Min-Jong Kang, MD, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine)Cards
Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine)
My prior studies focused on the pathogenesis of cigarette-smoke (CS) -induced lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), wherein we demonstrated that the IL-18 system plays an important role in the pathogenesis of CS-induced emphysematous lung destruction. These studies led me to question the effect of CS on innate immunity on the interaction between the host and microorganisms and, for this purpose, I had established a murine cigarette smoke and virus co-exposure model. These studies revealed important insight into the interaction between CS and the innate immunity resulting in a publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. In that study, we identified that CS smoke selectively augments respiratory antiviral innate immune responses via a MAVS-RLHs antiviral signaling pathway. To gain better understanding of the mechanisms, my laboratory is focusing on the role(s) of mitochondrial dysfunction and immune dysregulation in the setting of smoking exposure. By applying recent state-of-art knowledge of mitochondrial biology, our research goal is to establish mitochondrial dysfunction and mitochondrial injury/damage responses as a key event in the pathogenesis of COPD and CS-and virus-associated disorders and as such, to provide a new perspective of our understanding of COPD and CS-and virus-associated disorders.
Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine
Associate Professor on TermPrimary
Other Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- PhD
- Seoul National University (2002)
- Seoul National University (1999)
- MD
- Seoul National University (1991)
- BS
- Seoul National University (1987)
Eosinophilia is a favorable marker for pneumonia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Gu K, Jung J, Kang M, Kim D, Choi H, Cho Y, Jang S, Lee C, Oh Y, Park J, Kim J. Eosinophilia is a favorable marker for pneumonia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Tuberculosis And Respiratory Diseases 2024, 87: 465-472. PMID: 38710525, PMCID: PMC11468446, DOI: 10.4046/trd.2023.0174.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCommunity-acquired pneumoniaChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCost of medical careObstructive pulmonary diseaseMedical careDuration of antibiotic treatmentReduced C-reactive protein levelsPneumonia Severity Index scorePulmonary diseaseCommunity-acquired pneumonia patientsC-reactive protein levelsHealth-care consumptionCohort study dataSeverity index scoreSeverity of pneumoniaPost hoc analysisClinical characteristicsAntibiotic treatmentFewer episodesEosinophiliaMulti-centerPatientsPneumonia patientsPneumoniaEosinophilic patientsEpidermal Growth Factor Receptor Regulates Beclin-1 in Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury
Harris Z, Sun Y, Korde A, Hu B, Sharma L, Manning E, Joerns J, Clark B, Stanley G, Shin H, Placek L, Unutmaz D, Chun H, Sauler M, Rajagopalan G, Zhang X, Wang H, Kang M, Koff J. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Regulates Beclin-1 in Hyperoxia-Induced Lung Injury. 2024, a6841-a6841. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2024.209.1_meetingabstracts.a6841.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAlveolar Type 2 Cells With Impaired Proteostasis Signal to Monocyte-derived Macrophages Via a MIF/DDT-CD74 Signaling Network to Promotes Pulmonary Fibrosis in IPF
Kim S, Nouws J, Cooley J, Ahangari F, Leng L, Elias J, Kaminski N, Lee P, Redente E, Kang M, Sun H, Herzog E, Bucala R, Prasse A, Sauler M. Alveolar Type 2 Cells With Impaired Proteostasis Signal to Monocyte-derived Macrophages Via a MIF/DDT-CD74 Signaling Network to Promotes Pulmonary Fibrosis in IPF. 2024, a3001-a3001. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2024.209.1_meetingabstracts.a3001.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The serotype-specific prevalence of pneumococci in hospitalized pneumonia patients with COPD: a prospective, multi-center, cohort study
Kim J, Jung J, Kang M, Kim D, Choi H, Cho Y, Jang S, Lee C, Oh Y, Park J. The serotype-specific prevalence of pneumococci in hospitalized pneumonia patients with COPD: a prospective, multi-center, cohort study. The Korean Journal Of Internal Medicine 2023, 38: 714-724. PMID: 37586811, PMCID: PMC10493435, DOI: 10.3904/kjim.2023.152.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommunity-acquired pneumoniaSerotype-specific prevalencePneumococcal pneumoniaCohort studyS. pneumoniaeChronic obstructive pulmonary disease patientsPneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 23Obstructive pulmonary disease patientsPCV-13 vaccinationUrine antigen detectionPulmonary disease patientsCommon pneumococcal serotypesPost-vaccination eraPneumococcal vaccinationSerotype 22FCOPD patientsInfluenza vaccinationPCV-13Clinical characteristicsVaccination statusOverall incidencePneumonia patientsPPV-23Pneumococcal serotypesVaccination ratesVISTA (PD-1H) Is a Crucial Immune Regulator to Limit Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Kim S, Adams T, Hu Q, Shin H, Chae G, Lee S, Sharma L, Kwon H, Lee F, Park H, Huh W, Manning E, Kaminski N, Sauler