Daniel DiCapua, MD, FAAN (Neurology)
Associate Professor of Neurology, Chief, Neuromuscular MedicineCards
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Director, Fellowship Program, Neuromuscular Medicine
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Director, Fellowship Program, Neuromuscular Medicine
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Director, Fellowship Program, Neuromuscular Medicine
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Associate Professor of Neurology, Chief, Neuromuscular Medicine
Director, Fellowship Program, Neuromuscular Medicine
Dr. Daniel DiCapua is an Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology, Clinical Chief of Neuromuscular Medicine and Director of the Neuromuscular Fellowship Program. He received his MD from Temple University School of Medicine (2005) and completed Residency at Yale-New Haven Hospital (2009) and Fellowship at Yale University School of Medicine (2010). He specializes Neuromuscular Medicine and specifically in Myasthenia Gravis and Neuropathy.
Associate Professor on TermPrimary
Other Departments & Organizations
- Myasthenia Gravis Program
- Neurology
- Neuromuscular Medicine
- Neurophysiology
- Nowak Lab
- Yale Medicine
- Yale Ventures
Education & Training
- Fellowship
- Yale University School of Medicine (2010)
- Residency
- Yale-New Haven Hospital (2009)
- Internship
- Yale Primary Care (2006)
- MD
- Temple University School of Medicine (2005)
- BS
- University of Connecticut (2000)
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Benison Keung, MD
Richard Nowak, MD, MS
Huned Patwa, MD
Kevin C O'Connor, PhD
Babar Khokhar, MD, MBA, FAAN (Neurology)
Sasha Zivkovic, MD, PhD
Late Onset of Severe Demyelinating Peripheral Neuropathy in a 62-Year-Old African American Woman
Zivkovic S, DiCapua D. Late Onset of Severe Demyelinating Peripheral Neuropathy in a 62-Year-Old African American Woman. Journal Of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease 2024, 25: 152-156. PMID: 38441936, DOI: 10.1097/cnd.0000000000000481.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsAfrican American womenAmerican womenSevere carpal tunnel syndromeCarpal tunnel syndromeHistory of gaitSensorimotor demyelinating polyneuropathyDemyelinating sensorimotor polyneuropathyEarly onset of symptomsSevere demyelinating peripheral neuropathyWalking difficultiesOnset of symptomsFamily historyNatural history studiesCharcot-Marie-Tooth diseaseGenetic testingTunnel syndromeHomozygous pathogenic mutationDistal sensory lossExamination scoresCharcot-Marie-ToothElectrodiagnostic testingDemyelinating polyneuropathySensorimotor polyneuropathySH3TC2 geneUnwitnessed fall
Long-term efficacy and safety of eculizumab in Japanese patients with generalized myasthenia gravis: A subgroup analysis of the REGAIN open-label extension study
