Dini Harsono, MSc
Program Director, Health Services and Global ResearchCards
- A SMART Approach to Treating Tobacco Use Disorder in Persons Living with HIV (2019-2024)
A clinical trial to identify the optimal adaptive intervention to promote confirmed smoking reduction among persons with HIV who smoke and receiving HIV care and its impact on HIV-specific outcomes, and to conduct an implementation-focused evaluation of a clinical pharmacist-delivered intervention involving nicotine replacement therapy, oral tobacco treatment medication, and contingency management. Principal investigators: Drs. E. Jennifer Edelman and Steve Bernstein.
- Promoting HIV Risk Reduction among People who Inject Drugs: A Stepped Care Approach Using Contingency Management with PrEP Adherence and Support Services (2020-2026)
- Managing Health during Humanitarian Crises: Resilience, Establishing Health Priorities, and Impact on Health Care Workers (2023-2024)
A conference grant awarded by the Yale MacMillan Center’s Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund to Drs. Julia Rozanova and Sheela Shenoi to support a series of events focused on evidence and knowledge gaps on factors at the individual, organizational, and system level during and after a crisis, particularly related to 1) communicable disease control, 2) sexual and reproductive health, and 3) mental health, addiction, and psychosocial support.
- HIV/AIDS in Humanitarian Crises (2020-2022)
A conference grant awarded by the Yale MacMillan Center’s Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund to Drs. Kaveh Khoshnood and Luke Davis to organize a series of events and research activities that aim to bring together researchers, practitioners, and all interested communities to discuss current knowledge and identify research questions related to the well-being of people with HIV or at risk for HIV and affected by humanitarian crises.
- Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Individuals with HIV with Tobacco Use: A Mixed-Methods Study (2020-2022)
A CIRA pilot project led by Dr. E. Jennifer Edelman that assesses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV care (HIV viral load, CD4 count, retention in care) and telehealth experiences among individuals with HIV (Aim 1); and to characterize COVID-19 awareness, behaviors, and experiences (Aim 2).
- Project CIRCLE: CIRA International HIV Research Capacity and Collaboration: An Exploratory Study (2019-2021)
An assessment of international HIV research capacity and collaboration among CIRA affiliates and their international research partners in a mixed-methods exploratory study. This project is co-led by Dr. Kaveh Khoshnood and Ms. Dini Harsono.
Medical Research Interests
Public Health Interests
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
- November 20, 2023
Awards & Honors Fall 2023
- October 27, 2023
NIDA Invests Nearly $7M to Address the Opioid Crisis Among Women Who Experience Intimate Partner Violence
- June 12, 2023
YIGH-Affiliated Faculty Receive MacMillan Awards
- February 12, 2023Source: Yale Law School
Report Challenges Court Decision on PrEP and Public Health
Get In Touch
Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS
Academic Office
135 College Street, Ste 200
New Haven, CT 06510
- EveryoneLuke Davis, MD - Tracy Rabin, MD, SM - Kate Nyhan, MLS - Seth Kalichman - Annette H. Sohn