Sexual Minority Individuals’ Explanations for the Sexual Orientation Disparity in Depression: Relevance to Their Well-Being and Optimism
Pachankis J, Maiolatesi A, Sullivan T, Ankrum H, Lebowitz M. Sexual Minority Individuals’ Explanations for the Sexual Orientation Disparity in Depression: Relevance to Their Well-Being and Optimism. Psychology Of Sexual Orientation And Gender Diversity 2025 DOI: 10.1037/sgd0000810.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSexual minority individualsMinority individualsSexual orientation disparitiesExternal attributionsStyle theoryMinority stress theoryMental health disparitiesOrientation disparitiesSelf-reported current depressionInterpersonal maltreatmentFuture depressionEndorser attributesCurrent depressionMental health impactsInternal attributionsPositive expectationsDepressionInduce pessimismMental healthSexual minoritiesCategories of explanationsWell-beingHealth disparities researchIndividualized explanationsStress theory
The Mental Health of Sexual Minority Individuals: Five Explanatory Theories and Their Implications for Intervention and Future Research.
Pachankis J, Clark K. The Mental Health of Sexual Minority Individuals: Five Explanatory Theories and Their Implications for Intervention and Future Research. Annual Review Of Clinical Psychology 2024 PMID: 39621422, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-081423-022014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSexual minority individualsMinority individualsSexual minority peopleSexual minority populationsSexual orientation disparitiesMental healthMinority peopleHistorical legacyMental health problemsOrientation disparitiesLegacy of researchMinority populationsExplanatory theoryDisparitiesTheoretical explanationSingular causeEtiological perspectiveHealth problemsAgendaFuture researchResearchState of the Science of Structural Stigma and LGBTQ+ Health: Meta-Analytic Evidence, Research Gaps, and Future Directions.
Lattanner M, McKetta S, Pachankis J, Hatzenbuehler M. State of the Science of Structural Stigma and LGBTQ+ Health: Meta-Analytic Evidence, Research Gaps, and Future Directions. Annual Review Of Public Health 2024 PMID: 39531387, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-071723-013336.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStructural stigmaHealth of disadvantaged groupsManifestations of stigmaPublic health practitionersPublic health interventionsHealth disparitiesLGBTQ+ healthHealth outcomesHealth interventionsPoor healthHealth practitionersLGBTQ+ individualsMarginalized groupsDisadvantaged groupsMeta-analytic evidenceEffect sizeHealthSocial attitudesStigmaMeta-analysisRisk factorsTriangulating evidenceLack of researchMethodological strategiesStructural manifestationsImplementing LGBTQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy: implementation strategies across five clinical trials
Harkness A, Soulliard Z, Layland E, Behari K, Rogers B, Bharat B, Safren S, Pachankis J. Implementing LGBTQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy: implementation strategies across five clinical trials. Implementation Science Communications 2024, 5: 124. PMID: 39501392, PMCID: PMC11539333, DOI: 10.1186/s43058-024-00657-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive-behavioral therapyImplementation strategiesEvidence-based treatmentsBehavioral health concernsPublic health benefitsComplex interventionsLGBTQ individualsReal-world settingsReporting toolHealth concernSurvey responsesHealth benefitsLevel of resourcesInterventionTrialsModerate priorityPriorityClinical trialsIndividualsImplementationDependent strategiesFindingsReal-Time Exposure to Negative News Media and Suicidal Ideation Intensity Among LGBTQ+ Young Adults
Clark K, Kellerman J, Argiros A, Phillips K, Park E, Cyperski M, Pachankis J, Kleiman E. Real-Time Exposure to Negative News Media and Suicidal Ideation Intensity Among LGBTQ+ Young Adults. JAMA Pediatrics 2024, 178: 1155-1163. PMID: 39283650, PMCID: PMC11406454, DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2024.3133.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEcological momentary assessmentLongitudinal cohort studySelf-harm ideationLGBTQ+ young adultsExpectations of rejectionCohort studyMultilevel mediation modelYoung adultsPrimary outcomeBehavioral health clinicSuicidal ideationStatistically significant associationWithin-person associationsHealth clinicsCategorical exposureLinear mixed modelsMain OutcomesMediation modelExposure to negative newsParticipant ageSocial media advertisementsMild depressionMultilevel modeling approachMomentary assessmentPassive SIStressors and symptoms explaining sexual orientation inequalities in mental health services usage: A longitudinal study with young adults