Murai H, Uzawa A, Suzuki Y, Imai T, Shiraishi H, Suzuki H, Okumura M, O’Brien F, Wang J, Fujita K, Utsugisawa K, Group I, Mazia C, Wilken M, Barroso F, Saba J, Rugiero M, Bettini M, Chaves M, Vidal G, Garcia A, De Bleecker J, Van den Abeele G, de Koning K, De Mey K, Mercelis R, Mahieu D, Wagemaekers L, Van Damme P, Depreitere A, Schotte C, Smetcoren C, Stevens O, Van Daele S, Vandenbussche N, Vanhee A, Verjans S, Vynckier J, D'Hondt A, Tilkin P, de Siqueira Carvalho A, Brockhausen I, Feder D, Ambrosio D, César P, Melo A, Ribeiro R, Rocha R, Rosa B, Veiga T, da Silva L, Engel M, Geraldo J, da Penha Ananias Morita M, Coelho E, Paiva G, Pozo M, Prando N, Torres D, Butinhao C, Duran G, da Silva T, Gonçalves L, Pazetto L, Fialho T, Volpe L, Duca L, Oliveira A, Andrade A, Annes M, Silva L, Lino V, Pinto W, Assis N, Carrara F, Miranda C, Souza I, Fernandes P, Siddiqi Z, Phan C, Narayan J, Blackmore D, Mallon A, Roderus R, Watt E, Junkerova J, Kurkova B, Reguliova K, Zapletalova O, Pitha J, Novakova I, Tyblova M, Jurajdova I, Wolfova M, Andersen H, Harbo T, Vinge L, Krogh S, Mogensen A, Vissing J, Højgaard J, Witting N, Autzen A, Pedersen J, Eralinna J, Laaksonen M, Oksaranta O, Harrison T, Eriksson J, Rozsa C, Horvath M, Lovas G, Matolcsi J, Szabo G, Jakab G, Szabadosne B, Antonini G, Di Pasquale A, Garibaldi M, Morino S, Troili F, Fionda L, Filla A, Costabile T, Marano E, Saccà F, Fasanaro A, Marsili A, Puorro G, Mantegazza R, Antozzi C, Bonanno S, Camera G, Locatelli A, Maggi L, Pasanisi M, Campanella A, Evoli A, Alboini P, D'Amato V, Iorio R, Kanai T, Kawaguchi N, Mori M, Kaneko Y, Kanzaki A, Kobayashi E, Masaki K, Matsuse D, Matsushita T, Uehara T, Shimpo M, Jingu M, Kikutake K, Nakamura Y, Sano Y, Nagane Y, Kamegamori I, Tsuda T, Fujii Y, Futono K, Ozawa Y, Mizugami A, Saito Y, Morikawa M, Samukawa M, Kamakura S, Miyawaki E, Mitazaki T, Motomura M, Mukaino A, Yoshimura S, Asada S, Yoshida S, Amamoto S, Kobashikawa T, Koga M, Maeda Y, Takada K, Takada M, Tsurumaru M, Yamashita Y, Akiyama T, Narikawa K, Tano O, Tsukita K, Kurihara R, Meguro F, Fukuda Y, Sato M, Funaka S, Kawamura T, Makamori M, Takahashi M, Taichi N, Hasuike T, Higuchi E, Kobayashi H, Osakada K, Tsuda E, Shimohama S, Hayashi T, Hisahara S, Kawamata J, Murahara T, Saitoh M, Suzuki S, Yamamoto D, Ishiyama Y, Ishiyama N, Noshiro M, Takeyama R, Uwasa K, Yasuda I, van der Kooi A, de Visser M, Gibson T, Casasnovas C, Aguilo M, Homedes-Pedret C, Palacios N, Porras L, Santamaria V, Lazaro A, Tejedor E, Salcedo P, Fernandez-Fournier M, Ruiz P, de Rivera F, Sastre M, Gamez J, Sune P, Salvado M, Gili G, Mazuela G, Illa I, Vicente E, Diaz-Manera J, Gutierrez L, Garcia R, Vidal N, Arribas-Ibar E, Piehl F, Hietala A, Bjarbo L, Sengun I, Meherremova A, Ozcelik P, Balkan B, Tuga C, Ugur M, Erdem-Ozdamar S, Bekircan-Kurt C, Acar N, Yilmaz E, Caliskan Y, Orsel G, Efendi H, Aydinlik S, Cavus H, Kutlu A, Becerikli G, Semiz C, Tun O, Terzi M, Dogan B, Onar M, Sen S, Cavdar T, Veske A, Norwood F, Dimitriou A, Gollogly J, Mahdi-Rogers M, Seddigh A, Sokratous G, Maier G, Sohail F, Jacob S, Sadalage G, Torane P, Brown C, Shah A, Sathasivam S, Arndt H, Davies D, Watling D, Amato A, Cochrane T, Salajegheh M, Roe K, Amato K, Toska S, Wolfe G, Silvestri N, Patrick K, Zakalik K, Katz J, Miller R, Engel M, Forshew D, Bravver E, Brooks B, Plevka S, Burdette M, Cunningham S, Sanjak M, Kramer M, Nemeth J, Schommer C, Tierney S, Juel V, Guptill J, Hobson-Webb L, Massey J, Beck K, Carnes D, Loor J, Anderson A, Pascuzzi R, Bodkin C, Kincaid J, Snook R, Guingrich S, Micheels A, Chaudhry V, Corse A, Mosmiller B, Kelley A, Ho D, Srinivasan J, Vytopil M, Jara J, Ventura