. PMID: 17881508, PMCID: PMC2168181, DOI: 10.1128/cvi.00151-07.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntibodies, BacterialAntigens, BacterialAntigens, SurfaceArthritis, RheumatoidAutoimmune DiseasesBacterial Outer Membrane ProteinsBacterial VaccinesBlotting, WesternBorrelia burgdorferiEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayFemaleHumansLipoproteinsLyme DiseaseMaleMiddle AgedRecombinant Fusion ProteinsConceptsRheumatoid arthritis patientsRheumatoid arthritisOspA antigenArthritis patientsAutoimmune diseasesSerum reactivityLyme diseaseDisease Activity ScoreCommon clinical featuresLyme disease patientsSurface protein AArthritis correlatesSynovial histologyOuter surface protein ALyme arthritisActivity scoreClinical featuresDisease patientsSerum concentrationsSimilar pathogenesisHealthy subjectsPatientsArthritisDisease severityDisease
Absence of erythrocyte sequestration in a case of babesiosis in a splenectomized human patient
Clark IA, Budd AC, Hsue G, Haymore BR, Joyce AJ, Thorner R, Krause PJ. Absence of erythrocyte sequestration in a case of babesiosis in a splenectomized human patient. Malaria Journal 2006, 5: 69. PMID: 16887045, PMCID: PMC1552079, DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-5-69.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMulti-organ failureParasitized erythrocytesSevere multi-organ failureBabesia microti infectionChronic lymphocytic leukemiaCases of babesiosisFalciparum malariaSplenectomized patientsSimilar pathogenesisVascular occlusionMicroti infectionErythrocyte sequestrationLymphocytic leukemiaProtozoal infectionsVascular locationColon cancerHuman patientsResultsNo evidenceVascular lumenHuman casesB. microtiTissue sectionsPatientsPathogenesisInfection
Increasing health burden of human babesiosis in endemic sites.
KRAUSE PJ, McKay K, Gadbaw J, Christianson D, Closter L, Lepore T, TELFORD SR, Sikand V, Ryan R, Persing D, RADOLF JD, Spielman A, _ _. Increasing health burden of human babesiosis in endemic sites. American Journal Of Tropical Medicine And Hygiene 2003, 68: 431-6. PMID: 12875292, DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.2003.68.431.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYears of ageEndemic sitesCommunity-based serosurveysClinical spectrumHealth burdenPeople 20Borrelial infectionHuman infectionsBabesial infectionMore older adultsBabesia microtiBabesial antigensOlder adultsHuman babesiosisYoung adultsInfectionBorrelia burgdorferiIncidenceThree-fourthsAdultsAgePrudence IslandSeroprevalenceSerosurveyHospital
Atovaquone and Azithromycin for the Treatment of Babesiosis
Krause P, Lepore T, Sikand V, Gadbaw J, Burke G, Telford S, Brassard P, Pearl D, Azlanzadeh J, Christianson D, McGrath D, Spielman A. Atovaquone and Azithromycin for the Treatment of Babesiosis. New England Journal Of Medicine 2000, 343: 1454-1458. PMID: 11078770, DOI: 10.1056/nejm200011163432004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommon adverse effectsTreatment of babesiosisAdverse reactionsAdverse effectsCourse of clindamycinRegimen of clindamycinStart of therapyMalaria-like illnessPromising alternative treatmentStandard treatmentAlternative treatmentRegimenClindamycinAzithromycinAtovaquoneMonthsDiarrheaTreatmentBabesiosisQuinineSymptomsSubjectsPercentDaysBabesia microti DNA