Pachankis J, Bränström R, Roxo L. Stressors and symptoms explaining sexual orientation inequalities in mental health services usage: A longitudinal study with young adults. European Journal Of Public Health 2024, 34: ckae144.401. PMCID: PMC11516426, DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.401.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSexual minority individualsMinority-specific stressorsMinority individualsMental health symptomsMental health service useMental health servicesHealth service useSexual orientationHealth symptomsHealth servicesService useSexual orientation inequalitiesSexual orientation differencesNegative family reactionsMental health service usagePopulation-based sample of young adultsSexual minoritiesHealth service usageMinority stressPopulation-based sampleHelp-seeking behaviorSample of young adultsYoung adultsFamily reactionsLogistic regression modelsReal-time exposure to negative news media and suicidal ideation intensity among LGBTQ young adults in a high-stigma US state
Clark K, Kellerman J, Argiros A, Phillips K, Park E, Cyperski M, Pachankis J, Kleiman E. Real-time exposure to negative news media and suicidal ideation intensity among LGBTQ young adults in a high-stigma US state. European Journal Of Public Health 2024, 34: ckae144.733. PMCID: PMC11517138, DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.733.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSuicidal ideation intensityExpectations of rejectionPassive suicidal ideationSuicidal ideationAssociated with suicide ideation intensityNegative news mediaActive suicidal ideationWithin-person effectsNews coverageMedia organizationsSelf-harm ideationNews mediaYoung adultsSignificant indirect effectMental health professionalsMultilevel path analysisLGBTQ visibilityMedia reportsIdeationProximal riskAnti-LGBTQReal-time exposurePath analysisClinical interventionsIndirect effectsGender identity differences in age of first mental health diagnosis: A population-based study of childhood and adolescence
Bränström R, Pachankis J. Gender identity differences in age of first mental health diagnosis: A population-based study of childhood and adolescence. European Journal Of Public Health 2024, 34: ckae144.063. PMCID: PMC11516791, DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.063.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMental health disordersHealth care registriesPopulation-based sampleHealth disordersCare registriesSwedish National Public Health SurveyNational health care registriesNational Public Health SurveyRisk of mental health disordersIncreased risk of mental health disordersPublic health surveyGender identity disparitiesMental health diagnosesPopulation-based evidenceIncreased riskPopulation-based studyBenefits of interventionsCisgender individualsDiagnosis riskHealth SurveyHealth diagnosisAge 8 yearsTreatment history dataPsychiatric diagnosisIncreased likelihoodA pilot trial of an LGBTQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy for transgender and gender expansive individuals’ mental, behavioral, and sexual health
Lelutiu-Weinberger C, Filimon M, Chiaramonte D, Leonard S, Dogaru B, Pana E, Pruneanu C, Pachankis J. A pilot trial of an LGBTQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy for transgender and gender expansive individuals’ mental, behavioral, and sexual health. Behavior Therapy 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.beth.2024.10.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive-behavioral therapyMinority stressAnxiety symptomsPreliminary efficacyTGE individualsCisgender sexual minorityTherapeutic allianceTrained psychologistsEvidence-based interventionsBaseline to follow-upTreatment relevanceRisk mechanismsImprove psychosocial healthGender-expansive individualsTGE youthSexual minoritiesAnxietyNorth American contextDepressionRandomized controlled trialsContext of RomaniaPsychosocial healthHealth outcomesFollow-upExit interviewsA Pilot CBT-Based Group Mental Health Intervention for SGM Asylum Seekers
Fox S, Mellen E, Pachankis J. A Pilot CBT-Based Group Mental Health Intervention for SGM Asylum Seekers. Cognitive And Behavioral Practice 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpra.2024.10.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive behavioral therapy skillsSelf-compassion skillsBehavioral therapy skillsGroup therapy interventionMental health morbidityMental health interventionsIntervention group sessionsParticipants expressed preferencesDistress toleranceCognitive flexibilitySelf-compassionTherapy engagementTherapy skillsTherapy interventionsHealth morbidityHeightened motivationHealth interventionsExit interviewsIndividual sessionsGroup sessionsEligible individualsThematic analysisInterview transcriptsGroup programVulnerable populationsSexual Orientation Microaggression Rating Scale (SOMRS): Development and Association With Alliance Ruptures