N, Scala S, Carter C, Donahue C, Herbert C, Weiner E, Alam S, McKinnon J, Haar L, McKinnon N, Alcon K, McKenna K, Sattar N, Daniels K, Jeffery D, Freimer M, Hoyle J, Kissel J, Agriesti J, Chelnick S, Mezache L, Pineda C, Muharrem F, Karam C, Khoury J, Marburger T, Kaur H, Dimitrova D, Gilchrist J, Agrawal B, Elsayed M, Kohlrus S, Andoin A, Darnell T, Golden L, Lokaitis B, Seelback J, Muppidi S, Goyal N, Sakamuri S, So Y, Paulose S, Pol S, Welsh L, Bhavaraju-Sanka R, Gonzales A, Dishman L, Jones F, Gonzalez A, Padilla P, Saklad A, Silva M, Kazamel M, Alsharabati M, Lu L, Nozaki K, Mumfrey-Thomas S, Woodall A, Mozaffar T, Cash T, Goyal N, Roy G, Mathew V, Maqsood F, Minton B, Jones H, Rosenfeld J, Garcia R, Echevarria L, Garcia S, Pulley M, Aranke S, Berger A, Shah J, Shabbir Y, Smith L, Varghese M, Gutmann L, Gutmann L, Jerath N, Nance C, Swenson A, Olalde H, Kressin N, Sieren J, Barohn R, Dimachkie M, Glenn M, McVey A, Pasnoor M, Statland J, Wang Y, Liu T, Emmons K, Jenci N, Locheke J, Fondaw A, Johns K, Rico G, Walsh M, Herbelin L, Hafer-Macko C, Kwan J, Zilliox L, Callison K, Young V, DiSanzo B, Naunton K, Benatar M, Bilsker M, Sharma K, Cooley A, Reyes E, Michon S, Sheldon D, Steele J, Howard J, Karam C, Chopra M, Traub R, Vu T, Katzin L, McClain T, Harvey B, Hart A, Huynh K, Beydoun S, Chilingaryan A, Doan V, Droker B, Gong H, Karimi S, Lin F, McClain T, Pokala K, Shah A, Tran A, Akhter S, Malekniazi A, Tandan R, Hehir M, Waheed W, Lucy S, Weiss M, Distad J, Strom S, Downing S, Kim B, Nowak R, Dicapua D, Keung B, Kumar A, Patwa H, Robeson K, Yang I, Nye J, Vu H. Long-term efficacy and safety of eculizumab in Japanese patients with generalized myasthenia gravis: A subgroup analysis of the REGAIN open-label extension study. Journal Of The Neurological Sciences 2019, 407: 116419. PMID: 31698177, DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2019.08.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsSafety of eculizumabMyasthenia gravisCaucasian patientsAnti-acetylcholine receptor antibody-positive refractoryTerminal complement inhibitor eculizumabOpen-label extension studyMyasthenia Gravis ActivitiesQuantitative Myasthenia GravisGeneralized myasthenia gravisOpen-label extensionComplement inhibitor eculizumabLong-term efficacyMyasthenia Gravis QualityMyasthenia Gravis CompositeExtension baselineWeek 52Safety profileSubgroup analysisJapanese patientsDaily livingEculizumabGravisExtension studyPatientsREGAIN study
Simulation of Neurological Emergencies for Milestones-Based Learning and Assessment (P2.357)
Loomis C, Robeson K, DiCapua D, Dodge K, Evans L, Moadel T, Cruz L, Moeller J. Simulation of Neurological Emergencies for Milestones-Based Learning and Assessment (P2.357). Neurology 2016, 86 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.86.16_supplement.p2.357.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The Relationship Between Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Levels and Electrophysiologic Abnormalities in Guillain-Barré Syndrome (P7.091)