M, Chen L, Song J, Kim T, Kang M. VISTA (PD-1H) Is a Crucial Immune Regulator to Limit Pulmonary Fibrosis. American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology 2023, 69: 22-33. PMID: 36450109, PMCID: PMC10324045, DOI: 10.1165/rcmb.2022-0219oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosisPulmonary fibrosisImmune regulatorsTherapeutic potentialHuman idiopathic pulmonary fibrosisCrucial immune regulatorsNovel immune regulatorPulmonary fibrosis micePulmonary fibrosis modelNovel therapeutic targetRole of VISTAWild-type littermatesMonocyte-derived macrophagesT lymphocyte lineageVISTA expressionIPF treatmentAntibody treatmentImmune landscapeFibrotic mediatorsLung fibrosisFibrosis miceInflammatory responseFibrosis modelMyeloid populationsTherapeutic targetNLRX1 knockdown attenuates pro-apoptotic signaling and cell death in pulmonary hyperoxic acute injury
Kim H, Kim M, Kim E, Leem J, Baek S, Lee Y, Kim K, Kang M, Song T, Sohn M. NLRX1 knockdown attenuates pro-apoptotic signaling and cell death in pulmonary hyperoxic acute injury. Scientific Reports 2023, 13: 3441. PMID: 36859435, PMCID: PMC9975446, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-28206-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHyperoxic acute lung injuryAcute lung injuryLung injuryWT miceAcute respiratory failurePro-inflammatory cytokinesCell deathRespiratory failureAcute injuryInflammatory cellsReduced mortalityRole of NLRX1Murine modelNLRX1 expressionPro-apoptotic signalingCell cytotoxicityHyperoxiaInjuryMiceProtein leakageHyperoxic conditionsNLRX1Apoptotic cell deathERK 1/2Reactive oxygen species
Nucleotide‐binding domain and leucine‐rich‐repeat‐containing protein X1 deficiency induces nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide decline, mechanistic target of rapamycin activation, and cellular senescence and accelerates aging lung‐like changes
Shin HJ, Kim S, Park H, Shin M, Kang I, Kang M. Nucleotide‐binding domain and leucine‐rich‐repeat‐containing protein X1 deficiency induces nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide decline, mechanistic target of rapamycin activation, and cellular senescence and accelerates aging lung‐like changes. Aging Cell 2021, 20: e13410. PMID: 34087956, PMCID: PMC8282248, DOI: 10.1111/acel.13410.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCellular senescenceActivation of mTORNucleotide-binding domainCellular senescence responseReplicative cellular senescenceNLR family membersOrganismal agingCellular physiologyMitochondrial moleculesSenescence responseCellular locationProtein X1Crucial regulatorMechanistic targetMitochondrial functionMolecular hallmarksNLRX1 functionRapamycin (mTOR) activationMitochondrial dysfunctionSenescenceMTORPharmacological inhibitionNLRX1BiologyAging LungInterleukin-13으로 유도된 폐 병태생리에 대한 atorvastatin의 치료 효과
Mo Y, Bae B, Kim J, Kim R, Son K, Kang M, Lee C, Cho S, Kang H. Interleukin-13으로 유도된 폐 병태생리에 대한 atorvastatin의 치료 효과. Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease 2021, 9: 76-83. DOI: 10.4168/aard.2021.9.2.76.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Retrograde signaling by a mtDNA-encoded non-coding RNA preserves mitochondrial bioenergetics
Blumental-Perry A, Jobava R, Bederman I, Degar A, Kenche H, Guan B, Pandit K, Perry N, Molyneaux N, Wu J, Prendergas E, Ye Z, Zhang J, Nelson C, Ahangari F, Krokowski D, Guttentag S, Linden P, Townsend D, Miron A, Kang M, Kaminski N, Perry Y, Hatzoglou M. Retrograde signaling by a mtDNA-encoded non-coding RNA preserves mitochondrial bioenergetics. Communications Biology 2020, 3: 626. PMID: 33127975, PMCID: PMC7603330, DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-01322-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMitochondrial genomeNuclear-encoded genesCell type-specific mannerNon-coding RNASteady-state transcriptionMitochondrial energy metabolismControl regionPositive regulationMitochondrial bioenergeticsMitochondria stressMitochondrial functionSpecific mannerAlveolar epithelial type II cellsEnergy metabolismType II cellsEpithelial type II cellsGenomePhysiological stressRNAII cellsCellsMouse lungTranscriptionGenesMitochondriaSmoking Alters Inflammation and Skeletal Stem and Progenitor Cell Activity During Fracture Healing in Different Murine Strains
Hao Z, Li J, Li B, Alder KD, Cahill SV, Munger AM, Lee I, Kwon H, Back J, Xu S, Kang M, Lee FY. Smoking Alters Inflammation and Skeletal Stem and Progenitor Cell Activity During Fracture Healing in Different Murine Strains. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research 2020, 36: 186-198. PMID: 32866293, PMCID: PMC9057220, DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.4175.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCigarette smoke exposureCigarette smokingFracture healingSmoke exposureMurine modelMolecular alterationsBALB/cJ miceBiomechanical testingPro-inflammatory mediatorsCytokine/chemokine analysisImpaired fracture healingMultiplex cytokine/chemokine analysisInitial inflammatory responseFracture healing capacityBALB/cJProgenitor cell activitySmoking miceTransverse femoral osteotomyFemoral osteotomyImmune cellsChemokine analysisInflammatory responseFracture hematomaHigh riskMurine strains
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