Sergi J, Babl A, Warren J, Pachankis J, Eubanks C. Sexual Orientation Microaggression Rating Scale (SOMRS): Development and Association With Alliance Ruptures. Psychotherapy 2024, 61: 191-197. PMID: 39115920, PMCID: PMC11315359, DOI: 10.1037/pst0000536.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSexual minority clientsWithdrawal rupturesMinority clientsRating ScaleIn-session behaviorCognitive behavioral treatmentGood interrater reliabilitySexual orientation microaggressionsSexual minority individualsAlliance rupturesTherapeutic allianceBehavioral treatmentSessions of treatmentReducing depressionSubstance useSelf-reportObservational measuresMinority individualsInterrater reliabilityMicroaggressionsBisexual menSexual orientationSessionsClientsAnxietySexual Orientation Differences in age of First Treatment for a Mental Health Diagnosis: A Population-based Study of Childhood and Adolescence
Bränström R, Pachankis J. Sexual Orientation Differences in age of First Treatment for a Mental Health Diagnosis: A Population-based Study of Childhood and Adolescence. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2024 PMID: 39098721, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2024.07.916.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSexual orientation differencesSexual orientation disparitiesMental health diagnosesOrientation disparitiesSwedish National Public Health SurveyInternalizing disorder diagnosesPopulation-based studySexual minority identitySexual minority individualsHealth diagnosisNational Public Health SurveyNeurodevelopmental disorder diagnosisStudies of childhoodHeterosexual identityNational health care registriesDisorder diagnosisMinority identityMinority individualsPublic health surveyHealth care registriesOrientation differencesPopulation-based sampleBenefits of interventionsLikelihood of treatmentHealth SurveyGuided internet-based LGBTQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy: A randomized controlled trial among sexual minority men in China
Yi M, Li X, Chiaramonte D, Sun S, Pan S, Soulliard Z, Eisenstadt B, Ljótsson B, Hagaman A, Pachankis J. Guided internet-based LGBTQ-affirmative cognitive-behavioral therapy: A randomized controlled trial among sexual minority men in China. Behaviour Research And Therapy 2024, 181: 104605. PMID: 39029333, PMCID: PMC11371497, DOI: 10.1016/j.brat.2024.104605.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInternet-based CBTCognitive-behavioral therapySexual minority menSocial-cognitive mechanismsYoung sexual minority menMinority stressMinority menSession completionBehavioral healthSexual minority individualsModeration analysisAlcohol useMinority individualsMental healthInternalized stigmaFollow-upStigma experiencesRandomized controlled trialsSessionsTreatment efficacySecondary outcomesControlled trialsPrimary outcomeAffirmative supportHealthPrepare Romania: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an intervention to promote pre-exposure prophylaxis adherence and persistence among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men
Lelutiu-Weinberger C, Filimon M, Zavodszky A, Lixandru M, Hanu L, Fierbinteanu C, Patrascu R, Streinu-Cercel A, Luculescu S, Bora M, Filipescu I, Jianu C, Heightow-Weidman L, Rochelle A, Yi B, Buckner N, Golub S, van Dyk I, Burger J, Li F, Pachankis J. Prepare Romania: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an intervention to promote pre-exposure prophylaxis adherence and persistence among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Trials 2024, 25: 470. PMID: 38987812, PMCID: PMC11238350, DOI: 10.1186/s13063-024-08313-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGBMSM livingPrEP adherenceRandomized controlled trial designMobile health interventionsRollout of PrEPMonths post-randomizationPre-exposure prophylaxisPre-exposure prophylaxis adherenceSelf-report surveyRandomized controlled trialsPromotion interventionsPrescribed PrEPEfficacy of toolsHealth interventionsNational rolloutHealth systemPrEP rolloutDiscussionThe knowledgeIntervention efficacyEffectiveness trialBlood spot testingPost-randomizationHigh-risk groupHIV transmissionDried blood spot testingAssociations between violence, distress, and cancer in transgender and non-transgender people.
