Clinical Implications of TP53 Mutations/Allelic State in Patients (Pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS) Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA)- a Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis from the Validate Database
Kewan T, Bewersdorf J, Blaha O, Stahl M, Al Ali N, DeZern A, Sekeres M, Carraway H, Desai P, Griffiths E, Stein E, Brunner A, Amaya M, Zeidner J, Savona M, Stempel J, Chandhok N, Cochran H, Ramaswamy R, Singh A, Roboz G, Rolles B, Wang E, Harris A, Shallis R, Xie Z, Padron E, Maciejewski J, Della Porta M, Komrokji R, Sallman D, Zeidan A. Clinical Implications of TP53 Mutations/Allelic State in Patients (Pts) with Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (MDS) Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA)- a Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis from the Validate Database. Blood 2023, 142: 1002. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-186875.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOverall response rateMedian overall survivalOverall survivalComplete responseHMA initiationHMA therapyMultivariable Cox proportional hazards regression modelsCox proportional hazards regression modelHigh-risk disease featuresComplex karyotypeProportional hazards regression modelsWorse overall survivalLog-rank testHazards regression modelsSignificant differencesLogistic regression modelsAllogenic HSCTBM biopsyHMA cyclesMDS-EBTherapy initiationMedian ageRegression modelsCR ratePoor outcomeValidation of the Composite Complete Response (cCR) Definitions in the International Working Group (IWG) 2023 Criteria in Patients (Pts) with Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (HR-MDS) Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA) - a Large, Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis from the Validate Database
Bewersdorf J, Kewan T, Blaha O, Stahl M, Al Ali N, DeZern A, Sekeres M, Uy G, Carraway H, Desai P, Griffiths E, Stein E, Brunner A, McMahon C, Zeidner J, Savona M, Stempel J, Chandhok N, Logothetis C, Roboz G, Rolles B, Wang E, Harris A, Amaya M, Hawkins H, Grenet J, Shallis R, Xie Z, Maciejewski J, Sallman D, Della Porta M, Komrokji R, Zeidan A. Validation of the Composite Complete Response (cCR) Definitions in the International Working Group (IWG) 2023 Criteria in Patients (Pts) with Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Neoplasms (HR-MDS) Treated with Hypomethylating Agents (HMA) - a Large, Multicenter, Retrospective Analysis from the Validate Database. Blood 2023, 142: 324. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-180299.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImproved OSHypomethylating agentHMA initiationMedian OSResponse assessmentTP53 mutationsResponse definitionsPartial hematologic recoveryPredictors of OSMultivariable Cox modelBone marrow blastsKaplan-Meier analysisLog-rank testOverall response rateEfficacy of therapyMultivariable regression modelsReal-world analysisAllo-HCTBM assessmentBM evaluationHemoglobin thresholdHematologic recoveryMarrow blastsMedian durationMedian age