Homafar H, Lakraj A, Nowak R, Robeson K, Goldstein J, Patwa H, DiCapua D. The Relationship Between Cerebrospinal Fluid Protein Levels and Electrophysiologic Abnormalities in Guillain-Barré Syndrome (P7.091). Neurology 2015, 84 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.84.14_supplement.p7.091.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Is the Rituximab Response in Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibody Myasthenia Gravis Durable? (S36.009)
Robeson K, Keung B, DiCapua D, Goldstein J, O'Connor K, Nowak R. Is the Rituximab Response in Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibody Myasthenia Gravis Durable? (S36.009). Neurology 2014, 82 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.82.10_supplement.s36.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBilateral Gluteal Dyskinesia: Discussion of a Rare Movement Disorder
Sorokin A, Mittal S, DiCapua D, Jabbari B. Bilateral Gluteal Dyskinesia: Discussion of a Rare Movement Disorder. Tremor And Other Hyperkinetic Movements 2014, 4: 221. DOI: 10.5334/tohm.206.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMuscle Contraction; Overview
DiCapua D. Muscle Contraction; Overview. 2014, 185-189. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-385157-4.00669-2.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Novel mutations in the CLCN1 gene of myotonia congenita: 2 case reports.
Lakraj AA, Miller G, Vortmeyer AO, Khokhar B, Nowak RJ, DiCapua DB. Novel mutations in the CLCN1 gene of myotonia congenita: 2 case reports. The Yale Journal Of Biology And Medicine 2013, 86: 101-6. PMID: 23483815, PMCID: PMC3584487.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsMyotonia congenitaClinical presentationPatient 1Salient clinical featuresCLCN1 geneSarcolemmal chloride conductanceClinical featuresPatient 2Muscle relaxationMuscle biopsyElectrical myotoniaGenetic testingCLCN1 mutationsCongenitaCommon typeNovel mutationsPatientsChloride conductanceRecessive formUnidentified mutationsMyotoniaGene sequencingPresentationMutationsBiopsy
Autoantibodies Produced at the Site of Tissue Damage Provide Evidence of Humoral Autoimmunity in Inclusion Body Myositis
Ray A, Amato AA, Bradshaw EM, Felice KJ, DiCapua DB, Goldstein JM, Lundberg IE, Nowak RJ, Ploegh HL, Spooner E, Wu Q, Willis SN, O’Connor K. Autoantibodies Produced at the Site of Tissue Damage Provide Evidence of Humoral Autoimmunity in Inclusion Body Myositis. PLOS ONE 2012, 7: e46709. PMID: 23071619, PMCID: PMC3465259, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0046709.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsInclusion body myositisHumoral immune responseImmune responsePlasma cellsTissue damageBody myositisAntibody-secreting plasma cellsCell linesSingle plasma cellsMajor intermediate filament proteinMuscle tissueIBM patientsHumoral autoimmunityInflammatory myopathiesHuman-derived cell linesIBM muscleMuscle tissue sectionsMuscle tissue homogenatesMuscle diseaseTissue homogenatesTissue sectionsIntermediate filament proteinsMyositisAutoantibodiesDiseaseGluteal Myokymia, a Proximal Counterpart of Painless Legs, Moving Toes (P04.039)
Sorokin A, DiCapua D, Mittal S, Jabbari B. Gluteal Myokymia, a Proximal Counterpart of Painless Legs, Moving Toes (P04.039). Neurology 2012, 78: p04.039-p04.039. DOI: 10.1212/wnl.78.1_meetingabstracts.p04.039.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
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