Alpert A, Sayegh S, Cunliffe S, Sevelius J, Operario D, Pachankis J, Irwin M, Cerulli C, Griggs J, Strawderman M. Associations between violence, distress, and cancer in transgender and non-transgender people. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: 10566-10566. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.10566.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCancer risk factorsDiagnosis codesRisk factorsRates of violenceElectronic medical record dataTransgender peopleCross-sectional cohort studyMedical record dataGender identity informationGender identityIncreased cancer morbidityBias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervalsAssess distressProbability of cancerScreening questionsCancer riskCancer morbidityChi-square testComparison of violenceExperiences of violenceCohort studyAcademic hospitalVariable of violenceIndirect pathsRecord dataReckoning With Our Past and Righting Our Future: Report From the Behavior Therapy Task Force on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression Change Efforts (SOGIECEs)
Comer J, Georgiadis C, Schmarder K, Chen D, Coyne C, Gudiño O, Kazantzis N, Langer D, LeBeau R, Liu R, McLean C, Sloan D, Williams M, Pachankis J. Reckoning With Our Past and Righting Our Future: Report From the Behavior Therapy Task Force on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression Change Efforts (SOGIECEs). Behavior Therapy 2024, 55: 649-679. PMID: 38937042, DOI: 10.1016/j.beth.2024.05.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAn mHealth Intervention for Gay and Bisexual Men’s Mental, Behavioral, and Sexual Health in a High-Stigma, Low-Resource Context (Project Comunică): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Leluțiu-Weinberger C, Filimon M, Hoover D, Lixandru M, Hanu L, Dogaru B, Kovacs T, Fierbințeanu C, Ionescu F, Manu M, Mariș A, Pană E, Dorobănțescu C, Streinu-Cercel A, Pachankis J. An mHealth Intervention for Gay and Bisexual Men’s Mental, Behavioral, and Sexual Health in a High-Stigma, Low-Resource Context (Project Comunică): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2024, 13: e52853. PMID: 38709550, PMCID: PMC11106696, DOI: 10.2196/52853.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsINTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIERRandomized controlled trialsHIV incidenceBisexual menSexually transmitted infection testingHIV transmission risk behaviorsHIV risk reduction strategiesAttention control conditionCognitive behavioral therapy skillsHigh HIV incidenceInformation-motivation-behaviorRisk of HIVTransmission risk behaviorsSexual health communicationParticipant follow-upFollow-upLow-resource contextsLow-resource countriesSexual health goalsBehavioral therapy skillsMHealth interventionsRisk reduction strategiesFinding social supportHeavy alcohol useHIV diagnosisLGBQ-affirming clinical recommendations for compulsive sexual behavior disorder
Jennings T, Gleason N, Pachankis J, Bőthe B, Kraus S. LGBQ-affirming clinical recommendations for compulsive sexual behavior disorder. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2024, 13: 413-428. PMID: 38592797, PMCID: PMC11220820, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCompulsive sexual behavior disorderMental health professionalsSexual behavior disorderBehavioral disordersMinority stress theoryHealth professionalsClinical recommendationsPreliminary clinical recommendationsMental health conditionsLGBQ clientsDevelopment of mental health conditionsTheoretical orientationTreatment recommendationsLGBQ populationInternational Classification of DiseasesPreliminary natureLGBQClassification of DiseasesEvidence-based principlesAssessment recommendationsDisordersStress theorySociocultural contextInternational ClassificationClientsThreats to social safety and neuro-inflammatory mechanisms underlying sexual orientation disparities in depression symptom severity: A prospective cohort study of young adults
Bränström R, Hatzenbuehler M, Lattanner M, Hollinsaid N, McDade T, Pachankis J. Threats to social safety and neuro-inflammatory mechanisms underlying sexual orientation disparities in depression symptom severity: A prospective cohort study of young adults. Brain Behavior And Immunity 2024, 119: 211-219. PMID: 38548185, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.03.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDepressive symptom severitySexual minoritiesChronically elevated inflammationInterpersonal eventsRisk of depressionDepressive symptomsSocial safetySymptom severityElevated inflammationSocial Signal Transduction Theory of DepressionSexual minority individualsElevated risk of depressionSexual orientation disparitiesHeterosexual young adultsChronic inflammationTheory of depressionCohort study of young adultsPopulation-based evidencePre-registered analysesStudy of young adultsSevere depressive symptomsYoung adultsNationally representative sampleProspective cohort studySexual orientationState of the Science: LGBTQ-Affirmative Psychotherapy
Burger J, Pachankis J. State of the Science: LGBTQ-Affirmative Psychotherapy. Behavior Therapy 2024, 55: 1318-1334. PMID: 39443068, DOI: 10.1016/j.beth.2024.02.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNegative self-schemasTreatment delivery modalityLevels of depressionTreatment mechanismsMental health fieldClinically relevant researchPotential treatment mechanismsEmotion dysregulationSelf-schemaTherapist trainingTreatment moderatorsPsychotherapyBehavioral comorbiditiesClient characteristicsMental healthSGM populationsPsychosocial processesCisgender individualsStigma exposureAffirmative approachSGM individualsTherapistsDelivery modalitiesHealth fieldTreatment protocols